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Old 9th September 2013, 18:10   #1
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Default Iowa allows gun permits for the blind

Iowa law enforcement officials are debating the wisdom of granting gun permits to blind people.

The Des Moines Register reports that Iowa law doesn't allow sheriffs to deny a permit to carry a gun in public based on physical ability.

Some sheriffs have been granting gun permits to people with visual impairments while others have been denying them. Blind people and other Iowans can obtain the permits for carrying a weapon in public because of changes to state law that took effect in 2011.

Jane Hudson with Disability Rights Iowa said keeping legally blind people from obtaining weapon permits would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Some other states, including Nebraska, require anyone applying for a gun permit to provide proof of their visual ability by supplying a driver's license or doctor's statement.

Hudson said she thinks someone could successfully challenge Nebraska's vision restriction because federal law requires states to analyze a situation individually before denying a service.

"The fact that you can't drive a car doesn't mean you can't go to a shooting range and see a target," Hudson said.

Polk County officials said they have issued weapons permits to people who can't drive legally because of vision problems at least three times. Sheriffs in Jasper, Kossuth and Delaware counties say they've also granted permits to Iowans with severe visual impairments.

"It seems a little strange, but the way the law reads, we can't deny them (a permit) just based on that one thing," said Sgt. Jana Abens, a spokeswoman for the Polk County sheriff's office, referring to a visual disability.

It's not clear how many people with visual impairments have permits to carry weapons in Iowa because no one collects that information.

Delaware County Sheriff John LeClere questioned whether visually-impaired people should be able to obtain these weapons permits.

"At what point do vision problems have a detrimental effect to fire a firearm? If you see nothing but a blurry mass in front of you, then I would say you probably shouldn't be shooting something," LeClere said.

Even Patrick Clancy, superintendent of the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School, said guns may be a rare exception to his philosophy.

"Although people who are blind can participate fully in nearly all life's experiences, there are some things, like the operation of a weapon, that may very well be an exception," Clancy said.

But in Cedar County, blind people would find a welcoming audience if they applied for a weapons permit. Sheriff Warren Wethington has a legally blind daughter who is 19, and she plans to apply for a permit when she's eligible at 21.

"If sheriffs spent more time trying to keep guns out of criminals' hands and not people with disabilities, their time would be more productive," Wethington said.
Source: CBS & ABC news

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Old 9th September 2013, 18:18   #2
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Old 9th September 2013, 19:04   #3
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Next up for Iowa. Allowing the blind to drive!
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Old 9th September 2013, 19:34   #4
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I think thats where Star Wars stormtroopers are recruited from.
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Old 9th September 2013, 19:41   #5
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Originally Posted by Soon2BFit View Post
Next up for Iowa. Allowing the blind to drive!
Actually thats happening in Nevada with the G00gle car.

Google's self-driving car takes blind man to Taco Bell
March 29, 2012|By Salvador Rodriguez

Google's self-driving car has fascinated our minds with its technological promise since being introduced in 2010. But yesterday, the self-driving car touched our hearts.

Google posted a video of the self-driving car taking a legally blind man for a spin, showing one of the possibilities and benefits that could come from the technology.

"Where this would change my life is to give me the independence and the flexibility to go to the places I both want to go and need to go when I need to do those things," Steve Mahan says in the video.

The self-driving car takes Mahan to Taco Bell for a quick meal and a dry cleaner to pick up his clothes.

"Look, Ma, no hands," Mahan says. "No hands, no feet."

Google, which posted the video on its Google+ account, said the drive took place on a carefully programmed route and showed one of the possibilities that self-driving cars could offer.

"There’s much left to design and test, but we’ve now safely completed more than 200,000 miles of computer-led driving, gathering great experiences and an overwhelming number of enthusiastic supporters," Google said in the post.

Though it's uncertain just how far off self-driving cars may be from becoming a reality, the process to getting there is certainly in motion. Just last month, Nevada became the first state to legalize self-driving cars, according to PCMag.

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Old 9th September 2013, 20:19   #6
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Originally Posted by NineTails View Post
Actually thats happening in Nevada with the G00gle car.

Google's self-driving car takes blind man to Taco Bell
March 29, 2012|By Salvador Rodriguez

Google's self-driving car has fascinated our minds with its technological promise since being introduced in 2010. But yesterday, the self-driving car touched our hearts.

Google posted a video of the self-driving car taking a legally blind man for a spin, showing one of the possibilities and benefits that could come from the technology.

"Where this would change my life is to give me the independence and the flexibility to go to the places I both want to go and need to go when I need to do those things," Steve Mahan says in the video.

The self-driving car takes Mahan to Taco Bell for a quick meal and a dry cleaner to pick up his clothes.

"Look, Ma, no hands," Mahan says. "No hands, no feet."

Google, which posted the video on its Google+ account, said the drive took place on a carefully programmed route and showed one of the possibilities that self-driving cars could offer.

"There’s much left to design and test, but we’ve now safely completed more than 200,000 miles of computer-led driving, gathering great experiences and an overwhelming number of enthusiastic supporters," Google said in the post.

Though it's uncertain just how far off self-driving cars may be from becoming a reality, the process to getting there is certainly in motion. Just last month, Nevada became the first state to legalize self-driving cars, according to PCMag.
I'm all for it: I am not blind, but some times I am blind drunk: self driving cars are a good way to get me and others home safely.

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Old 9th September 2013, 22:41   #7
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How does the car knows when to stop like if another car pulls out of nowhere in front of it or a dog darts out in front of it?
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Old 9th September 2013, 23:31   #8
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Self-Driving Car Test: Steve Mahan

A look inside Google's "Driverless Car"

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Old 10th September 2013, 00:14   #9
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Originally Posted by NineTails View Post
Actually thats happening in Nevada with the G00gle car.

Google's self-driving car takes blind man to Taco Bell
March 29, 2012|By Salvador Rodriguez

Google's self-driving car has fascinated our minds with its technological promise since being introduced in 2010. But yesterday, the self-driving car touched our hearts.

Google posted a video of the self-driving car taking a legally blind man for a spin, showing one of the possibilities and benefits that could come from the technology.

"Where this would change my life is to give me the independence and the flexibility to go to the places I both want to go and need to go when I need to do those things," Steve Mahan says in the video.

The self-driving car takes Mahan to Taco Bell for a quick meal and a dry cleaner to pick up his clothes.

"Look, Ma, no hands," Mahan says. "No hands, no feet."

Google, which posted the video on its Google+ account, said the drive took place on a carefully programmed route and showed one of the possibilities that self-driving cars could offer.

"There’s much left to design and test, but we’ve now safely completed more than 200,000 miles of computer-led driving, gathering great experiences and an overwhelming number of enthusiastic supporters," Google said in the post.

Though it's uncertain just how far off self-driving cars may be from becoming a reality, the process to getting there is certainly in motion. Just last month, Nevada became the first state to legalize self-driving cars, according to PCMag.
Cool does it have turbo boost and super pursuit mode
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Old 10th September 2013, 00:18   #10
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At least the members of Congress will know where to go when buying a gun.
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