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Old 28th July 2014, 18:32   #41

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Default Samara's Travel Physical

Samara's Travel Physical

Samara is planning a trip to Africa to aid the local populations with farming and water purification. Before she can go overseas, she has to visit the Public Health Department for a complete physical exam.

Dr. Claw is working today and escorts her back to the exam room where she reviews her medical history and takes her vital signs. Samara is surprised, but cooperative when she is told that her temperature must be done in her bottom. She lowers her pants and underwear and lays face down on the exam table. Dr. Claw spreads her bottom apart and inserts the old fashioned thermometer into her rectum.

Standard operating procedure at the public health department requires a rectal speculum exam. Even though Samara has never had a complete enema before, she takes two large volume enemas with little trouble.

Samara needs to have a complete pelvic exam done and Dr. Claw does a Pap smear, check to make sure her IUD string is visible, and palpates her uterus and ovaries. She also does a rectovaginal exam.

After her pelvic exam, Samara gets up on her knees and down on her elbows so that Dr. Claw can examine the inside of her rectum. After inserting the cold speculum, she opens it up to reveal the inside of her patient's rectum.

Since she is going to Africa, Dr. Claw has to administer a typhoid injection which Samara receives in her bottom. She hates needles but takes her medicine bravely.

Download : Samara's Travel Physical.wmv

Size: 290418338 bytes (276.96 MiB), duration: 00:58:00, avg.bitrate: 668 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s
Video: wmv2, yuv420p, 320x240, 636 kb/s, 29.92 fps(r)
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Old 2nd August 2014, 20:16   #42

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Default Dr. Claw's Annual Exam

Dr. Claw's Annual Exam

Download : Dr. Claw's Annual Exam.wmv

Size: 296032043 bytes (282.32 MiB), duration: 00:51:42, avg.bitrate: 763 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s
Video: wmv3, yuv420p, 640x480, 662 kb/s, 30.00 fps(r)
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Old 9th August 2014, 09:15   #43

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Default Laura and Susan Visit Dr. Fish_1

Laura and Susan Visit Dr. Fish_1

It's a slowish day at the Public Health Department.

After coming back from lunch, Dr Fish finds that there is a 'dual appointment,' that is, two people have elected to be treated at the same time by a doctor. Susan and Laura, who live together and are both in their mid-thirties, enter the PHD. They recently had some abdominal pain and took some codeine for it, but it had the side effect of constipation - they haven't been able to move their bowels for about five days each. Both are small-time businesswomen who are independent, and a bit grumpy that they have had to come to the PHD for such a 'minor complaint.'

Dr Fish discovers while looking their medical history that both Susan and Laura, coincidentally, have at least one relative who has developed bowel cancer. He explains, due to the nature of their issue, that he would like to do a preliminary digital rectal examination, then two enemas, then a pelvic exam and finally a proctoscope exam due to their familial history.

Susan and Laura become a bit apprehensive. "You want to do what? You want to stick your finger up my butt? As well as a garden hose? No way!" Sensing their discomfort, Dr Fish decides to have Dr Claw come into the room and explain that such an examination is certainly advised. The two ladies are still a little concerned.

Well, it's a slow day, and Dr Claw is free at the moment and offers to be a model for the nervous patients. While unconventional, it occasionally happens at the PHD. Graciously, Dr Claw sheds her lab coat, pulls down her pants and thong and bends over the exam table. Dr Fish inserts a lubricated finger up her bottom and palpates all surfaces inside. Dr Claw mentions, with Dr Fish's finger still inside her, that yes the exam is a little uncomfortable, but doesn't hurt and that Dr Fish is quite good at doing them. She is then administered an enema in the Sim's position. After she returns from the toilet, Susan and Laura think that perhaps the ordeal won't be all that bad, and decide to go ahead with the investigations and treatment, so Laura goes first with Susan staying for moral support.

After checking Laura's vital signs, eyes and ears, he asks her to lower her pants and panties and bend over the exam table, which she does. After a brief visual check of her anus, Dr Fish lubricates his gloved hand and inserts his index finger very deeply into Laura's rectum, checking it for approximately 15 seconds. Finally, he takes her rectal temperature. Then he administers two enemas to Laura, first in the Sims position and the second one in the knee chest position.

Laura feels indescribably better after her two enemas, but due to her constipation Dr Fish wants to make sure that she won't be needing a third enema - he asks her to bend over the table again and conducts another DRE, which he is satisfied with. Laura puts her legs in the stirrups for her pelvic exam, and Dr Fish capably attends to this. Lastly, Laura is back in the knee chest position for the proctoscope, which shows nothing amiss. Lastly, he gives her an injection.

As Laura dresses, Dr Fish checks Susan's vital signs, eyes and ears and then decides to do the DRE in the same way. Susan drops her pants and panties and bends over the exam table. Dr Fish spreads her buttocks apart for the cursory anal check before lubricating his finger and inserting it deeply up her bottom, making her gasp "Ooh!" from the increase of pressure in her rectum. Acknowledging the near impaction, he takes her rectal temperature.

Like her flatmate, Susan is given two enemas to clean her out and solve her immediate problem, and she comes back feeling much better. Dr Fish conducts a brief DRE with her bending over like before to make sure she won't need a third enema. Next, she is in the stirrups for her pelvic exam and then up on her elbows and knees, offering her bottom to the proctoscope.

Laura feels somewhat sore from the enemas and cleanout, and Dr Fish offers her a suppository to help ease her pain. Accepting, she bends over the table once more and has the suppository inserted into her rectum.

Feeling much better, both women dress and leave, with Dr Fish thinking how very lucky he is to be able to help such beautiful women in times of need, as well as caring and committed staff.

Download : Laura and Susan Visit Dr. Fish_1.wmv

Size: 372300837 bytes (355.05 MiB), duration: 00:59:01, avg.bitrate: 763 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s
Video: wmv3, yuv420p, 640x480, 662 kb/s, 30.00 fps(r)
Last edited by Ralmbbhd; 9th August 2014 at 09:17.
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Old 9th August 2014, 09:27   #44

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Default Laura and Susan Visit Dr. Fish_2

Laura and Susan Visit Dr. Fish_2

Download : Laura and Susan Visit Dr. Fish_2.wmv

Size: 255741615 bytes (243.89 MiB), duration: 00:44:50, avg.bitrate: 761 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s
Video: wmv3, yuv420p, 640x480, 662 kb/s, 30.00 fps(r)
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Old 10th August 2014, 13:18   #45

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Default Voyeur Gynaecological Exams

Voyeur Gynaecological Exams

Aged gyno doctor sets up a hidden camera in his gynecology exam room, hot female patients are examined on gyno-chair. Everything is secretly videotaped with a spy cam. Watch physical examination as well as gynecological exam performed by a skilled gynecologist who likes to spy on his patients. You wont find these hidden cam videos elsewhere.

Download : Voyeur Gynaecological Exams.wmv

Size: 286611997 bytes (273.33 MiB), duration: 00:19:05, avg.bitrate: 2003 kb/s
Video: wmv3, yuv420p, 1280x720, 2097 kb/s, 10.00 fps(r)
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Old 11th August 2014, 19:10   #46

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Default Delaney Davis' Physical Exam

Delaney Davis' Physical Exam

Its been a long time since Delaney Davis has had a physical exam. Once she has decided its time take care of that little chore, she makes an appointment with the Public Health Department. Little does she know that she is one of Dr. Albert Fish, Jr.'s very first patients. After doing her time in the waiting room she is called back to the exam room and sits on the table patiently waiting for her doctor.

Dr. Fish comes in a short time later and very professionally introduces himself. The nice thing about being a new doctor is that you want to spend a lot of time with your patients. And Delaney is very pretty so who wouldn't want to spend time with her. Delaney needs to use the bathroom and asks if she can do that so Dr. Fish gives her a specimen container and sends her off to the bathroom.

Dr. Fish takes her medical history and then does her vital signs. He's done a good job learning from his dad and Nurse Sabrina so when it comes time to take her temperature, he informs Delaney that he needs to do it rectally. She dutifully lowers her pants and underwear and lies face down on the exam table with her bottom bare. He inserts the thermometer and makes small talk while the mercury rises to 98.6.

Dr. Fish tells her to undress while he steps out of the room and she removes her clothes and puts on the backless hospital gown. A complete rectal exam is always protocol at the PHD so the first thing he does is give his lovely patient two enemas. Dr. Fish uses the inflatable barium enema nozzle for her second one. After she's cleaned out, he does a very thorough pelvic exam and then has her get up on her knees for a rectal speculum.

Dr. Albert Fish, Jr. has a great bedside manner and his professional attitude will help him go a long way!

Download : Delaney Davis' Physical Exam.wmv

Size: 292153494 bytes (278.62 MiB), duration: 00:55:41, avg.bitrate: 700 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s
Video: wmv2, yuv420p, 320x240, 636 kb/s, 29.92 fps(r)
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Old 14th August 2014, 09:10   #47

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Default Denise Rowe's Physical Examination

Denise Rowe's Physical Examination

Denise Rowe is a smart, aggressive businesswoman. Driving around in her sports car, conducting business on her mobile phone is more her style than succumbing to constipation. Succumb she does, however, and when her regular physician can't see her on a moment's notice, she's referred to the Public Health Service and (you guessed it!) Doctor Fish!

Denise meets Dr. Fish and his assistant, Nurse Sondholm. She's given a thorough physical exam, including having her breasts and stomach palpated, having her temperature taken rectally and having Dr. Fish do a rectal exam.

Denise is also given a thorough gynecological exam, using a lighted speculum (great video, right up to the cervix!) and an anuscopic exam (our new digital camera even picked up some great shots of the inside of Denise's rectum).

Dr Fish sends for Denise's records from her regular physician. In the meantime, he decides that the best and easiest cure for Denise's constipation would be two enemas in a Rowe. Nurse Sondholm brings in a 3,000 ml bag and holds Denise's hand while Dr. Fish administers the enema.

Denise isn't totally cleaned out, of course, so another enema is necessary. This time, Dr. Fish uses an inflatable enema retention nozzle.

Denise gets the second enema, even bigger than the first one.

Denise is dressed and ready to leave when Nurse Sondholm remembers that her records indicate that she needs an innoculation, so Denise pulls down her dress and panties, climbs up onto the exam table again and is given her vaccination in her bare bottom.

As always, nothing is faked in this Stonefox production. This one is a MUST for serious collectors of medical fetish videos!

Download : Denise Rowe's Physical Examination.wmv

Size: 287769244 bytes (274.44 MiB), duration: 00:54:59, avg.bitrate: 698 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s
Video: wmv2, yuv420p, 320x240, 636 kb/s, 30.00 fps(r)
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Old 27th September 2014, 20:26   #48

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Default Your Debt Has Been Paid

Aged gyno doctor sets up a hidden camera in his gynecology exam room, hot female patients are examined on gyno-chair. Everything is secretly videotaped with a spy cam. Watch physical examination as well as gynecological exam performed by a skilled gynecologist who likes to spy on his patients. You wont find these hidden cam videos elsewhere. If you look for doctor spy cam movies - grab this torrent and start downloading.
This video is a fake "hidden" cam video, shot with steady cameras during the shoot of an ExclusiveClub.com scene. This series provides worse camera angles than the primary scenes, but it offers a good voyeur feeling. Also, no sound means no terrible English and bad jokes by the Czech doctor and cast. The exam includes physical check-ups, measuring the BMI and all kind of gyno check-ups like speculum, measuring the temperature, checking the vagina with his fingers and also some sexual parts with a dildo.

Download : GirlsGoneGyno.rar

Size: 231149912 bytes (220.44 MiB), duration: 00:19:11, avg.bitrate: 1607 kb/s
Video: h264, yuv420p, 640x360, 10.00 fps(r) (eng)
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Old 6th October 2014, 12:23   #49

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Default Elsa (21 years girls)

Elsa (21 years girls)

Download : Elsa (21 years girls).part1.rar
Download : Elsa (21 years girls).part2.rar

Size: 707316015 bytes (674.55 MiB), duration: 00:18:13, avg.bitrate: 5177 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
Video: wmv3, yuv420p, 1280x720, 5050 kb/s, 25.00 fps(r)
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Old 7th October 2014, 17:47   #50

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Default Jennifer's Annual Exam

Jennifer's Annual Exam

It's time for Jennifer's annual physical exam so she goes to the Public Health Department wearing her best Jessica Simpson outfit and is shown into the exam room where she waits for the nurse practitioner.

Jennifer is a confident girl who has been examined before, but after giving the nurse her medical history she is surprised to learn that she is going to be given two enemas so that her rectal exam will be will be more thorough. Jennifer has never had an enema and she is anxious about it. In fact, we learn when she gives her medical history that she has never had anything in her rectum before!

After completing her history, the nurse listens to her heard, looks into her eyes, ears, and mouth and then takes her blood pressure. As Jennifer learns, the most accurate way to get a body temperature is by way of the rectum and she is instructed to lower her shorts and panties and lay face down on the exam table. The nurse parts her bottom and inserts the glass thermometer into her rectum. Its obvious that she finds the sensation very strange.

After her temperature is taken, she is instructed to undress completely and put on the backless hospital gown with the opening in the back. When she is properly gowned, she sits on the table while the nurse explains to her what an enema is. After filling the bag with about 1500 cc of water she has Jennifer lay in the sims position on the exam table and uncovers her bottom. The insertion of the nozzle and flow of the water are feelings that are as foreign to Jennifer as the nozzle is in her bottom but she takes the entire bag with no difficulty.

As strange as the enema was going in, its even more strange coming out!

The nurse prepares another enema for Jennifer and this time she puts in some castile soap. Jennifer gets up on her knees and down on her elbows for this one and gallantly takes another bag of warm soapy water.

After she is cleaned out, Jennifer is told to lay on her back on the exam table and the nurse does a breast exam and explains the importance of doing one at home every month.

Finally its time for Jennifer to get her pelvic exam and she slides down to the end of the exam table and puts her feet in the stirrups. The nurse does a thorough external examination of her labia and then tries to insert a vaginal speculum. Jennifer's vagina is small so the nurse has to use a smaller speculum which works fine. A swab is taken of her cervix and then the speculum is removed. Now the nurse does a bimanual exam and concludes with a rectovaginal exam.

Finally Jennifer is required to give a urine sample.

Download : Jennifer's Annual Exam.rar

Size: 227349426 bytes (216.82 MiB), duration: 00:44:22, avg.bitrate: 683 kb/s
Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s
Video: wmv2, yuv420p, 320x240, 636 kb/s, 10.00 fps(r)
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