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Old 26th August 2012, 19:44   #1
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Default Porn Stars in Prison

Here is one girl we won't see the coming 40 years..


Do you know any other performers,producers etc being in jail for some crime ?

I know Max Hardcore was in jail,but not really for a crime,just for that doing too nasty videos.
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Old 26th August 2012, 19:51   #2
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Brian Surewood got sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2007 after a road-rage incident that led to the death of a 5-year-old boy, the coma of his infant sister and the mother who lost one leg (from Wikipedia).
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Old 26th August 2012, 19:55   #3
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Pornstar Brian Surewood is serving an 11 year stretch after being (in my opinion) unjustly convicted of Vehicular manslaughter.

I do not have access to the Internet so my wife Carmen is running this page & keeping me posted.

I am currently doing time in CCI - Tehachapi State Prison for a crime I did not commit.

I was not street racing, I was not road raging and I did not slam my brakes in front of the other car to cause him to crash. He lost control of his own vehicle after he tried to go around my right side at an unsafe speed. If I would have slammed my brakes in front of his car like he claims, he would have killed me instead.
The guy that hit the parked car lied to take the blame away from himself when he saw the tragedy he caused. One of the witnesses mentioned on the stand that all Ayon did was go around telling the already traumatized bystanders that it was my car that caused him to crash.

I have been driving for 30 years and have never caused an accident. Our judicial court system is a big joke and I have lost complete faith in it. I didn't go to the police station to turn myself in like the media reported. That evening I saw on the news that they were involving me in the accident I had observed through my rear view mirror. I went to the police station to explain that I had nothing to do with it and to explain how Ayon was driving recklessly and they arrested me with a false case built against me based on speculation not facts. Their investigating officer Espino claimed that certain tire marks on the ground belonged to my car yet he never bothered to compare them to my tires. They were not mine. My car has anti-lock brakes that do not leave skid marks like that and they did not match to my tire prints.

If you would like to write me in prison you can do so at the following address:

Brian Barnes, CDC#G55493
Unit 1 - Briggs Hall - Bunk 96
California Correctional Institution
State Prison
P.O.Box 107
Tehachapi, CA 93581

Please DO NOT send me care packages. I appreciate your thoughtfulness but I'm only allowed one quarterly package every 3 months and I rather fill out the form for the items I will need. In the future if you want to send your generosity you can donate toward my quarterly package to my wife:

Carmen Seguin-Barnes
Chase Bank account # 0934736747

I'm very thankful for all your kind words and support.
Some boy racer decided to fuck around with him, and ended up crashing into an innocent family, and Brian ended up getting pinned with the crime.

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Old 26th August 2012, 20:14   #4
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Jack Venice (Hanna Hilton's ex) is still in prison for rape. Him and 2 other mopes broke into a college sorority and at least 1 girl was molested. He claims he didn't rape her but if he was innocent he should not have been there to begin with.
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Old 26th August 2012, 20:19   #5

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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
Their investigating officer Espino claimed that certain tire marks on the ground belonged to my car yet he never bothered to compare them to my tires. They were not mine. My car has anti-lock brakes that do not leave skid marks like that and they did not match to my tire prints.
How is that even possible? I find that hard to believe. Would be one of the first things I'd do as a cop in this situation. A lawyer would have a field day with this.
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Old 26th August 2012, 20:32   #6
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Originally Posted by koppe View Post
How is that even possible? I find that hard to believe. Would be one of the first things I'd do as a cop in this situation. A lawyer would have a field day with this.
Justice is not always served...

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Old 26th August 2012, 20:45   #7

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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
Justice is not always served...
Yeah, you're right of course. It boggles my mind though that his lawyer wouldn't capitalize on that. Then again, I don't know the details. Maybe he tried but failed in court.
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Old 27th August 2012, 05:27   #8

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Janine Lindemulder's spent enough time behind bars for everything from tax evasion to just going apeshit nuts with Jesse "I'm not related to the western outlaw" James.

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Old 27th August 2012, 06:05   #9
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Originally Posted by koppe View Post
Yeah, you're right of course. It boggles my mind though that his lawyer wouldn't capitalize on that. Then again, I don't know the details. Maybe he tried but failed in court.
I don't know Al. I think it was, in this case.

1.A few things don't jive. All cars made since the early 90's have ABS, so that kids Nissan to had ABS.
2. He had 2000 Camaro, I owned a 2001 and like most sports cars the ABS system is a hell of a lot different then it is on your average car. You really have to mash on the break in order for the ABS to engage and when they do, trust be they leave skid marks like any other car. I believe he's trying to make the case that the ABS skid marks would've been broken up. I can confirm that the '98-2002 Camaros don't.

Also many of the witness confirmed that he "slammed on his brakes." "was jocking for position with the Nissan," and was going "at least 55" in a 30 MPH zone.
Most damaging are these two witness's testimony.
Moments before the collision, a night shift worker named Porter Lee Miles saw a black Maxima barrel up from behind him on Sherman Way and pass on the right. A red Camaro tore by on his left. Roger Cook, a 66-year-old film producer who races cars as a hobby, was going slightly above the 35-mile-per-hour speed limit himself, but as the Maxima swerved into the right lane and shot past him as well, he felt like he was sitting still. He estimated it was going at least 60. Seconds after the Maxima moved ahead, the Camaro came hurtling by.
Then you have a few quotes from Shurwod himself
“a lot of pot smoking and surfing. I didn’t have too many ambitions in life, so I kind of drifted into things.” Porn, he says, saved him. “I had to use most of my money when I started up in this business for the first few years paying back society,” he goes on. “I wasn’t that bad, but I had acquired things in a few different states…driving stuff, so I had to clear up a whole lot of crap before I could actually get legitimate and legal again.”
“Well, I smoke for not my health but for other people’s,” he says, “because I’m naturally—I think I’m generally a violent person, and smoking pot really helps me curb my ways and makes me very happy and mellow and easy to get along with instead of being an irate asshole.”
Couple all this with the fact that he fled the scene of the crime, I believe he was at fault just as much as the kid in the Nissan. Now I understand he called 911 but I believe that was just an attempt to evade responsibility - "like hey, if i was racing this guy why would I call 911" In the legal world it's called "alibi by omission."
Finally, what kind of decent human being with nothing to hide would simply drive off after witnessing, and acknowledging witnessing, a car accident? I'm proud to say I don't know such a person.

We'll never know for sure, but the vast majority of the evidence points to the fact that the police, and the Judaical system got this one wright, in regards to his conviction. Personally, I believe seeing as though he was partly responsible for the death of a 5 year old and the lose of the mothers limb, I feel he should be in prison for life.


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Old 27th August 2012, 21:25   #10
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Looks like the Tanner Mayes should be on the Prison List..sadly

–As of August 23, I have an arrest record, showing that Tanner did indeed assault her boyfriend.

Reported: 08/23/2012 by Crime Reporter: 6040
Crime Report #: 7353473
Source: Santa Monica PD

F PC273.5(A) Inflict Corporal Injury On Spouse/Cohabitant"

There is no bail amount listed and according to the latest records she is still in jail.
From LIB
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