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Old 27th October 2013, 17:34   #9951
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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
but he is in shape now
Ok 4 weeks maybe 5
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Old 27th October 2013, 18:31   #9952

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Some last minute tidbits.

- John Cena will be wearing a protective pad on his left arm in the World Heavyweight Championship match against Alberto Del Rio at Hell in a Cell on Sunday. While he’s been medically cleared, they’re being cautious and do not want Cena’s arm to endure any unneeded stress.
I thought so, but smart.

- Booker T is not scheduled to be at WWE Hell in a Cell in Miami. The WWE Hall of Famer will be watching the show with some of his Reality of Wrestling students at Diablo Loco in Houston, Texas.
, he's entertaining as a panel guy, with his little things.

- The WWE Hell in a Cell Kickoff panel will consist of Josh Mathews, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth and Kaitlyn.
Naturally the guy who is on the poster of the show has to be involved somehow.

- WWE is no longer advertising the announced Intercontinental Championship match between Curtis Axel and Big E Langston scheduled for the Hell in a Cell Kickoff show on their official website. At this point the status of the match is unknown.


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Old 27th October 2013, 22:12   #9953
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I for one would love a Nexus DVD. You guys can say they were green and everything, but for me personally, having just sat through that travesty that was NXT season one and all their stupid challenges, that group was the ultimate payback. The night they debuted and just caused chaos everywhere, with no announcers to say anything, was absolutely awesome. The angle had so much potential, and Wade had so much charisma, and they really should have won at Summerslam that year. But even after that, I was very intrigued at what would happen with the whole John Cena joining the Nexus and everything after that, at least up until the end of that year. That was the most exciting period in wrestling for me since the late 90's, and I will always look back fondly on the Nexus for making me actually look forward to watching Raw every week for the first time in years.
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Old 27th October 2013, 22:24   #9954
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Ok I know Hulk Hogan can't wrestle anymore but I really think he can offer wwe something extra like a raw gm and he doesn't look half bad or slur his words like flair does.

Think of the pop HH would get if Vince introduced HH as the new gm to oppose HHH, as BM does nothing for me in the role of raw GM.

I know there is a few factors that may work against it:

Vince and HH have a rocky past and HH may request to much money as he did in tna to be just a gm and he can't wrestle.
But WWE can make money off hh merch even if he isn't wrestling and would hh go to wwe without bischoff
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Old 27th October 2013, 22:27   #9955
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Just announced for the Hell In A Cell Kickoff: Mr. Money In The Bank Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston; Replacing the Intercontinental Championship Match between Curtis Axel vs. Big E Langston due to an injury from Axel
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Old 27th October 2013, 23:15   #9956
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I'd like to see Hogan too. Not sure I see the gm idea happening. Maybe Wrestlemania depending if the right offer is made. I heard Hogan already got some info and their price or offer wasn't what he had in mind. he is probably still looking for Cena style money

I just tossed a coin for that pre show match. I could see both losing.
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Old 27th October 2013, 23:37   #9957

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Originally Posted by Vile View Post
I for one would love a Nexus DVD. You guys can say they were green and everything, but for me personally, having just sat through that travesty that was NXT season one and all their stupid challenges, that group was the ultimate payback.
I could never shake off the debut ruining a CM Punk vs. John Cena match, Daniel Bryan's stuff in it was the only things that didn't make me mad. The best and nicest way for me to describe them are rookies handed the world.

Darren Young - Void of charisma, looked like Cena, average in the ring.
Skip Sheffield - Greener than The Ryback .
Heath Slater - Below average in every aspect of a wrestler.
Justin Gabriel - Talented in the ring, everything else was and still is rather undeveloped.
Michael Tarver - Void of talent, period. Every time I saw him wear that mask thing over his mouth, I had an urge to punch him in the face.
David Otunga - Horrible in the ring, didn't find his bit player niche yet (as a lawyer).
Wade Barrett - Can have a solid match, but nothing classic or of main event quality. Early favorite in mic skills and look.

Those were the opinions I have of the guys, and aside from Tarver (who is gone, thank goodness), all of them have improved in some facets. If there wasn't strong booking behind them up until Summerslam, their impact would've matched their overall talent: underwhelming.

Funny little interview with Daniel Bryan. He's about to main event his 5th straight PPV, and he lives in an apartment .

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Old 28th October 2013, 00:25   #9958
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Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
I could never shake off the debut ruining a CM Punk vs. John Cena match, Daniel Bryan's stuff in it was the only things that didn't make me mad. The best and nicest way for me to describe them are rookies handed the world.

Darren Young - Void of charisma, looked like Cena, average in the ring.
Skip Sheffield - Greener than The Ryback .
Heath Slater - Below average in every aspect of a wrestler.
Justin Gabriel - Talented in the ring, everything else was and still is rather undeveloped.
Michael Tarver - Void of talent, period. Every time I saw him wear that mask thing over his mouth, I had an urge to punch him in the face.
David Otunga - Horrible in the ring, didn't find his bit player niche yet (as a lawyer).
Wade Barrett - Can have a solid match, but nothing classic or of main event quality. Early favorite in mic skills and look.

Those were the opinions I have of the guys, and aside from Tarver (who is gone, thank goodness), all of them have improved in some facets. If there wasn't strong booking behind them up until Summerslam, their impact would've matched their overall talent: underwhelming.
Certainly I respect your opinion, and I think you are right about a lot of it. But I think that's one reason why them as a group had such potential. If they had brought all these guys up separately onto the main roster, they would have been lost in the shuffle (like what happened with pretty much every NXT season from then on). But as this uniform group, they could hide each other's weaknesses, gain experience and credibility, and because of the power in numbers, look like a huge threat. Wade was a great leader, he had it all in my book. Of course his ring skills could have been improved but I didn't think he was any less ready for the belt than someone like Sheamus or the Miz. As for the rest of the group, even the ones with the least to offer had at least something: Tarver looked crazy and intimidating, Otunga had the body of a Greek god and Hollywood connections, etc. Injuries, bad booking, and the tie-choking incident threw a lot of wrenches into what could have been one of the best storylines ever, but the Nexus did what they could with what they had and I loved them for it.

And they hated John Cena, which is always a plus in my book.

Almost time for the PPV!
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Old 28th October 2013, 00:33   #9959
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Maybe HH could work a some sort of tag team match at wm but hh is a legend that doesn't look to old and can deliver a promo.

Maybe he could team with show to go against hhh, so a hh/big show vs hhh/orton at wm
could be possible as orton/hhh could carry hh through the match.

But hh shouldn't demand cena or lesnar money but HH can draw a lot more attention in wwe then he ever did tna and he I bet he could draw some old school fans to buy wm if he did the hhh/orton match and there is always the merch money wwe could earn as the fans loves to dress up as hh especaily at wm.

i really would love to see a legend with show to take on hhh with a "hhh guy" to team with show and a legend at wm and hh would be the perfect guy but if they could get sting that would also be great as I'm doubtful a ut vs sting match would be a great match because ut needs a younger guy to have a great match because of age/injuries and the same goes for sting.

And if they could get goldberg he would be in a ryback match
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Old 28th October 2013, 00:40   #9960

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Looks like the US title on the line - Big E vs. Dean Ambrose
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