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Old 15th September 2013, 17:05   #9641

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Embarrassingly late thoughts on Smackdown

1.) Wellllllllllllllllll, it's the Big Crybaby!!! Hehehe, Big Show comes out, gets a mic, and has a piece of paper. Reading from it...hey, an Enzo Amore sign! Anyways, he's reading what looks like a prepared statement. Apologizing for not following HHH's orders, to the WWE roster for setting a bad example as a locker room leader. Most of all, apologize to the fans for letting them down. Well, bitter pill to swallow I guess, and coming out is Triple H. He thanked Show for his apology, despite it being insincere. Is Big Show really a locker room leader? Why is that? Experience? Christian has more years than Show, just saying. Anyways, HHH suspended Big Show for the night, without pay. Big Show is "broke," so this hurts the guy. Hunter leaves, Show slowly left the ring, until The Shield came out. Hmm, trying to humble the Big Show? Yep, they gang up on Show, until the big guy tried to fight back. Action sent Show to the outside, and the guy stood on the announce table. Wow, that certainly is not a Spanish Announce Table, it had to be reinforced. Show was still attacked, Reigns used a chair once, but got stopped from a second time. It included Big Show spearing Reigns from the top of the table. Impressive, moreso than the guy crying. The action spills back in the ring, Show has the advantage, until Reigns comes back with a chair. Eventually, it ended with the Triple Powerbomb. That was pretty great. It came off like an official match, as it lasted as long as one. Cole tried to paint this as Show's "Last Stand," Big Show getting humbled big time. It's good for The Shield. Who doesn't like a crybaby being owned?! Seriously, good stuff from all parties involved.

2.) The exact same 6 diva tag match, everything minus Jerry Lawler. So, AJ is on commentary. AJ owned JBL! She didn't like JBL's commentary, "jealousy" and "boys," and other shit. Come on now, is this woman crazy now? She's making a lot of sense now. The point is, she is not jealous, she doesn't want to be on the show, she wants to wrestle and keep the Divas title until she's dead. The match didn't have a finish, AJ came to spoil it, standing up to the Total Divas. It ended with AJ owned by the three women, saved by the other three women. Ah, AJ's retaining at Night of Champions. Yes, please? Natalya winning is alright too, but AJ please.

3.) Dancing with the WWE Superstars? Is that Vickie's surprise? That's not surprising, JBL sounded funny with saying "What's up!" R-Truth has a dance off with Fandango. I must admit something, I Fandangoed to some song I don't know, while stalking on a free cam chat. The woman was away, she left the music on. It beats sitting around. Oh wait, there's a third person, with Miz...and his afro! Oh I'm sorry, Mizco Inferno. He also takes a jacket from a fan. Oh no, make it a foursome, the Great Khali. HAHA! JBL said he wished Khali was "MIA." Ah man, well, first is R-Truth. He shook his booty. Next, Fandango. Cole said that the guy didn't do anything. Hey, less is more. Mizco Inferno was supposedly twerking, something that Miley Cyrus shit on. Khali was next, and did even less moves than Fandango. Well, less is not more with this guy. At least Fandango had Summer. Polling the fans, dammit. Mizco Inferno won. Fandango protested, saying that the three are a disgrace to the art of "dahncing." Fandango attempted to beat on Miz and Truth, but the two put Fandango down, sending him out of the ring. Awesome Truth reunion. Yeah, they main evented Survivor Series 2011 with The Rock and John Cena. I remember that, they could've been a great tag team, if Truth didn't smoke fake weed or whatever.

4.) Ole! That's what JBL said. The Ryback is an interviewer?! He's a concert pianist...linguistic skills? What the fuck? Yeah, holy shit! It's RD Evans! He's in ROH, half manager, half tag team wrestler with partner QT Marshall. I popped. He's here as "Robert Evans." He's tall man, he's practically the same height as The Ryback. The Ryback asked Robert Evans, who is from Ottawa (I doubt it), if he wants to be a WWE Superstar. Yep, be in the main event, be in Wrestlemania. All of that, yeah. Dreams, the man has them, but so does The Ryback. His dream, is to beat on people for shits and giggles. He slapped Robert Evans, kicked the man while he's down, and sent it back to Cole and JBL. That was funny! The Ryback's a better interviewer than wrestler...

5.) Ricky Ricardo with Vickie Guerrero. He's ordered to not be at Bob Van Dam's corner at Night of Champions. Ricardo whined his way to Vickie changing her mind, as long as Bob Van Dam is in Ricardo's corner, as the man faces Alberto Del Rio. Aw shit!

6.) Canada are our "slackjawed" neighbors from the north, as Sandow called them. He does a little promo, tying the intelligence insults to opponent, Santino. Ugh. Short match, Santino beat the future World Heavyweight Champion...with the Cobra. Sigh, just like old times. That's it, it wasn't any entertaining, it was only bothersome. Sandow though holds that briefcase, just think about his future, not his present time. I will say that JBL's commentary during this was funny.

7.) Michael Cole's EXCLUSIVE interview with Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel. It's in the ring, and notice what Heyman looks like. No shaving, and pink eyes. That's good visual effects, it's the guy showing that he's very much concerned. Michael Cole, blah blah blah, question. What are their plans to ensure Punk won't get his hands on Paul? Axel got the mic, and said to leave Heyman alone, look at how stressed he is. Axel said Punk won't get to Heyman, because he can't beast Axel. Oh alright. Heyman spoke, saying he's only an "advocate of peace." Not a fighter, wanting a public boycott of Night Of Champions. Heyman said there has to be something more worthwhile for money spending than seeing the guy destroyed by Punk. Heyman's talking implies that this is guaranteed, that Punk will get his hands on the guy. Heyman mentioned Punk learning from Heyman, to turn the system against itself, and that the man being his "prodigal son," is the reason the guarantee of beating Heyman is just that. Paulie even went so far as to say that Punk will beat him so badly, that it will be the last time people will see the guy. Heyman said that he'll always love CM Punk, but he will never forgive the fans. The fans gave the "nanana goodbye" thing. You know, his final words were very telling. He'll always love CM Punk, never forgive the fans. Come on man, that leaves the door open for Punk and Heyman reuniting down the road. When Punk drops fan support and goes back to his father figure. It will happen, in the distant future. I want it to happen, I sort of miss those two together. Regardless, it's also telling how Paulie talked like this. The fact he's saying what Punk said, indicates that it won't happen. The heel agreeing with the face? Yeah, that never ends up in the face's favor, it just leads to some tomfoolery. Anyways, Heyman did an awesome job here, and I agree that this feud has been all Heyman. Punk's good on the mic and all, and Axel is...Axel, but Heyman was all over. All Punk did was get angrier, all Axel did was stand there and be the wrestler. Heyman? He did much more. He got angry, unhinged, emotional, disturbed, and here, expecting the worst, and not hoping for the best. So Heyman's done more in this feud than all the other parties. He's so valuable. Punk is too, but you get the idea.

8.) Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez. What a match! Actually, no sarcasm, Ricardo did a tornado DDT! He can wrestle, his character though, can't. So in a way, Ricardo's acting well. He's a wrestler playing a non-wrestler. In this match, he's a wrestler playing a non-wrestler...trying to play a wrestler. This is complicated acting, folks. Hehe. Alberto's reverse suplex on Ricardo was sweet, it was the finisher here. It was a short match, and rightly so. In the end, Bob Van Dam paid Del Rio back for the cheap shot he gave him before the reverse suplex, hitting the 5 Star. Bob stands tall, even holds the world title. Will that happen at Night Of Champions? Perhaps. Fun stuff here.

9.) A video package for Daniel Bryan vs. Randall Orton. However, this is mostly on HHH and his dealings since Summerslam. It featured the interview he did for .com with Michael Cole. It should've watched it before this, as the stuff here sounded pretty nice. Hunter explaining himself. Cody Rhodes' firing? Sometimes, eggs have to be cracked. He does care about Big Show, a 20 year veteran not obeying the COO? The example it sets is the locker room rising up in anarchy. It makes sense, and Hunter's been corporate long enough to take on this role today.

10.) So, if Dolph Ziggler beats Dean Ambrose in this match, he gets a US title shot. It was going very nicely. I was now noticing that Dean did slim down, looking very lean and all. Good job on that. Wrestling wise, Ziggler was bouncing around, and Ambrose was in the center to ground it all. The match ended abruptly by Rollins and Reigns. The attack on Ziggler caused a DQ win, and then the Usos to come and save the day. Vickie interferes, channeling her inner Teddy Long, booking a 6 man tag match playa! Oh, and Ziggler will face Ambrose at Night Of Champions. This match takes place during the commercial break. It didn't last too long after the break, but it was nice how it all broke down and everybody got involved. Ziggler and Ambrose were first to go. So the Usos and the tag team champions finished. Reigns hitting the big spear, but getting superkicked, Usos Splash hitting Rollins' knees. From there, a small package for the win. So the ending helped.

11.) Edge looks like Jason Newsted. Yeah. Another Cutting Edge for this week, nice shirt on Edge. I guess it depicts him spearing a Beatle? There's a "good for business" chant, hahahaha! That phrase is getting over big time. Edge continued to talk shit on Hunter, he doesn't respect the guy, said he has no more genitals. Steph would know this though. Anyways, he reminded of what happened on RAW, including the attack on Christian. He said to Christian, when he comes back, it won't be for one more match, but to tear it all down. That sounds sweet to me. Anyways, time to bring out the guests. Randall first, who unlike John Cena, gets booked on RAW and Smackdown. There was a sign while Randall came out that said "Bad for business." Good one. Next, Daniel Bryan, who is good for business! First question to Randall. How does it fell to be a sellout? HA! Randall though buried Edge. Said he's a washed up TV host, jealous of the guy. Edge didn't take offense, unlike Bryan, reminding that Edge is an 11 time world champion. Yeah, one more than Randall, but the Face of the WWE can still get a couple more title reigns. Randall said that Daniel Bryan's not the change that corporate wanted after 10 years of Cena. Randall said Bryan's good for business, but he is "best for business." Yeah, that's another phrase to coin. Daniel Bryan talked a bit, Randall interrupted, yelling at him as "naive." Daniel Bryan fired back, he doesn't really care about what's best for business. His most important stuff isn't about business, it's about love, satisfaction, dreams, the WWE Championship. He never dreamed of being the face of a corporation, instead, winning the WWE title. That's his dream, and in fact, he's lived it...for a few minutes. Ranall replied that he'll let Bryan's dream come true, handing him the title, and socking Bryan in the face. Fight ensued, Randall had the advantage. When he turned to see Edge, then back to Bryan, he got put in the No Lock. Randall tapped out, refs rushed down to stop this, Edge had already left. So Bryan has a whole week of standing on top in the end. It's going to get cut short on Sunday, but it's been fun...

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Old 15th September 2013, 19:17   #9642

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
I don't expect you to look, but I was giving him the Alan Kellerman seal of approval a couple of months ago. I like him most.
I was thinking that Seth Rollins could get the Jeff Hardy road. As in, wow the crowd as a face with daredevil things, put his body on the line, and get the fans behind him as time passes. Then when he's at his most popular, give him multiple shots for a world title, come up short, but finally pull the trigger. Major differences though is that Rollins seems to have his head on straight, where as Jefferson flunked on that in the past. Also, at least Rollins can play a heel well. I figure him to breakout last. Ambrose second because he has the largest personality, only it takes time to use that to the fullest. Reigns would be first because he's the easiest, with the look and all that. Not that he's any bad.

On the JBL & Cole show, Edge and Christian reunited in a segment with Hornswoggle. Their memories are foggy on the man's identity, thinking he was a child at first. Horny wanted a 5 second pose. I suppose the lower tone in Christian's talk indicates still recovering from a concussion. Edge's shirt is awesome...

They do the 5 second pose, but now it was time for Horny to scram. He ran away frightened at whatever's off camera.

Cole asked about Long, Renee Young asked Aksana...

Mr. Belding from Saved By The Bell made a little cameo. He said the show contains 1 and a 1/2 men. Cole's implied as the half-man.

The world tour's in Toronto, Renee's hometown. She talked about her first WWE event, at the Skydome (now Rogers Center), meeting Stone Cold, Chyna, and Mankind. They also reminded of the two Wrestlemanias in Toronto, claiming Rock and Hogan at 18, main evented the show. Technically, no, HHH and Chris Jericho did...

They then show Zack Ryder walking backstage. I was figuring HHH would come here and fire the guy, as Justin Roberts and Miz didn't sound all that happy.

In fact though, Renee Young handed Ryder a letter, from Wade Barrett, with bad news...

If you can read that, it basically said that everyone's moved on Zack Ryder's webshow.

One last thing, Darren Young appeared on Ellen.

While it's a nice interview, it paints this revelation as more dramatic. Darren Young being terrified and all that, when he was all chill in the bombshell. That only came from a random TMZ guy question. Anyways, Young's boyfriend was in attendance, and I noticed this face...

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Old 15th September 2013, 22:18   #9643
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Old 16th September 2013, 15:13   #9644
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Ryback a new Heyman guy? that's what I'm talking about.

Wow, the main event had no real fucking around apart from the referee's , and Bryan is new WWE champion and face of WWE. Feel ashamed now that I didn't back him in the match.

instead of a Dusty finish we are going to have the Hunter finish. Odds on Orton leaving Raw as champion? Vince to Hunter why stop at one short title reign son, lets give him two.
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Old 16th September 2013, 16:08   #9645
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I didn't watch this live, but I thought there would be at least one comment in here I was supposed to order it yesterday, but I was up all night on Saturday watching Floyd Mayweather and playing GTA 5 before going to watch football in the bar. I was fucked. Only got round to watching it a couple of hours ago.

popped at the start when Triple H did the are you ready? I said, are you ready?

Not taking Paul Heyman calls haha. Paul Heyman is a wreck.

The main event was good, but not really what I was expecting because I was expecting people to get involved. I'm glad they didn't and Bryan proves he is better than Orton 1v1 I was sure there would be more interference etc. I think they are saving whatever for future matches, maybe a hell in a cell? so it made sense. I have to wonder will anything happen over that referee injury. great ending to a show though. Daniel Bryan getting kicked around and then we get the payoff with Daniel Bryan winning the title again. The perfect ending.

They should turn Fandango a face and make Miz heel, since it pretty much like that ( with Miz being so unlikeable) I am annoyed when matches are added and don't count towards the most prestigious league table there is on planetsuzy.

Paul Heyman beat CM Punk. that is what the record shows So they are going to continue the feud. I did think it had more in it as long as we got another Heyman guy. is Ryback the guy?

Hulk Hogan voted best WWE champion he wasn't on that best all rounder list because his wrestling wasn't that good, but in terms of everything else, Hogan is the best WWE/F champion ( post Jurassic park era)

ADR vs RVD was so so, nothing special. RVD gets the win, but doesn't get the title. the van terminator is still awesome.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 16th September 2013 at 16:19.
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Old 16th September 2013, 17:47   #9646
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I'm pretty sure most of us figured Daniel Bryan was going to get the belt back, just not this damn soon. It's good for the 'kid'(and the kiddies) and hopefully it's a decent length run too.

And it's almost a certainty that he opens tonight's RAW, kinda like how Cena did when he got the belt but with less boos.
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Old 16th September 2013, 17:57   #9647
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The place will go wild and there will probably be a John Cena tweet at the bottom of the screen about how proud he is of Daniel Bryan. These endorsements are crucial.

I thought because of all the outside shit that Orotn was going to win, but I went back and forward before I settled on Orton. When Triple H said nobody gets involved I thought he was bullshitting, but he was being fair. That was cool. I think everybody prefers when there is no real bs at the end.

Now Orton has a point to prove.

I heard a funny quote on Night of champions

this was main event dressed up as a pay per view
Can't argue with that, but I will say you can't have amazing pay per views every month.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 16th September 2013 at 19:52.
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Old 16th September 2013, 20:01   #9648

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
I have to wonder will anything happen over that referee injury.
I think Triple H will strip Daniel Bryan of the title tonight and probably fire the referee.
I didn't notice but some people were saying that it was a fast count.
And it was from the ref who got knocked out earlier.
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Old 16th September 2013, 20:07   #9649
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haha I didn't notice a fast count

Triple H promo, ''Scott Armstrong was half brain dead before the match and knocked totally stupid during it. his count was 3 times the normal speed. Once You're out, you're out. He did not have the authority to make that count''

Randy Orton gets the title back.
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Old 17th September 2013, 00:35   #9650

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Chris Van Vliet from CBS-19 in Cleveland spoke with WWE Champion Daniel Bryan today, before tonight's Raw in Cleveland. Bryan did not have the championship belt with him, and said that it was getting fitted with the customized plates and that he will have it on Raw tonight. He also talked about his role on Total Divas, his beard-off with Oakland A's player Josh Reddick, why John Cena will never be a midcarder and more. Here are some highlights from the interview:

Does he feel like the champion right now: "Until I get actually get the title and get it in my bag for a night, I don't think I'll feel like a champion. So tonight, after the show, hopefully I will feel like a champion."

John Cena's injury being good for WWE: "I think right now it's a great thing because it gives other guys an opportunity to step up and fill that spot that Cena's been in for years. When Cena's on the roster it's X amount of time every show is devoted to John Cena, now it's being given to other guys who have the opportunity to shine and that's better for when John Cena comes back because now we have John Cena, we have me, we have other guys who are stepping up and becoming stars. And that's what happened in the Attitude Era with Steve Austin and The Rock, that a lot of guys left and created a lot of spots for a lot of guys to come in and be like 'hey, we're the new stars' and that's what's going to happen now."

Why his "YES!" catchphrase caught on: "I have a theory that people like doing hand motions and saying things at the same time. So if you're a wrestler out there and want to make a mark, come up with something that's easy to say and some sort of hand motion that you can do with it and guaranteed success. If you can back it up in the ring." Which up and coming WWE Superstars fans should keep an eye on: "I love watching Antonio Cesaro wrestle, I think he's just incredible. Tyson Kidd doesn't get a lot of opportunities and I think he's amazing as well. But it's going to take people who can wrestle great and have the personality and stuff to get over and really break through to that next level. But we have a lot of guys who can do it. The Shield guys right now are being given a lot of awesome opportunities as a trio but if they ever split up, they are going to be awesome individually because they are all such unique, charismatic performers."

Whether he ever considered going to TNA: "TNA probably doesn't want me saying this but I would make more money wrestling on the independents than I would wrestling for TNA. And it's a more free schedule and you're not under anybody's contract, you can go do what you want."

His name change from Bryan Danielson to Daniel Bryan: "It's especially hard getting used to people calling me 'Daniel'. Cody Rhodes likes to call me 'Dirty Dan' and Teddy Long calls me 'Soulman Danny B'. All these little weird different names that spring up that you were never used to. When I came here, I was 28, 29 years old and you get used to just being called 'Bryan' everywhere you go and now it's all these different things. Maybe the weirdest one is 'DB' because DB can also stand for something else. Like 'Hey DB, what's up!' and I'm like 'Umm, I'm not sure if I like that'".

Soulman Danny B
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