24th December 2010, 22:44
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Christmas Villain
B.Z. (John Lithgow) - Santa Claus: the Movie (1985)
B.Z.: Santa Claus is FINISHED!
[B.Z. is in court over his dangerous toys which include a flammable doll]
Senator: Well, what do you have to say to that, sir?
B.Z.: Well, Senator, I've always known that cigarette smoking could be hazardous to your health. [Laughs]
Senator: This is not a laughing matter, sir! This is a tragedy waiting to happen. You, sir, are a disgrace to your profession!
B.Z.: Senator...
Senator: And I believe THIS toy was advertised as being suitable for three-year-olds?
[Man picks up teddy bear and rips the head off and tips out a contents of sand, nails and broken glass]
B.Z.: Senator, I'm even more astonished that you are to see this and I assure you that if these are not isolated examples, I'll make sure they never happen again.
Senator: Well, you better do more than that, sir. You better withdraw every B.Z. Toy on the market or I'll personally see to it that your license to manufacture and distribute in the United States is REVOKED!
