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Old 2nd March 2011, 02:46   #51
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Originally Posted by DiamondHead View Post
Most mac user are either too intellectual or too scared to be surfing a website that may feature a naked lady!, 199 out of the 200 people worldwide that actually use a mac, only surf websites dedicated to classical music or biochemistry
ouch now thats lower than my Wisconsin reference... Even I'd disagree with that.. and I'm an avid PC user with a sideorder of ubuntu because anything I plug in works. sorta. some printers. bit fishy. but showed the local computer repair folks the door by proving the (ahem they were an apple repair shop) that the motherboard and hard drive weren't fried by running ubuntu. They dropped something on it. had to replace the keyboard eventually and the memory was dislodged.

But as far as a joke goes... What I meant was Steve Jobs doesn't want porn on his Apples... of course that means someone has to do it. Suicide Girls usually. Same way with PSP.

the PC VS Mac this is usually not taken very seriously. :P It's kinda like Po*itics. Whatever you grew up on normally. Although I've been using whatever since the early 80's about 7 or so. When Battlezone still had a viewfinder. and pinball games used cue balls (where's the end of this thing. ain't tall enuf) All I can say really is in the early days of the net, we had a q/a list for Chemistry and someone off their mac sent what he thought was his girlfriend.. I wanna fuck you like an animal to the Bethany Lutheran College Chemistry list. oh hello.. she's so in trouble.

The only thing off about Mac users is their false sense of security. It's Steve Jobs I was pointing to about not having porn on his stuff. :P I'm guessing Bill Gates has said the same thing at some point.
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Love this thread - http://veterperementour.ru/t965883-porn-chain.html Not like Where's Waldo but similar
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Old 2nd March 2011, 02:48   #52
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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
That's bollocks: people like porn regardless of what OS they are running.

Also, I have it on good authority that when Dr House surfs pornsites at work, he does it on a Mac:

Also, there is some research that shows many Mac users keep a PC just to surf for porn, so as to keep their Mac clean.

I pity them as they haven't obviously adopted the alexora method of keeping their Macs clean.
thats the pitch on those sale tv sites for Dell. caller calls in says Yeah Dells are for porn. :P Video games haha. (and what a waste of time too. play GTA IV and a day's gone by and one is full of sweat and it's 20 degrees outside.
Miami Vice 2022 coming soon

Love this thread - http://veterperementour.ru/t965883-porn-chain.html Not like Where's Waldo but similar
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Old 2nd March 2011, 07:35   #53
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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
Also, I have it on good authority that when Dr House surfs pornsites at work, he does it on a Mac:

Man, there are just so many exciting directions I could go with this one,
but in the heat of the moment, I went with a classic.
Thanks for lobbing the softball straight down the middle.

1.) Yes, he's an arrogant loudmouthed as*hole who thinks he's better than everyone else,
and isn't afraid to let the entire world know that.
So him being a Mac user is just kind of par for the course.
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Old 2nd March 2011, 16:24   #54
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Originally Posted by thefrostqueen View Post
he's an arrogant loudmouthed as*hole who thinks he's better than everyone else, and isn't afraid to let the entire world know that.
Truth is, he's right...

Originally Posted by thefrostqueen View Post
So him being a Mac user is just kind of par for the course.
Given that he is an unorthodox free thinker, who follows his own path, I agree with you.

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Old 3rd March 2011, 04:17   #55
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House telling it like it is...


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Old 21st March 2011, 23:16   #56
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Old 22nd March 2011, 00:39   #57
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Originally Posted by excalibur1814 View Post
Thank you for your referencing a post from Aug 2008, 2 years and 7 months ago:

The purpose of this thread is to hear from our members who have been infected, not from those reporting hearsay (in your case very out of date).

In all the time since I set up this thread, not a single member has wrote on to report infection of any kind.

In fact, most posters would appear to be Windows users sho keep saying that it is going to happen...

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Old 22nd March 2011, 03:02   #58

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Originally Posted by DiamondHead View Post
Most mac user are either too intellectual or too scared to be surfing a website that may feature a naked lady!, 199 out of the 200 people worldwide that actually use a mac, only surf websites dedicated to classical music or biochemistry
I guess 150 out of the 199 mentioned above never touched a naked lady...they all fear that there is "Intel" inside

sorry for being OT...
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Old 23rd March 2011, 03:23   #59
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Originally Posted by DiamondHead
Most mac user are either too intellectual or too scared to be surfing a website that may feature a naked lady!, 199 out of the 200 people worldwide that actually use a mac, only surf websites dedicated to classical music or biochemistry

Originally Posted by svela4 View Post
I guess 150 out of the 199 mentioned above never touched a naked lady...they all fear that there is "Intel" inside

sorry for being OT...
Which leaves alexora as the ONLY non-virgin pervert who surfs porn on a Mac?
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Old 23rd March 2011, 09:30   #60
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Curious to see some have fallen for the
"Its going to happen eventually fear campaign"
and installed anti-virus which as quite a few have written about can
actually cause your Mac more problems than a POSSIBLE infection

Do I Need Virus Protection for My New Mac?
By: Chris Kerins
Published: Thursday, July 24, 2008
Categories: Getting Started, Switching from Windows

Short answer: No.

Anonym zu myfirstmac.com/index.php/...y-new-mac/P50/

"Does this mean I am safe using my Mac?

No, your Mac is not safe if you are connected to the internet. You are safe from viruses, but not from Trojan Horses and Phishing schemes. A Trojan horse is "a computer program that appears benign, but is actually designed to harm or compromise the system it is installed on." -Wikipedia"

What should I do to minimize my risk?
There's a nice list of things to do to protect your Mac on MacGeekery.com called Basic Mac OS X Security.

Anonym zu macgeekery.com/tips/security/basic_mac_os_x_securit

The page is a couple years old, but the advice holds true today. Personally, I only do Rule #3: Turn off Services You Do Not Use. Basically, this involves going to your Sharing prefs and only checking the boxes you need.

So why no Mac viruses, anyway?
Many people have put forth various reasons why there aren't any real Mac viruses. Some say Apple does a great job of limiting the Mac's exposure. Some say the UNIX that Macs are built on has been time tested. The reason I think is the main factor is that Macs are just not worth Bad Guy's hassle when Windows provides a larger, easier target. It's a matter of market share. As long as Windows dominates and still has vulnerabilities, it will be more attractive to Bad Guys.

What concerns me about this theory is that Macs are really on the upswing, gaining market share quarter by quarter. I'm not saying the Mac will displace Windows anytime soon, but it might get big enough to be attractive. But I've been following this subject for years and I've heard year after year from Windows defenders, "Just you wait. You Mac guys will get yours." Well, I've had Macs for 18 years now and I'm still waiting.

responding comments

07/25/2008 at 09:44 AM
I *am* a computer security professional, and I agree. Antivirus software is more likely to cause data loss than a virus, right now, and until there is an active "viral ecosystem" for the Mac again you're just taking an unnecessary risk by running antivirus software.

As for why no Mac viruses? It's simple... there's no equivalent to the the inherently insecure and unfixable "security zones" model... whereby the HTML control on Windows has to guess as to whether an applet has the rights to infect your computer based on where it's running from.

There are other security problems in Windows (and on the Mac), but that is such a "low hanging fruit" that until Microsoft backs out of the bad design they started shipping as "Active Desktop" in the late '90s it's going to remain the "soft target".

08/16/2008 at 09:54 AM
As far as I am concerned the only reason they aren't viruses on a mac is it is simply too hard. I don't think it has anything to do with market share for 2 reasons:

1) Mac users have been rather vocal about their lack of vulnerability and this alone would give a mac hating bad guy the incentive to create a mac just to wipe the smile off our faces. This hasn't happened and macs have been cooing about being virus free for years now.

2) Banks and the Defense department have been using unix for donkeys years and they are a rather large target but, again, no virus has been written.

Bottom line - its too hard. Unix is too secure (not invincible mind you) for bad guys to be bothered with
Last edited by buttsie; 3rd April 2011 at 21:22. Reason: changing links to anonymous
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