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Old 21st November 2009, 15:32   #331
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Crippler is just really niceCrippler is just really niceCrippler is just really niceCrippler is just really niceCrippler is just really nice

I don`t think that we gonna see these match at Wrestlemania 26.
Cena will get Batista cause it is perfect right now.Dave is heel now and after his feud against Mysterio he drafts back to RAW.
And Taker gets something special for his streak maybe Vinnie Mac after screwing him at Breaking Point...
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Old 21st November 2009, 19:50   #332
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Batista just moved to SD so i doubt they will bring him back to raw anytime soon
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Old 22nd November 2009, 22:41   #333
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The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE officials recently told talent that they may continue to use Twitter as freely as they want, however, if anything they post leads to negative press for the company, or regards the company in any negative fashion, then it may lead to disciplinary action.
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Old 23rd November 2009, 05:05   #334
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By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

WWE Survivor Series Opener:

A nice video package opens the show. We see some highlights of the history of the Survivor Series PPV, from original elimination matches to the debut of The Undertaker. We get some clips hyping tonight's top matches and now we're headed live in the arena. After some nice opening pyro, Michael Cole welcomes us to the 2009 WWE Survivor Series pay-per view. Our first match is getting started now.

Elimination Match:
-Team Morrison vs. Team Miz

Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger are starting things off. Bourne going for multiple quick-pin attempts, but comes up short each time. Swagger hits a big suplex and tags in Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is tossing Bourne around like a rag-doll right now. Ziggler continues the assault a bit more before tagging Swagger back in. Swagger works Bourne over some more and tags in Ziggler. Bourne eventually fights his way free and tags in Matt Hardy. Hardy and Bourne hit some double-team offense before Bourne is tagged back in. Bourne hits a shooting star press on Ziggler, pins him and Dolph Ziggler is now eliminated. Quickly thereafter, Drew McIntyre comes in and hits a double-arm DDT on Bourne for the pinfall. Evan Bourne is now eliminated. Finlay is in now and he and McIntyre are going at it. McIntyre tags in Sheamus who hits a big kick to Finlay's face. Sheamus pins Finlay and now Finlay is eliminated from the match. Hardy is in now and he and Sheamus are battling back and forth. Sheamus eventually makes the tag to The Miz. Miz hits a ton of offense on Hardy before tagging out. Swagger is in now continuing the assault on Hardy. Morrison is tagged in. He and Swagger go back and forth until Morrison hit the Starship Pain on Swagger for the pinfall. Jack Swagger is now eliminated from the match. Miz and Shelton Benjamin are going at it now. Miz hits The Skull Crushing Finale' on Benjamin for the pinfall. Shelton Benjamin is eliminated from the match. McIntyre hits his DDT finisher on Hardy for the pinfall. Matt Hardy is eliminated from the match. Finish comes when Sheamus hits a running powerbomb on John Morrison to eliminate him and end the match.

Winners and "Survivors" -- Sheamus, The Miz & Drew McIntyre

Backstage: Team Kofi

Backstage we see Team Kofi going over their plans for tonight. Christian says he's different from all his teammates. Mark Henry says his only goal is to win. Christian says he feels better since he's the only guy on the team from ECW. Christian then talks about being the only white guy on the team.

Batista vs. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio makes his entrance first, followed by Batista. Mysterio using his quickness to get some offense in on Batista and avoid his onslaught. Mysterio goes for the 619 but Batista slides out to the floor. Batista finally seems to have caught up with Mysterio and is tossing him all over the place now. Batista attempts a Batista-Bomb but Mysterio fights his way out. Mysterio hits a 619 and the springboard senton. He attempts a frogsplash but it was one move too many as Batista got his knees up. Batista catches Mysterio with a devastating spear. Batista hits a series of Batista-Bombs on Mysterio forcing the referee to step in and stop the match.

Winner via Referee Stoppage: Batista

After The Match: The Animal Attacks

After the match is over, Batista continued a devastating assault on his former friend. After a long, vicious beatdown, Mysterio is carried away on a stretcher.

Backstage: Team Orton

Orton and Punk do a little arguing. The team talks strategy.

Elimination Match:
-Team Kingston vs. Team Orton

CM Punk and R-Truth brawl before the match but the refs break it up. Mark Henry cleans house of all of Team Orton almost immediately. The numbers game is eventually too much for him and when the dust settles, Punk is the legal man in getting in the offense. Out of nowhere, Randy Orton hits the RKO on Henry for the pinfall. Mark Henry is eliminated. After some more exchanges, CM Punk and R-Truth are the legal men in the ring. Punk hits the G2S on R-Truth for the pinfall. R-Truth is eliminated. Later on, Christian eliminates Ted DiBiase Jr. MVP pins William Regal to eliminated Regal from the match. MVP tags out to Christian who comes in and is beat down for a bit by Rhodes. Rhodes locks in a body scissors, but Christian is able to fight back and stand up, turning it into a roll up, but Rhodes kicks out at two and hits an explosive clothesline. Randy tags in and hits a beautiful dropkick, but it's still not enough to keep Christian down for a three count. Orton stomps away at Christian's midsection before tagging out to Rhodes. Rhodes misses a knee drop and Christian makes the tag to MVP. MVP comes in with a series of clotheslines, and a facebreaker. MVP hits the ballin' elbow, but MVP is distracted by Orton. This allows Rhodes to hit cross Rhodes, and get the pin on MVP, eliminating him. Kofi surprises Rhodes with a roll up, but he can't hold him down. Kofi makes the tag to Christian who falls victim to a boot to the gut from Rhodes. Rhodes tries to leap frog Christian, but Christian connects with the killswitch and pins Rhodes for the three. Christian hits Orton with a couple of big right hands, but Orton pulls Christian down face first into the corner. Orton surprises Kofi and sends him to the floor, but it allows Christian to catch Orton is a surprise roll up. Punk distracts Christian and allows Randy to try for an RKO, but Christian counters with a killswitch. Christian tries for the pin, but Punk breaks it up. Christian charges Orton in the corner, but Orton moves and Christian connects with the ring post. Orton connects with an RKO, pins Christian, and the ECW Champ is gone. Kofi is the lone man and Orton tags in Punk. When the dust finally settles, Kingston is the only man left on his team with Orton and CM Punk remaining on Team Orton. The finish comes when Orton tries distracting Kofi, but it backfires and Kofi rolls up Punk for a three count. CM Punk is eliminated. Almost immediately after that, Kingston hits the Trouble in Paradise kick to Orton to pin him as well. Team Kingston wins.

Winner and Sole "Survivor" -- Kofi Kingston

World Heavyweight Title:
-Undertaker (c) vs. Big Show vs. Chris Jericho

All three men have made their entrances and this World title match is officially underway. Chris Jericho and Big Show are getting along early, doing a lot of double-team offense on The Undertaker. JeriShow is completely dominating Undertaker for what seems like an eternity. Jericho holds 'Taker for a Big Show knockout punch, which Show connects to Taker's body. Show and Jericho are finally able to get Taker back into the ring, where Jericho stomps away at Taker. Jericho directs Show, telling him to stand on Taker's throat. Jericho goes to the outside and punches away at him. Show pounds on Taker in the corner, and the Tag Champs send him across the ring. Show sends Jericho into Taker, but Taker moves and Jericho's shoulder connects with the ring post. Undertaker is able to fight back against Big Show, connecting with a jumping lariat and sending Show to the outside. Undertaker hits a couple of big splashes on Jericho before sending his head into the turnbuckle, but he gets pulled to the outside by Show. Undertaker sends Show head first into the ring post and he goes back up to the ring apron. Jericho tries to surprise Taker with a springboard dropkick, but Taker connects with a big fist instead. Taker goes for Old School, but Jericho crotches Taker on the top turnbuckle. Jericho hits a series of suplexes on Taker and tries a pin but Taker is able to kick out at two. Jericho now has Taker in the Walls Of Jericho. He's got him in the middle of the ring and Undertaker has nowhere to go. Big Show comes from behind finally and chokeslams Jericho to break up the near-submission. Jericho and Show are battling each other now as it appears to be every man for himself. Taker clotheslines Big Show out of the ring. He has Jericho up for The Last Ride but Jericho, unbeknowst to Taker, had the title belt and blasted Taker with it to avoid the big slam. He immediately pins Taker but somehow Taker manages to kick out at two. Undertaker hits a Tombstone on Jericho and tries to pin him but Big Show hits the knockout punch on Taker to break it up. Big Show goes for a pin but Jericho breaks it up in time. Jericho now tries pinning Taker and Show breaks it up. Jericho tries a Codebreaker but Big Show tosses him aside and then blasts him with the knockout punch. Big Show tries hitting Taker with the KO punch but Taker is able to avoid it. Taker now has Big Show in the Hell's Gate submission. Big Show eventually taps out and Undertaker wins the match by submission to retain his title.

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight champion: The Undertaker

Backstage: Team Miz Celebrates & Brags

Backstage we see Josh Matthews with The Miz, Sheamus and Drew McIntyre, the "Survivors" in the Team Morrison vs. Team Miz match. Miz says tonight was only a taste of what these three guys have to offer. He says he proved at Bragging Rights he is better one-on-one than Morrison and tonight he proved he's a better leader as well. McIntyre says when Vince McMahon called him a future World champion, he was telling the truth and tonight McIntyre showed a small example of what he meant. Sheamus talks about how tonight was a bit too easy for him and that if competition doesn't come to him, he's going to bring it to others. Miz wraps things up by saying there was never any doubt which team would win tonight because he's The Miz ....and he's awesome.

Elimination Match:
-Team Mickie vs. Team Michelle

Kelly and Layla start off for their team. Few botched spots already with these two. Their skirmish ends when Kelly hits her step-up leg drop and pins Layla. Layla is eliminated from the match. Michelle McCool is in quickly and is beating down Kelly Kelly. Kelly makes the tag and now Gail Kim is in with McCool. Kim tries a huracanrana but McCool reverses it into a Styles Clash and pins Kim. Gail Kim is now eliminated. Eve Torres pins Jillian Hall. Jillian Hall is eliminated from the match. Very soon after that, Beth Phoenix comes in and immediately hits her finisher on Eve to pin her. Eve is eliminated from the match. Kelly Kelly comes in to replace her and suffers the same fate - Phoenix hits her with her finisher for a quick pinfall. Kelly Kelly is eliminated. Mickie James gets in now and pins Phoenix after a crucifix. Beth Phoenix is eliminated. Mickie James eliminated Alicia Fox next after a big splash off the top. Mickie finally makes a tag and now Melina is in with Michelle McCool. Melina hits a big spear on McCool. Melina hits a sunset flip powerbomb on McCool to pin her, winning the match for Team Mickie.

Winners and "Survivors" -- Mickie James & Melina

Backstage: Backstage Comments On His Attack

We get a video highlight of Batista's attack on Mysterio earlier in the night. Backstage now Todd Grisham is with Batista. Batista asks Grisham is he thinks Mysterio was embarassed tonight. Batista says he was embarassed for him.

WWE Title:
-John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

DX enters together for this match followed by the champion - John Cena. The bell rings and the first move, to the surprise of everyone, was Shawn Michaels hitting Sweet Chin Music on Triple H. Michaels and Cena square off with Micheals hitting a quick neckbreaker. Michaels chops away at Cena, and connects with a Thesz press. Michaels chops away at Cena in the corner, but Cena is able to fight back with a bulldog. Cena connects witha fisherman suplex, and he sends Michaels into opposite corners hard. Michaels ends up hung up on the top turnbucke, and Cena kicks away at him, getting him right in position for the AA, but Michaels fights out into a modified DDT. Michaels hits Cena with a chop block that puts him on his back, and he continues to work over the knee, kicking away at it, and hitting another chop block. Michaels locks in the figure four, and Cena screams in pain. Cena is able to turn Michaels over, reversing the pressure and forcing Michaels to break the hold. Michaels and Cena trade chops and punches respectively, with Cena getting the upper hand with a shoulder block. Cena goes for another shoulder block, but Michaels side steps him and Cena flies to the outside. Michaels launches himself over the ropes and wipes out Cena with a slingshot cross body. Michaels starts to take apart the announce table, but when he picks up Cena, Cena catches him in position for the AA. Triple H breaks it up, but Michaels turns right around into a spinebuster through the table from the Game. HHH is working Cena over now, sending him back into the ring. Cena is fighting back now with punches but HHH slows him down with a big spinebuster. Multiple pin attempts from HHH on Cena come up short and the match continues. HHH sends Cena to the floor and now it's a staredown between HHH and HBK. HBK hits some atomic drops on HHH and goes to the top rope. HBK comes off but HHH catches him coming down with a high knee. Face-buster from HHH now. HBK hits a flying forearm out of nowhere. He kips up but HHH meets him coming up with a spinebuster. HHH attempts a Pedigree but HBK counters by back-dropping him. HBK goes to the top rope but Cena crotches him across the top. Cena climbs up in a different corner. He tries a leg-drop off the top onto HHH, but HHH moves just in tme. HBK hits a big elbow drop. HHH sends HBK to the floor. Cena locks in the STF on HHH out of nowhere in the middle of the ring. HBK comes from behind and locks in a crossface on Cena. Cena breaks the STF and stands up with HBK still on his back. HBK escapes the back door only to be caught in the STF himself. HBK eventually makes it to the ropes to break the hold. HBK hits Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere on Cena and then again on HHH. HHH, however, lands on Cena after the kick. The ref begins his count but Cena somehow manages to kick out at 2 1/2. The match continues! Both men are slow to get to their feet, but when they do, Cena catches HHH with the Attitude Adjustment, but Cena looks exhausted. Michaels makes his way back into the ring, slowly, and both Cena and Michaels crawl to make the pin. Both men make the pin on Hunter, but Hunter kicks out at two anyways. HBK tries Sweet Chin Music on Cena but Cena blocks it. Everyone tries their finisher in a row but HBK ultimately hits the Sweet Chin Music on HHH. Cena then connects with the Attitude Adjustment on HBK, slamming him onto HHH. Cena pins HHH and gets the 1-2-3 for the victory to retain the title.

Winner and STILL WWE champion: John Cena
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Old 23rd November 2009, 21:52   #335
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WWE RAW Results (11/23)

Results by 411 Mania

-Live from the Giant Center in Hershey, PA

-Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

-We kick off with a huge main event announcement of CM Punk vs. John Cena tonight.

-Justin Roberts introduces Jesse Ventura, but Randy Orton comes out instead. Orton says the normal routine is for the guest host to come out only to be interrupted, but he does not care. He says he knows Jesse Ventura has a major announcement to make regarding the WWE Title, and remembers what his father told him about Jesse. That he's a revolutionary and a radical who isn't afraid to break the rules. He wants Jesse to prove it to him. He knows he's not supposed to face John Cena for the title anymore, but he knows the guest host can do whatever he wants and one of those things is lifting the ban on him wrestling for the title. He says Jesse knows he deserves to be World Champion more than anyone else, and he asks him to come out and name him number one contender. That brings out Jesse who says The Body is back and he's not dressed like a Governor, but like pro wrestling. He says what he says goes, and tells Orton he respects him and likes his style. He says Orton reminds him of himself when he was younger. He says he's an independent, and he stands for revolution. Being that he's the Governor of Revolution he says he's going to bring something completely new to the WWE tonight. He tells Orton he won't get another title shot, because every week the same guys get title shots. He says he it won't be HHH, Shawn Michaels, The Big Show, or Chris Jericho. He says tonight there will be a series of matches, and to qualify for the matches you can never have been a World Champion. The winners of these matches will go to a battle royal, and the winner will be the number one contender. He says since Orton has already been there and done that he's not eligible. Orton says he's making a mistake, but Ventura says he's made a lot of mistakes but he must stand by them and what he says goes. He runs down a series of firsts for tonight. John Cena takes on CM Punk. The Hart Dynasty takes on D-Generation X. Finally the contestants in the breakthrough battle royal who will face off in qualifying matches. He says the first match starts now and out comes Kofi.

Breakthrough Battle Royal Qualifying Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler
Apparently this is tri-branded. Cole explains the rules as the winner of the battle royal earns the title shot on his respective brand. Kofi misses a dive into the corner allowing Ziggler to pick up a two count and take control of the match. Mr. Perfect-esque necksnap from Ziggler gets a two count, and he follows that up with a suplex. Ziggler grabs a rear chinlock, and then throws Kofi to the mat. Ziggler connects with a series of elbows drops for two which he follows with a bodyscissor. Kofi stands up and throws Ziggler away which is followed by a jumping clothesline. Boom drop connects for Kofi, and it sets up a Trouble in Paradise attempt which misses. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, but Kofi blocks that by grabbing the ropes and this time the Trouble in Paradise connects for the win at 3:52 as the super push continues for Kofi.
Winner: Kofi Kingston (Pinfall-Trouble in Paradise **)

-Miz joins us to tell us what he's thankful for. He's thankful for being the only guy to win at Bragging Rights, for his team winning last night, and being the most dominant US Champion of all time. Actually he's not thankful for those things, but he expects them. He tells us we should be the ones who are thankful we get to watch him, because he's the Miz and he's awesome.

Breakthrough Battle Royal Qualifying Match: Sheamus vs. Finlay
Nice to see young guys like Finlay getting World Title opportunities like this. Finlay attacks early and kicks Sheamus to the outside before driving him into the announce table. Back inside they go, but Finlay gets caught with a boot on the way inside. Sheamus charges into the corner and gets a knee from Finlay, but returns the favor with a back elbow and clothesline. Sheamus rams Finlay shoulder first into the ringpost, and that sets up the Razors Edge which finishes at 1:53. After the match Sheamus attacks Finlay again firing him into the ringsteps, and then to the barricade. Sheamus hits a big boot sending Finlay crashing into the crowd, and stands over him before heading back. Outside of some early token offense this was nothing more than a squash
Winner: Sheamus (Pinfall-Razors Edge *)

-Teddy Long stops by to tell us what he's thankful for, but Vickie interrupts him to say he should be thankful that Mr. McMahon appointed her his personal consultant. She says we need to be thankful for having someone of her knowledge back in power. Escobar chimes in that it's nice to have the eye candy too. She asks Teddy to pass the potatoes, and he appears to have half a mind to throw it in her face, but Escobar sadly catches the tray and feeds it to her with his hands.

-Orton stops by Jesse's office to ask to get in to the battle royal. He says it's a conspiracy that the WWE wants to keep him from wrestling for the title. Jesse says he's probably right, but his hands are tied. He made his declaration, and he can't go back on his word. He tells him he likes how Orton operates retiring the old guys, and he's proud he never came back, but asks again that Orton not ask him to break the rules he already set.

CM Punk vs. John Cena
Punk says everyone is telling us what they're thankful for. He says he has a lot to be thankful for. First and foremost he's thankful that he's straight edge, because he wouldn't want to be like us. He says he doesn't abuse his body, and that means he's better than you. He says Thanksgiving's biggest vice is gluttony, and by looking at some of us he can tell we're all going to be shocked when we found out we ate too much. After we take medicine to make us feel better we're going to have dessert because we're fat and glutoness, and not as strong as he is. He says tonight he faces a turkey named John Cena, and lets him know that he can indeed see him.

Gotta love Cena's new color scheme. Not sure if that's John Cena or John Elway. Punk ducks under the ropes to stall at the outset before locking up and grabbing a side headlock. Punk hits the ropes and runs into a shoulderblock from Cena which is hilariously sold by Punk. Punk comes back with a series of kicks, and then buries a shoulderblock in the corner. Cena reverses an Irish whip sending Punk to the corner, and a running bulldog gets a one count. Cena rams Punk headfirst to the top buckle, and then a drop toehold looks to set up the STF but Punk is able to slide out to the floor as we head to break.

We return with Cena locked in figure four around the head by Punk. Cena powers his way to his feet and ends up dropping Punk in the electric chair. Punk comes right back with a clothesline for a two count, and follows up with a series of knees. Punk whips Cena into the corner, and follows up with a reverse neckbreaker for two. Punk traps the arm and delivers a series of elbows to the side of the head again getting a near fall. Cena ducks a clothesline coming out of the corner, and delivers a series of shoulderblocks. Cena hits the protoplex, and that is followed up with a five knuckle shuffle. Attitude Adjustment is countered by Punk who lands on his feet and delivers a spin kick. Punk goes for the GTS, but Cena catches the leg on his way down and locks in the STF. I thought for sure that was the finish, but instead Punk is able to reach the ropes. Awesome sequence. Cena charges and runs into a kick to the side of the head by Punk and that gets two. Punk delivers a pair of knee lifts which is followed by a running knee in the corner. Punk goes for the bulldog, but Cena counters firing Punk across the ring. Cena heads to the top rope for the Rocker Dropper which connects for a two count. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment again, but an elbow from Punk gets him free and spinning heel kick from picks up a two count. Punk goes for another running knee in the corner, but Cena moves and Punk finds himself laying across the top rope. Cena picks him and delivers the Super Attitude Adjustment from the top rope which hits and finishes things off at 11:59. Tremendous match from these two, and it really makes me want to see a feud and full pay per view encounter. Great stuff from two of the top performers in the company.
Winner: John Cena (Pinfall-Super Attitude Adjustment ***1/4)

-Recap of the first hour for those who didn't remember the early start time.

-Mr. McMahon stops by Jesse's office, and says if he wants a match with him he's going to respectively decline. Jesse says he wouldn't stoop so low as to wrestle him, as when he wrestled Vince was just an announcer. Jesse says tonight is a throwback night, and he's going to do with Vince what his father did to him. He says Vince's dad had so little confidence in him he made him an announcer. So tonight Vince and Jesse are going back on the mic together. OH SWEET JESUS YES!!!! Vince and Jesse back at the broadcast booth together. My wishes have been answered. He gives Vince a tuxedo to put on and his trademark red bowtie. This is officially the greatest Raw of all time.

Breakthrough Battle Royal Qualifying Match: Chavo Guerrero, "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters, & Jack Swagger vs. R-Truth, MVP, & Mark Henry
What did poor Swagger do to deserve this? He's doomed. This is of course a match that will qualify all three members of the winning team for the battle royal. Swagger starts off with MVP, and takes him down with a go behind. Swagger grabs a side headlock, but hits the ropes and runs into a hiptoss from MVP. Swagger pushes MVP into the heel corner, and drives a series of shoulderblocks before tagging in Chavo. Chavo dives inside, but gets caught by MVP. Masters had made a blind tag however, and he takes control of the match. Chavo tags back in and he works over MVP some in the corner before tagging Masters back into the match. Masters hits a bodyslam, but hits the ropes running into a clothesline. R-Truth tags in and hits a one legged dropkick for two when Chavo breaks up the tag. That brings everyone into the match, and Henry is there to press slam Chavo over the top onto Swagger. Back to the legal men as R-Truth delivers the Lie Detector to Chavo to pick up the win at 3:07. It was a standard six man on fast forward.
Winners: R-Truth, MVP, & Mark Henry (Truth pins Guerrero-Lie Detector *1/2)

-HHH asks Shawn what was with the kick last night, and they basically completely no-sell any possible animosity over things. Finally a midget shows up in a suit to which HHH quips "do these things grow on trees?" The midget gives Shawn a piece of paper and leaves, and we find out that they're being sued in "Little People's Court" next week. HHH says that's pretty short notice. Har har har.

Evan Bourne vs. Primo
Randy Orton attacks Primo in the aisle as he heads to the ring, and gets in the ring and says he's in the match now and orders the ref to ring the bell. Ventura interrupts on the titantron, and says that since Orton has been persistant he's got something to say. Rules are made to be broken, and he broke all of them in his day. Since he likes Orton's style he's going to go ahead and put him in the match, and if he wins he can enter the battle royal.

Evan Bourne vs. Randy Orton
Orton attacks immediately, and fires Bourne into the ringpost for a two count. Orton slingshots Bourne into the bottom rope, but Bourne comes back with a series of kicks. Bourne delivers a spin kick to the head, and then hits the double knee off the top rope for two. Bourne springboards off the second rope, but he's caught by Orton who delivers a powerslam. RKO finishes Bourne with ease at 1:29. Calm down IWC. I'd bet my house he's not going to actually win the battle royal.
Winner: Randy Orton (Pinfall-RKO ½*)

-We get a montage of Vince and Jesse clips from the commentary days.

-Trailer for "The Marine 2" starring Ted Dibiase

Thanksgiving Melee Match: Jillian Hall, Michelle McCool, & Layla vs. Mickie James, Melina, & Kelly Kelly
The heels are dressed as Pilgrims, and the faces are the Indians. Michelle is not pleased at being dressed as a Pilgrim, but her promo is interrupted by Justin Roberts who brings out the special guest timekeeper The Gobbledy Gooker. The Indians got Tatanka's music for good measure. Melina starts things off with Jillian. Melina drives a shoulderblock to Jillian to the corner, but after an interesting looking move in the corner appears to fail Jillian takes control. Jillian hits a back elbow, and then whips Melina into the corner. Jillian goes for a handspring elbow, but gets caught and thrown to the mat by Melina for a two count. Melina knocks Michelle and Layla off the apron, and they say to hell with it and leave. Jillian wonders where they're going, and that allows Melina to hit a jackknife rollup for the pin at 1:59. Wow, that was all kinds of awful. Afterward Lawler goes into the ring for an interview with the faces, and the Gooker. The Gooker takes her head off to reveal that it is fact a returning Maryse and she blasts Melina with the Gooker head. Then she takes seemingly an hour to remove the Gooker outfit. This entire segment was just filled with fail.
Winners: Mickie James, Melina, & Kelly Kelly (Melina pins Jillian-Jackknife Rollup -*)

D-Generation X vs. The Hart Dynasty (w. Natalya)
Shawn starts things out with Kidd, and hits a flying forearm off the ropes. Smith made a blind tag though and catches Shawn with a back suplex for two. Smith delivers a European upper cut, and stomps Shawn down in the corner before delivering a backbreaker for another two. Smith hits a drop toehold, and tags in Kidd who is in with a low dropkick. Kidd grabs a side headlock, and then a spinkick to the side of the head gets a two count. Tag to Smith who is in with the trademark Bulldog delayed vertical suplex. Smith grabs a rear chinlock, but Shawn counters by shoving him into the corner. They collide head to head out of the corner, and both men tag out. HHH hits a high knee on Kidd, and then follows up with a facebuster. Clothesline from HHH is followed by spinebusters for both Harts. HHH sets up for the Pedigree on Smith, but Kidd breaks that up. The distraction allows Smith to hit a big boot, and the Harts set up for the springboard Hart Attack. Shawn comes in though to superkick Smith to break it up, and HHH catches Kidd off the ropes with the Pedigree at 4:52. Wow, I usually don't complain about these things at all, but the Harts didn't come off well in this one at all. Horrible job all around both in the glorified squash, and not even touching on the whole Bret/Shawn storyline.
Winners: D-Generation X (HHH pins Kidd-Pedigree **)

-Jericho is out to announce that he's been informed by Jesse Ventura that DX will face Jerishow for the titles at TLC, and he's out here alone because Big Show is on a vacation day. HHH interrupts to say they're not fooling anyone because they're in Hershey, and Big Show's over at the chocolate factory. Jericho says this is serious business, and Shawn agrees and says the one thing Ventura failed to tell him was that the match would be a TLC match. Shawn goes for his catchphrase, but Jericho has HEARD ENOUGH OF THEIR CATCHPHRASES! Jericho says he's the best in the world at what he does, and this isn't about their juvenile pranks. He says of all that DX has accomplished they have never been tag team champions, and that will not change. Jericho says after TLC they can go back to hawking their merchandise, and he will see be a tag team champion. Jericho says as long as he has the titles they never will.

-Rey's music plays, but instead of Rey we get Batista instead. He says Rey won't be joining us tonight, and in fact he'll be spending his Thanksgiving in a hospital bed. He says Rey has no one to blame but himself, as last month he stabbed Dave in the back costing him the World Heavyweight Title. He says he could have snapped him in half that night, but he didn't as he was the bigger man. He gave Rey the chance to walk away, but he didn't . Rey decided to stick out his little chest and be a tough guy. Rey chose to embarrass Batista, so last night at Survivor Series he chose to powerbomb Rey until the EMT's had to scrape him off a steel chair. He says that's why he's here tonight. He's putting everyone on notice. He says someone from Raw better win that battle royal, because of someone from Smackdown does he's going to hit the ring and make them wish they hadn't. He says Undertaker is his, and the World Title is his, and no one alive is going to stop him. That brings out Kane who wants to know what exactly constitutes disrespecting him? He asks if interrupting him as he stands in the ring making empty threats embarrass him? He says he hopes so because he wants to see what he will do about, and asks Dave to please make an example out of him. Dave thinks better of that, and slowly retreats with a sinister grin on his face.

Breakthrough Battle Royal Qualifying Match: Cryme Tyme vs. The Legacy
Like the six man before it both members of the winning team advance to the title match. Dibiase is my longshot prediction for the battle royal winner. Call it a hunch. Rhodes starts with JTG. Facebuster out of the corner by JTG gets a two count, and Cody bails to the floor. He tags Ted in when coming back in, and Dibiase gains control of the match. Rhodes tags back in and hits a face first suplex before tagging back out to Dibaise. Dibiase hits a kick and tags in Rhodes who hits a dropkick for two. Cody grabs an armbar, but JTG comes free and is able to tag in Shad. Dibiase is in as well and gets hit with an inverted atomic drop, and flying shoulderblock. Dibiase stops a backdrop with a kick, but jumps into a bodyslam which Shad turns into a powerbomb. Rhodes breaks up the two count, and both he and JTG go heading to the floor. In the melee Dibiase is able to sneak up behind Shad and deliver Dream Street to qualify Legacy for the battle royal at 3:00. Much like most of the qualifying matches this was pretty excellerated.
Winners: The Legacy (Dibiase pins Shad-Dream Street *)

Breakthrough Battle Royal-Participants: Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, R-Truth, Montel Vontavious Porter, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Ted Dibiase, & Cody Rhodes
Jesse Ventura and Vince McMahon (complete with red bow tie and 80's music) are out for commentary of this one. Faces and heels square off and we get, you guessed it, A BIG BRAWL TO START! Orton slides to the floor to stay out of the fray, as everyone pairs off. I absolutely forgot how awesome the Vince/Jesse tandem was. Really exposes how bad the commentary is today. Standard battle royal fare with a bunch of guys pairing off trying to throw each other over the top. Shockingly R-Truth is the first to go (yes that was sarcasm) as he is tossed by Sheamus. Orton slides inside at his first opportunity and immediately goes after Kofi while Jesse complains about Sheamus's tan. Sheamus tosses MVP, but he runs into Henry who tries to slam him over the top. Legacy attacks, but that fails and my theory goes out the window as Henry eliminates both of them. That allows Sheamus to sneak up from behind eliminating Henry and we're left with just Sheamus, Orton, and Kofi. Sheamus watches the two rivals go at it, but then goes after Orton only to get hit with the inverted backbreaker. Kofi comes back with a the inverted dropkick, and hops to the top rope. Orton backdrops him to the apron, but Kofi skins the cat and ends up headscissoring Orton over the top to the floor. That leaves just Kofi and Sheamus, but that doesn't last long as Sheamus clotheslines Kofi over the top to the floor winning the battle royal at 6:25. He's apparently getting the Umaga memorial "monster fed to Cena feud." Hey you wanted different there you go.
Winner: Sheamus (last eliminates Kingston **)

- After the match, we get ready for the WWE Title match contract signing. We go to commercial break.

- Back from the break and Sheamus is in the ring with Jesse Ventura with the contract signing setup. Ventura says it's been great to be back with WWE tonight. Ventura brings out the WWE Champion John Cena for the signing and out he comes.

Cena has a seat at the table while Sheamus stands and stares him down. Cena is introduced and gets some boo's. Ventura announces the match with Sheamus getting a WWE Title shot. Cena just laughs to himself. Sheamus declares himself the #1 contender and demands Cena stand up and face him. Cena says when he hears that, usually it's from a future Hall of Famer like HBK or Orton. Cena mocks what Sheamus has done since coming to RAW. Cena cuts a promo about how he's never given up and how this is his life, his passion and all he has. Cena gets emotional.

Cena tells Sheamus to take a good look at the WWE Title and see what signing the contract means. Cena says when he signs it, he goes to war. Cena says Sheamus better be ready to make a statement. Sheamus says he retires people because he can and beats up Hall of Famers because he can but that's nothing compared to what he's going to do to Cena. They face off as Ventura watches. Cena takes off his shirt and the crowd pops. Sheamus signs the contract as does Cena. Ventura presents the contract for the TLC pay-per-view as Sheamus and Cena face off. Ventura thinks there's a conspiracy in WWE to keep Cena as the WWE Champion. Ventura says Cena has the looks and calls him the perfect little Champion that WWE wants. Ventura rips into Cena. Sheamus takes out Cena with a big kick to the face. Ventura tells everyone to look at your Champion as Sheamus throws him into the ring post. Sheamus slams Cena through a table as Ventura announces the TLC pay-per-view match will be a Tables Match for the WWE Title. We go to replays. Sheamus grabs the WWE Title and holds it up over Cena as RAW goes off the air.
Last edited by FREAKZILLA; 24th November 2009 at 09:33.
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Old 24th November 2009, 17:19   #336
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I totally flipped out when Sheamus won that. You could see it coming too, the way he was holding back and getting tactical victories. I love how Cena got booed when he was up against CM Punk too.
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Old 24th November 2009, 19:09   #337
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Shemus as I call him will get his ass kicked by Cena. Shemus has future potential but he is not ready for a main event ppv @ this time and there is no way he is going to beat Cena at a PPV
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Old 25th November 2009, 00:54   #338
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Unless this is gonna be their way of cementing Seamus' status as a heel in the WWE, it's definitely too early.

Who knows, maybe they'll have Seamus beat the shit outta some top faces to get some heat, but he's gotta do something major that would make the audience hate his character.

I dunno, I think that if it will be Cena VS Seamus at TLC (because, you know, things can always change), then Seamus will just be the shit outta Cena for like 15 or 20 minutes before Cena FU's him into a table.

On a different note, he needs a tan.
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Old 25th November 2009, 01:10   #339
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He does need a tan but i think this is the WWE's way of shaking things up since I think people are sick of the same guys going for the belt each and every PPV. Im sick of
seeing Cena vs Orton every other ppv. I think Kofi vs Cena would be cool but that wont happen for now. As for Shemus I think he has lots of potential but he does not have what it takes to carry the WWE like Cena has....
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Old 25th November 2009, 01:22   #340
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Yeah, I only realized after SS how repetitive it really was. I mean, I usually don't try to look at the match in a technical manner, I just try to be entertained. Wrestling in general is starting to bore me.
I remember reading an article where it said that in the past like 15 months (or for a few years or something, can't really remember), there has always been some kinda combination of Cena, Orton and HHH in the main event for RAW.

Back to Seamus....he's just not built up yet. Oh well, we'll see how he'll try to gain some fan reaction next week.
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