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Old 5th June 2012, 20:49   #4881
Alan Kellerman
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I stopped watching before the Sin Cara vs Hunico match. Already too much John Laurinaitis and I didn't think watching Michael Cole wrestle was worth staying up for. I'm not looking forward to it switch to 3 hours,Raw every week . As usual I'll wait and see how it goes before I predict death of WWE or anything too extreme.

The Big Show. Making all these threats about being a giant and not being an entertainer. I'll believe it when I see it big man.
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Old 6th June 2012, 01:34   #4882
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WWE: Officials Want Randy Orton Fired!

After being suspended for 60 days last Wednesday for his second violation of the WWE Wellness Policy, SuperLuchas.net is reporting that Randy Orton was called to a meeting on Friday at WWE Headquarters in Stamford, CT with WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon, Executive Vice President of Talent & Live Events Paul “Triple H” Levesque, and Executive Vice President of TV Production Kevin Dunn. The meeting was called to discuss the nine-time World Champion’s future with the WWE.

A source within the WWE described the meeting as “hostile” with a decision to be made about Orton’s future. It’s also being reported that several officials are wanting to see Randy Orton released from his contract as a cost-cutting measure, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to start making talent cuts. Those same officials feel that Orton’s lucrative ten-year contract that was signed in January 2010 can no longer be justified if Orton is brought back to a mid-card position on the roster. With “The Viper” just one Wellness violation away from termination, it puts the WWE in a tough spot if they decide to put Orton back in a main event role (an issue the WWE has ran into in the past, most notably with Jeff Hardy).

A big factor working against Orton is that Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon is infuriated with the third-generation star as Vince thought that Orton had matured over recent years, believing that Orton’s days of steroid use were behind him. As previously reported, Orton’s 60-day suspension stems from testing positive for the anabolic steroid, Dianabol, with Orton also being fined $2,500 for a separate drug test failure for marijuana use.
This suspension ensures that Orton will not be a part of No Way Out (June 17) or Money-in-the-Bank (July 15) as his 60-day suspension will stretch to July 28, which also means that Orton will not be a part of the huge three-hour 1,000th episode of RAW celebration in Orton’s hometown of St. Louis on July 23.

Should Randy Orton be fired?

Remember how that guy who was a writer for TNA, what's his name, nevermind... wanted Randy Orton in TNA? I doubt Orton would go there, then again, he could go there, but Mr. Anderson will be chewing gum all up in his face

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By definition she most definitely is a whore.
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Old 6th June 2012, 01:37   #4883
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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
I stopped watching before the Sin Cara vs Hunico match. Already too much John Laurinaitis and I didn't think watching Michael Cole wrestle was worth staying up for. I'm not looking forward to it switch to 3 hours,Raw every week . As usual I'll wait and see how it goes before I predict death of WWE or anything too extreme.

The Big Show. Making all these threats about being a giant and not being an entertainer. I'll believe it when I see it big man.
I'm pretty certain Big Show said all those things the last time he faced and lost to John Cena

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By definition she most definitely is a whore.
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Old 6th June 2012, 02:26   #4884
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Im getting sick of Fake Goldberg beating up jobbers. When will WWE give
him an aponent that will actual be willing to put up a fight. Beating up
2 Michael Cole each week is stupid
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Old 6th June 2012, 02:54   #4885

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Originally Posted by SixG View Post
A source within the WWE described the meeting as “hostile” with a decision to be made about Orton’s future. It’s also being reported that several officials are wanting to see Randy Orton released from his contract as a cost-cutting measure, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to start making talent cuts. Those same officials feel that Orton’s lucrative ten-year contract that was signed in January 2010 can no longer be justified if Orton is brought back to a mid-card position on the roster. With “The Viper” just one Wellness violation away from termination, it puts the WWE in a tough spot if they decide to put Orton back in a main event role (an issue the WWE has ran into in the past, most notably with Jeff Hardy).
It seems that almost every time someone gets a 2nd strike, there's speculation on whether or not they will be fired. Randall's not getting fired, nor should he be fired. He gets a third strike, then by all means. Isn't it possible to alter his contract? Even if that's not the case, Randall signed that contract years before the suspension. So when he comes back, to keep that contract strong, and actually feel proud to make that much money and stuff, he should work hard to convince WWE officials that he's still a team player.

About Jeff Hardy, the only reason Jeff got the WWE title was because of how super over he was. I would read, and obviously hear, Jeff Hardy get bigger pops than John Cena! WWE had no choice but to give Jeff the title, and it helped that Jeff actually worked hard to get it. However, once on top, there's nowhere to go but down, and Jeff's living proof of that. Although currently he's in a good place.

It's more shocking and disappointing reading of Randall getting suspended, after watching his WWE DVD a long time ago. The documentary left on a high note, establishing that Randall matured, took care of his anger problems, and became more of a team player backstage. If this was the Orton in the early to mid 2000s, then it's not surprising.

About Ryback, pretty soon they should give him some actual matches. He needs it. Why not an open challenge? He keeps saying "feed me more." Well, get a mic and ask to be fed. He can wrestle someone like The Miz. Own him, but not right away, get an actual match first.

Hey, don't make fun of the jobbers. The legendary Stan Stansky...and, whatever.
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Old 6th June 2012, 05:56   #4886
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Thumbs up They should have a "back-up" replacement already wrestling.

I think the WWE messed up when they fired the Bella twins. There was no replacements and the Divas have disappeared.
I amsaying this because I agree that Orton should be disciplined instead of fired. Are they going to trim the roster to just Cole and Bryan?
Lesnar's stints were short, so is he getting still receiving money for his contract that he shattered when he assaulted HHH?
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Old 6th June 2012, 13:54   #4887
Alan Kellerman
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The greatest jobber of them all . I didn't even know he was dead until I put this video on

Originally Posted by SixG View Post
I'm pretty certain Big Show said all those things the last time he faced and lost to John Cena
I'm sure He said all that and more. Cena is going down this time.
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Old 6th June 2012, 16:09   #4888
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IRT Sin Cara: it pisses me off that Hunico is so much better than him at everything, but it's still the masked guy that HHH picked that gets the push. Let Sin Cara go over some lesser guy, and let Hunico go for a mid-card belt or tag belts with Camacho.

IRT Randy Orton: I'm guessing that it's just a way to try & re-write his contract; I don't think they'd really release him. It'd be funny to see him in TNA, though, until they had him squash Roode/Storm/Styles and push him to the moon because he's a big name from the WWE.

IRT Ryback: I hate to say it, but I'm looking forward to him failing on a bigger stage. He's fine for squashing nobodies, but I can't see him feuding with Cena, or Sheamus, or a real main eventer. He can't move well enough to sell, those guys won't be squashed, and I can't see someone with his physique being able to go long matches. It's going to be a clusterfuck.

Yet he's the one that Vince sees big things in. While Ziggler is losing to mid-carders and McIntyre is losing to guys that are worse than that & getting pedigreed by HHH in dark-segments.
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Old 6th June 2012, 19:16   #4889
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Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
It seems that almost every time someone gets a 2nd strike, there's speculation on whether or not they will be fired. Randall's not getting fired, nor should he be fired. He gets a third strike, then by all means. Isn't it possible to alter his contract? Even if that's not the case, Randall signed that contract years before the suspension. So when he comes back, to keep that contract strong, and actually feel proud to make that much money and stuff, he should work hard to convince WWE officials that he's still a team player.
Thing is for Randy 2012 hasn't been a good year for him so far. The two huge blows were the controversy with the Marine 3 and now this suspension. I don't think they should fire him (though if they did I bet they would free up some major capital) but when his suspension is up they should keep him off TV for a few months. WWE really can't be having this crap, Rey Rey got busted a few weeks back, then you had the stuff with Evan Bourne. I understand these guys have it bad when it comes to the life on the road (far more worse then the TNA guys in my opinion.) but WWE (well wrestling in general) doesn't need another guy getting in trouble for drugs (any kind) And because this seems like a real downer post Here's A.J -

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Old 6th June 2012, 20:37   #4890
Alan Kellerman
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Here it is. The moment you have all been waiting for.

This afternoon, PWInsider.com sent the photo to several WWE sources who noted that while there were some changes being made, it is indeed the new belt design.
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