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Old 1st February 2013, 20:59   #1

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Smile Illustrated Interracial and BlacknWhite comics - Lots of Updates

FLAG GIRLS Pages 1-52 updated Feb 28th 2013 (Illustrated Interracial)

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Updates as of Feb 28th
Blutoniumboy posted Emptiness pages 38,39 here: Emptiness pages 38,39
Blutoniumboy posted Horny Mothers 2 pages 27,28,29 here: Horny Mothers 2 pages 27,28,29
Volk posted Manza pages 46, 47 here: Manza pages 46,47
Posted Manza Pages 44,45 on request here: Manza pages 44,45
Destro3 posted Owned Pages 16-20 here:Owned Pages 16-20
Posted Owned complete Pages 1-20 here:Owned complete Pages 1-20
Posted Emptiness Pages 1-39 here: Emptiness Pages 1-39

BIG UPDATE Feb 20th 2013: Blastou posted a complete site rip for Illustrated-Interracial in post #85: Illustrated-Interracial Site Rip with latest updates

UPDATE Feb 20th 2013 #2: Posted Horny mothers 2 Chapter 2 complete pages 1-40 (on request): Click here

UPDATE Feb 18th 2013: Volk posted Prison Story Pages 24-27 in post #73: Prison Story 24-27

UPDATE Feb 16th 2013: Volk posted Ghetto Teen Pages 15-18 in post #66: Ghetto Teen 15-18

UPDATE Feb 15th 2013: Volk posted 4 pages of BLACK SOCCER MOMMY: click here

UPDATE Feb 7th 2013 #2: Lots of updates from VOLK for BlacknWhite comics starting post # 39: click here

UPDATE Feb 7th 2013 #1: Added True Dick from Blacknwhite comics Pages 1-35 in post # 38: click here

UPDATE Feb 6th 2013 #4: CIN posted Prison Story Pages 20-23 in post #34: Click here

UPDATE Feb 6th 2013 #3: Added on request Prison Story pages 1-19 in post # 31: click here
Credit to Volk for pages 18 and 19, please click "thanks" on his post: click here for Volk's post

UPDATE Feb 6th 2013 #2: Added Ghetto Teen pages 1-14 in post # 30: click here

UPDATE Feb 6th 2013 #1: Added some mini-updates in post # 23 (Prison Story 16 and 17, Recession blues Page 51, Black Breeding Network 3 19 to 21): click here

UPDATE Feb 5th 2013: Added Emptiness pages 1-35 in post # 18: click here

UPDATE Feb 4th 2013: Added Manza Pages 1-43 in post # 11: click here

Last edited by indyzzzz; 4th March 2013 at 03:44.
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Old 3rd February 2013, 18:08   #2
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14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of14ArchAngels has much to be proud of

Hi thank you again for your Post. Would you happen to have any more of the IllustratedInterracial comics?
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Old 4th February 2013, 05:43   #3

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Originally Posted by magnum300 View Post
OMG I love you, you don't know how long I been looking and waiting for updates for illustratedinterracial and especially FLAG GIRLS!! =) thank you sooo much
Originally Posted by 14ArchAngels View Post
Hi thank you again for your Post. Would you happen to have any more of the IllustratedInterracial comics?
You're all welcome, happy to help.

What other illustrated interracial comics are incomplete or have not been updated?
This was my favorite one, so I made it a point to grab it first. This one is not complete yet but I think i have every panel upto the latest update, will keep updating this thread with more panels as and when i get newer updates.

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Old 5th February 2013, 03:44   #4

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Last edited by indyzzzz; 5th February 2013 at 03:55.
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Old 6th February 2013, 03:07   #5

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Originally Posted by panzer79 View Post
I suppose you're a fan of illustratedinterracial, but i wanted to know if you can post something about blacknwhitecomics.com, there aren't updates anywhere.
I'll try to get some updates from my source, mate.

Here is what I have for Emptiness, Pages 1-35.
Not much of an update, but it adds 4 pages to what can be found on this forum or other such forums (unless I missed something).


Luckyshare Link: (You know the drill now , click the "thanks" button to see it).

contains hidden content You will have to click 'thank you' to see hidden content

The reasons Im insisting on the thanks button are:

1. I like to see the level of interest, its encouraging

2. It gives incentive to folks, to register for the forums, so that they can access hidden links. Hopefully they will contribute something in the future (actually, this is why I originally registered, I think, or was that on another forum ? I forget ).

3. Keeps the links from prying eyes, makes them last longer since these bots/guys have to go to the extra effort of registering for the forums

Last edited by indyzzzz; 6th February 2013 at 06:26. Reason: grammar
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Old 6th February 2013, 12:56   #6

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Originally Posted by nabarre View Post
Thanks once again! Please don't forget Prison Story!
I could only find 2 new panels for Prison Story (aka Wife gets Pounded Husband Impounded), pages 16 and 17.

Here they are:
EDIT: see post # 31 for a zipped file containing pages 1-19

Also some mini updates, these panels were missing from the latest updates I grabbed on this forum. Let me know if you need the previous pages from any of the comics in this post and I'll upload them zipped up.

Recession blues Page 52

Black Breeding Network 3 (pages 19, 20 and 21)

Last edited by indyzzzz; 7th February 2013 at 00:48.
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Old 6th February 2013, 13:26   #7
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panzer79 is just really nicepanzer79 is just really nicepanzer79 is just really nicepanzer79 is just really nicepanzer79 is just really nice

Are you sure prison story ends with updates at pagg 16-17??? if i don't mistake, the comic is at 20, but it could be oonly my imagination.
can you post all of the panels? i have only ten pages.
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Old 6th February 2013, 15:28   #8
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Brown123 has a spectacular aura aboutBrown123 has a spectacular aura about

Had to post a solid thank you and give you some big props indyzzzz! Your updates have been superb and they've brought many of these stories at least much closer to being current! HUGE and AWESOME!!! Thanks very much.

Of course now you're a victim of your own success as everyone (me included) will be looking for more and more coming from your direction!

On that note, much like Panzer79, I only have the first 10 panels for Prison Story (aka Wife gets Pounded Husband Impounded), so your posting of panels 16 and 17 was very cool, but now that makes me hope that you could also maybe post panels 10 through 15 (or even the whole story just to make sure that we're not weirdly missing something).

I've followed updates for Illust. Inter. on the forums pretty carefully, and I don't believe that anyone has provided an update that took Prison Story past panel 10... but maybe I missed it along the way. In any event, any assistance on that front would be greatly appreciated, and of couse any and all other updates to other stories from the series would be totally righteous! Thanks man.
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Old 6th February 2013, 16:47   #9
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volk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a Godvolk Is a God

Prison Story (pages 18 and 19)

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Old 6th February 2013, 18:54   #10
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nabarre is a jewel in the roughnabarre is a jewel in the roughnabarre is a jewel in the roughnabarre is a jewel in the rough

He's right. Many pages of Prison Story are missing in between. Could you please upload the story from the beginning?

Originally Posted by Brown123 View Post
Had to post a solid thank you and give you some big props indyzzzz! Your updates have been superb and they've brought many of these stories at least much closer to being current! HUGE and AWESOME!!! Thanks very much.

Of course now you're a victim of your own success as everyone (me included) will be looking for more and more coming from your direction!

On that note, much like Panzer79, I only have the first 10 panels for Prison Story (aka Wife gets Pounded Husband Impounded), so your posting of panels 16 and 17 was very cool, but now that makes me hope that you could also maybe post panels 10 through 15 (or even the whole story just to make sure that we're not weirdly missing something).

I've followed updates for Illust. Inter. on the forums pretty carefully, and I don't believe that anyone has provided an update that took Prison Story past panel 10... but maybe I missed it along the way. In any event, any assistance on that front would be greatly appreciated, and of couse any and all other updates to other stories from the series would be totally righteous! Thanks man.
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