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Old 18th August 2012, 08:12   #1
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Default Ebony gals... White guys... Creampies! -- Now using DF (w/ RS & RG)

Thread cleaned 09/2012 - lingam68

Thread cleaned 10/2012 - Noelle

The vast majority of interracial porn features black men & white women. Since black on white (BoW) almost defines the interracial porn genre, I thought I'd start a thread of something different, kind of a "reverse interracial" thread that features white guys on ebony gals (WoB) that finish with creampies.

I'm trying to keep everything in this thread at least DVD quality (640x480).

Edit (Dec, 2012): It looks like Rapidshare abandoned the "file sharing" business in favor of some kind of "backup" business model. Download rates plummeted for their files. Since they delete after 30 days w/o download, I'll delete those links when dead. Please send me a message if you spot a dead link.

As of the end of the Mayan calendar (21 Dec, 2012) all scenes in the thread are uploaded to Depositfiles, and all DF links should work!

I want to maintain two sets of links for each post. If or when RS changes their D/L cap policies, I'll renew their links and stop supporting RG. RS used to provide a much better free alternative than RG, and we'll have to see what develops.

Edit (Nov, 2012): All posts in the thread should now have links for BOTH Rapidgator and Rapidshare. Since Rapidshare has the overwhelming majority of downloads in the thread, RS links will have the priority for maintenance.

Edit (Oct, 2012): I am trying something I have not seen in other threads on the site. When the file size does not exceed the photo hosting limits, I make an animated GIF of the scene, using the original or full frame size. It's typically ~ 30 frames from the smaller thumbnail capture. I find the animation gives a better sense of the action and movement in the scene. Since the animated GIF files are WAY over the forum size limits, I have to post a non-animated thumbnail. If you click on the thumbnail, the GIF file will load on your browser. It's a good idea to open it in a new tab.

PS has a great thread titled How to prevent file deletion. Following BlueShinobi's advice, I'll include the picture files in the RAR to throw off the bit-count robots. The Rar filenames should be a bit archane, but the file names inside should be easy to follow.

On the topic of file naming convention, my porn collection is roughly 1,750 GB! I can't find anything without a descriptive file naming system. Although the file names will be buried in the RAR file(s), the thumbnail summary will show them at the top. My convention is:

Title-Scene. Title always includes a leading zero for 01-09, even if it's the only title in a series.
Initials of director or key male talent if relevant. Some directors, like Jake Malone or Skeeter Kierkov, have a very distinct look and feel to their work. Some viewer absolutely hate different male talent. I try to identify those who generate the most controversy.
Female talent name(s)
Grouping (MMF, M-FF, Grp, etc)
Interracial elements
Action Tags:
  • DT = Deep Throat
  • DFK = Significant amount of kissing
  • DP = Dual Penetration
  • Fac = Cum on Face
  • CoT = Cum on Tits
  • CiM = Cum in Mouth. Sometimes, it gets used interchangeably with Fac when there's elements of both.
  • An = Anal. I do NOT use this tag if I use DP or ACP because you can't have either one without anal sex.
  • Dbl-An = Two cocks in an ass.
  • Dbl-Pussy = Two cocks in a pussy.
  • ACP = Anal Creampie.
  • VCP = Cum in pussy.
  • ACP-half or VCP-half = some the shot inside and some outside. It's only a partial creampie.
  • Eat = Some one else eats the creampie straight out of the pussy or ass.
  • Eat-M = The male talent eats his own creampie.
  • MILF = Mother I'd Like to Fuck. Although some teens are also MILFs, I use the tag for women who look 30 or older.

This is my first video thread. Since there are so many ways to mess up (or improve) please be patient with me. I also appreciate pointers to make the posts more useful. If you do not like the topic, I prefer not to read your rants about it. The site has plenty of material to satisfy a LOT of different kinks.

If you decide to contribute some IR crempie scenes of your own, please make sure they're good quality and that you follow BlueShinobi's advice so you don't lead censors to this thread.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 22nd December 2012 at 07:40. Reason: Adding DF links and not supporting RS; updated thread w/ RS links; added note about animated GIF files.
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Old 21st October 2012, 08:31   #2
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Default Tatiana Brown: @ss Cr3am Pyes 10-5 [DF, RG, RS]

148MB, 640x480, 17:34, MP4
Action: WoB, ACP

Edit (December, 2012)
Uploaded to Depositfiles and added DF download link.
I plan to support two file hosting services, DF and whichever offers better service.

Added screen shots, and the "highlights" are my favorite shots drawn from ~ 150 captures. Highlights are shrunk to keep the gif below 250K, and then provided in large size as a D/L. It's the best way I know to preview a scene if you're unsure about downloading it.

Personally, I think the producer was an idiot for not using Tatiana as the cover girl. She is gorgeous!The expanded size highlights are just over 5MB. Check them out if you're interested in her looks but the scene doesn't do much for you.

New: Highlights--click on single images to pull up full-size capture. Since the site limits the number of photos in a post (so pages do not take too long to load), there are more highlights in the small animated GIF file and even more in the RAR file for the larger animated GIF.





(highlights--clicking will not do any good)

DF: Click to download full highlights GIF, displays @ 800x600

(Click to view original 28-slide preview, displays @ 640x480)


New DF: Tatiana Brown--Asz_CPs_10-5__Vid_w_Caps.rar

RG: Tatiana Brown--Asz_CPs_10-5__Vid_w_Caps.rar

RS: Tatiana Brown--Asz_CPs_10-5__Vid_w_Caps.rar


Please be sure to send me a private message if you find a dead link. I want to maintain two (working) file server links for every post.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 18th December 2012 at 23:06. Reason: Added DF link & screen shots.
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Old 1st November 2012, 03:48   #3
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Default Essence Beauty: N3W Blk Cheerle@der S3@rch 13 [DF, RG, RS]

Talent: Essence Beauty
N3W Blk Cheerle@der S3@rch 13-1
205MB, MP4, 640x480, 23:35
Action: WoB, VCP

Please be sure to send me a private message if you find a dead link. I want to maintain two (working) file server links for every post.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 18th December 2012 at 23:15. Reason: Added DF link.
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Old 13th November 2012, 10:03   #4
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Default Catalina Taylor: N3w 2 Da G@me 06-4 (720p & 720x480) [DF, RG]

Catalina Taylor
MP4, 720p, 675MB, 23:54 or MP4, 720x480, 265MB, 23:54
Action Codes: WoB, VCP

Edit (December, 2012)
While purging my HD to make room, I mistakenly deleted several files from this thread, both the Rar and original copies. I figured out my error when I went to re-up several RS links and found the original files missing! RS went the extra mile on this post and flagged the files for the 720p version as "illegal" (as opposed to their normal purging process).

Believe it or not, RG applies their daily downlod cap to my own files too! Since I kept hitting the cap, I decided to focus on smaller files to fill missing links in this thread.

Since RG was taking so long to replace the missing 720p files, I downloaded a 527MB wmv version from DF. I then transcoded that large file (using Handbrake) into this 265MB file. While not as good as the 720p file, I cannot see the loss from the wmv file, even though it's only half the size. The download + transcode + upload to both DF & RG took less time that waiting for the RG download caps! RG really needs to make their service more friendly for free users who share files through their servers.

I just uploaded the 720p files to DF, and this is the last post in the thread that was missing a DF link.

720x480 version.

Click on individual photos to pull up 720x480 highlights.




(30-slide preview, 720x480)

(60-slide preview, 720x480)


New Depositfiles (DF): Catalina_Taylor--Neu_2_Da_Gam3_06-4_cat_tay_720x480_video_w_caps-6x5.rar

New Rapidgator (RG): Catalina_Taylor--Neu_2_Da_Gam3_06-4_cat_tay_720x480_video_w_caps-6x5.rar

=== === === === === === === === ===

720p Version (warning: LARGE file)

This post has a LOT of links. Please send me a PM if you find a bad one.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 21st December 2012 at 04:10. Reason: Completed DF links; added 720x480 version.
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Old 17th November 2012, 06:27   #5
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Default Rapidshare Links Added to ALL Posts to Date

While looking at file download rates, I noticed a surprising trend: even the least popular RS downloads still had a 10X download rate compared to the RG links. In some cases the ratio was more like 50:1!

Well, two things motivate me to post, D/L rates and "thanks" feedbacks. In response to the overwhelming preference for RS, I uploaded all the files posted to date in the thread to the RS servers. Since the RS servers are way, way faster for uploads than RG (about 5X), I can kick myself for doing it the harder way all along...

Now that they're uploaded and linked, it's a pain in the ass for RS users to remember which posts they skipped because they were RG-only verses "just not hot enough". Have no fear, I made sure to open each updated post in a separate tab to make it easy for you to look back.

Ch0c Fvll 0 Nvt 01
Mya Mason, Scene 1
Nautica Binx, Scene 5
Katana, Scene 6

F33L1NG Blk (Various volumes)
Jazmine Cashmire & Taylor Jayne w/ Michael Stefano, Vol 3, Scene 4
Marie Luv w/ Michael Stefano & Manuel Ferrara; Vol 5, Scene 1
Alayah & Sashu w/ Michael Stefano; Vol 5, Scene 2
Aleia Tyler w/ Manuel Ferrara; Vol 6, Scene 4
Carmen Hayes & Dena Caly w/ Michael Stefano; Vol 8, Scene 2
Nubia w/ Michael Stefano; Vol 8, Scene 3
Vanessa Monet w/ Michael Stefano & Manuel Ferrara; Vol 8, Scene 4
America w/ Michael Stefano; Vol 8, Scene 5

After triple-checking, I think I got the right talent matched to the right links. Since they weren't all posted in order, the links may jump around the thread a bit (making it harder to check). Please send me a message if you catch an error. Please drop me a note if I missed any of the posts.

Final note:
I have a few hundred more scenes that fit this topic. So far, I tried to draw scenes from various series rather than random white-on-black creampies. I use the "Thanks" feedback mechanism to see what is most popular. So far, there is little correlation between download rates and thanks received. If you like something enough to keep, please click on the "thanks" button.

Please do not allow lack of membership to stop you from using the feedback system. The site is open to new members, and it does not cost anything to join. Wouldn't you like the ability to send a quick note to your favorite posters and participate in the acknowledgment system so they know what YOU like best? So long as you use an anonymous email, there's really not much downside to joining.


Sorry, this took a couple hours to compile, and I need a break. By the time I get back to the computer, my hour-long posting window will have closed. I'll try to get the promised new materials posted some time in the next few days.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 17th November 2012 at 06:45.
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Old 19th November 2012, 03:41   #6
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Cool Kim Pleasures: 0ff1c3 C0nfe$$ionals [DF, RS, RG]

Talent: Kim Pleasures & Michael Stefano
Format: MP4, 191MB, 640x368, 22:11
Action: WoB, POV, VCP

Edit (December, 2012)
Uploaded to Depositfile and added DF download link.
I plan to support two file hosting services, DF and whichever offers better service.

Series Intro
Depending on taste, this series will either be hot or "Meh." It has more of an amateur feel than typical scenes. He switches between a fixed camera (location may change with a scene break) and his hand-held POV camera. He probably did his own lighting and eschewed the human-operated sound boom.

On the positive side, the scenes are more relaxed with unscripted interviews. The make-up and interactions have more emphasis on reality than fantasy.

Talent-wise, these productions do NOT appeal to those looking for DDG gals who we would never nail in our best dreams. Rather than strippers who will fuck you without any penetration or high-end escorts that cater exclusively to the rich and powerful, he goes for a combination of true amateurs and 2nd-tier escorts. My first post is a case in point. You may notice some strange names on the covers and in some scenes. They're more appropriate for street walkers' monikers. Well, that just speaks to the "availability to the 'normal' guy" fantasy in the series.

Who is Kim Pleasures?
For me, her most important characteristic is that she's the only gal in this series that I've actually fucked. We met at a "mixer", which is a party where internet escorts and "hobbyists" get together and party. In person, she has a charming, up-beat personality, knows how to have fun and is a good dancer. Looks-wise, she was in the middle of the pack with some gals hotter and even more less-hot. Personality-wise, though she was great!

Since prostitution is illegal in California (largest source of porn in the world), no "solicitation" is allowed during the mixers to protect the organizers and prevent attendees from continual harassment by the Vice Dept. The REAL action is the the after-party parties in hotel rooms! After enjoying her during the party, we had even more fun after we saw each other at an after party and shifted over to a a private party!

Kim can be found on the internet in Northern California and has been reportedly sighted walking "the track" on International Blvd. in Oakland. While I haven't seen one of her ads in my area for several months, I'd definitely repeat with her, given the opportunity.

Please be sure to send me a private message if you find a dead link. I want to maintain two (working) file server links for every post.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 13th May 2013 at 22:13. Reason: Added DF link. Fixed caps
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Old 19th November 2012, 03:54   #7
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Default Pleasure Bunny: 0ff1ce C0nfe$$ionals 02-2 [DF, RS, RG]

Talent: Pleasure Bunny & Michael Stefano (cover girl)
Format: MP4, 197MB, 640x368, 22:49
Action: PoV WoB, VCP

Edit (December, 2012)
Uploaded to Depositfile and added DF download link.
I plan to support two file hosting services, DF and whichever offers better service.

Where do these pimps come up with these names? Any time you see a white girl (stripper, escort, or other sex worker) with some variation on "Snow Bunny" she might as well proclaim, "Yeah, I have a black pimp!" Want to bet "Pleasure Bunny" was assigned by a pimp, not some "talent agent"? Of course, she looks so hot on the cover that I can care less about her working name!

(Yeah, I went with the full-size pic because she IS the cover girl.)




(30-slide preview, 640x368)


DF: Pleasure Bunny--0ff_C0NF_02-2.rar

RS: Pleasure Bunny--0ff_C0NF_02-2.rar

RG: Pleasure Bunny--0ff_C0NF_02-2.rar


Please be sure to send me a private message if you find a dead link. I want to maintain two (working) file server links for every post.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 11th December 2012 at 12:32. Reason: Added DF link & comment. Re-upped RG link
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Old 19th November 2012, 04:01   #8
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Default Tinkerbell: 0ff1ce C0nfe$$ionals 02-5 [DF, RS, RG]

Talent: Tinkerbell & Michael Stefano
Format: MP4, 175MB, 640x368, 20:21
Action: PoV, WoB, VCP

Edit (December, 2012)
Uploaded to Depositfile and added DF download link.
I plan to support two file hosting services, DF and whichever offers better service.

You know, I feel stupid even putting her name into the post. Can you imagine the conversation when she found out her working name? "You want to call me WHAT?"

Please be sure to send me a private message if you find a dead link. I want to maintain two (working) file server links for every post.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 11th December 2012 at 12:32. Reason: Added DF link. Fixed caps
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Old 20th November 2012, 07:11   #9
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Default Niki Vonn: 0ff1ce C0nfe$$ionals 06-7 [DF, RS, RG]

Talent: Niki Vonn & Michael Stefano
Format: MP4, 203MB, 640x368, 23:37
Action: PoV, WoB, VCP

Edit (December, 2012)
Uploaded to Depositfile and added DF download link.
I plan to support two file hosting services, DF and whichever offers better service.

OK, I can see this series is not too popular. Since I already have it uploaded, I continue until I shared it all. In the future, I'll look for some better eye candy as a break from "reality".

Please be sure to send me a private message if you find a dead link. I want to maintain two (working) file server links for every post.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 18th December 2012 at 23:32. Reason: Added DF link. Fixed caps
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Old 20th November 2012, 07:21   #10
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Default Mahogany Bliss: 0ff1ce C0nfe$$ions 07-3 [DF, RG]

Talent: Mahogany Bliss & Michael Stefano
Format: Mp4, 195MB, 640x368, 22:40
Action: PoV, WoB, VCP

Edit (December, 2012)
Uploaded to Depositfile and added DF download link.
I plan to support two file hosting services, DF and whichever offers better service.

The RS link was dead, and I removed it. Even though RG is thoroughly miserable for the free user, their link should still work.

Please be sure to send me a private message if you find a dead link. I want to maintain two (working) file server links for every post, and this one is already down to two.
Last edited by CP-Lover; 11th December 2012 at 12:34. Reason: Added DF link & removed dead RS link. Fixed caps
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