Kristen Strout is a professional model, spokesmodel, bikini contest competitor, social media influencer and she also invests in real estate. She was born in Portsmouth, VA on the naval base and moved to Central Florida when she was 5. She has lived in Florida up until recently where she just moved to Nashville, TN.
Kristen Strout is a tomboy and country girl at heart, loves rock music and rides a Yamaha R1 and owns a C7 Corvette. At age 21, she started playing in The Lingerie Football League for the Orlando Fantasy, where they chose her to be the one girl from the team to be both on the official LFL football and in their calendar. After that she started doing bikini contests, which ended up being the start of her modeling career. She began winning numerous big contest and attending different car and bike events and became a promo and spokesmodel. She has worked with numerous big companies and has been published in many calendars and magazines. Just recently, her Instagram took off and she is now a social media influencer as well.
Kristen currently resides in Nashville, TN, where she is still pursuing modeling and house investing and is now an aspiring singer as well!