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Old 23rd October 2013, 04:42   #9911
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Still don't care for this PPV all i want is Heyman to get some
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Old 23rd October 2013, 13:15   #9912
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I felt the same as that guy writing the article, he is the most over guy and Triple H buries him. I hated that whole segment, it just felt so awkward watching it. I reckon Bryan will get screwed at HIAC. The Shield will be hiding under the ring and they destroy Bryan and then HBK will be forced to make the count then he gets beat up to just for the sake of it. They got their face, everyone is unhappy and we'll have Cena's boring jokes to try and cheer us up on Raw while he smiles away with his invincibility cloak firmly on while shoving the B belt into the camera and doing his champ is here catchphrase. Daniel Bryan will be pushed back after HIAC I reckon for Cena ratings power. He's only been away 2 months and they are showing shitloads of Cena ass kissing videos so we all know he is coming back. Would they do that for Bryan? Yea, right...
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Old 23rd October 2013, 17:16   #9913
Alan Kellerman
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How we see Daniel Bryan - great wrestler that could be getting held back. we will find out on Sunday.

How WWE sees Daniel Bryan - his little yes thing gets the sheep in gear, a bit like the Andrew Cesaro swing thing, but really, what else has he got? we will shut them idiots up soon enough. They will regret ever saying the word Yes.

Its Antonio.


Antonio Cesaro, you said Andrew.

He is a one trick pony. that is all that matters in the end. he could be called Edward Cesaro and still no fucks would be given.
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Old 23rd October 2013, 17:31   #9914
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They are already taking the piss with Cesaro putting him in an American gimmick and as usual he does one impressive move then WWE overkill takes over. The new viewers gotta see that shit, all 10 of them. Same with Fandangoing.. milked that straight away then quickly no one gave a shit. They just move there arms round like idiots now.. duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh.. stfu already.. at least on that epic Raw they knew what they were doing, damn their enjoyment lol.
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Old 23rd October 2013, 23:54   #9915
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This looks funny.

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Old 24th October 2013, 00:51   #9916
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Default SmackDown spoiler for Hell In A Cell

this part of your post is hiddenThe Real Americans takes on Los Matadores
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Old 24th October 2013, 01:50   #9917

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Late thoughts on RAW.

1.) The recap of Big Show's act of rebellion. I noticed a security guard against the barricade at the side of the fans. Show makes his entrance, and the person just looks. Maybe stand, but really? Security sucks ass, and WWE should really count their blessings that there's not some rabid fan that is of Big Show's size. Think about it, a a fan of Show's size, angry that John Cena lost a match. He hops the barricade, security pussied out, Hell will come up.

2.) That opening aside over, HHH and Stephanie are in the ring. They kissed, and Stephanie said that we're all jealous. Hahaha! Good one, Stephanie ran down the card. Something new was Brie Bella and AJ Lee added for the show. Also, when John Cena's name was mentioned, vintage mixed reaction! HHH got the mic, he said he trusts Shawn Michaels, because he respects him more than any other man. Interrupting is Big Show, live via Dwayne Johnson. He is in front of a brick wall, but I bet it's a studio in Stamford. HHH verbally argues with Show, Steph is trying to talk to someone ringisde to wonder why this guy's on the tron. Big Show mentioned suing HHH for slander, breach of contract (millions of dollars owed to him). HHH sleeping with Stephanie, no matter what, is a bad side? WHOA! Then Steph got back by counting down when Big Show will be gone from the tron. 5 seconds, he was gone! Get 'em Steph! Big Show and his rebel rousing ways. HHH wanted to keep the show going, introduced Dean Ambrose for his match against Bryan. Instead, Bryan came out, chanting "Yes" around the ring. Hehehe, cool. A pretty short opening segment, one's used to the 15 minute long stuff.

3.) Jerry Lawler made a good point about Big Show having friends on the inside. He mentioned the technical crew, hence why he ended up on the tron. Now take that same point and make it for him gaining access at RAW last week. JBL mentioned Big Show having Julian Assange hacking for him. It's a Fifth Estate reference, as that movie recently came out or whatever. I saw the trailer and was interested, but then I read about how the real guy and Wikileaks didn't like it. Furthermore in discouraging me is that Disney helped make this film. Disney's the Antichrist of Entertainment, and I mean that as a negative thing. I hate Disney. Looking at the film some more, it just looks to be a thriller, when hacking and leaking shit, the truth, is not really a thriller. Dramatizations can work, when the realm that's being crossed, is feasible and not far off. One example is The Social Network. A dramatization of Facebook's start and the adult life of Mark Zuckerberg. The dramatization part is making Zuckerberg into an intellectual badass, and an asshole. As well as common themes of lies, deceit, backstabbing. The truth is that it's all coding and hard work, so turning the full truth into a movie, sounds boring. Shit, I'm WAY off tangent.

4.) A crime considering that it's during a Daniel Bryan match. There was a spot that made me say "Eeeeww." A messy miscommunication botch between both wrestlers. Everything else went smoothly. Including Ambrose digging his thumbs to Bryan's eyes in breaking up the surfboard. JBL owned Michael Cole by saying that everyone works for the Authority. He's right, but Cole tried to say "under the table." Oh shut up! JBL actually called a move, over Cole and Lawler. Ambrose hit what's called a double chicken wing superplex. Cole would hear that and he'd be all "what?!" The match was great, as it was very fast pace. The thing is that both guys wrestled each other a tons of times, so what makes this different was that some of the highlights looked to really hit me as very physical. Some big bumps, some big hits. Also the finish was cool, Daniel Bryan countering a pin attempt with the greatest of ease, into the Yes Lock for the win. I suppose the fact that both guys wrestled so many times, they know each other well enough to take it up another little notch.

5.) They really need to change CM Punk's image. He has a full head of hair dammit, and sideburns. Hell in the Hell structure? That's what CM Punk said, flubbing a bit. CM Punk talked about his handicap match, mentioning The Ryback and Heyman being locked in the Cell with the Devil. CM Punk is the Devil, and the fans cheered. Heathens! He said his gameplan is to put The Ryback to sleep, then take his time in destroying Paul Heyman. CM Punk is confident, but you know what? I think confidence is what kills a face. Aside from Cena, when a face shows a lot of confidence, they typicaly lose. Hmmm. Good promo from Punk.

6.) Triple H and Stephanie are backstage. Hunter told Vickie to take care of the little stuff. Don't screw up. They go to the office, Shawn Michaels is in there, and they hugged. They are all cool, but Shawn brought up the WWE Championship. The debate of Daniel Bryan as the WWE Champion and leading the company. They said the same critical things to Shawn Michaels and even HHH. The tron thing, Shawn Michaels said he and Hunter used to do that to Vince, but Stephanie said it's different. Shawn also said that one of them didn't grow up, implying himself, wanting to have fun and stuff. It's a nice little segment because it demonstrated how a suit and tie changes someone. From rebel to suit, from innovator on the stage, to innovator backstage. From long hair to short hair.

7.) Oh look, Santino is dressed as the King of Rock N' Roll. JBL said that Santino killed Rock N' Roll. Exclude metal music. He takes on another rocker in Heath Slater. They both tried to do martial arts, and both sucking. There was a "Jerry" chant, as this is Lawler's hometown oh Memphis. Santino brought out the Eilvis Cobra, with little Elvis wig. Commentary made endless Elvis references, Santino won with that Cobra, and then the guy got a mic. Cheap popped and kissed Lawler's ass, saying he's the only King of Memphis. Well that's all good, but Santino's stuff here was met with apathy from me. A giant blah for me.

8.) Fans wanted to see Undertaker and CM Punk from WMXXIX simulated in WWE2K14, over Rock and Austin? Well that makes sense, it's most fresh in people's minds. They recapped Big Show's latest act of rebellion. "You know what the Devil does, Cole?" "He drives a man...til he just can't take it anymore." "I am in this for the long haul." This is EXACTLY what HHH said in his interview with Cole last Wednesday. Cole didn't quote it word for word, despite claiming that. So I just showed that I pay more attention than Cole. Then again, I looked at the interview multiple times, and commit the quotes to memory. He said "a Devil." "Until" instead of "til." Oh Cole.

9.) "Stephy?" That's what Lawler said as the match with Randall and Dolph Ziggler takes place. Reportedly, Ziggler had a confrontation with Randall that caused the former to be in the "doghouse." Around that time though, Ziggler said some things about Randall and Cena in interviews that, while kayfabe at heart, sounds a bit real. Perhaps this history between Randall and Ziggler explains the heavy sense of stiffness and intensity in the match. Every move made a louder than usual sound, Ziggler's selling included bumping almost completely unrpotected, head to ring post. There was a mixed response to both men, with Randall having the most pop since his heel turn, which is funny! Perhaps that's loving the heel side of Randall, or just losing support for Ziggler. Whatever the case, both guys did a great job, making a standout match, despite the obvious result of Ziggler losing. Making this exciting, and giving Ziggler room to show what he can do. Everyone knows what Randall can do, and did here, made Ziggler look especially great. Ziggler hit a sudden dropkick to stop the RKO setup, and then Randall hit an RKO with the greatest of ease...err, swiftness, for the win. I couldn't capture it because the video pixelated a bit. Dammit, I blame Big Show because of him hacking into the production crew and broadcasting his shit live via Dwayne Johnson.

10.) John Cena and his "diary of pers-eh-veer-nense" That's what Cole said. HAHAHAHAHA! Cole sucks. Despite that, Cena's coming back in a few days! Oh Nikki's coming back to wrestle. So a tag team with the Twins against AJ and Tamina. Ziggler should thank Randall, because the guy was the #1 Trend Worldwide on Twitter, mentioned during this match. JBL has horrible memory when it comes to Michael Cole, as he keeps asking about who Cole beat at Wrestlemania. Lawler, by disqualification, I don't want to remember that shit, so stop mentioning it. Despite Nikki being in this match, I didn't really notice her a lot. I will admit that Brie's setup and the execution of the Half Crab was nice, but I'm going to backtrack and say AJ Lee probably taught her how to do it! Hehehehe. She hit a knee strike, targeting AJ, but Tamina pushed AJ out of the way and took it to her head. Sacrificing, but it didn't matter, AJ still got beat. Goddammit. This means she'll win at Hell in a Cell. Please, win AJ, win!

11.) 30 Second Fury, Del Rio's Cross Armbreaker. From the Youtube channel, and I like it because with Cena returning from triceps injury, that finisher is looked at as the great equalizer. After that, Renee Young is backstage, waiting for Heyman to come. They showed a recap of Langston's face turn. After that, Heyman his Guys come, with the former talking fast, loud, excited! Talking about a volcano erupting, demonstrating CM Punk's emotion. Then he channeled himself, saying he's cold hearted, all calm now. He said Punk won't get past HIS monster, The Ryback. What about his beast, Brock Lesnar? Heyman said Punk will be locked in with him! Big E. Langston comes to and Axel said the guy should show respect. A match is suggested, but not yet. Heyman said to Axel, you don't fight for free.

12.) They actually showed footage of Daniel Bryan and Shawn Michaels' relationship. I thought they'd pull something completeting out of their ass, because I didn't know of a lot of documentation of it. However, they showed DVD footage of his 2007 DVD, and that's where the pulling out occurs. Shawn's words are interpreted for Bryan, but I've seen that documentary a couple times. He's talking about himself and his rise up the ranks in the early 90s, if I'm not mistaken. For sure, it's not about Bryan. However, footage of Bryan wrestling with Shawn Michaels commentating, meaning it must be right after Bryan got trained by him. The footage of Bryan from 2011, talking about HBK, now that helped. It's decent footage, and the commentary from HBK in the guy's wrestling matches helped too. The fact is that HBK trained Daniel Bryan, but that wasn't it. Bryan got a developmental contract with WWE fresh off of training with Shawn. In Memphis, William Regal trained Bryan some more. From interviews, it seemed HBK just taught Bryan the basics: bumping and other fundamentals. Regal might've taught more of psychology, but the third aspect in Bryan's total game is simply natural talent, followed by traveling around the world and honing his craft for the better part of a decade before making it to WWE. So there are three aspects to Bryan the wrestler being cultivated. Shawn Michaels only accounts for 1/3, and that's just me speculating. Of course they'd try and tie HBK as the whole pie of Bryan's cultivation.

13.) To summarize the tag team match between Miz/Kingston and the Wyatt Family, it's a faster and shorter match than Smackdown. Similar things, similar end even with the wicked clothesline from Harper. Less Miz though, Kofi getting the majority punishment, which is funny. It was alright, and JBL jizzed his pants from Harper's great clothesline. That's a man that has delivered his fair share of clotheslines. After that, Miz is tied between the ropes, Harper and Rowan forced Miz's eyes to be open, as he had to watch and listen to Bray talk about life after death. He's not trying to lead Miz to believing in Hell. He just wants him to believe in the Gates, because he's taking Miz over there. I think Kane is waiting there, at the other side. That's me typing, not Bray talking. The fans gave the "what?" treatment, which actually makes sense. What the hell was Bray talking about? Teehee...

14.) Big E. Langston and Axel are supposed to wrestle, but they fight, with The Ryback in the ring, the match didn't officially started. The Ryback cut in, it was 2 on 1, and shifted in advantage. CM Punk came for the save with a kendo stick, Heyman earlier tried to hit Langston with the kendo stick. Vickie came out and ordered for the match to be restarted. It never started, JBL wisely pointed that out. Restarted as a tag team match, vintage Teddy Long from Vickie, playa!

15.) After the break, Michael Cole said the WWE App is "App-solutely free." Oh my goodness, that was awful. One point where Punk was getting dominated by The Ryback he said for Punk to tag him. He'll help him! Not being serious of course. The match was focused on Langston as a face, because when he got the hot tag, he exploded like a motherfucker! Seriously, he was all over the place and pretty much expended all his energy in that spot, taking out Axel, muscling his way over The Ryback, and it ended with the Big Ending on Curtis. He and Punk win, Heyman suddenly ran away, into the crowd with Punk chasing. Punk celebrated with the fans, but just 1 year ago, Punk blasted a fan in the face. Remember that? Good times. Hehehehe. Good tag team match, Langston impressed.

16.) R-Truth showed how good of a salesman he is, by plugging WWE merchandise. I want the Daniel Bryan shirts! Truth offered 20% off for one RAW. Oh goodness, it was funny, but corny at the same time. Lawler referred to him as a used car salesman. Truth could totally be one! Rapping, wrestling, selling cars, unique...

17.) The Real Yankees take on the Real Tons of Funky Smells. In a PIP promo, an interview with El Torito?! He spoke in Spanish, and I think he mentioned Los Matadores facing Real Americans on Domingo, Sunday. Zeb Colter came on commentary! Cole though was all happy for the man's embarrassment from Smackdown. Zeb teaches me stuff. He said the US government shut down for 16 days. Boy was that short. Commentary overall was so loud and all over thanks to Colter's involvement. It was alright with Colter, but when Cole and Lawler cut in, JBL trying to defend, it made a giant mess. One that distracted from the match. Not until the Cesaro Swing and the Ankle Lock from Swagger, that things shifted attention to the match. Thankfully the Real Americans won, and quickly, to stop the loud orgy of noises on commentary. Colter got the mic. "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on America!" Hehehe, so Colter introduced his new little friend. A whip, and that's no bull, it's for El Torito. Hmmm, well it wasn't used, but it will.

18.) Hell in a Cell Kickoff, Axel vs. Langston for the Intercontinental Championship. Lawler was playing with a John Cena doll. You know that shit is very fitting. They showed a video of Cena's career, starting with Cena's debut against Kurt Angle! Then Undertaker asking him his name. Then rapper Cena, him being the face of the company and winning his first WWE Championship. His success led to resentment? HAHA, they showed Cena's haters and it makes sense. Success makes fans turn. Some more stuff said about Cena. He's hustle, loyalty, and respect! I get it, and he's coming back. Now I'm pretty happy that he's coming back, the videos work, commentary trying to plug it, doesn't work. This prompted recapping Alberto Del Rio attempting to rape Josh Matthews. Look at Matthews' arm on Del Rio's crotch, the man clearly wanted some dick feels or whatever from Josh. What, his hands are soft or something?

19.) New theme music for the new tag team champions, using the Goldust entrance effect, along with Cody's first theme song. WHOA OH, you're only smoke and mirrors! That was cool. After the break, MizTV is announced for returning at Smackdown, with guest Randall Orton. JBL thought the show was cancelled. Too bad. The tag champs came on commentary, as the tag team match to determine the number 1 contenders for the tag titles, is next. It's the Usos, who won a number 1 contenders match before, yet never got the shot, against Rollins and Reigns. Cole did good in tying this fact to kayfabe, HHH showing favoritism for The Shield, because, screw the earned title shot from Usos. JBL ranted on Cody's answer to some question, poking at "honestly." Yeah, I'm guilty of using that term, I should stop. JBL continued though in really digging into Cody, which got a bit annoying. Cody had a great comeback, saying that if you built a liar from the ground up, he'd look like JBL! That's a rip on Bradshaw's line for Randall. Cody Rhodes said he and Goldust are a better brother tag team than the Briscos, and all of commentary scoffed and stuff. It was pretty random. For my generation, the Hardys, if they said that, brother. Goldust's commentary here was pretty funny, making short, true to his gimmick responses. Cody interestingly enough called Goldust, Benjamin Button. It makes complete sense and I agree. Goldust seems to be in the best shape of his life, and his performances in the ring show a very mature and experience groove in the ring. I'm mentioning the commentary job here, once again this takes over a wrestling match. However, this one was alright, and you could still get the feel of the match. It was a nice one, it had its highlights and everything, both teams being familiar with each other by this point. Eventually, the expected breakdown happened. Ambrose started it really, getting in Cody's face, eventually shit exploded, chaos, the Rhodes and all of the Shield getting involved. Eventually the faces stood tall, it's 4 on 3. The match was thrown out, so no winner. During the break though, Vickie booked a triple threat match with the principal tag teams in this segment, as expected. So, all nice for me. Commentary was all over here like with Colter, but it's better handled here.

20.) Justin Roberts introduced Randall as the "Face of the WWE." HHH and Stephanie are in the ring during this. HMMM! So the contract signing takes place. They are there, Randall comes out. Daniel Bryan next. HHH personally introduces Shawn Michaels, making sure that "my best friend" is the final tag for this guy. With all the names here, this is the final sell for the main event of Hell in a Cell. How does it pan out? Well Randall started by saying that he will make sure Bryan doesn't get back up, mentioning his history in the Cell. He beat John Cena and Sheamus in it. YEP! He survived The Undertaker, YEP! He didn't mention that he lost to Undertaker, and Mark Henry, if you remember that, but who cares? He beat Cena and Sheamus. Randall signs the contract, Bryan's response is that Randall always makes threats, but truth is that he'd be WWE Champion by now, if not for The Shield, HHH, and other stuff. Two words from Daniel Bryan, "thank you." For making him show that he's more than a B+ player, that Randall showed his true face, and HHH and Steph being spoiled brats and stuff. Hmmm! He signs the contract, HHH then talked. Oh boy, and he mentioned Jericho, Bob Van Dam, and Edge, saying they were all popular, but never were THE one. He said if any of those guys were the face of WWE, they'd all be working for Ted Turner now. WOW! That was pretty harsh, but the truth is that those guys were on top in shark infested waters. Bob was brief, Cena was the face in WWE. Edge's main event glory came when Undertaker, Cena, HBK, Randall all had higher spots than him. Randall being the latter of the 4. Jericho swam with sharks: Rock, Austin, and Undertaker. So, HHH's promo, in character I like to believe, is strong, but the facts are that those guys were in fertile ground, they couldn't be the faces of the company. Bryan implied HHH should wrestle him, but Hunter's response that he wrestles only stars. A+ players, and he wouldn't waste his time wrestling Daniel Bryan. More strong words, but then Shawn Michaels cut it when he said the guy wasted his time training Daniel Bryan. That's when it became Shawn Michaels vs. HHH. What happened to Hunter? He doesn't care about Hunter as COO, that he trained Daniel Bryan, the care's for the fans, to give them a good refereeing job for the title match. Randall interpreted it as Shawn Michaels looking to screw him. Hunter disagreed, saying Shawn will do "what's right." HBShizzle said he will do it for the business he loves, and for the fans. He then asked why Hunter hates Daniel Bryan. The big possibility thrown is that Bryan proved HHH wrong after everything thrown at him. Hmmm, harkening back weeks ago where HHH talked about proving him wrong. That promo with Edge, saying Jericho and Cena proved him wrong. Things get heated, but attention was directed to the tron, as a truck made its way backstage, knocking down conveniently placed garbage cans and a mop bucket, it's Big Show. He made his way to the side of the stage, he gets out of the truck, and all the heels are glued to him. Show said turn around, Bryan kneed Randall in the face, but the fucking production team didn't show it! They showed Big Show's face right when the move is done, and tried to redeem themselves with the replay. Dammit, one of the rare times where the production team made a mistake. Anyways, that ends this white hot segment, Bryan celebrates on the truck with Big Show.

White hot. The heat came from Randall, Bryan, and Shawn Michaels. The white flavor, the added intensity, came from HHH and the words he said. Two of the names that got dropped responded to it. Edge took it as kayfabe, Jericho...didn't. There, he made a nice point, pointing out that HHH himself was never the top guy. Ehhh, post-Rock/Austin, pre-Cena 2005. So that's about 3 years, I think Hunter could be classified as that top guy, but that definitely had more names competing for that spot. Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, you get the idea. However, undisputed top guy, where Hogan, Rock, Austin, John Cena level? Yeah, HHH never was that guy. Even if HHH was completely kayfabe in those words, boy did that shit sting. It's that sting that's a good thing on TV, but I bet bad backstage.

Alright, just now at the time I'm typing this, I read Bob Van Dam's response. He didn't see the promo. The bottom line though, Hunter's words were controversial, I'm thinking all scripted, but yeah, one should get the idea by now. Without thinking hard on his words, Hunter was pretty awesome, and gave the segment a kick in the ass. All parties involved painted the vivid picture though, this main event is something not to miss. I'll throw in the show in general too: Cena's return, the possibility of Punk finally ending this feud with Heyman, Big Show could get involved, a new WWE Champion will be crowned.

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Old 24th October 2013, 01:51   #9918

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Old 24th October 2013, 02:23   #9919
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Fuck Cripple H

Just needed to say that. Now I feel better.
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Old 24th October 2013, 21:04   #9920

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Thoughts on Main Event

1.) HAHAHAHA! Josh Matthews selling being raped by Del Rio, as his arm's in a sling. Miz on commentary again, and something I missed until now. Main Event's a year old. It's lasting longer than Saturday Morning Slam, hehe. Seth Rollins and Goldust wrestle. During that time, there is a couple of shots of Roman Reigns at ringside (Cody's there too). He was paying attention to the match, giving tips and instructions. The nice thing was his facial expressions in a few of those shots. I didn't notice up until this point, that his eyes are bigger than I thought. As well as being blueish. The wrestling was fine, Goldust keeping up with Rollins, and the younger guy selling so well. Everything went clean and all, but action spilled to the outside. Goldust couldn't help but get in Roman Reigns' face. Goldust did his huffing thing, got back in the ring, Cody blasted Reigns in the face. Goldust looked at that, Rollins rolled up Goldust for the win. So, Goldust beat Goldust in this match. Tsk tsk tsk, good match though.

2.) Miz is playing with a John Cena doll, reliving the fact that he pinned John Cena at Wrestlemania 27. I remember that, but Miz was concussed during that time, so it wasn't like he's smashing Cena down endlessly for the win. Alright, some observations of Cena's video. One, notice what he looked like in his debut, compared to now. I didn't notice any difference whatsoever other than maybe wrinkles, and keeping a professional haircut. His physique has not changed one damn bit, and that's scary considering that he's 11 years deep in WWE. Two, something I noticed when watching nothing but WWE PPVs for a period of time, is a certain fan. Now that this video showed the fan, I can comment. When Cena won the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 21, there's a Cena Fan. He's wearing a Cena shirt then. Now they didn't show this, but at the Vengeance PPV, that same fan is there, still wearing a Cena shirt then. Now fast forward to Wrestlemania 22, Cena vs. HHH for the WWE Championship, something was different. That difference is shown here with footage of One Night Stand 2006. Cena vs. Bob Van Dam, the former makes his entrance and there's that fan. Now he's a Cena hater! They didn't show these PPVs, but I remember. No Way Out 2008, the now Cena hater had a sign that said "Cena sucks in HD." This was right after WWE started HD. Now I remember months prior, No Mercy 2007. Same fan, had a sign that said "I'm glad Cena got hurt." It's after Cena had the torn pectoral muscle. Wrestlemania 24, he has the "We hate Cena" shirt. Wrestlemania 25, "We hate Cena" shirt, and Cena actually acknowledged him and other haters after he won the World Heavyweight Championship. They showed Wrestlemania 26, Cena beat Batista for the WWE Championship, dude celebrates with the Cena haters. That same guy is there, still wearing a Cena shirt. It's just a little thing to notice. It's useless information, but it's more interesting than Cole's...

3.) Miz and Matthews pointed different things out during the Primetime Players vs. Real Americans match. Miz mentioned Titus' improvement. He was there when he debuted on NXT Season 2. I remember that, 3 years ago. Miz said that Titus' only talent was said to be him barking. That's true, he was so green and sucked at everything else. 3 years later, he's not so much of a raw blob anymore, and mention his partner. Young's problem was not being able to connect with the fans, years later, that's not a problem anymore. Josh Matthews mentioned Jack Swagger gaining 22 pounds, an attempt to bulk up. I suppose that makes sense, so Swagger can try and match Antonio Cesaro in strength. That's good, it's motivation, something Swagger's lacked. Question though, what is the Duck Dynasty? The Wyatt Family's compared to them. All I know is that it's some reality TV show, I think the family run a pawn shop or whatever, and they're from Louisiana. Ehhh, whatever. Observations and questions aside, the match was alright. With the Real Americans having a match against Los Matadores, it makes sense that they won. Nothing too interesting until the Cesaro Swing, and Swagger closing it with his Ankle Lock.

4.) AWWWW man! I finally noticed the WWE Magazine cover for this month. Daniel Bryan's on the cover, and there's a title that said "Submit to the goat." That sounds pretty awesome, and actually satanic. I think I saw Daniel Bryan's face on a pentagram once. Ahhhh, so badass. This was shown before the RAW recap of the closing segment. Thankfully this one showed Bryan's knee strike to Randall's head.

5.) Divas tag team match between the Funkadactyls and Alicia Fox/Aksana. It was short, and it was botchy. This is the case because of Naomi. As athletic as she is, she experiments a lot. There are a few signature moves, but her general offense is just this move, that move, and then the next performance, different moves. Therefore, there isn't a solid game, so when she experiments, that leaves a lot of room for error. She made a couple errors in the match, and Aksana in one spot, couldn't follow what Naomi was trying to do, so there was miscommunication. So, a messy match, Naomi and Cameron won, if you care. I noticed that after Naomi made the winning pin, she showed a face of disappointment. She knows she fucked up. I can't recall Alicia Fox getting in the match at all, and Cameron didn't have a lot of ring time. It was mostly Naomi and Aksana.

6.) Decent match between Sandow and Ziggler, but I've seen this before. There's no working on Sandow's knee, so things were pretty straightforward and went by in a streamlined fashion. Nothing special, nothing noteworthy. The finish though was different, as Sandow used the ref as a shield for a bit, kicking Ziggler's leg and hitting the Silencer for the win. Yeah, Sandow won! Now this could be a small boost for Sandow, or much more indicative of what he will do at Hell in a Cell. With Cena's return and the guarantee of a new World Heavyweight Champion, this could be Sandow's time. The possibility didn't cross my mind until this win, as Sandow now has a tiny bit of momentum. Cena could win, sell a bum arm thanks to Del Rio working on it hard. Cena being the guy he is, overcomes that and wins the title. Hooray, he's back, then Sandow ruins Cena's party. Sandow's the new World Heavyweight Champion...until Cena beats him the first chance he gets. Errr, never mind, don't cash in Sandow.

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