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Old 19th December 2010, 18:55   #1
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Thumbs up That stupid pornstar punishment concept (read James Deen's words!)

As you might know br@zzers has a site called "pornstar punishment" and James Deen often is the male performer in those scenes. I always thought that he is doing quite a good job in some of them (at least definitely better than these other guys), but still the problem I have with this concept is the following:

Rough sex is absolutely hot if the girl is into it and enjoys it.

But (as the title suggests) at this site they present sex as a form of punishment and it's basically about making the girls feel uncomfortable, which is not only not hot, but if you think about it, also pretty sick. And also these scenes have been getting more and more stupid lately, which made me stop watching them.

Anyway, I found it pretty cool that James Deen adressed exactly this issue in one of his blog posts.

Here's what he wrote:

Originally Posted by James Deen (from his blog)
... Anyway, all the scenes on pornstarpunishment are more on the “vanilla” side to my rough sex catalog but by comparison to their other sites I guess it is rough for them. However, today was with Nicki Hunter who I have been fucking since I was 18 and she and I have been known to get ROUGH!!! Needless to say we got down and dirty. The director’s exact words were “well that was amazing but most of it will never be released“… I am strangely proud of that. the site is all these weird set ups where a girl will do something and then I proceed to “get even” with her by having forceful sex with her. It is odd. I feel like it could be really cool if the set up’s were more about girls liking rough sex and trying to do things to get guys to fuck them all crazy like but what do I know. I personally would just rather see a girl liking getting fucked super hard opposed to getting punished. ...
Like I said, this is exactly what I've been thinking about this site for a long time, and therefore I can completely agree with his opinion here.

What do you think?
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Old 19th December 2010, 19:06   #2
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I think thats the thing about porn (and alot of other industries too) They always assume that going one "better" is the way to go. They see the fans are enjoying the Dom aspect of it and then go one further, "the girl looks like shes enjoying it too much" so they make it more like she isnt enjoying it to further the domination.
I guess that is what happened to a site called everythingbutt too. People enjoy the lesbian domination, then add a cock to further dominate the girl.

I think it puts off more of its current fans then the new fans it will create.

You should comment on his blog to show that the fans prefer it too, not that he would have much say in the scene but who knows...
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Old 19th December 2010, 20:55   #3
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If you look at the Ghetto Doorway banner (probably in this thread somewhere in the middle) or another thread you will see 3 black girls puking, gagging, and crying all at the same time. How is this erotic? What type of person is attracted to that site?

If a person wants to be dominated a little bit, light playful bondage, spanking, or roughed up a lil bit for the "thrill of it" thats one thing but clearly NONE of the 3 girls look like they are enjoying whats being done to them. To me someone that hates women runs that site. There can be no other conclusion to draw from that then the fact someone wants to ruin, degrade, and destroy a black woman. Not erotic at all.
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Old 19th December 2010, 21:11   #4

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Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
If you look at the Ghetto Doorway banner (probably in this thread somewhere in the middle) or another thread you will see 3 black girls puking, gagging, and crying all at the same time. How is this erotic? What type of person is attracted to that site?

If a person wants to be dominated a little bit, light playful bondage, spanking, or roughed up a lil bit for the "thrill of it" thats one thing but clearly NONE of the 3 girls look like they are enjoying whats being done to them. To me someone that hates women runs that site. There can be no other conclusion to draw from that then the fact someone wants to ruin, degrade, and destroy a black woman. Not erotic at all.
Pornstar Punishment is rather tame compared to the Facial Abuse, Ghetto Gaggers stuff.
While some of the girls enjoy the style of those two...for most that appear in it it is very much a workday.
And the fetish is supposed to be quite rough and even mean...that's part of the fetish and the spectacle. At the same time...the dynamic is totally different from say, rape play. Heck, Pornstar Punishment dips more into that idea stream than Facial Abuse or such does.

In the Facial Abuse, Ghetto stuff...there are also elements of acting too at times. I remember one with Kyra Steele where she *breaks down* at the end...but she was obviously acting. And acting elsewhere too. I believe she's even gone to acting school before she wound up in porno.
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Old 19th December 2010, 21:37   #5
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I hate women to the same extent most males do due to differences between the sexes. I also fail to see the point in feeling any emotional attachment to them and remain purely in the pursuit of physical pleasure.

Even then I find hate-fucking stuff like any Gagger scene just disgusting. We already ruined everything else good in the world with violence, why must it encroach upon sex?!
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Old 20th December 2010, 00:18   #6
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The worst porn acting ones has got to be for the site "Creampie Surprise". Its so funny the way the girls act in the last minute or so. Their "acting" is so god awful it cracks me up.

Cassandra Calogera stormed off the scene and sat on the toilet in stunned disbelief (her 1st scene for them as she has done 2 scenes). Natasha Nice just kept saying "WTF Dude" like she was some surfer chick and didn't know what that milky white stuff was that was leaking out of her cunt.

When the girls try to act they are so terrible at it that its actually amusing. Even the black males in Blacks on Blonds and Cougars on Blonds are better actors then the girls. Watch the scenes with June Summers and Friday if you want a good laugh at their terrible acting (although the sex scenes itself make up for it with the 2 girls). Shorty Mac mumbles his way into their pussy every time.
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Old 20th December 2010, 03:31   #7
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Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
The worst porn acting ones has got to be for the site "Creampie Surprise". Its so funny the way the girls act in the last minute or so. Their "acting" is so god awful it cracks me up.

Cassandra Calogera stormed off the scene and sat on the toilet in stunned disbelief (her 1st scene for them as she has done 2 scenes). Natasha Nice just kept saying "WTF Dude" like she was some surfer chick and didn't know what that milky white stuff was that was leaking out of her cunt.

When the girls try to act they are so terrible at it that its actually amusing. Even the black males in Blacks on Blonds and Cougars on Blonds are better actors then the girls. Watch the scenes with June Summers and Friday if you want a good laugh at their terrible acting (although the sex scenes itself make up for it with the 2 girls). Shorty Mac mumbles his way into their pussy every time.
I am with you in regards to the bad acting and the actress has a few more on her record, that being said check out Ashley Roberts one I have only been able to find 1 scene that was not on her website and no more creampies. IMO
I think that one was genuine.
Here is a list of movies and shows I have uploaded.

I haven't seen a beatin' like that since somebody stuck a banana in my pants and turned a monkey loose.

Cousin Eddie.
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Old 20th December 2010, 08:50   #8
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I've only seen one scene with Lisa Ann being 'interrogated' but it was just stuff those guys at Rocco were doing all the time but without the whole set-up. And it sure is pretty tame (lame) if you compare it with what the Asstraffic/Allinternal guys get away with.

It seems to me like American packaging (or re-branding) of something that isn't necessarily pretty.
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Old 21st December 2010, 01:59   #9
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Originally Posted by Dustbunny View Post
I've only seen one scene with Lisa Ann being 'interrogated' but it was just stuff those guys at Rocco were doing all the time but without the whole set-up. And it sure is pretty tame (lame) if you compare it with what the Asstraffic/Allinternal guys get away with.

It seems to me like American packaging (or re-branding) of something that isn't necessarily pretty.
You're right! I didn't say that these scenes are necessarily too rough, I just think the "punishment idea" is fucked up.

Why can't there be something like positive rough sex? Doesn't need any punishment, just a woman and a man who are willing to get crazy. And from Deen's blog post it seems like this chemistry was there in that scene. But then - and you have to realize how fucking stupid this is! - because the scene doesn't fit into their "punishment scheme" anymore (maybe because she looked like she was enjoying it too much ) they go ahead and probably cut out the best parts. At least, this is how I understand the situation.

Anyone who cuts out moments of female pleasure from a scene is either incredibly stupid and/or a women-hater! Once I even read something that female orgasms are considered unprofessional in porn - makes you really wonder what types of people work in that industry!
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Old 22nd December 2010, 03:45   #10

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I have to agree. It's only hot if the girl WANTS it rough, says "Fuck me harder," etc. I don't want to see a woman abused at all...it's a major turn off. But when a woman says to spank her ass and fuck her harder, that's hot. Not into the slapping of the face, spitting on the face, or slapping the breasts.

The Tough Love series is an example of what is wrong with porn (with one exception...a scene in Tough Love I with Jordan Styles begging to have her hair pulled, her ass spanked, and to be fucked harder...all the while she's bucking like a fiend). Otherwise, it's a total turn off.
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