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Old 29th December 2012, 10:58   #1
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Default Breast Implants - Why?!

I hate plastic surgery and breast implants most of all. I've said many times on this forum that I prefer flat-chested natural girls to surgically modified girls and I really mean it. The results are never convincing and the surgical scars are a major turn-off. Even supposedly "good" boobjobs are still bad compared to a natural bust, no matter what size it may be. The only reason I would ever advocate a boobjob is in extreme cases where one breast is noticeably larger or smaller than the other breast, but cases such as those are pretty uncommon and they're practically non-existant in pornography.

Let's take a look at a few babes that have ruined their natural busts through surgical "enhancement."

Monica Mattos

Jana Miartusova

Jennifer Dark

Risi Simms


Katie Summers

Zoe Voss

What was so bad about these girls before they decided to butcher their chests? Perhaps a flat-chested girl faces cultural pressure due to our obsession with big tits, but she can still perform in many incredible scenes and gather a large fan base.

Look at Katie Summers and Zoe Voss. They are ruined now due to shitty breast implants, but neither of them were unattractive in the first place. It is completely unnecessary!

I can almost understand why a second-tier starlet would choose to have this procedure done. "Decent" breast implants can make a girl stand out and help her shoot to stardom. I recognize that. It's a sad truth, but big tits stand out on a TGP thumbnail and attract knee-jerk interest.

What I cannot understand is why established popular porn stars get breast implants. They have fans! They're well known! They're well liked! Most of them are well paid! It's not like getting implants will increase your asking price. Fans aren't clamoring for girls to get these things bolted onto their chests either.

Consider Rebecca Linares. Consider Angel Rivas. Consider Izobella Clark. THESE GIRLS DID NOT NEED BREAST IMPLANTS!

Every time I hear one of my favorite starlets got breast implants, part of me dies. My soul groans. Why do girls do this to their bodies?! It happened most recently when I heard that Ashley/Meggy, one of my favorite up-and-coming Eurobabes, was making a big comeback. I got all excited and then saw a still from her first new scene featuring a full-frontal view of her new breast implants. I instantly saw the scars. I wasn't even looking for them and I saw them.

I mean, why do the girls do this? Even Sasha Rose got breast implants. (Yes, it's true. ) WHY?! She was literally perfect! Granted, I saw that one coming because she has gotten several plastic "enhancements" in recent years, but it's still completely unnecessary!

I cross my fingers in vain hoping that none of my beautiful favorites will destroy their bodies like this, but I always end up frustrated by disappointment after disappointment.

Please, Cayenne Klein. Please, Wiska. Please, Priscilla. Please, Henessy. Please, Alice Romain. Please, Johane Johansson. DO NOT DO THIS TO YOURSELVES. STAY NATURAL.

I don't even care that some of those girls are retired. They are still beautiful. They need not fall victim to our culture's obsession with plastic surgery.

Especially not Cayenne Klein. Especially not now that she's ramping up the hardcore production. STAY NATURAL, BABY.

I mean, check this out.

(For those of you unfamiliar with Ms. Klein and her body of work, she is the blonde on the right.)

That girl is beautiful. She may not have huge tits, but she has a nice body and she is a pretty girl. She puts a lot of passion into her scenes and it pays off. She is a well-liked performer, very in-demand and very highly praised in the Euro porn community.

Natural is beautiful. Large breasts are great, but if a girl lacks them, she can still be beautiful in many other ways. She may have nice eyes, for example, or a wide anal gape, or shapely legs. As soon as they begin to modify their bodies with unnecessary (and often botched) surgical procedures, they might as well just quit porn as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to see that shit.

I do watch scenes featuring girls with breast implants but that's only because there are so many of them. Also, many of my favorite girls have unfortunately gotten breast implants mid-career and I have watched some of their newer material, but I always lose interest after a while. Once they get the surgery, it's only a matter of time before I move on to someone new. On the other hand, if they stay natural, I stay a fan. This has proven true over the course of time. Angel Dark remains one of my favorite stars. The same goes for any of the babes I talked about earlier that thankfully haven't gotten plastic surgery. (*touch wood* ... *no pun intended*) A natural girl is always better. Fans will praise new girls for their natural figures, but you never hear of too many fans fawning over a girl's plastic tits.

Natural is beautiful. Natural is always better.

No trees were killed by this post, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
Last edited by evil-pineapples; 29th December 2012 at 11:10.
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Old 29th December 2012, 13:00   #2
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I agree with you, Zoe Voss looks worse these days, I love perky little breasts! Over time though I have grown to appreciate Alektra Blue's fake whoppers.
I never liked implants but, I have recently been dating a girl with enhancements....and they are the best job I have ever seen, THEY ARE ALSO A LOT OF FUN! So don't write all of them off, some women feel more feminine when they have bigger breasts. It is a personal choice, but in porn world they always go too far and get ridiculous sized implants.
I am a big fan of Erica Ellyson, her implants are not too much and well done. Rikki Six has amazing breasts too, but again I wouldn't mind if they looked like two fruit pastilles on a wall.
The top and bottom of it is...enjoy breasts, boobs, tits, jubblies, chesticles as much as you can they are all different but they are all magical in the art of attracting men!
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Old 29th December 2012, 13:46   #3
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The vast majprity of porn boob jobs are bloody awful. There are very few girls that have nice implants (Karma Rosenberg, Laura Lion, Veronika Zemanova just to name a few). I think in their cases they already had nice boobs but got the implants to firm up what they already had.

If you can look at a girl and instantly be 100% sure its implants then they got a bad boob job (Madelyn Marie and Esperanza Gomez are 2 stunning women with the most awful butchered boob jobs going). When a girl has an A or B cup and goes from that to a D or DD then they just look awful.
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Old 29th December 2012, 13:59   #4
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Abbie Cat was the most tragic one for me. Her natural tits were EPIC nice, now not so much.
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Old 29th December 2012, 16:39   #5
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Guys, the vast majority of porn stars with big boobs are fake ,for some reason most of girls with natural big boobs who enters Adult industries work as adult models and don't do hardcore scenes

Eva Angelina,Shyla Stylez ,Carmella Bing ,Lisa Ann ,Julia Ann and many others ,most of those girls nobody was bothered with their fake tits ,ppl keep complaining about those who looked worse with fake tits and forget the others
Whenever I eneter any porn forums ppl keep complaining about silicon boobs but fact is that they do those implants for a reason and it isn't because they are stupid,it is because most who watch porn prefer big boobs even if they are fake

I won't deny that watching porn stars with fake boobs that isn't awfully done is something I like
though I would prefer if girls with beautiful innocent faces don't do it b4 they are 25
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Old 29th December 2012, 16:49   #6
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What in the hell did zoe do?!? Looks bloody awful!!
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Old 29th December 2012, 16:56   #7
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I Have Never Seen A Good Pair Of Fake Tits Yet.
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Old 29th December 2012, 16:59   #8
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I am in between in this. I love Jynx Maze and Aneta Smrhova (Anetta Keys) who have never gotten their breasts done. they look sexy without them.

There are other girls out there, Jessica Jaymes for example, who I think look great with them. Tanya James was pretty flat chested before she got hers only it can be argued she went way too big when she did go under the knife.

So I guess it's the situation. Like it was said above, some jobs are done horribly with uneven or lopsided breasts. then there are the ones who look perfect and perky.
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Old 29th December 2012, 17:11   #9
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Many of these women are not happy with their bodies. At least that's what I gather from their responses, (not necessarily these women) but others who have been asked by fans why they did it.
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Old 29th December 2012, 17:16   #10
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I will never understand this.....and it just isn't just in porn. I have two friends who got implants (I wish I could show before and after pics just to prove my point) Both girl are gorgeous.Both were far from flat chested. One girl is so tiny that her new breast look so ridiculous she had to have them redone.

When porn stars do it I'm always scratching my head asking WHY????
Kara Novak was a girl I really got into. She wasn't a great porn star but I just liked her body & looks. She did a few movies

After the boob job she quit! Didn't even do a movie with them.

Another was Shawna Lenee

I don't get it....
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