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Old 22nd August 2009, 11:34   #1

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Default Which male pornstar is the roughest one?


what do you think which male pornstar fucks really rough?

I like scenes with Justin Slayer or Nacho Vidal, they fuck their female partners really nice, hard and strong.

Please Post your favourite male pronstar and maybe a link to a nice example where you can see him in action.

Your Horst
Last edited by HorstSchlemmer; 22nd August 2009 at 16:27.
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Old 22nd August 2009, 16:59   #2
Infallable..never mind

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Steve French. Here's what Alex Devine said about getting roughed up by him in "Donkey Punch" and remember, this stupid whore called herself "Extreme Alex."

DONKEY PUNCH was the most brutal, depressing, scarey scene that I have ever done. I have tried to block it out from my memory due to the severe abuse I recieved during the filming. I had been made to believe that the scene was going to be more sex, penetration, and rough as opposed to being 'beat up' with a few penetrations. The guy, Steve French has a natural hatred towards women in the sense that he has always been known to be more brutal than EVER needed. I agreed to do the scene thinking it was less beating, except the 'punch' in the head. If you noticed, steve had worn his solid gold ring the entire time, and continued to punch me with it. I actually stopped the scene while it was being filmed because I was in too much pain. I begged for him to remove the ring but he refused. That almost made me walk off the set and say 'fuck it'. I sucked it up and wanted to finish so i would be paid. Witht he ring on his hand still, we continued the scene.
**Now i am not sure how much you all know about me, but I have had some major surgeries on my head. One was on the lower back right of my skull.... The doctor never replaced the bone there because it grows back on its own. It had been several years since that surgery, and i now have grown a strong cartilage in place of my missing bone.

I had specifically explained that Steve could not hit that spot, and that anywhere else on my head was fine. I explained this to him as well, showing him on my head the places. He acknowledged the request of mine.
As the pop happened he punched me several times in the head. Exactly where he was told not to. He did it with the ring on too.[my edit...]
*you can hear me scream in pain 'wrong side! ow, ow, wrong side!' in the movie and trailer.
I had to re-do the pop shot/donkey punch for 'better footage' while in pain, and he wore the damn ring again.

At the end of my scene they had me sit on the couch with the directors and explain that I was ok and was willing to do the scene. I was in tears

I sincerely hope that no one enjoys that scene. I want to cry when I think about it.
I think I just got wood re-reading that.
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Old 22nd August 2009, 17:59   #3
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Originally Posted by bill_az View Post
Steve French. Here's what Alex Devine said about getting roughed up by him in "Donkey Punch" and remember, this stupid whore called herself "Extreme Alex."
DONKEY PUNCH was the most brutal, depressing, scarey scene that I have ever done. I have tried to block it out from my memory due to the severe abuse I recieved during the filming. I had been made to believe that the scene was going to be more sex, penetration, and rough as opposed to being 'beat up' with a few penetrations. The guy, Steve French has a natural hatred towards women in the sense that he has always been known to be more brutal than EVER needed. I agreed to do the scene thinking it was less beating, except the 'punch' in the head. If you noticed, steve had worn his solid gold ring the entire time, and continued to punch me with it. I actually stopped the scene while it was being filmed because I was in too much pain. I begged for him to remove the ring but he refused. That almost made me walk off the set and say 'fuck it'. I sucked it up and wanted to finish so i would be paid. Witht he ring on his hand still, we continued the scene.
**Now i am not sure how much you all know about me, but I have had some major surgeries on my head. One was on the lower back right of my skull.... The doctor never replaced the bone there because it grows back on its own. It had been several years since that surgery, and i now have grown a strong cartilage in place of my missing bone.

I had specifically explained that Steve could not hit that spot, and that anywhere else on my head was fine. I explained this to him as well, showing him on my head the places. He acknowledged the request of mine.
As the pop happened he punched me several times in the head. Exactly where he was told not to. He did it with the ring on too.[my edit...]
*you can hear me scream in pain 'wrong side! ow, ow, wrong side!' in the movie and trailer.
I had to re-do the pop shot/donkey punch for 'better footage' while in pain, and he wore the damn ring again.

At the end of my scene they had me sit on the couch with the directors and explain that I was ok and was willing to do the scene. I was in tears

I sincerely hope that no one enjoys that scene. I want to cry when I think about it.

Originally Posted by bill_az View Post
I think I just got wood re-reading that.
I did not get wood from reading that sad description of abusive exploitation.

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Old 22nd August 2009, 18:05   #4
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I think the current title holder is Erik Everhard.

Cass Calogera has since said that she's not quitting the biz... no thanks to Erik's pussy-breaking goo hammer!
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Old 23rd August 2009, 01:01   #5
Infallable..never mind

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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
I did not get wood from reading that sad description of abusive exploitation.
A little background:

You gotta read between the lines to spot all the lies in this little polemic.

Alex Devine walked around Porn Valley for years calling herself "extreme," doing ATMs, DAPs, piss and vomit scenes (ask Mandy Taylor about the time Alex ate 30 marshmallows and puked on her for a half hour). Her IAFD listing is like a dictionary of the most extreme acts in porno. So for her to pretend she's some neophyte victim here...does not compute.

I also know there was a video camera shooting while the producers explicitly went over how rough the scene would be. I mean they planned it down to the minute. They gave her every opportunity to back out, and offered to pay her $500 if she wanted to go home. She wasn't as clueless as she claims. The "rough" scene producers may be scumbags and lowlifes, but they aren't stupid. Max, Kahn Tusion, Wanker Wang...these cretins sit the girls down and film them signing their paperwork and talking about the scene.

Also, this BS about leaving your head open after surgery. As far as I know...we aren't crabs. Our bones do NOT grow back if they are removed. Try cutting half your femur out...notice how she said the bone would grow back, then said it was cartilage...your head does have cartilage...except it's in your nose. And if she was injured so badly, why didn't she go to CalOSHA, or the police? Kelly Wells once complained that Belladonna broke her jaw on a set, but mysteriously could never produce a hospital chart to confirm any of this. And I won't even get into the girls who need some cash and develop vague forms of cancer, which magically goes into remission after someone organizes a fundraiser for them.

Not to mention that at least one reviewer wrote, "Devine has the most devilish eyes, and I'll give her top honors since there seems to be some perverted thread in her that enjoys this...."

So for this whore to complain so loudly really says more about the damage to her psyche than to her body. Every human being has a natural "fight-or-flight" instinct. I like to think that, at that very moment when she knew what was seconds away, she made that fight/flight decision, and realized that Gucci handbags and Prada sunglasses were not worth this. "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto."

The video itself is kinda ho-hum, so no I don't get physically aroused by her. But reading her little rants, that is precious.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 01:34   #6
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I have heard my name here.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 01:36   #7
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
I have heard my name here.
LOL...right after Rammstein does "The Wizard of Oz."
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Old 23rd August 2009, 05:55   #8

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Well...Maybe next time, that bastard could stab the girl in the back while she is sucking his dick...
And still, some people would find that funny!!!
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Old 23rd August 2009, 13:26   #9
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i would actually have more sympathy for her if she exercised more judgement.

"...I actually stopped the scene while it was being filmed because I was in too much pain. I begged for him to remove the ring but he refused. That almost made me walk off the set and say 'fuck it'. I sucked it up and wanted to finish so i would be paid. Witht he ring on his hand still, we continued the scene..."

if she thought it was too dangerous she should have walked there and then
as bill_az mentioned it was the money etc... that clouded her judgement.

but more importantly if she had these particular medical weaknesses and
vunerabilities associated with her head she should have never agreed to do
the scene in the 1st place

people often cry 'exploitation' but here we have a woman who had every
opportunity not to be exploited but still went ahead and collaborated in
her own exploitation.at some point you have to take responsibility for
your own action.

Actresses are regularly tested for STD,perhaps they should also
have to submit to IQ tests

btw i watched the scene and was underwhelmed,far from giving
me wood i just thought it was another overhyped incident...in the same
way that San fernando valley porn is never really extreme...
brazilian mfx pr0n thats another matter.
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Old 23rd August 2009, 14:58   #10

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Default TT Boy

Probably dating myself, but TT Boy is the most abusive fucker I've ever seen. I won't watch scenes with him.
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