Originally Posted by Karmafan
I guess what I am trying to say is that Its kind of like the armed forces. Rich white kids don't join the armed forces and possibly end up dead in Iraq or Afghanistan. Instead they go to college and avoid the possibility of losing their lives. The armed forces is primarily made up of poor white, black, and latino kids that are using the armed forces to better their lives.
This, and the different standards which come with social class as well. If you live in an environment where getting in conflict with the law and the rest of society sooner or later is more than just an exception and where sexual morals value (in males) commitment not that much and chastity even less, getting into porn isn't that unattractive as a choice. Which applies to some of the whites as well, but moreso for blacks; and I dare to say that guys like Lexington Steele (who was a banker or broker or something like that before he got into porn) are rather the exception than the rule.