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Old 14th March 2012, 22:13   #1

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Default Can Cancer Be Cured/Has Cancer Been Cured by Alternate Medicine?

Over the past few months i have seen increasing storys about cancer:

The fact how it has tripled in past 100 years

People saying the FDA profit from cancer greatly and do not want people to know there mite be other cures beside the common 3 - Radiothreapy, Chemothreapy and Surgery, the first 2 can cause cancer!!

And also storys of people treating and curing cancer with over 100 methods!

I will post the research I have done, but first I want to know what you people think of it?

Are the FDA, Governments lying to us?

Any input is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for taking part!!
Last edited by FallenAngel; 15th March 2012 at 03:40.
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Old 14th March 2012, 23:12   #2
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I think some cancers are treatable now, whereas in the past you'd be a sure goner if you got them.
And afterwards...
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Old 15th March 2012, 00:31   #3
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Dunno. I mean, Steve Jobs had unlimited wealth and still died from the big C. I think if anyone could've gotten some inside info on curing cancer, it would be him.
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Old 15th March 2012, 00:47   #4

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Thanx for the interest and replies people, I have a very well made documentary here about cancer treatments and cures.

I would appreciate it greatly if you watch it and post your opinions.


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Old 15th March 2012, 01:12   #5
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No cancer cannot be "cured" At least not at the moment and maybe never.

Anyone telling you it can by "alternative" means is spreading dangerous misinformation.

The fact how it has tripled in past 100 years
Its tripled because we are better at finding it and treating it.

People saying the FDA profit from cancer greatly and do not want people to know there mite be other cures beside the common 3 - Radiothreapy, Chemothreapy and Surgery, the first 2 can cause cancer!!
Big pharma profits from a lot of things. Cancer isnt cured by eating lemons or someshit, you need to attack the cancerous cells. Either by cutting them out or killing them off without killing off the healthy cells. It can be done but its a fine line to walk.

And also storys of people curing cancer with over 100 methods!
People dont understand what cancer is.

I will post the research I have done, but first I want to know what you people think of it?

Are the FDA, Governments lying to us?
Youtube isnt research. Cancer is a mutation of the bodies own cells, it isnt an invasion like an infection and it isnt a symptom of a deficiency like anaemia. So curing it is more complicated then taking antibiotics or eating some liver.

Is the government lying to us? Probably, but id be incredibly surprised if they managed to truly cure all cancers and managed to keep it from getting out.
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Old 15th March 2012, 01:26   #6
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Fuck, man.

This is a rough topic but I feel compelled to join in because my sister has been fighting breast cancer like hell for 8 years, has lost her entire reproductive system and more, and has suffered tremendously - even more as a last ditch attempt to beat it with an unconventional treatment.

She is not 40 years old yet, has a 13 year-old boy (that she is raising by herself,) and was recently the first in our family, out of all of us siblings, to earn a college degree. She has everything to live for.

The cancer doesn't give a shit and does not discriminate. It is ferocious. Vicky insisted to us that it was in remission for a time but it just metastasized, invaded and completely overwhelmed other systems in her body. She is in end stage now and no one knows how long she has, and the worst thing I think is the quality of life that she does have and what it will progress to. Now everyone is just trying to figure out how we are going to handle this, after losing my brother when he was little. I can't come up with any satisfactory answer as to what I can do to make it any easier for her in her final days.

What can you say? What can you do?

I know she is scared to death.

This topic is rough. But it's always been rougher when I have had to discuss it with her because she is convinced of some things about health care in our country and the pharmaceutical industry, and frankly so am I. It is a total sham.

It is not a matter of having the cure. The almighty dollar is always going to take precedence over humanitarian concerns and morality. It has always been this way, in the world in general, but it is woefully more so with regards to medicine, terminal illnesses, and privilege. You can put a price on life.

I have learned a bit more about where medicine is right now with the treatment of various cancers but I don't have the heart to talk about it any more, at least not right now. Maybe I will come back later and make my arguments.

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Last edited by baddfingerz; 15th March 2012 at 11:41.
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Old 15th March 2012, 02:02   #7
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Taking the basic question "Can cancer be cured?", I'd answer 'yes'. I have no proof of this, but I believe that there is probably a cure out there. The government has lied to us far too many times to believe that they wouldn't, so why not? We know that there has been extensive testing on cancer, and we can assume that many different products have come about over the years. Do I believe that even the 1% can get ahold of this? No, I don't. Cancer is nature's population control. I don't believe something like this, if it exists, would be mass-produced. Many forms of cancer can be treated, but I think the current treatments are the best we common folks have or will have for some time.

Now, do I believe cancer can be cured by alternative medicine? Absolutely not. I have no faith in such methods.
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Old 15th March 2012, 02:20   #8
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I think it can. I think it has.

I think the government has a cure but is never going to be released IMO. I'm wildly speculating here but politics, governments are not what they look like. They don't really care about you and me. Don't you think they'd ban cigarettes, alcohol if they really cared about us ?

You know how much money governments make from the use of tobacco, alcohol ?
You know how much money people spend on their health through medical institutes ? If you cure them they'll never come back. Some people (I feel so much for them and wish them all the strength and best) have serious health problems like cancer and they spend YEARS in hospitals spending money that goes to the government. It's really a sick sick world we live in.

The difference between a terror organisation and a government isn't really all that different. Governments are just more subtle. Neither care about its people...both just want to use the people for their own gain.

My best wishes to baddfingerzs sister and many MANY people who go through the same thing. It's really not fair. These people don't deserve all of this.
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Old 15th March 2012, 02:29   #9
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I think most of us have lost a family member or friend to cancer: a very sad and emotive topic.

People are working around the clock to try and find ways of minimizing the death toll, from developing therapies that are able to cause a remission of the tumor, to devising better diagnostic procedures aimed at detecting early stages of cancer so as to be able to 'nip it in the bud'. Worthwhile research is also being carried out in identifying the genetic markers that indicate a likelihood of being afflicted by the condition.

As for Alternative Medicine, I'm sure that as soon as a technique or therapy proves to be successful, it will enter the mainstream.

Originally Posted by bloodhound45 View Post
Dunno. I mean, Steve Jobs had unlimited wealth and still died from the big C. I think if anyone could've gotten some inside info on curing cancer, it would be him.
As for Steve Jobs, there are many who say that he could have survived his tumor if he had undergone conventional therapy instead of pursuing alternative remedies.

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Old 15th March 2012, 02:52   #10
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As in the docu you can see the medical community wil not alow this!! They would not do anny tests!!

"As for Alternative Medicine, I'm sure that as soon as a technique or therapy proves to be successful, it will enter the mainstream."
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