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Old 25th May 2013, 14:11   #8651

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Originally Posted by Love Buzz View Post

Graves comes across to me as fake. I just don't like him and I didn't see anything in his match to make me change my mind. Oh look I got some tattoos and I dress funny, piss off..
The funny thing is Graves went under the name of Sterling James Keenan in the indy circuit. He had some ROH matches, and one of them was against Ace Steel. Ace Steel trained CM Punk, so when he saw the guy in the ring before their match, he got the mic and called Graves a "CM Punk wannabe." It's funny, but it makes sense. It does seem like a ploy to be that "alternative" guy that captivates the fans. A bit similar to the looks of Jeff Hardy and CM Punk. Unconventional, but generates a great fanbase. Those guys, particularly Punk, has an intangible quality to them, yes, "it factor." I don't really see that with Graves. He looks like a phony inked bad boy one would see in the 80s or 90s TV and movies.

Anyways, I watched the best of the 90s DVD set, I even have it all stored in multiple CD-Rs. Taz hosted the thing. Off the top of my head without wanting to go get my CDs, the list was...

Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock
Lex Luger
Scott Hall
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Shawn Michaels
Kevin Nash
Vince, Bischoff, and Heyman.
A feature on over the top gimmicks, one on women of wrestling from WWE and WCW. Cruiserweights.
A feature on ECW...
That's when things get foggy.
Kane, maybe.

I think he was a snub though, because I got the feeling they missed some people, as Taz said if you have a problem with the list, take it up with his guy, Joey Numbers. The list though overall was fine, but this set was more important on the matches.
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Old 25th May 2013, 14:18   #8652
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Curtis Axel is a wasted client. Paul should have hired some unknown that is bigger and better. He did nothing that would obviously make him seem like a terror. To change his name was just as stupid. When I saw him walk down to the ring, I thought he looked familiar and not in an impressive way.
How is a useless wrestler supposed to follow the fighting skills of Brock? At least, Punk had a name Paul could market, but "Curtis."
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Old 25th May 2013, 14:42   #8653
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Just being with Heyman will elevate him. Do some bad ass heel stuff and he will be over.
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Old 25th May 2013, 14:47   #8654
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I'll give Axel a chance but I don't see anything in him. He is too generic looking. He badly needs to find a look otherwise he is just McGillicutty with a manager.

I forgot to give a mention to Yoshi Tatsu who got squashed by Cesaro. It really was rather pathetic. I remember seeing some great matches with him on Superstars against Tyson Kidd. Bet he wishes he could go back to those. And who was Enzo? He had a decent promo that grabbed my attention but I guess they aren't too high on him after getting crushed by Ryan.
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Old 25th May 2013, 16:35   #8655

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Thoughts on SmackDown.

1.) Opening the show is MizTV, same as last week. The Miz is in his wrestling gear, since he has an Intercontinental Championship match with Wade Barrett later. He got to bringing out his guest, Fandango, with Summer Rae. Fandango made sure Miz got his name right, and then Miz was all "Really?" Fandango said "Yes." Miz took us back to the angle at RAW, where Fandango was Fandancing. Fandango said if anyone gets close to Summer again, then he's going to dance all over their face. I wonder what that actually means. Miz called Fandango a bag of Skittles! He also said Fandango's the new Fruity Pebbles. Fandango's about to get all mad at Miz, until Wade Barrett interferes. He wanted to talk to the "ballerina," referencing Fandooper. Wade threatened Fandango, but all Fandillinger said is his name, correctly. Yeah he doesn't sweat Wade Barrett. Miz then interrupted talked to Barrett. It broke down into a brawl that Fandango simply left from. Miz and Wade fought, a ref had to come to save the date.

2.) So Miz and Wade is made official here, and Fandango's on commentary! It was pretty funny, with him saying he's got a hang nail, he had to leave Barrett hanging on RAW to "reglitter" himself. Yes, glitter. Fandango's voice, without a live mic, is rather deep. He got off commentary, saying for his music to be played. Somebody heard this, and his theme played! So they danced, and after a few minutes, Miz had enough and dropkicked Fandango. Soon after, Dango Dancer kicked Miz in the head, causing a DQ. The two heels beat on Miz, and while Fandango danced in celebration, he turned around to Wade's Bullhammer! A three way conflict? I think it could turn into four, you know why. Add Jericho. Fatal 4 way, sounds cool.

3.) Daniel Bryan is backstage, sounding like he was talking to himself. Kane's trying to calm Daniel Bryan, and somehow he thought Kane losing was because of Bryan not helping him. Bryan reiterated that he's not the weak link. Oh no you're not, who is saying that? Tap those bitches out? Oh speaking of tapping someone out, Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger! That match was great, and what do you know, it ended in submission! Daniel Bryan won. Yes, Daniel Bryan won. This could be more of a look on Jack Swagger as the guy loses again. However, the win also advanced this Daniel Bryan angle. Great wrestling all around, it's the finish and after the match that put this into more interesting territory. No Lock made Swagger tap out, and he held onto it despite the bell ringing. You can see in his eyes that Bryan just didn't want to be known as the weak link whatsoever. He wins, but after the match he goes back into the No Lock, tapping Swagger some more! Kane had to pull the guy apart. I'm loving this, Bryan's getting angry again.

4.) My SD video shows the whole opening segment of RAW, and The Ryback putting Ryder into an ambulance. I skipped all of that and I come across this. Damien Sandow in a suit and tie, with Matt Striker with him. He's complaining about arm wrestling, tug of war, and truck pulling. Yeah, referencing Mark Henry and Sheamus, not by name though. Screw physical strength, intellect man. Sandow explained about the Gordian Knot. Some tale where if you untied it, you were said to be fit to rule China or something. Matt Striker was asked to untie this knot. He failed, Sandow buries the guy, but interrupting him is Sheamus. Sheamus called Sandow, "Dame-o." He finds it weird that Sandow plays with knots, which sounded like "nuts." Anyways, Sheamus wants to prove he's not a trogladite, and wants to untie the Gordian knot. Damien couldn't wait for Sheamus to try, so Sandow wanted to try. He used some pliers, to cut the knot apart! That's smart. Really, it is, why try and untie it with your hands, you idiot? Sheamus wanted to congratulate Sandow with a Brogue Kick, but Sandow escaped. He made a good point, saying Sheamus acts like a brute when met with an intellectual challenge. You know, neanderthal. Sheamus' retort is a lesson on Newton's law. He threw Striker onto Sandow, and that's the lesson. Gravity: what goes up, must come down. Ahhh, I got you, good one. The segment was pretty random, considering that Sandow got this kind of spotlight. Weird, but good stuff.

5,) Chris Jericho vs. Big Show. It was a good match. Two veterans who know each other well, with history. Remember Jerishow? Good times. It was a bit different, how the match went down. You know Big Show is a dominating guy as a heel, but can still lose. What I found odd was that not only he lost by countout, but that didn't lead to him flipping out and standing tall. I'd expect that, but instead, his rage was quelled by Jericho. As a matter of fact, Jericho looked very strong in this match. Maybe I'm too used to Jericho not being this strong, losing a couple times and stuff. Jericho dodged Big Show's middle turnbuckle elbow attempt, Lionsault to the back, but then being chokeslammed big time. Outside the ring, Jericho got back up, soon after did a Codebreaker on the outside. Big Show then went over the barricade in response to this, and lost by countout. Big Show tried to use a chair on Jericho, only for Jericho to stop that, use the chair on Show. In the end, this sends Big Show to the back, crying. That's what he looked to be doing, crying. I guess punts to the head make giants cry...

6.) My SmackDown video also showed all of the segments with Hunter, Heyman, and Axel. In their entirety, so that's 20 minutes or so to skip. I needed to do this, I was low on time. Returning from commercial break, it's Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel. Mentions of Lesnar and CM Punk, then calling him a future Wrestlemania main eventer, a future first ballot hall of famer, grandiose statements. Then he gave Curtis Axel the credit for what happened to HHH on RAW. Axel claimed to do more in one night than his dad and grandpa did in their entire careers. That's getting up to HHH's face, and supposedly winning in their match. Did they have to give Axel the mic? His tone was too low as he did his promo, sounding flat in the process. I mean look at this way, both he and Heyman overexaggerated things. However, Heyman does it, and sounds awesome. Axel does it, and sounds annoying. So yeah, Heyman is Axel's messiah.

7.) Mr. Axel wrestled Sin Cara. A decent showcase of Axel's skills, including his finisher, the "McGuillicutter." I assume though it will get a different name. Short match, Sin Cara couldn't last long with Curtis Axel.

8.) Dean Ambrose goes at it alone, again! For a few minutes. As it turns out, the match didn't last long as Kingston was about to further take control of the match. Seth Rollins came to interfere, was stopped, and Kingston jumped onto Roman Reigns, who made it ringside. The match was thrown out, The Shield attacks Kingston, and first comes Randall Orton, next came Sheamus. Lastly came Teddy Long! HAHA! Vintage Teddy Long, book a 6 man tag team match, playa. Holla holla holla, ya feel me? It makes me laugh.

9.) Once again, The Shield has the best match of the TV show. It was great, but the news coming out of this week was Roman Reigns possibly injured. As commentary mentioned a couple times, the injury had to be ankle related, as Reigns landed strangely after doing his Superman punch to Randall Orton. The thing though was by the end of the match, he pulled out a spear, and I thought he was looking better. Hopefully this is just a passing thing. Something JBL mentioned was despite the class of names that went against the Shield, it's always a team of singles stars. It does make sense, as if saying the only way The Shield would be pinned or made to submit, is if they faced an actual trio. No, I'm not referring to the 3 Man Band, come on now. Anyways, when Reigns dinged his knee, he stayed out of action until the aforementioned Spear. After that, he got an RKO from outside the ring. So most of the match was done by Ambrose and Rollins. Kofi Kingston got the last hot tag, pretty late into the match, as he was poised to win. Sheamus earlier also looked close to winning, but all situations led to The Shield standing tall. The finish had Ambrose wipe Kofi out, yet again. Great 6 man, the fans were very excited too, hooked. Pretty interesting how this all came together in execution despite the fact it's a result of Vintage Teddy Long booking!

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Old 25th May 2013, 20:40   #8656
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also nice acting by Striker when he rolled out of the ring
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Old 26th May 2013, 02:08   #8657

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
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Sign these boys back.
They have a second episode with Briley Pierce and Trent Beretta this time.

I wonder how long they will keep this up. It's good enough to keep their name somewhere since they're not in WWE. Their young, they could always come back in the future. Also, at least they aren't making any jokes against the company.

Anyways, this week's JBL & Cole show featured a lot of Renee Young, she said she's now got her own segment here.

One of the WWE referees owns a doughnut shop!

Kaitlyn heard Teddy Long lust for doughnuts, assuming it's a Simpson's reference and asked if he was her secret admirer. Nope...

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Old 26th May 2013, 08:30   #8658
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I really want Daniel Bryan so shave his beard. He can still have a shorter beard, but it is too comedy to me.

Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
Just being with Heyman will elevate him. Do some bad ass heel stuff and he will be over.

If I had a choice of men to be the Heyman guy it would have been Wade Barrett or Randy Orton. Orton could have said he has lost focus etc and Heyman will get the best out of him again.

Originally Posted by Love Buzz View Post
Mason Ryan is back or is he.. come on Vince.. why isn't he on Raw or Smackdown every week.
because he is rubbish
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 26th May 2013 at 08:43.
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Old 26th May 2013, 09:11   #8659
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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post

If I had a choice of men to be the Heyman guy it would have been Wade Barrett or Randy Orton. Orton could have said he has lost focus etc and Heyman will get the best out of him again.
The "I have arrived!" comment followed by that insane laugh last week will make it pretty hard to legitimize Axle if he keeps that up. I think that at this point it's just hard to take him seriously because of his lack of flavor, or any gimmick at all. You're a Paul Heyman guy? Great. Now why do we care? Ideally, if he even has a story yet, that sort of thing would be shown the week of his debut.

I like your idea about Orton, though. I was sick of Orton before I ever did time in 2010-2011, and I had this idea back then about how to reshape his character. The Legend Killer was great, the Viper sucks, but he can't go back to The Legend Killer. Why not expand on the Viper idea? Back in 2010, before he would do this thing in the corner before he did the Viper pounce with his fists on the canvas-- it was clutching his head like he's in an asylum or something like that. I thought it would be cool to sell him as an insane viper. He's at the top of his game (which, he isn't, but heels lie) and the pressures got to him, and now his brain has decayed so much that being the Viper is all he knows how to do. You could bring in Heyman as The Revelator, the man that sent the Viper over the edge into the abyss. That could come in handy later for a face turn, and hopefully make sure that has some flavor for awhile.

It's partly something I stole from Mankind's debut, and partly just a throwback to the deep gimmicks of the 90s as a whole, but I think it would be cool to see. Orton has a lot of potential but his matches are just fucking boring right now, so why not give him a little depth? It's not like his current gimmick is any better. Like Cena and Sheamus, he's just stagnant. He has the potential to make this dark, and I for one would love to see it. Also, I spit every time he's announced as being from my home state. For shame, sir.

In other news...

That's my girl.

And yes, Savage Garden is one of my guilty pleasures.
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Old 26th May 2013, 11:29   #8660
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Originally Posted by SaintsDecay View Post
The "I have arrived!" comment followed by that insane laugh last week will make it pretty hard to legitimize Axle if he keeps that up. I think that at this point it's just hard to take him seriously because of his lack of flavor, or any gimmick at all. You're a Paul Heyman guy? Great. Now why do we care? Ideally, if he even has a story yet, that sort of thing would be shown the week of his debut.

I like your idea about Orton, though. I was sick of Orton before I ever did time in 2010-2011, and I had this idea back then about how to reshape his character. The Legend Killer was great, the Viper sucks, but he can't go back to The Legend Killer. Why not expand on the Viper idea? Back in 2010, before he would do this thing in the corner before he did the Viper pounce with his fists on the canvas-- it was clutching his head like he's in an asylum or something like that. I thought it would be cool to sell him as an insane viper. He's at the top of his game (which, he isn't, but heels lie) and the pressures got to him, and now his brain has decayed so much that being the Viper is all he knows how to do. You could bring in Heyman as The Revelator, the man that sent the Viper over the edge into the abyss. That could come in handy later for a face turn, and hopefully make sure that has some flavor for awhile.

It's partly something I stole from Mankind's debut, and partly just a throwback to the deep gimmicks of the 90s as a whole, but I think it would be cool to see. Orton has a lot of potential but his matches are just fucking boring right now, so why not give him a little depth? It's not like his current gimmick is any better. Like Cena and Sheamus, he's just stagnant. He has the potential to make this dark, and I for one would love to see it. Also, I spit every time he's announced as being from my home state. For shame, sir.

In other news...

WWE App Exclusive - AJ and Kaitlyn

That's my girl.

And yes, Savage Garden is one of my guilty pleasures.
Nothing wrong with Savage Garden.

You talk about adding some depth and I couldn't agree more.

The early 90s was still very cartoon-ish in the WWF and they had all sorts of characters, characters that didn't mean thing to me, but they still made an effort with them. They had some depth

I remember those Mankind promo videos. The first video came on during WWF superstars or whatever it was. I just thought, shit, Cactus Jack is coming. The promo's were creepy and I couldn't wait to see him. Of course Mick Foley is an amazing talent so he would have made almost anything work.

Check this out

you can't tell me that another replay or WWE selling something is more entertaining than Yokozuna eating more in one sitting than I eat in a month.

The early 90's wasn't great, but some things still worked. Today they are happy to send Orton out and hit the rko form nowhere for the big pop, if it even gets a big pop. I'd be sitting rolling my eyes.

I'm all for giving somebody new a chance and we will see if Curtis Axel makes it or not, I would have liked Orton only because he is already established, and because a heel turn would mean something now because his last turn was over three years ago now. The first thing would have been him giving Triple H an RKO and punt him. Take Triple H off TV completely, and Orton has a shitload of momentum.

Awk well.

Can't wait for the ambulance match.
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