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Old 1st December 2021, 23:21   #1
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Default Looking For Malware Removal For XP

I only use this computer to visit PlanetSuzy and all of a sudden Avast is giving pop-up warnings to possible malware sites. The only place I can figure I got the malware from was "ImageVenue" going to their site to grab a full version of an image thumbnail.

I did an Avast and Spy-Bot virus scan and they can't find anything. Is there a program or online scanner that removes viruses from XP?

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Old 2nd December 2021, 18:24   #2
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Why do you use a seperate computer JUST to visit planet suzy? this is a safe website that doesnt have malware or viruses, most of us have been logging in for years
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Old 2nd December 2021, 21:37   #3
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snoopy2010 is on a distinguished road

Try these:

Malwarebytes v 7.4.2 (version 8.0 & later do not support Windows XP)

Spybot - Search & Destroy for Windows XP
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Old 2nd December 2021, 23:05   #4
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The pop-up alert was more than likely showing that Avast caught and blocked the malware. XP? As in Windows XP? Go to bleepingcomputer
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Old 3rd December 2021, 21:57   #5
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i was also gonna suggest malwarbytes, get the free version and run a full drive C scan, takes about 2-3 hours, also if you want you can upgrade and pay for it, but the free versions fine, however you will get pop ups asking you to if you want the paid version, but if your using windows xp, you have more serious problems than adware, it ended support April 2014, you can get hacked and viruses on that system since they are no longer offering any patches and havent in years.
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Old 4th December 2021, 12:38   #6
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Originally Posted by redsox1211 View Post
i was also gonna suggest malwarbytes, get the free version and run a full drive C scan, takes about 2-3 hours, also if you want you can upgrade and pay for it, but the free versions fine, however you will get pop ups asking you to if you want the paid version, but if your using windows xp, you have more serious problems than adware, it ended support April 2014, you can get hacked and viruses on that system since they are no longer offering any patches and havent in years.

It does not always take "2 - 3 hours". It varies based on the PC specs, drive size, and the amount of data on the drive.

Also, as of version 4, there is no longer a selection between a quick or full scan. There is simply a scan button. Which, on my machine, completes in under a minute.

Tested using the latest version 4.4.11
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Old 4th December 2021, 20:09   #7
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yes i also have the Scan option, thats a threat scan that takes about 11 minutes, but if you go to where it says 'scanners' then configure scan you can custom the scan for each drive, C D E , that takes over 3 hours on my computer, honestly at times it took over 4 hours, i deleted the program earlier this year just for that reason, it was taking to long and never found anything, obviously if a scan is gonna finish just under 5 hours, theirs a problem.

Originally Posted by OddBa11 View Post
It does not always take "2 - 3 hours". It varies based on the PC specs, drive size, and the amount of data on the drive.

Also, as of version 4, there is no longer a selection between a quick or full scan. There is simply a scan button. Which, on my machine, completes in under a minute.

Tested using the latest version 4.4.11
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Old 7th December 2021, 03:38   #8
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Originally Posted by redsox1211 View Post
Why do you use a seperate computer JUST to visit planet suzy? this is a safe website that doesnt have malware or viruses, most of us have been logging in for years
I use an old laptop computer so I don't have to use my better computer. Why monopolize my good computer when all I'm doing is dl'g files?

I know PlanetSuzy is safe, which is why I find it odd all of a sudden after years of being here Avast is repeatedly hitting me with pop-up warnings for URLs that don't seem to exist. I looked a few up and Google can't find these sites. It could be an Avast problem, but it's annoying having it announce false warnings every few page loads.
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Old 7th December 2021, 22:10   #9
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I dont have avast so i cant say, all i can suggest is to not use windows XP at all, for anything trust me you'll be better off not risking getting hacked or a severe virus, question, do you use Firefox? if you go to settings and choose 'strict' under browser privacy, that will block every ad and pop up you can come across on every site, its what mine is and it works great.

Originally Posted by vonVile View Post
I use an old laptop computer so I don't have to use my better computer. Why monopolize my good computer when all I'm doing is dl'g files?

I know PlanetSuzy is safe, which is why I find it odd all of a sudden after years of being here Avast is repeatedly hitting me with pop-up warnings for URLs that don't seem to exist. I looked a few up and Google can't find these sites. It could be an Avast problem, but it's annoying having it announce false warnings every few page loads.
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Old 8th December 2021, 01:39   #10
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Nothing wrong with Windows XP at all. It's not very practical to use these days because virtually no websites will run on it anymore because websites are all written around Google Chrome which updates itself and can't be stopped and Chrome ceased support for XP a long time ago, but if you have legacy programs that only work in XP and are no longer being developed, then there is no problem at all keeping and maintaining an old XP installation as a secondary machine for running those programs. I do exactly the same.

The best bit about XP (and in fact Windows 7 as well) is that they are now completely immune to virus and malware attacks simply by virtue of the brilliant marketing job did on everyone scaring them into believing they had to upgrade to Windows 10 or else they'd be vulnerable to attack. Literally nothing could have been further from the truth, but don't let the truth get in the way of deploying spyware and data theft marketing software on literally everyone.

The fact that the world is now virtually standardised in Windows 10 thanks to the Microsoft scare tactics and enforced autp-upgrading, means that Windows 10 is now also neatly standardised for all computer hackers as well. If you're a hacker with malicious intent, wouldn't the world's computers being standardised on a single operating system make it so much easier to write the software to infiltrate that one standard system?

If everyone drove a Hyundai Accent car, there would only need to be one type of workshop with one type of tools, one source of spare parts and one training centre to work on all the cars in the world. Nice and simple. This is exactly what Windows 10 has done to the world of computing for hackers. Far from being the most secure OS, it is actually the biggest target for hacking in the world by far, because if you can hack it, then you have access to virtually all the computers in the world.

If on the other hand you write software to hack XP or Windows 7, your target base is basically me and the guy who started this thread and that's it. Have phun with that.

XP is immune to malicious software because there isn't any out there anymore targeting it. It's immune for the same very reason that Linux and Apple Macintosh and all the other esoteric operating systems used by less than 0.01% of the world's computers are immune. No one cares anymore because they have no weight of numbers, so hacking them would be fruitless.

I've been running WinBorg 7 x64 alongside another computer running WinBorg XP with no installed AV at all, Windows Firewall turned off and Windows Defender disabled. Neither are updated anymore either and they've been running like this for at least the last 18 months.

A few months ago, my mouse started moving around the screen on its own, so I thought my experiment was up and I would have to reinstall Avast again and fight with cracking it again. I installed MalwareBytes and did the full house, pants down, top to bottom scan of everything inside and out. Perfectly crystal clean. Nothing to report. Turned out by mouse had a broken wire and was phuqued. Replaced mouse, all good again.

My advice: Uninstall all AV, turn off Firewall (if you want to increase speed and decrease annoyance) and disable Defender (which was always a POS anyway) and instead install the Winborg versions of old OSes as you prefer.

I've installed the January 2021 release of Winborg 7 x64 on four old computers here recently and it works brilliant. None of them requiring any AV software at all.
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