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Old 10th July 2017, 07:46   #581
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Originally Posted by WhatanAss View Post
You still get ads with Zippy when using Adblock plus. I'm not sure if u Block does the trick though.
If you're using Firefox, I've learned that right clicking the download button first will cause Firefox to block any pop ups from Zippyshare. Afterwards, you may have to reload the page, but then you should be able to click the download button without any problems.
Last edited by scaramouche; 10th July 2017 at 13:06.
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Old 10th July 2017, 10:58   #582
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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
Well, like a bad penny you've turned up again
You're in my sights, there's a mist on my lens
I think you know how it was when I tripped and fell
Well, you've double-dealed me, baby and I broke like a shell, oh

Well, like a bad penny you've sure lost the glow
But I'm out of reach, your smile's sure gone cold
Well, it can't ever be like it was then
Well, don't you fool with me, baby
Well, don't you mess with my plans

Some stormy nights
Your memory haunts me
You won't go away

Well, like a bad penny you have turned up in the change
Try to fit into the picture, you can't get inside the frame
I think you know I'm still sore but I'm on the mend
Times sure have changed, it won't happen again

Well, like a bad penny spins around and around
Well, you won't know what's gone wrong when it all falls down
You got to learn from now on to stop playing games
You ought to keep on moving, you got to spin on your way

Some lonely nights
I hear you calling
Won't you go away?

Well, like a bad penny you have turned up again
You're in my sights, well, there's a mist on my lens
I think you know how it was when I tripped and fell
Well, you've double-dealed me, baby, I cracked like a shell, yeah
A Rory Gallagher reference on my favorite porn site.... I can die a happy man now! Seriously, I have every album, every DVD. I am a walking Rory Gallagher encyclopedia.
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Old 10th July 2017, 11:48   #583
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Originally Posted by KeepItReal View Post
True - but that's because Youtube has absolutely no Moderation!

You guys should try an experiment - allow a few "hot button topics" and keep them "sensibly" Moderated...

Sure, there will be a few rude people - but you can issue warnings against them and edit their posts... however the majority of people on PS are highly intelligent and very cool, so I'm sure it would lead to amazing debates over important issues!

Why do you let a tiny minority of trolls dictate how the forum is run? Why not have more respect for the good members here and allow them to speak productively about the rich tapestry of life!

There are so many people here, from all walks of life and all corners of the world - I'm sure PS could become the most interesting and informative place on the Internet... as well as the goto place for fapping lol!

Seriously man, it's a such a huge waste of potential, that y'all are not looking to develop the Discussion Section in to a World Class forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions - surely as a Mod, you'd like to think you're "work" here involves more than just Tits & Ass !?

No it wouldn't! It would actually mean less work for you guys... cos you won't have to constantly chase people around the block, for making the grave error of posting 5 pics instead of 4 etc etc!

Besides... will you also start asking Uploaders to stop posting so much too... cos their pics/gifs clog up the system ?!

Sued? For posting one too many pics? Calm down bro... it won't start WW3 lol!

Nobody wants nuts to run the place - but unfortunately you are already letting them have complete control... cos you are forcing everybody to be over-moderated, due to the fear of just a few trolls!

In the same way that we are all slowly losing our freedoms in real life... because of a handful of crazy terrorists m0f0s!

Anyway, I think a more honest answer from you would be this:
Dude, we run things this way - because we've always run things this way...
I've seen topics that aren't even on the, "No Fly List" get very heated, to put it mildly. It always turns out to be Red Vs Blue (A Vs B, etc). I don't think the mods in those sections want the extra work of handing out unnecessary warnings/infractions. As a curious person, I agree with you; I'd like to discuss certain things. However, shit will get ugly really quickly. I don't think it is "Trolls" screwing it up for everyone. More like: Passionate people with different beliefs and points of view. If I want discussions (heated or not), I'll turn on a podcast or the TV. There's nothing wrong with just T&A. It provides a break from all the bullshit in the world Besides, what world issues will we solve on a forum dedicated to T&A?

Pics and gifs: I don't know if you've ever modded before but unlimited posting would indeed be a nightmare for mods. I think you are underestimating the work those mods do already. It would also slow the forum down. It is also a nightmare for people with slow connection speeds, yes they still exist. Members: 1,117,107 * Threads: 554,532 * Posts: 14,032,513.

Litigation has nothing to with quantity. It is more to do with posting copy written material (and not disguising paysite names), banned material, or illegal material (underage stuff). If people could post anything and everything, shit would definitely hit the fan; Possibly closing the forum.

The rules have been cultivated/changed over many years. What works now may not work in 5-10 years, etc. 1 or 2 things have changed since I've been a member. If you can bring forth an idea or a rule change that works for everyone, Admins/Mods will listen and possibly change the status quo.

I respect your passion and opinions.
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Last edited by ViceLikeEye; 10th July 2017 at 11:50.
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Old 10th July 2017, 14:27   #584
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Originally Posted by misterfall View Post
A Rory Gallagher reference on my favorite porn site.... I can die a happy man now! Seriously, I have every album, every DVD. I am a walking Rory Gallagher encyclopedia.
He in the chequered shirts was a great musician, but sadly never achieved the recognition he deserved...

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Old 10th July 2017, 15:42   #585
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Originally Posted by ViceLikeEye View Post
I've seen topics that aren't even on the, "No Fly List" get very heated, to put it mildly. It always turns out to be Red Vs Blue (A Vs B, etc). I don't think the mods in those sections want the extra work of handing out unnecessary warnings/infractions. As a curious person, I agree with you; I'd like to discuss certain things. However, shit will get ugly really quickly. I don't think it is "Trolls" screwing it up for everyone. More like: Passionate people with different beliefs and points of view. If I want discussions (heated or not), I'll turn on a podcast or the TV. There's nothing wrong with just T&A. It provides a break from all the bullshit in the world Besides, what world issues will we solve on a forum dedicated to T&A?

Pics and gifs: I don't know if you've ever modded before but unlimited posting would indeed be a nightmare for mods. I think you are underestimating the work those mods do already. It would also slow the forum down. It is also a nightmare for people with slow connection speeds, yes they still exist. Members: 1,117,107 * Threads: 554,532 * Posts: 14,032,513.

Litigation has nothing to with quantity. It is more to do with posting copy written material (and not disguising paysite names), banned material, or illegal material (underage stuff). If people could post anything and everything, shit would definitely hit the fan; Possibly closing the forum.

The rules have been cultivated/changed over many years. What works now may not work in 5-10 years, etc. 1 or 2 things have changed since I've been a member. If you can bring forth an idea or a rule change that works for everyone, Admins/Mods will listen and possibly change the status quo.

I respect your passion and opinions.
To put it another way, I don't go to political forums and demand they allow porn because we are all adults.
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Old 10th July 2017, 19:16   #586

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Originally Posted by katrin1988 View Post
Why do You like Planetsuzy ? ? ?
They have mods that keep threads on topic?

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Old 11th July 2017, 05:44   #587
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To be fair, when the threads got merged, some of these posts stopped making any sense (as if they made sense to begin with).
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Old 11th July 2017, 19:04   #588
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Originally Posted by ViceLikeEye View Post
... It provides a break from all the bullshit in the world Besides, what world issues will we solve on a forum dedicated to T&A? ...
1. Who has the nicest Boobs.
2. Who has the largest Boobs.
3. Who has the greatest ass.
4. Who has a great big fat ass. (Important to "Big Bottom Lovers").
5. Which girls have both. (Great Tits & a Great Ass).
6. Which girls have "real boobs" and the ones with "DFBs" ***
7. How these girls like to have sex. (Too many ways to list here).

*** DFBs ~ "D.upont Fun Bags"

If you don't think these are "world issues", then ask any guy would he rather talk about "Global Warming" or would he rather warm up a girl's "globes".
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Old 12th July 2017, 18:54   #589
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I visit planetsuzy every day. It is the best organized forum I know. Here I can find whatever I like: music, girls, porn.
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Old 18th July 2017, 22:06   #590
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I have probably said a version of this in the past, but PS is just a place made great by the members. There is always great discussion. You can have a heated debate in one thread and then the same person will answer your question with a well thought response in the next. No matter the topic, there is someone who can point you in the right direction, or is willing to research something, or is an expert already. There are many guys here I would love to have a beer with, and shoot the shit.

At this point, even if this place didn't have porn, I would still stop by all the time. But yeah, free porn!
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