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Old 10th November 2022, 09:02   #41
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Alright just making sure I wasnt missing some better setting
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Old 10th November 2022, 19:01   #42

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One important thing I forgot to ask everyone...
WHAT version of Photoshop are YOU using. Or what other program you
use for image editing ?
That way, I may be able to help you with some problem.

When asking a question to a certain problem, please write down which
Photoshop version, or program, you are using
, and if you have any special Plugins installed.
There are a few diferences between Photoshop versions and the things
they can do.

I have a few plugins which I believe are the most important for doing image
special-effects (easy and fast) . I have tested a few other plugins before,
but I stopped using them (some are still installed )
because some of the others I am working with, can do a much better job.

This is what my working versions look like and what Special plugins are installed...

Photoshop CS-5 (2014 version)
with extra special-effects plugins
(I still love to work with the old version, because sometimes it
does a much better job than the new versions !
- the other plugins on the list I will have to remove, as I used them for testing,
and I am too lazy to have deleted them as of today

The only plugins I usually work with are...
Eye-Candy 4000
Mike and Yael (remove white)
Topaz Labs Bundle plug-ins


Photoshop 2022 version
with these extra plugins ...
Neural Filters plugins
NIK Collection 5 plugins

Some "Neural filters" plugins work very nice, while some others are
still in "Beta" testing development and work with some problems.
One day they will fix these problems and release them as fully
working plugins. I hope so, because they are very cool to use!
Meanwhile, there are many ways to do the same
job using other programs, such as Topaz Studio 2.


TOPAZ Studio 2

This works almost like "Adobe Lightroom" and "Photoshop Photo Elements" but
with much more powerful plugins and a big selection of artsy special-effects
to enhance and customize each photo you want.
It´s a wonderful program for photo-artists and also for doing some post-work
for your photoshop art and pictures.

The Plugin filters are on the right side . with each one having
many sliders and buttons to customize each effect , with many diferent options.
This is what it looks like...



Adobe InDesign (version 2018-19)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_InDesign

InDesign is a program that looks like Photoshop, but its mostly for working
and creating PAGE design for magazines and creating books.
It prepares each page for printing books, brochures, magazines,
posters and many publicity works. It takes awhile to learn how it works
but if you have been using Photoshop before, you will learn quickly how
to get around using InDesign.

Here is what it looks like... It´s from my "Lana Del Rey Lyrics Book"
which is still unfinished.

If you need a certain image re-worked, it is best to do it in Photoshop and
then apply it to the pages of InDesign.

InDesign also has some features and Tools which you can create things
almost like Photoshop, but it has its limits.
So I suggest to work images in Photoshop (in the same size as
the InDesign page layout) then just move the picture to InDesign
and lay out the lettering on it as you like.
If you wish to work with InDesign as a stand-alone program, then you
must have some basic photoshop knowledge so you can do image layout
and design on magazine/book pages. It is possible to create wonderful
artsy images on InDesign too.

Last edited by maxhitman; 11th November 2022 at 04:15. Reason: fix
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Old 11th November 2022, 00:07   #43
CylnZscrmZ, a.b.n.c.f

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gimp 2.10.99
g'mic qt
gimp ml-ai
down to about 70 usable fonts
about 3500 brushes (I just keep on saving masks as brushes and converting photoshop brushes to abf files) sigh. I'd guess I actually use about 20 <facepalm>
I make my own palettes from getty files and use textures from pexels.

(if you dont use pexels for textures you're missing 50% of image editing imo.)
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Old 11th November 2022, 04:10   #44

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That is cool Cylnz
I also heard great things about GIMP from many of my great artist
friends who create skin-templates for games in the IL2-1946+Mods
game community.

I have a PDF Manual book for GIMP if anyone is interested
in downloading it?

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Old 12th November 2022, 09:58   #45
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I just use these to make sigs/create avatars/ modify old pic sets and generally improve old candids and so on...not sure the versions...IDK
Irfanview + All plugins (latest)
Photoscape X (latest)
Photoshop (1-2 updates back)
GIMP (too lazy to update)
Topaz for upscaling (1-2 updates back)
Yeah its a bit much...
do have another PS question why cant i get the tools to show up? see pic...

they wont show up on the left side, how do i get them back on the left side?
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Old 12th November 2022, 12:21   #46
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Lightbulb Notes !!!

One thing I really regret not doing sooner... is keeping notes. I don't know why I didn't think of this years ago!!! I find sometimes my brain gets flooded with ideas and the easiest thing to do is write that shit down. Especially if it's a bigger project, that may take days or longer and/or you have other things going on in your life. Plus, if you have a Swiss cheese memory like I do, this is a pretty good tip.

It's pretty easy to do on PS. Create a couple layers and group them into a folder, I like using one layer as a black background and a layer above it using white text; It's easy on the eyes. You can also strike an item thru with PS when you have accomplished the specific task. And you can easily hide your notes when you're not using them (toggle the eye icon on the folder).

Here's an example. Sorry for my goofy screenshot. That's how my PC thinks my monitors are arranged.
Hopefully this helps someone.
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Old 12th November 2022, 12:47   #47
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^ if I dont write down the formula for a pic that comes out stunning I forget every time, so i keep them in a text file or take a screenshot w/ GIMP...theres gotts be an easier way to screen my desktop w/out using GIMP thats all I use it for besides copying an entire webpage for video game stuff (builds maps etc)

Photoshop 2022 version
with these extra plugins ...
Neural Filters plugins
NIK Collection 5 plugins

cant find em...all i find is a bunch of full d/l that are about 4.5GB which has them on board but im too lazy to change the whole thing
Ill just use the generic version
Last edited by MasterBates; 12th November 2022 at 12:57.
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Old 12th November 2022, 12:55   #48
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Originally Posted by MasterBates View Post
do have another PS question why cant i get the tools to show up? see pic...

they wont show up on the left side, how do i get them back on the left side?
Try this:

If you need to, try this:

Control K to bring up Preferences. I generally use this as a last resort, because I like how I have PS set up. But if you're genuinely stuck, you may need to do this.

Hope you get it fixed.
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Old 12th November 2022, 13:00   #49
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Originally Posted by MasterBates View Post
^ if I dont write down the formula for a pic that comes out stunning I forget every time, so i keep them in a text file or take a screenshot w/ GIMP...theres gotts be an easier way to screen my desktop w/out using GIMP thats all I use it for besides copying an entire webpage for video game stuff (builds maps etc)

Photoshop 2022 version
with these extra plugins ...
Neural Filters plugins
NIK Collection 5 plugins

cant find em...all i find is a bunch of full d/l that are about 4.5GB which has them on board but im too lazy to change the whole thing
Ill just use the generic version
If you use Windows 10, screenshots are easy. They're built into the OS.
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Old 12th November 2022, 19:30   #50

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Originally Posted by MasterBates View Post
^ if I dont write down the formula for a pic that comes out stunning I forget every time, so i keep them in a text file or take a screenshot w/ GIMP...theres gotts be an easier way to screen my desktop w/out using GIMP thats all I use it for besides copying an entire webpage for video game stuff (builds maps etc)

Photoshop 2022 version
with these extra plugins ...
Neural Filters plugins
NIK Collection 5 plugins

cant find em...all i find is a bunch of full d/l that are about 4.5GB which has them on board but im too lazy to change the whole thing
Ill just use the generic version
Thanks for the tips guys and gals
To answer some questions....

Masterbates, do what ViceLikeEye as suggested for the TOOL pallete/Bar
to show up on your left side of the screen.
For the other palettes to show up on the right-side of the screen, see the
top listed names ... and select "WINDOW" ... in the drop-down menu
select the ones you most need to use.
The Photoshop program will memorize them and will always open with
those palette/windows which you selected.

As a suggestion, for you to work faster and easy , look at the
screenshots I have posted in the previous post of my working
PS-2014 and PS-2022 to see what palettes I work with.
Everything you really need are those. Anything extra you may need,
you can always select from that "Window" menu.


Another answer For Masterbates,

if you want to use the "Adobe Neural filters", you must LOG-In into Adobe
Photoshop website and then download their Neural Filters for your version.
They are free to use.
(You can use an email-contact which you hardly ever use to do this)
BUT You must do this ,
even if you are using a "Jack Sparrow version" of Photoshop

When using a Jack Sparrow version you must FIRST get a working password
or crack , so you can get your Photoshop working properly.
Then install the plugins later.

Once you download the main packs of plugins from the Adobe website,
you then have to click on each diferent "neural filter" on your
Photoshop home-screen and continue the download for the
complete plugin and its updates.
Once this is done, then just Log-Off from Adobe website and
never have to bother with that again.

Believe it or not, this can be a very boring set of steps you have to do,
if you want your "Jack Sparrow version" or even the paid version to work
properly. It took me around 3+ hours to make my version
of Photoshop to work with the things I wanted on it.

At the moment Adobe as disabled some Neural filters from Photoshop
from working properly, because they have some problems that need fixing.
Those are the "Harmonization" coloring plugin filters. But I still have it
installed, so when they fix the problem, I can download it and get
it working.

The other problem with working with a "Jack Sparrow" version of Photoshop
is that you cannot have access to the cool new Plugin "Photo Restoration"
which fixes and restores old pictures.
It is still in BETA testing.

you can still get (and use) the cool "Colorization" Neural filter plug-in
which makes it possible to colorize vintage black+white pictures!
This does the same job as most colorization website programs
and is worth using.
I love to colorize vintage pictures of classic Hollywood actresses
Like this big picture below...
...it may not be 100% perfect, but its damn great to my eyes for
a 10-second A.I. colorization.
May need a few little color tweaks here and there, but it does the job for you
super quick and saves you time. Colorization online websites put a limit to
the size of images you can use, but in this Photoshop gizmo, you have no limits.


and if you enjoy vintage erotica,
then Betty Page has never looked so Hot in a 10-second colorization!

One of these days someone will figure out a way to get the "photo
restoration" plugin to work better and I will get it for myself.



One thing I really regret not doing sooner... is keeping notes.
I don't know why I didn't think of this years ago!!!
I find sometimes my brain gets flooded with ideas and the easiest thing to
do is write that shit down. Especially if it's a bigger project, that may
take days or longer and/or you have other things going on in your life.
Plus, if you have a Swiss cheese memory like I do,
this is a pretty good tip.

It's pretty easy to do on PS.
Create a couple layers and group them into a folder, I like using one layer
as a black background and a layer above it using white text;
It's easy on the eyes. You can also strike an item thru with PS when you
have accomplished the specific task. And you can easily hide
your notes when you're not using them
(toggle the eye icon on the folder).

I am exactly the same ViceLikeEye
My brain can only remember a few megabites of information ...
I am geting old...I need more memory RAM for my brain ! LOL

Even tho I collect ALOT of Photoshop tutorials (both in written word and
download the YouTube videos) , there are some Youtube channels I
often look at for very GOOD tutorials.

This guy is very helpful and his tutorials are worth learning ...
A good useful tip ViceLikeEye has suggested , which I also recomend,
is to ALWAYS create a new folder and store in that folder
each individual Photoshop work you create.
Save your files as a "PSD" file format, so ALL your layers will be neatly
stored and saved, if you want to use that image later in the future.
ALSO... keep and save in that same folder as the "PSD" file, ANY other
pictures and image-texture sources you used for creating the image.
This will save you time and problems later,
if you wish to re-work the image again. Everything will be saved in
that one folder.

This will not slow down your PC if you have 5,000+ diferent folders to
keep each individual photoshop "PSD" saved files.
I have been doing this for over 20+ years and I must have around
30,000+ files in "PSD" format, including HUGE PSD-files of
game "Skin-templates", and it has not given me any computer

One thing I do suggest to install into your PC is Memory RAM.
Working with all of these image programs , they need RAM.
At the moment I have 16 Gb of Ram and everything works just fine
for me.
If you have less RAM, you may notice your programs working a little
slower. This happened to me back in 2001 when I only had 8 gb of Ram.
It was not enough.

Last edited by maxhitman; 13th November 2022 at 02:39. Reason: fix
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