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Old 30th April 2012, 06:40   #21

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Originally Posted by pokerplayer View Post
why on earth would you want to see a picture of her baby? and why does it matter so much to you?

this thread is crazy
I think people want proof but even then people aren't going to be satisfied. Heck, look at all of the Birthers out there that wanted to see Obama's birth certificate and are still crying conspiracy. In this day and age people want proof but even when confronted with it- people still want more and more. Even if there was undeniable DNA testing, photographs, a letter from the Pope, the Dali Lama, and witnesses galore- people still aren't going to believe it.

And yes, this thread has gone into an odd place already.
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Old 30th April 2012, 07:17   #22

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Originally Posted by pokerplayer View Post
why on earth would you want to see a picture of her baby? and why does it matter so much to you?

this thread is crazy
Originally Posted by thruster315 View Post
I think people want proof but even then people aren't going to be satisfied. Heck, look at all of the Birthers out there that wanted to see Obama's birth certificate and are still crying conspiracy. In this day and age people want proof but even when confronted with it- people still want more and more. Even if there was undeniable DNA testing, photographs, a letter from the Pope, the Dali Lama, and witnesses galore- people still aren't going to believe it.

And yes, this thread has gone into an odd place already.
Originally Posted by Anadin View Post
So on top of a crazy racist we have a bloke asking for a picture of someone's baby
forum is full of 'crazy' and 'odd' threads, nothing new there. And I'm trying to give recessisfun the benefit of the doubt, since he had the sense to ask if anyone had a picture, not 'can anyone post a picture.' Semantics, but it's saved him. Because, of course, if someone does post a picture of said baby, they'll be banned.
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Old 30th April 2012, 07:33   #23
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I live in Europe and I just can't figure out why people of USA are so much on that racial thing.
Reading some comments it's like it is a shame for Tory Black to have a relationship and a baby with a black guy. Just let people live the way they want and most important LOVE who they want.
Pornstars' lifes does NOT belong to you.
And if you are stupid enough to be racist (what's the point hating someone just for what he is ?) please don't share your "thought" on the forum.
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Old 30th April 2012, 07:43   #24
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Originally Posted by scrub View Post
forum is full of 'crazy' and 'odd' threads, nothing new there. And I'm trying to give recessisfun the benefit of the doubt, since he had the sense to ask if anyone had a picture, not 'can anyone post a picture.' Semantics, but it's saved him. Because, of course, if someone does post a picture of said baby, they'll be banned.
thats good to hear they would be banned.

i wasn't even going to comment on this thread with natashan's blatent racism but recessisfun's comment was a real head scratcher.

asking if someone has a picture is one thing, then Misterpotatoexxx asked "does it really matter" he says YES lol I would really like to hear why it matters to him.

I guess thruster315 could be right that he just wants some proof, but wow I don't understand how it could matter at all.
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Old 30th April 2012, 17:44   #25
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I asked because the thread is titled "Tori Black's BLACK BABY" and I expected to see a picture of a newborn (by a few months of course) here with a happy mother. I like seeing parents with their children, it makes me happy. Besides, Tori happens to look like a woman I'm dating right now (I'd say 90% similar in body and face with a few minor things different) and it would be nice to see a happy, smiling Tori with her child.

Instead, all we see in this thread is bickering/arguing over race, which is really unnecessary (and I didn't bring it up either, so don't lop me in with those folks), pictures of mugshots from a domestic dispute, and some 'super posters' claiming that I'm crazy. WTF?

Is it really a head scratcher when someone is requesting something having to do with the actual thread's title? Is it really that crazy of a request? Really?

If you really think that a simple request such as that indicates something more sinister, you seriously must consider where your own head is at.

I understand that should anyone post the actual picture of Tori's child they will be banned. Still though, why even start a thread about her child when you are not going to be showing how cute her child is? Instead we have mugshots, racism, and discussion of yet-another-porn-star's-dysfunctional-personal-relationships. She had a child, that usually makes a mother very happy. Either show a happy Tori with her child or leave her and her personal relationships alone.
Last edited by recessisfun; 30th April 2012 at 17:53. Reason: Grammar. I like to have good grammar in my posts.
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Old 30th April 2012, 20:42   #26
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We live in a society now that has 0 tollerance for anything that is not politically correct at all times. On the one hand it is better for everyone to be PC but at the same time we are losing the freedom of choice and freedom of having an opinion.

A comic makes a joke about a gay celeb and all hell breaks loose. GLAAD and ACLU and other organizations want to string the comic up and crucify them.

A friend of mine and his GF just had a baby a couple of weeks ago. The brother of the new mother made a comment/joke that their family now has another bastard and there was a riot with the father and GFs brother getting into a fist fight. Well the father and mother aren't married so the kid IS A BASTARD.

Now here we have a white female porn star that is well known for doing IR scenes and her suitcase pimps are also black so of course she has a biracial baby. The OP and a couple other posters commented on it and now we have the PC police here and they are looking to drop the "evil racist" posters in a vat of boiling oil to punish them for their opinion on the matter.

I think its great that we are moving towards a society that is more tollerant of others but at the same time it makes me sad that we are becoming so PC that we are ready to squash anyone that might have an opinion that differs from the pc police.
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Old 30th April 2012, 21:06   #27
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Still though, why even start a thread about her child when you are not going to be showing how cute her child is?
all newborns look the same....now this one might have a darker tone of skin and hair, but in the end its the same. dont even go there and tell us "oh, how cute, he has his mothers nose and fathers eyes"....

I like seeing parents with their children, it makes me happy.
why? children are more work than joy, especially newborns.

it would be nice to see a happy, smiling Tori with her child.
She had a child, that usually makes a mother very happy. Either show a happy Tori with her child or leave her and her personal relationships alone.
If I remember the story correctly it was her fault, she got drunk and he had to keep her away from the baby while she was in a state or at least that what she said when she was sober.
about the most idiotic, narcistic thing a woman can do is to have a child to be "more happy" or whatever.
so when poor tori feels a little depresses after a hard day of work in the porn-business she will take her cute baby-doll out of the closet, play with it untill she achieved a certain degree of happiness....and then - whatever.
you have a child for the childs sake - not your very own. at least thats how it should be...
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Old 30th April 2012, 21:09   #28
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Brilliant. I havent laugh so hard at a title in ages.
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Old 30th April 2012, 21:19   #29
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Originally Posted by LEQUIPE View Post
I live in Europe and I just can't figure out why people of USA are so much on that racial thing.
Reading some comments it's like it is a shame for Tory Black to have a relationship and a baby with a black guy. Just let people live the way they want and most important LOVE who they want.
Pornstars' lifes does NOT belong to you.
And if you are stupid enough to be racist (what's the point hating someone just for what he is ?) please don't share your "thought" on the forum.

Well said, i could'nt agree more!
When i read stuff like some folks here have written, i ask myself, 'What's Wrong With Them?', 'Are They Sane?', 'I Mean Really Sane??'
I am not american either neither do i live in the states, nor am i black but i have to admit that the level of racism that comes from folks from this country amazes me time after time, if they would make a servey americans without any doubt be elected as the most racist nation on the planet.
p.s. I know that there are tons of decent folks in the states, people that don't matters like race dictate their lives.
Last edited by Rick J; 30th April 2012 at 21:43.
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Old 30th April 2012, 21:35   #30
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She looks really troubled in that mugshot. I hope everything is ok with her because she is one of my favorites.
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