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Old 14th April 2013, 02:55   #8281
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I for one am actually glad that the WWE stopped cross-promoting with Playboy, because it annoyed me to no end when useless Playboy Divas that can't even fucking wrestle would get a spot on the WrestleMania card that they never earned in the first place while actual female wrestlers have to either take a back seat to them or they have to carry the Playboy divas.

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Old 14th April 2013, 05:04   #8282
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Originally Posted by Psycho Man View Post
I for one am actually glad that the WWE stopped cross-promoting with Playboy, because it annoyed me to no end when useless Playboy Divas that can't even fucking wrestle would get a spot on the WrestleMania card that they never earned in the first place while actual female wrestlers have to either take a back seat to them or they have to carry the Playboy divas.
Most of the pb divas where wwe divas like torrie who had been in the wrestling biz since wcw, and sable wherevalso a pb diva that where on a wm card thnx to a pb storyline.

But rarely or ever did a pb match bump a womens title mat at wm, but most of the wwe divas that did pb could wrestle, maybe not as good as trush or lita but they where full time wrestlers.
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Old 14th April 2013, 12:27   #8283
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Triple H looked like an injured Terminator on Smackdown with the leather jacket and shades.

The Shield were on Raw, NXT, ME and SD this week. I thought Orton and Sheamus were bad.. I don't know where they are going with these attempts on HHH and UT but to me it looks like Shield may disband soon as they are starting to turn abit chickenshit. It's not like they are outnumbered, still 3 on 3 in those situations.

Also a shout out to the worst licensed Cena t-shirt i've ever seen. Seriously it looks like a bootleg piece a crap you'd buy at a discount store.

Chants we missed:

Justin Roberts (Still prefer Fink)

We Want Lilian ( I want her too )

We Want Pretzels (Josh mentioned on Smackdown, about the only interesting thing he said)

Chris Benoit (Probably for the best considering)
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Old 14th April 2013, 20:40   #8284
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I think they will win the tag team titles soon ( Rollins and Ambrose, but maybe Reigns) They should use that any member can defend rule, just to make them seem more important. I don't see them splitting up for a good while yet.

I would like to see the extreme rules ladder match that Seven Churches mentioned.
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Old 15th April 2013, 11:04   #8285
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This has nothing to do with anything, but it's hilarious.

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Old 15th April 2013, 20:47   #8286
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I read this and I swear that I could've felt my IQ drop a few points. I literally felt my fucking braincells dying just for the sheer stupidity from this post. To quote the great Anton LaVey, "It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful" and it's shit like this that makes me really wish it was.

"People Who Should Apologize to Kelly Kelly"
1. Stephanie McMahon
- Stephanie is the head of creative and for whatever reason was not a Kelly backer. Thus Kelly, despite being very popular, the face of the division, and wrestling a full schedule had to wait 5 years for the title. Meanwhile she gave the title out like candy to her friends and unover girls she was a backer of. None of those reigns worked and it just set interest back. Kelly is one of the few girls to have over 400 matches, was on their television every week, was plastered all over the company for years, and so on, yet was only given the title once. All because Stephanie didn't like her. If they had just simply given her a few more title reigns she would have had a much more prestigous career.

- In addition to constantly politicking KK out of the title, Stephanie McMahon gave her no creative support. Almost all of KK career was one random match after another. Despite this she was always popular and seen as high level. Think how much even bigger she could have been with feuding with over heels and Given storylines with main eventers. And look at the state of the division without her. Raw rarely has a Diva match because the girls left can't get a reaction. Her project Kaitlyn hasn't had a Raw match in 8 out of 9 weeks despite a super strong push.

- Renamed the Diva of the Year award to Divalicious Moment despite KK having one of the strongest Diva years in company history. A year she won 80% of her matches, notable PPV wins, Power to the People, cover of Maxim etc.

2. Jim Ross
- In several years was never willing to pay a compliment to KK and help relieve the blind Internet hate for her. All this stems out of him being a Trish Mark and just an Internet mark panderer who is just telling his supporters what they want to hear. And because they hate Kelly he fed into that. He wants to make sure nobody is ever mentioned in the same breath as Trish. And Kelly being a popular great looking blonde with a really flashy style was too close for comfort.

3. Trish Stratus
- Has never said anything positive about KK despite her being a big female star of a similar mold working her ass off to keep the division afloat. Yet she then puts over girls who are complete duds that couldn't even last one match such as Rima Fakih. And putting over Kaitlyn whos title reign is a total dud.

- Used her friendship with Stephanie McMahon to politick KK out of a Wrestlemania match. This after phonily raising her hand and pointing to her at a prior PPV when at that time were going to be partners. Trish never mentioned KK again then put over a trainwreck whore celeb and even stood by while that non wrestler bit one of Kelly's spots.

- When Kelly won the title Trish threw her under a bus saying she identified and supported Beth's 'movement'.

- During Kelly's reign she was unwilling to help add to the feud with Beth Phoenix while making appearances to shill Yoga gloves. Nor was she willing to have some sort of program perhaps teaming with her against Beth and Natalya.

4. Michelle McCool
- Because of her relationship with Undertaker and friendship with Stephanie McMahon she was endlessly given titles and opportunites despite it being unover. Think how better Kelly's career had been if just a couple of these title wins went to Kelly. Is it any coincidence that KK finally got the title when McCool left?

- Despite phonily saying nice things about KK in post retirement interviews the reality is Michelle was unwilling to put over KK in a credible way. Whenever she took a loss to KK the match always took the format of McCool getting 100% of the offense then KK winning with a small package or something.

- In McCool's desire to hold the title despite working a light schedule, Layla, someone nowhere near KK level, was allowed to win the title before KK. And allowed to beat KK to retain the title for McCool.

5. Joey Styles
- If Jim Ross is the king of Internet marks Joey Styles is the prince. And what they do is just pander to the Internet telling them what they want to hear. Joey Styles somehow convinced WWE to make them the head of their website. He used this position to undermine Kelly and hire Internet mark writers that also undermined her.

6. Katie Raymond
- An Internet mark who was one of Joey Style's underlings on WWE.com. She used her position to continually undermine Kelly. Such as when she buried her after winning the title. Even though Kelly paid more dues than any other Diva before getting the title. And the obvious that the company's website shouldn't be burying the female face of the company.

- She then joined the Diva Dirt writing staff which has a long history of burying Kelly.

7. The Bella Twins
- Manipulated Vince McMahon into giving them the title before Kelly held a title. Even though Kelly was light years more important to the division and had more tenure.

- Manipulated Vince McMahon yet again into giving them the title as a reward for leaving the company. Thus the Bellas have two titles and Kelly has one. It amazes me how they can even be friends and not feel massive guilt.

8. Layla
- Parlayed a friendship with Michelle McCool and Stephanie McMahon into getting more title reigns than KK. This despite the fact that Layla as nothing more than a heel lacky and when they tried to push her as a top face it bombed.

Layla getting a title before KK was some of the most ridiculous politics I ever saw. And then on top of that farce KK had to do a job to Layla on PPV so she could retain the title for McCool. KK then had to wait another full year for the title despite being beyond due for the title. How can she not feel guilt?

- Layla continued to enjoy the fruits of this politics by being rewarded with the title for missing a year with injury. She then proceeded to have a title reign that bombed and had to mostly be kept off Raw.

9. Eve Torres
- Was allowed to leapfrog Kelly twice as a face for the title because Stephnie McMahon was a backer of hers. Even though KK was more tenured and much more popular.

10. Maria Menounos
- Manipulated a relationship with the McMahons to shoehorn her way into a Wrestlemania match. Thus instead of a singles match with KK and Eve or Beth we got a pointless tag match. And instead of KK getting the win with her Molly Go Round they had to let Maria get the pinfall despite doing nothing in the match.

11. Lita
- Was unwilling to do any sort of program with KK. Even just tagging with her for a match.

12. Beth Phoenix
- Never put Kelly over via finisher despite their dozens of matches and KK being the face of the division for years.
- Not willing to do anything to get heat in her hometown for the Night of Champions match
- Rather than embrace being heel and trying to get heat did an Internet pandering gimmick where KK credibily was undermined to appeal to the Internet.

13. Kharma
- Because Kharma irresponsibly got knocked up it not only delayed Kelly getting the title. It robbed her of a feud against an over heel


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Old 15th April 2013, 21:11   #8287
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Yeah somebody is a kk mark and it wasn't like kk was a godsend to wrestling.

There where other divas in the back that didn't even get half of the tv time she got that where bether then her in the ring.
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Old 15th April 2013, 21:51   #8288

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The apologetic Kelly Kelly article got more senseless as you read more. So the final bit on Kharma, therefore, is the stupidest. Irresponsibly get pregnant? That's pretty harsh, it should be chalked up to random/sudden occurrence. Kelly had tenure in the company because of her looks. Kelly didn't get the title until 2011 because she was worse as a performer before said year. In fact, she barely performed in her early years and acted as a valet, because she was not ready to be in ring. When she became champion in 2011, the only wins she got were via rollup on Beth Phoenix and Natalya. Why? To paint her as an upset champion, an underdog. So it has nothing to do with Beth not willing to put her over cleanly. If anything, Kelly should apologize to Beth, because it's her model character that helped drive Beth away from WWE. Trish got the WM27 over Kelly Kelly because she's a veteran and knew damn well she'd do better tagging with Snooki than Kelly. Trish put over Snooki because that's what the company wanted. Michelle got more titles than her because, starting with the Piggie James angle, in my opinion, was getting over as a heel. LayCool gained more momentum once Vickie shared air time with the group.

Ross doesn't really cater to internet fans, as I believe he has proven to balk at them. His rant on fans at this year's HOF ceremony, as the fans that booed Maria Menuonos vehemently, some of them had to be internet fans. JR's more of a company man than an internet fan pleaser. Joey Styles is more of an internet fan panderer, but that doesn't really matter.

The Divas of Doom angle didn't work against Kelly, as this article tried to argue. It was on looks, if it worked against Kelly, they'd actually dig deeper into wrestling skill. Therefore, Beth and Natalya would have promos that buried Kelly's wrestling skills. That never happened. Trish supported DOD because she's from Toronto. Not far from Buffalo where Beth is born. Beth trained under the same guy who trained Trish, Edge, and Christian. So there's that connection, and I'm sure she and Nattie have some good relationship.

Kelly can't carry a match, she became face of the division because of her damn face! Also, they were losing good looking faces that had more than an inch of talent, and Kelly was really all that was left. Then, when Kelly gains momentum as Divas champion, she used it as a springboard to get to Maxim, and basically dumped the company in favor of modeling and other crap. Kelly's not a workhorse. Just because she was in the company since 2006, doesn't make her one. She had it easy given her valet time, and her ring style is too damn basic, that she probably wasn't dead from doing many house shows. Furthermore, I don't recall her getting any serious injury, in the 6 years she was in the company. Only a neck thing towards the end of her WWE run. So, either she's a person who magically can't get injured (Chris Jericho), or all the other stuff I mentioned, applied to her. It's definitely the latter, she's no Jericho...

And if this article mentions backstage stuff, why leave out the fact she's gotten around in the locker room many times. CM Punk, Batista, Justin Gabriel, those are confirmed. Outside the business, dating Jeremy Piven, some sports guy from some sports team. Biased article, but my argument is biased as well, however I'm not trying to pass it as an article, informal and everything.
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Old 15th April 2013, 22:00   #8289
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I stopped reading at Jim Ross.

a bit of a spoiler for tonight on Raw

Brock Lesnar is backstage at Raw and is expected to shoot an angle continuing his feud with Triple H tonight.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 15th April 2013 at 22:07.
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Old 15th April 2013, 22:19   #8290

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Shooting an angle with Hunter? Looks like supposed plans with Rock fell through. A rubber match at Extreme Rules, where Lesnar puts his career on the line. He wins, challenges for the WWE title after Cena overcomes The Ryback and/or Mark Henry.
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