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Old 10th February 2014, 04:37   #1581
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- "Aletta Ocean sucks some good dick" [2014 "Bl0wj0b Friday" update]

Aletta strips out of her clothes, gets a hold on Max Cortès' cock and indulges him with one arousing handjob. Soon they sit in facing each other for some footfjob action. By the 16'30 minutes mark, she finally wraps her sexy pair of lips around his cock

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Last edited by saliss; 10th February 2014 at 08:55.
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Old 10th February 2014, 04:39   #1582
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- "sexy Vicki Chase gets Fucked in the Ass" [January 29th, 2014 "Mr Anal" update]

Vicki teases spreading her buttcheeks wider than life and winking her O-ring, just for the world's viewing pleasure. Soon, she gets it expanded with different toys. By the 32 minutes mark, Vicki gets her mouth all over Mike's cock, blowing it lik she means it; once again it's DEEP, WET and SMOOTH. She finally offers up her flawless brown pipe to Mike for him to thrust it full of meat...


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Old 10th February 2014, 04:40   #1583
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Up close...

... & personal!!!

Fucked in the ass...

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Old 10th February 2014, 04:56   #1584
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- adrianna Chechik thr0ated [January 21st, 2014 update]

Adrianna receives merciless IRRUMATIO from Mark Wood...

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Old 10th February 2014, 04:59   #1585
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- Courtney thr0ated again [January 28th, 2014 update]

Courtney strips out of her clothes and proceeds rubing her pussy. Soon she lasciviously crawls to John Strong's pelvis, wraps her puffy lips around his cock and goes down on it. But the real fun begins by the eleventh minutes mark when John gets on his two feets and administers a SEVERE IRRUMATIO

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Old 23rd February 2014, 16:26   #1586
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- Karmen Karma in "Michigan Girls do it Right" [April 20th, 2013 "Backr00m Facials" update]

Karmen showcases her amazing oral talents blowing some dildo and keeps things going on an high note, taking cock DOWN her THROAT like she trained for years...

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Instant HARD-ON!!!

And it all ends like THIS!!!

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Old 23rd February 2014, 16:43   #1587
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- Karmen in "Hot Amateur Brunette with a Sweet Ass Fucked Hardcore" [Nov 29th, 2013 "Phat Ass White G1rl" update]

"Today on PAWG we have the fucking hot Karmen Karma. This girl ass is so nice and perfect and round a... I could go on for days repeating myself completly. She says she love to get fucked with huge cock all in her tight pussy. So you know what I say to that, give this girl plenty of dick!"

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Old 23rd February 2014, 16:46   #1588
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- Syren Blow Best [December 11th, 2013 "M0mmy Bl0ws Best" update]

"Syren's friend is all bummed out because his new girlfriend is a stripper and he needs a pick me up. Syren doesn't really see the problem in that but still feels like she has to cheer him up, with her experience and her excellent cougar moves!"

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Old 23rd February 2014, 16:48   #1589
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- Sarah in "Porn stars love creampies" [September 29th, 2013 "B1g Tit Creampie" update]

Sarah indulges Chris Strokes with some of that THROAT attention...

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You gotta luc her!!!


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Old 23rd February 2014, 17:03   #1590
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- Sarah Vandella's shower bj [2013 "Phat Ass White Girl" update]

Sarah rubs the BACK OF HER THROAT over the tip of Alex Gonz's cock as he waters her a shower head. By the end, Alex takes the upper hand on it and THROATFUCKS her big time...

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