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Old 31st August 2007, 15:51   #1
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Default Rebecca Lord

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Rebecca Lord

wikipedia Entry:
Rebecca Lord (born 16 February 1973) is the stage name of a French pornographic
actress and nude model.

Originally from Paris, France, Lord was a make up artist before answering a
newspaper ad seeking a girl for an amateur pornographic movie in 1993. She has
since starred a number of features, and has appeared on The Howard Stern Show
twice in November 1999 and once in June 2001. She used condoms in almost all
of her boy/girl scenes.

She also stars in a non pornographic art film entitled I Am a Sex Addict.

In November 2005, Lord denied on her website reports that she had retired.

French director David Carroll initially gave her the stage name Rebecca Lords
as a reference to Traci Lords. While listing her name in the credits, however,
he mistakenly omitted the S, and her name became Rebecca Lord.
She currently resides in Foristell, MO

Birthdate: 16 February 1973
Birth location: Paris, France
Measurements: 34B-23-34
Height: 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m)
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Brunette
Natural bust: Yes
Orientation: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Alias(es): Rebecca Carre, R. Lord, Rebecca Lords, Rebeca Lord
No. of films: 264

FAQs From Her Website:
1. Are you really French?
Yes I am. I was born in Paris France and have been in the United States for
more than 12 years now.

2. How did a nice girl like you find her way into the Adult Film Industry?
I found an advertisement in the Paris newspaper looking for a girl to be in
an amateur video, I did it and liked it. One thing lead to another and HERE I am.

3. How do I get in the business, do I have to have a big dick?
Or if I'm a pretty girl?
Although size is important, functionality is the rule. Most men, outside of
their ego, just can't do it. If you have to try, call World Modeling in Van Nuys,
If you are a pretty girl, email me a picture, I am always looking for new faces
for my productions

4. Do you really cum in your scenes?
Yes, most of the time. It's very easy when you only work with people you LIKE
working with. It becomes difficult if the director yells cut every 2 minutes.

5. How much do Adult Film Stars make?
It depends on who they are and what they do. For me, it's a private issue.

6. Aren't you worried about AIDS, HIV and other STD's?
EVERYBODY should be worried about it. I only work with condoms (NO exceptions)
and a current NEGATIVE DNA HIV test is a MUST.

7. What is your favorite movie you've made?
Actually there are many of them. My favorites are the one I directed of course:
Pure Sex, Sensations 1 & 2, Rebecca Lord's World Tour and Unfaithful. I love to
be behind the monitor and jump into any scene I want. Right now, the other ones
that come to mind would be The Fantasy Chamber, Clockwork Orgy, NML17, Devil In
Miss Jones 5. But I think that what I really like the most is my series,
Rebecca's Naugthy Home Video. I had all the freedom to shoot whatever I wanted,
so naturally I express myself way more than in any other movie. No boundaries.

8. What is it like on a movie set?
Most of the time it's just a bunch of naked girls, running around looking for
someone to play with.

9. Who are your favorite people to work with?
That's not an easy question. I am very fortunate to work with alot of great
people. To name a few

Michael J. Coxx, Sean Michaels, Steven St. Croix, Mark Davis,
Randy West, Tony Tedeschi, Tom Byron, Jon Dough,
Peter North, Julian St. Jox, Vince Voyeur, Randy Spears

Jenna Jameson, Asia Carerra, Jill Kelly, Julie Ashton, Missy, Janine,
Roxanne Hall, Kylie Ireland, Felecia, Inari vachs, Lea Martini, Temptress

10. What does your husband think about what you do?
He is not involved in the business, well, not as an actor, but he is very
supportive and proud of me. He respects what I do.

11. What is it like when you have sex at home?
It's at least ten times better than anything on tape. Even the neighbors

12. What do you do when you're not working?
It's not very often but when I can get some time off, I like to ride horses,
go to the theater to see movies, or spend some time taking care of my dogs.
(3 Boxers)

13. What is your favorite position?
I don't really have a favorite one. I like them all! The most important for me,
is that the position allows my partner to penetrate me real deep. I want to feel
him. Doggy is good for this reason. I also like the Reverse Cow Girl, to sit on
a hard dick and be in control!

14. Will you be dancing in my area, soon?
I don't know. Most of the time, my agent gives me my schedule one month in
advance. To be sure not to miss me, touring your area, regularly check the
On the Road page. It's all there.

15. Do you do anal scenes? In which movies?
Yes, but very rarely. Anal sex for me is reserved for my private life. The best
way you will see me in an anal scene is to order the video tape I did for my Fans,
only available on my site (My First Anal) It's not that I don't like it. I just
don't feel like doing it all the time. Anal is a real pleasure to me and I don't
want to waste it on a set. Recently , I have done it again, inter-racial,
this time. You can also check my First DP.

16. Can I get an autographed picture or a free tape?
No, there are enough pictures to download on the site, so please do not email
me to get one. As for the free tape, you sure can get one if you subscribe to
my Member Section. I have a subscription that includes a XXX tape. Otherwise,
don't even think about it. If I had to send free tapes and photos to everyone
asking, I'll be homeless in not time. LOL

17. Have you ever done a DP (double penetration)?
Yep, for my site, once: it's called My first DP Or only in my private life.
I can tell you that it is great. I love it. Two men, just for me. I also enjoy to
have another guy in my mouth, in the mean time. I have done it again recently
but this time with a white and a black guy.

18. Have you ever done inter-racial scenes?
Yes, several with black actors I love, like Sean Michael or Mr Marcus
(see my bio page for the list of movie). Also, two scenes in Japan with Japanese
actors (but the movies are not released in the US). For me skin color don't
matter as long as the guy have a big cohoona, a good look, and a nice attitude.
Recently , I have also done an inter-racial Double Penetration.

19. Are your tits natural? Do you workout?
Everything is 100% natural. No fake boobs or anything else. I wouldn't do it
for all the gold in the world, except if my tits were damaged or falling to my
bellybottom. I do not workout because I have no time. My workout is sex,
everydays, sometimes several time a day. That's the best workout in the world.
I also dance regularly and that beat any workout in the world. Anyway, I am too
lazy to workout.

20. Are you gonna retire soon?
Not that I know of! :) As long as I enjoy what I do, there are no reasons for
me to retire. I produce my own movies, I dance in strip Clubs, do Magazine
Lay outs, work for other productions, sign autographs in stores and conventions,
and the rest of the time, I work to improve my site as much as I can. By the way,
my site is not owned by anybody but me. I will retire the day I feel that I don't
enjoy being in movies. Of course, I do not plan to stay forever either. I mean
I think there are a lot of pretty new and young actresses and that someday, you
have to stop (you became too old for this shit).

21. What's your plan for the future?
When I retire, I want to open a bar and a restaurant. I hope that many fans
will come to eat at my place. For the rest, I don't know? I'd like to stay in
the US. I love that country, it's such a beautiful place. I cross USA four times,
from West to East and back, and saw most of the States. My favorite states are
Arizona, Maine, Colorado, Oregon, & Montana. Those states are incredibly
beautiful. Of course, I love Northern California. And the City of New York.
Remind me of Paris.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
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Old 4th July 2009, 06:20   #2
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Smile Rebecca Lord with Randy Spears - Rebecca And Friends Exposed (2002)

Rebecca Lord with Randy Spears. Rebecca And Friends Exposed (2002) ~ Scene 1

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Old 4th July 2009, 20:06   #3
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Talking Rebecca And Friends Exposed - Behind the Scenes

Rebecca And Friends Exposed (2002) Behind the Scenes

75.36 MB
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Old 6th July 2009, 15:22   #4

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REBECCA LORD & BEATRICE VALLE -'Cronaca Neva 1 : Scuole Superiori '

down: http://depositfiles.com/files/pew7puu72
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Old 26th October 2009, 19:50   #5
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Rebecca Lord Cum Shots
WMV, 34MB, 15:33min


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Old 4th April 2010, 23:06   #6

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Rebecca Lord - Cronaca Nera 1 scene 6
avi h.264 - 704x384 - 16:9 widescreen

Beatrice Valle, Rebecca Lord - Cronaca Nera 1 scene 7
avi h.264 - 704x384 - 16:9 widescreen

Beatrice Valle, Rebecca Lord - Cronaca Nera 1 scene 8
avi h.264 - 704x384 - 16:9 widescreen
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Old 14th July 2010, 19:22   #7

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Rebecca Lord - 100 blowjobs 7

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Old 11th September 2010, 07:27   #8
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from "Body Language"

120.8 MB
512 x 384
00 : 10 : 50
DivX 5.x/6.x, avi
1419 kbps
29.970 fps



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Old 1st December 2010, 10:41   #9

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Rebecca Lord - Gigolo , Sc4

WMV 720x480
Length : 13:45 Minutes
207.41 MB

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Old 21st February 2011, 10:25   #10

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Rebecca Lord and Sharon Mitchell - Whispers

AVI Xvid (161.35 MB), 12 Mins, 640x480

Sharon Mitchell started out as a porn performer and went on to become one of the most important HIV/AIDS activists in the entire world. What is her reward for all of her hard work.... she gets to eat the pussy of modern day starlet Rebecca Lord!
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