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Old 1st November 2015, 17:13   #1
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Default Hidden Content Question

Hey all, just starting out on planetsuzy here. On some videos it says "hidden content" and I have to say "thank you" to unlock it? I have no idea how to get about this and would be really appreciated if y'all could help me out. Peace!
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Old 1st November 2015, 17:17   #2
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Click the "Thanks" Button at bottom right of the post, refresh the page, and you will see the link.

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Old 1st November 2015, 17:37   #3
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Originally Posted by Gwynd View Post
Click the "Thanks" Button at bottom right of the post, refresh the page, and you will see the link.
Thank you. I was using mobile version and found it when I switched to default
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Old 1st November 2015, 20:00   #4
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Personally, I am against this practice, and strongly feel that our Planet should not allow it, or at the very least the poster should state on what host the file is held, what is its overall size, and in the case that it consists of multiple downloads that need to be joined, how many of these will a member need to download.

No point in thanking a post before being able to discover that the file is hosted on a crap filelocker, and that you will have to wait hours before being allowed to download each and every part.

A compromise solution, would be to allow members to withdraw given thank when they discover that they have basically been duped.

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Old 2nd November 2015, 18:48   #5
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We DO require members to identify the hosts and size of file that are hidden with the "hide" tags

We added this "feature" because many links were dieing / being deleted and this helped greatly in reducing this issue.
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Old 2nd November 2015, 20:01   #6
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Originally Posted by timmodude View Post

We DO require members to identify the hosts and size of file that are hidden with the "hide" tags

We added this "feature" because many links were dieing / being deleted and this helped greatly in reducing this issue.
I stand corrected.

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Old 3rd November 2015, 10:03   #7
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Originally Posted by timmodude View Post

We DO require members to identify the hosts and size of file that are hidden with the "hide" tags

We added this "feature" because many links were dieing / being deleted and this helped greatly in reducing this issue.
I noticed many posts with hidden links that doesn't state the filehost used. Some members seem to be not aware of that rule.
I will report those posts when I see them.

Originally Posted by alexora View Post
No point in thanking a post before being able to discover that the file is hosted on a crap filelocker, and that you will have to wait hours before being allowed to download each and every part.

A compromise solution, would be to allow members to withdraw given thank when they discover that they have basically been duped.
Although I can definitely understand your frustration, I don't think un-thanking a post is necessary. Posters have no obligation to use your personal favorite filehost.
Regardless of the filehost used, the poster still deserves to be thanked for taking his time to upload the content and share it here on planetsuzy. At least the post made you aware of the content you want and you can then search for the same content uploaded to a different filehost or request for re-up in "Up/download Host Requests" thread.
Last edited by justapornguy; 3rd November 2015 at 10:22.
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Old 4th November 2015, 00:29   #8
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Originally Posted by alexora View Post

No point in thanking a post before being able to discover that the file is hosted on a crap filelocker, and that you will have to wait hours before being allowed to download each and every part.
You thank one post and will see which host the poster uses. Then you don't thank him again if shit host is used, it is child's play

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Old 27th February 2017, 00:16   #9
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Default Hidden Content

contains hidden content You will have to click 'thank you' to see hidden content

The hide links feature is a main question that all posters should ask round about their first post. The posters do not create the content, their role is to post copies of copies with a self appointed artistic license. So to give a thanks dependent on the content seems primarily misguided and fundamentally absurd. The other possibility is giving thanks for listing the content accurately. Since this is Planet Suzy "The Best Structured Porn Sharing Site" on the whole internet we're talking about, again not relevant. PATM you can't miss. Or everywhere else is themed and labels are less relevant anyway. With that opening statement almost anything under that PlanetSuzy banner is effort towards the PlanetSuzy structure.

But still the question is hanging, unanswered. Are you wanting thanks if the end user has an actual orgasm due to your post. Which is altogether creepy and not in anyway related to why I want to share my collection. Most guys move straight on to the next hit after shooting their load. lol No looking back in appreciation, gratitude or thanks, just ask your mum! lol It's so easy to just leech and take and take ..... and take. & give fuck all back. Not even bother to dish out free internet points that add up, to authenticate reputations. lol

Or are you wanting thanks for your time and efforts in the labyrinth of endless choices & making available something of interest, regardless of how "their viewing" went. lol The poster has spent an hour at least on each post, From originally finding, downloading, shuffling about on their hard drive, uploading and posting again I would say an hour minimum. Then some unappreciative douchebag comes along thinks that post looks OK, downloads it, views it B-) , then decides it's not up to their standard of free downloads and walks on by with out acknowledgement. FFS That logic sucks floppy cocks.

Imagine it was a porno mag of Beastie Boys fame, you lent to your mate down at the ganghut. He would probably say thanks first as you handed it over. Then when he was returning the magazine (highly unlikely if it was a good issue and a ruinous outcome for many a solid collection of yesteryear) he would comment on some aspect of the mag, the centrefold's boobs or the amount of cumshots in her face. One thing he definitely wouldn't do is come back afterwards and say, "yeah, thanks for the pleasure. Here, let me shake your hand!" Dirty bam! lol He would say thanks at the point of access not after he's glued the pages together.

My point is, whether you enjoyed the video / picture set or not the poster spent time and possibly effort in making it available. Then there's also the risk of getting trouble from Johnny Law. Your happiness is not the posters responsibility. It clearly states in the opening statements of the forum-wide guidelines always click thanks. Yet hardly anybody does! The way some people treat the thanks button reminds me of the Scotsman who wouldn't breathe out in case he ran out of breathe. Ha ha. No offence big man!

And if the links have gone it's a lesson to check the rest of the posts in a thread. LEARNING OPPORTUNITY!!! See when it was posted, if it's been edited, or if there's already 200+ thanks there's a big chance it's still live etc etc. If it's 7 years old, there's a slight chance it may have expired. Plus what's the big deal to pm the poster and ask if they would re-up! I would hazzard a guess that most posters who use the hide link are sharers and would usually re-up a down link. 9 out of 10 cat owners would anyway! Stop going through the thread at that point and wait for a reply. If you've already made a couple of thanks in the thread, I would say, you're more likely to get a favourable response. lol

If you haven't guessed already, I hide the links. Ha ha ha! Scrooge McDuck!!!!! The reason I hide even although I feel guilty about doing so, is because some mega poster that I've been following for years started posting my videos within 24hrs with not a fucking peep. I've gave him a thousand thanks (that's not an expression, that's a literal translation) and he couldn't even muster a fake free thanks. It might damage his fake reputation to be seen fake thanking someone else on PlanetSuzy. Yet he's getting thanks from his followers and I hadn't got a score yet! I sometimes act like I'm 7yo btw.

But the other side of my agenda is, I have a fairly big collection and some of it got lost. I want to share in the hope that I can get it back again with relative ease if that misfortune ever happens again. A contradiction from the last paragraph. Ha ha ha! I know! I know! I've got this human side to me...the inside! The leeching brigade though, is not the most likely to share demographically speaking. The folk that are registered and dislike giving out free internet points to posters are also highly unlikely to go through the effort of setting up a thread. So in real terms they are superfluous to my concerns. Give out what you want back is a decent philosophy! Just like, take it to know one!

As far as I'm concerned, folk that plum refuse to acknowledge that risk and effort posters endure, can play outside in the rain! lol They don't need to follow that thread or that poster. But the fact is, if it's a shit post or you just don't want to dish out a thanks that cost you absolutely nothing, then jog on. You can live in hope that the next time you see fresh content, somebody else will gazzump the op. You can follow the gazzumper and give out no thanks to nobody ever, cause you're a Siberian hermit living on the borders of hope & misery. Ha ha ha! How great will that be? Getting off Scot free, with no thanks to nobody!!! You'll be super fly and super cool!!!! Can I be you!!!! lololololol I just don't understand why it's such a high priority to be such a mean bastard with FREE / FAKE internet points. I really don't.

I can empathise with a solitary aspect in relation to their agenda though. They should read you your rights on every single click. You have the right to remain anonymous! Who really wants parts of your life listed in metadata to be used against you in a court of law, when the authorities or some other party wants to punish you. A lot of videos tell you at the start $250,000 fine or 5 years in jail. FOR CARING & SHARING!!!! But not clicking thanks does not negate that possibility. That is the reality of the modern world!

Anyway, hopefully the people who actively subscribe to my thread at PlanetSuzy will develop their own collection and one day decide to share and share alike. Like I have! Like posters do! If they do post, I'll credit their efforts even if they don't credit mine! Because I know it doesn't just happen on it's own. It takes posters to keep Planet Suzy alive and free for everyonel!!

One world, one life, one love...
Last edited by Fantyhose; 27th February 2017 at 00:27.
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