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Old 1st July 2012, 21:57   #5111
Alan Kellerman
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It's a shame that Tyosn Kidd never got a real push. I'm thinking burtog is correct with the Tyson is there for the 'mad spot' at mitb.

Miz is going to return as a marine. It would be funny if he did. He really needs a change. If he comes back acting the same and saying the same shit, I will we disappointed at another opportunity wasted.

I can't put together a favourite list at the minute.

That's what I like about you Seven Churches, the eternal optimist. You do make the roster or future roster sound good.

I haven't seen a lot of the nxt/fcw guys yet.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 1st July 2012 at 23:09. Reason: Tired
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Old 1st July 2012, 22:29   #5112

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The "Cinderella" story is great for NCAA, not for pro-fucking-sports.
'00 Rulon Gardner (Olympic Greco Roman wrestling), '99 Rams (NFL), '01 Patriots (NFL), '07 Giants (NFL), '03 Marlins (MLB), '04 Red Sox (MLB), '04 Pistons (NBA), '11 Mavericks (NBA), and '12 Kings (NHL) prove that is not true.

I'm glad that Kidd is in the match. Someone needs to play the bump machine in the match and it is great to give a bone to the guy that you use to evaluate talent and to make others look good.

My current five favorite wrestlers are Punk, Ziggler, Rhodes, Del Rio, and Bryan. Not surprisingly, the majority are heels.

I'm really liking what I see in FCW. I liked Husky Harris, but Bray Wyatt is a great gimmick. I didn't seen much in Conor O'Brien several seasons ago on NXT, but his Twilight inspired tag team with Kenneth Cameron (while cheesy) works. They really could change both of their names though. Rollins is a great worker, but I still find him as bland as I did in ROH. Ambrose has quite a future in the WWE. I'd like to Richie Steamboat as a heel, though I think he has potential. Windham Rotunda has nothing but midcarder written all over him. He's very young, so he can improve, but right now the only thing I would do with him in the WWE is pair him with Slater. I liked Ohno in ROH and think he has potential in the WWE.
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Old 1st July 2012, 23:07   #5113

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My WWE 5: C.M. Punk, AJ, Kofi Kingston, Justin Gabriel and Yup, I'm going to say it...Trent Barreta.

Punk is self explanatory.
AJ: I've had an infatuation with her since FCW.
Kingston: Always like him since ECW, needs to get an attitude back like he did with his Orton feud. Gain much respect for him.
Gabriel: When I saw him in NXT I became a fan. Good skill in-ring, love high fliers.
Barreta: DUDEBUSTERS! I miss Croft. WWE needs more Trent time.
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Old 1st July 2012, 23:28   #5114
Alan Kellerman
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I had a think and managed to get 5.

1 - John Cena. Mr WWE. sends out the positive message, never quits . He isn't for everybody. Ce-nation for life.

2 - Layla. Her ass in HD for the win.

3 - Daniel Bryan .burtog made a bold prediction when he said Dolph Ziggler is the future face of WWE. I'm going to do the same for Bryan . When he becomes a fan favourite again, he will reach heights never seen before.

4 - Randy Orton. He still has great potential ( he has been a 9 or 10 time champion and has potential ), I wonder if I will ever see it. The latest suspension hasn't done him any favours. WWE wont be foolish enough to punish him for too long. The smart thing to do is turn him heel, he is more comfortable being a dickhead, let him be a dickhead.

5. CM Punk I think CM Punk reached his peak last summer, he will never have another moment as big as when he won the mitb. He has been WWE champion for a long time, but he will never be the franchise player like Cena is. I think right now WWE are just comfortable having him be WWE champion, and doing not much else. His promo's are missed.

I'm not saying he isn't a top guy or anything. His matches with Bryan have been good and I'm sure they will have another at mitb.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 1st July 2012 at 23:46.
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Old 2nd July 2012, 00:26   #5115

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Just to elaborate on my Fave Five.

1.) Christian. Honestly, he's the guy that's made me most happy in wrestling for a while. There was such a mass exodus with Shawn Michaels retiring, Undertaker's active career coming to an end, Batista JUST being so damn awesome, yet had to leave, Jericho took a break. I had always been a Christian fan as he got me to watch TNA actively since January of 2008. He also made ECW more interesting. He got injured in the Fall of 2010, and I figured with Del Rio being pushed to the moon, that he'd finally be in a main event feud. When Edge retired, another depressing blow as a fan, but Christian won the world title soon after, that things weren't depressing anymore...for 2 fucking days. When he lost the title, I was so devastated, I can't recall being that down and depressed on wrestling. So I watched more intently, waiting for him to get the title back, and had to wait 2 months, and only enjoy it for less than 30 days. I have heavy bias towards Christian as he's the guy I got to see at the bottom in ECW, reach to the top, knowing where he came from, what he did prior, but (TNA doesn't count ultimately) never getting there until just last year, and for a short time. Take all that away, I think he's a great wrestler and mic worker. Best wrestler in the world? Purely in the ring, no, that goes to Daniel Bryan in my opinion. I think the most experienced, active veteran in WWE today, and that holds him over for me because I feel the veteran instinct. He knows when to get a crowd to pop and when to boo, face or heel regardless.

2.) Daniel Bryan. He's finally showing the personality and mic skills he actually has, completing that puzzle that makes Bryan a superstar. I think it's now reached a point where he can't go back down low to the midcard, fans can't have that. So when he loses to CM Punk, I think he's going to stay "up there" without challenging for a world title for now. Oddly enough, every PPV match he's in, he's either challenging or defending a world title. That's pretty awesome. Really, I'm being honest and think if one really listened to crowd reaction, it's not insane to claim this. If there's a race to being the top face of the company after Cena, CM Punk is number 1. Daniel Bryan's number 2. When Orton comes back, that won't be the case, maybe. However, he's so beloved that he shouldn't really even be called a heel. If they want to, and if possible to keep all his current mannerisms, they could turn him face. If there is such a thing as a "Reality Era," who really is more "real" than CM Punk and Daniel Bryan?

3.) CM Punk. I think Punk always delivers in the ring and on the mic, but as of late, the content he gets, hasn't been up to par. Getting "goatface" to trend for example. That's outrageous. However he's still great in the ring, and working as WWE Champion for so many months, still having classics and greats, that's worth respecting. I still cherish his Straight Edge Messiah days, and if he really was the man on SD with that gimmick, I would clearly favor it over current babyface Punk.

4.) Cody Rhodes. I took a liking to Rhodes later in his Legacy days, and thought his Dashing gimmick was fun. It wasn't until he wore the mask and adopted a Dr. Doom like thing to him, that I thought more and more that he's a future world champion. Now without the mask, it's just good evolution. Since being on SD, his wrestling ability has been featured more, when in Legacy, he was just beating guys down. He actually got an amateur wrestling background, and for a time, I kind of had him and Ziggler neck and neck, as the two most improved stars from their respective brands. Rhodes edges out because he's had a more long lasting power to him, when Ziggler in my opinion got better as early as 12 months ago. Plus I think he's a better mic worker. In the ring, a bit harder to decide.

5.) Dolph Ziggler, because Orton's suspended. Briefly on Randall, even though him beating Christian angered me, his wrestling matches in 2011, from the first day of the year until his little back injury, have all been entertaining and great. I think moving to SD allowed him to show off his biggest strength and that's wrestling. Sadly his 2012 hasn't been that good, though he's still a fantastic wrestler. Anyways, for Ziggler, he's ever improving. Not in the ring, there's no need for that, but he's shown some more selling power. On the mic, charisma wise, the Ziggler of say 2009-2010, to the one of the last 12 or so months, are massively different. The former was just a great wrestling that when given the mic, had to raise his voice and sound pretty annoying. Part of his improvement goes to Vickie, at least as far as showing him confidence in getting heat from the fans. I still remember when he was given the mic in a RAW in Mexico, and he knocked it out of the park. If splitting the year in half, the first half of the year showed Bryan and AJ breaking out. The 2nd half? Ziggler is likely to be that guy, whether he stays heel or turns face.
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Old 2nd July 2012, 04:15   #5116

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I'm stoked that my random "top ten list" caused so much conversation - a cool way to pass the time between PPVs or even TV shows.

Some thoughts after reading your lists:
- Wade Barrett would've been in my top 10 if he wasn't hurt. Seriously just a case of out of sight/out of mind.
- Reks & Hawkins: would've been an honorable mention if I wasn't so lazy (same with the Prime Time Players, to be honest)

- the NXT/FCW guys that haven't appeared on Smackdown (even as a dark match) didn't even cross my mind, to be honest. I'd have added Kassius Ohno and Dean Ambrose to the list (probably as an honorable mention) ... but Seth Rollins is a guy that I'm not as high on. Didn't care for him as Tyler Black and thus far haven't seen enough to make me get past that.

- And there are a lot of that guys are omitted from my list because of bad booking, or things out of their control:
- - Brodus Clay (I wanted him to be an ass-kicker so badly before he re-debuted that his dinosaur gimmick pissed me off; if they add a tougher edge to him instead of making him only a dancing idiot doing squash matches, he'll get bumped up. Until then: Cameron is my favorite thing about his gimmick);
- - Sheamus (hate him as a smilin' babyface)
- - Miz (still hasn't recuperated from his run as a jobber)
- - Cody Rhodes (loved his Dr. Doom gimmick, haven't felt the same about him since he lost the mask)
- - Layla (loved her as part of LayCool ... hate her as a smilin' babyface. Yes, that's a trend for me - I've always preferred heels and like it when they retain that edge when they take a face turn)

And, sadly, I don't know what it is about Christian, but at one point he was firmly entrenched in my top 5/10 but I'm at the point that I can't even watch him.
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Old 2nd July 2012, 11:44   #5117

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I don't know if I should do a top 5 or 10 but, since burtog started it with ten I'll do ten.

No particular order

John Cena - I know SuperCena gets on people nerves but, the man brings it every night, he's a good role-model and his Hustle, Loyalty, Respect are things I can relate to I personally value those things especially Loyalty And Respect it sucks that they have no one to help him shoulder the load as the biggest draw just like SevenChurches Mention in his earlier post he's going to get worn down and that's something the WWE can't afford to happen.

CM Punk - I'm a fan of this man ever since he came in the WWE and I have grown to respect him for the work he does even though this Punk is more tamer than the past punks I still enjoy his ring and mic work but, I do agree he needs to switch it up a little bit because he starting to go down the path of pretty soon people are going to start getting tired of him.

Randy Orton - Once he became the Legend Killer back in the day I was a fan of his ever since I think we can all agree heel randy is where he truly shines they really had no choice to have him as a face since SmackDown had no one to be the man I think this is a good time for him to come back as a heel because he the only few that I know that does something different to sink to a new low and make you hate him more and he's convicting as well.

Sheamus - It took awhile but, he grew on me he's one of my mothers favorite wrestlers and slowly but, surely be became one of mine he's improving on the mic and in the ring and i just like his kick arse attitude I just think he needs someone better to feud with someone that's a serious threat but, the WWE doesn't have many of those guys and that's what I thinks is stopping him of being shown in a better light.

Daniel Bryan - There's no question about his ring work one of the best and his mic work from when he came in to now night and day one of the few good heels that we have hopefully he will continue to bring something different to his gimmick you don't want to be on the re-package path after getting to the top of the mountain just like The Miz and pretty soon ADR.

Santino Marella - He's a good comedy wrestler I like what he does what I like about the most is he doesn't do things that he should have no business doing he stays in his lane and does what he's good at making people laugh.

Dolph Zigger - Good in the Ring, good on the mic and is the best in making others look good the WWE needs to find a way to make him be taken more seriously because in the average WWE fan eye he's a joke I've already said this eariler in my post about him this is a make or break year for him.

Cody Rhodes - He in the same position as Zigger earlier in the year I thought he was on the rise to be in the main event scene but, than he had to fued with the Big Show and it when all downhill from there still hope for him but, right now he's starting to go down the path as a joke.

Chris Jericho - He just one of those superstars that evolve with the times always good on the mic, always have good matches and he definitly bring the best out of his opponents I wonder what are they going to do with him are they going to give him one last run or is he just there to bring star power to the main-events.

Christian - He's just that guy that does what ever needs to be done I like his mic work and his ring work sucks he didn't hold the world title that long that's the WWE for you I wonder the same thing like I do with Jericho will he get another run or is he there to fill a main event slot when needed.

Other Stars that I like that didn't make the list
Drew McIntyre
Kofi Kingston
Brodus Clay

I have to say burtog you make me want to watch NXT again season 2 kind of killed it for me the review from you about it makes me want to check out this season.
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Old 2nd July 2012, 14:34   #5118

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Seems they might add more names to the WWE title MITB contract match.

- WWE announced last week that only former WWE Champions will be allowed to compete in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a title shot at the WWE Title. John Cena, Big Show, Kane and Chris Jericho were announced for the match and WWE gave the impression that just those 4 Superstars would be participating in the match.

WWE is now teasing that more former WWE Champions may be added to the match and we may find out more names on tonight’s RAW Supershow. They wrote:

“It was mandated last week that the WWE Title Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match will only feature Superstars who have previously hoisted the WWE Championship itself. Thus far, John Cena, Big Show, Chris Jericho and Kane are the only competitors announced for the contest, but we’d be surprised if a former champion or two didn’t rear his head from an unexpected location and throw his hat (so to speak) into the mix.”
- F4Wonline.com reports that WWE officials want Bruno Sammartino to be the headliner for the 2013 Hall of Fame class from the New York City area. WWE has already contacted Sammartino about being inducted but we do not know his response to them yet.

Sammartino’s past with WWE is a troubled one. He hasn’t worked with them since the late 1980′s and has been very critical of Vince McMahon and the WWE product over the years. Sammartino has turned down several projects from WWE over the years, declined invitations to shows and spoken out against them in the media.

So far this year, only one other name has been rumored for the 2013 Hall of Fame – Rena “Sable” Lesnar. The former WWE Women’s Champion was rumored around WrestleMania time this year when it became clear that Brock Lesnar, her husband, would be performing at WrestleMania 29.
I'd like to see Mick Foley be added there, whether Sammartino headlines or not.
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Old 2nd July 2012, 19:20   #5119
Alan Kellerman
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I see no reason for them not to put Mick Foley in next year. I think everybody is sure that he is done as a wrestler so he should go in. I don't think much of their hall of fame , but he had a great career and belongs there.

Even though I never saw him wrestle, Bruno Sammartino deserves to be in as well. Bob Backlund should name his price.
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Old 2nd July 2012, 19:40   #5120

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Agree with Sammartino and Backlund. Off the top of my head, I can't think of two wrestlers that deserve it more.
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