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Old 26th February 2014, 18:07   #11191

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Thoughts on RAW

1.) Oh look, Hulk Hogan. Big pop, commentary giving a standing ovation, nothing surprising. Hogan botched, oh boy. He said the WWE Universe is launching, but made sure to correctly state the Network debuts. It's funny Hogan mentioned Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin. One he wouldn't put over, and one he didn't even wrestle. He did mention Rock. He named his homecoming as a turning point in his career. I assume a positive one, where his career, his legacy, will end positively. Botches aside, personal feelings aside, it was nice to see Hogan back and interract with the fans. He announced himself as the host of Wrestlemania, catchphrases and all. Welcome home Hulk Hogan. Hogan actually wasn't in WWE during the whole HD/PG Era, where "WWE Universe" was first coined. Making up an excuse for his flubbing. Commentary plugged the WWE Network, JBL did the best job, making sure to plug himself and being able to watch his own matches. He and Cole had a little exchange, threatening to beat up Cole and put it on the WWE Network.

2.) I guess with WWE PPVs changing forever, I can't note that it's silly to book a rematch right after a PPV. Paying for it, only to happen 24 hours or so later on free TV. Whatever the case, dammit, Bootista vs. Alberto Del Rio, again. Commentary noted the Bootista chant from Elimination Chamber, and cameras showing fans booing the guy. Makes me think they are going to do the right thing and turn Dave heel. There was a "You can't wrestle" chant, then "Bootista." Haha! Jerry Lawler even talked about Batista coming back during the heighth of the Yes Movement, as if speaking what I and others have been saying. Hearing this from Lawler's mouth made me really think a heel turn is coming. It needs to happen. Well, Dave had a shot to give more offense this time, not one sided, and what happens? He fails. I'll list the flaws. He was too rough in execution, he's actually hurt himself with a superplex, could've concussed himself. Sloppy in stuff such as a powerslam. And worst of all, he didn't dodge a planned superkick from Del Rio, making for a glancing blow, awkward deal. Del Rio had to go off the fly, and that was put aside when Randall came out. Del Rio rolled Batista up from the distraction, and won! That was nice. Randall talked and said the facts, Batista has come back to boos. Dave then tried his own variation of John Cena's character, in terms of reacting to the fans. Instead of Cena taking it all positively, he said "cheer those who cheer," and "boo those who boo." Well, at least 80% of the fans are booing him, so the promo he cut, one that sucked because the guy was blown up from his match and therefore wasn't crisp in delivery, the company WANTS to keep this guy face. For fuck's sake, why?! It can't work, especially when Randall owned the guy with facts, while Batista tried to call everything from him and the fans as "honesty" and acceptance of that. He had to say also that he loves this business. If you loved it, why did you leave? You kind of contradicted yourself. Yes, I know, times changed, he left when he didn't like the company's direction. He said he loves house shows, I don't doubt that. Bottom line on why he came back though. It wasn't because of love for wrestling. It was two things. Love of HHH, his buddy, and love of the money, piled on with the potential success Marvel's Gaurdians of the Galaxy will be, Dave's all about the money. I'm not convinced with the promo, but I will say that he at least acknowledged all this, and WWE did. Ignoring it would've been worse. Randall and Batista will be a very rough sell. Dave said Randall's a kiss ass, whiner, all that. Well, nobody cares anymore when the guy's now going to feud with Bootista. If these two are alone at Wrestlemania, I only have one thing to say. Pray for Randall. Please, pray for the Champ, the Man, the Measuring Stick. He's about to face insurmountable odds, and as a proud Randall fan, I feel bad for stuff he doesn't deserve. So Batista sucked in the ring, and he sucked on the promo, now I can hate on Dave and back it up.

3.) Randall was trending on Twitter after that segment with Dave. Haha! Very fitting. Anyways, Big E. wrestles Cesaro. Look at the latter's lower back area, it's all red and swollen like. That's what the Elimination Chamber can do to you. There was a bunch of "We the People" chants. Cole and JBL tried to say what "E" stands for in Big E. Cole said "Etor," JBL thought the donkey from Winnie the Pooh, who Cole said is "Igor." No, Eeyore! Off topic commentary meandering on RAW, it's commonplace. The match was a nice followup to Swagger and Big E, as it had a lot of similarities. A bit more exciting and faster paced, and less awkward stuff. There was only one here, Big E taking Cesaro down from the corner, dude landed on his head. The match went off normally, but that was dangerous. Cesaro did only one uppercut in the match, I think, spun Big E around, and the physicality from both guys made for a really good match. It ended because of Swagger coming in, using an Ankle Lock on Big E. DQ win for the Intercontinental Champion. A little problem in the Real Americans, but Big E paused that to get his hands on Swagger. Cesaro saved his partner, with what looks like a botched Neutralizer, but I think it's a receipt to Big E for that rough move earlier mentioned. Big E landed on his head, similar to Cesaro, hence why I thought it was a receipt. A good receipt, Big E deserved that, with all due respect to him. The segment ended with Cesaro seemingly letting the issue with Swagger slide. Hmmm, these two one on one at Wrestlemania? We'll see. Anyways, good stuff from both men, good match.

4.) John Cena started by praising Hogan's return, the future is now with the WWE Network. Then he reminded of his nice line where he said if you want to carry the future of WWE, you have to go through him. So, segue into Bray Wyatt? Good, he did that by pointing out his words making him a big target, Bray took that bounty. Cena said Bray was bold in preventing Cena from main eventing Wrestlemania as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, calling out Bray to make another bold move. This time the Wyatt entrance featured Bray naming the city they're in. Green Bay, they're here. Bray spoke, saying the world is suffering from a virus, the human race. Cena's in the middle of it, the hero for the people. He called Cena a liar, that he represents what's false, while Bray represents what he thinks is real. He formally introduced himself, and he and his guys bring "death" to this world as reapers. Cena formally introduced himself, obviously wanting a fight, threatening Bray in making a move. He's surrounded, a move was made. The fight did its damage to Cena, as his left knee was seemingly dinged. One of the medical doctors came briefly, making me think it was legit. The fight continued, the Wyatts exited briefly, but came back after Cena got a false sense of reprieve. I assume the knee thing's a work, but a replay had commentary focus on a single leg takedown that probably dinged Cena's knee, making me think it's real. Hmmm? Either way, nice segment, if everything's on the level, all a work, then a great sell job. If not, poor Cena, still a nice segment. I forgot to mention chants for Daniel Bryan, and then CM Punk. Neither man came, the latter's too damn obvious why.

5.) The WWE Network includes preshows for RAW and Smackdown. On the preshow for RAW, Brad Maddox had to come between an arguing Christian and Sheamus, and book this match. With Christian solidly being a heel, this makes me think the current angle between these guys is pretty much finishing what never got an end. Their 2011 feud, it was thrown out due to Christian's high ankle sprain. Christian and Sheamus are also wearing the wounds of war from Elimination Chamber. Commentary updated Cena's condition late into this match, saying his knee swelled up. On this match, the fans were lost a bit, chanting "boring." This was during a bear hug...from Christian! That just didn't fit, bear hugs barely work in today's wrestling, and from a toothpick like Christian (I say that with love), it's just not convincing. The match was surprisingly long, longer than their Smackdown match. Didn't feel as similar, just felt like a more stretched out deal. They took their time, and the fans came back as the match neared its end. I figured Christian would win, as a way to add variety, because there is no variety anymore when Christian jobs. Well, after stopping a Brogue Kick, Christian flew from the top turnbuckle, and got Brogue Kicked midair. Goddammit. Christian will never ever win a feud, he always jobs in the end. In a way, he's my personal Dolph Ziggler. Great performer, always loses, but unlike Dolph, Christian's humble and doesn't speak out of line. Veteran too, knows what he's doing. He knew what he was doing here, measured Sheamus up well. These guys have chemistry, I believe, but I don't think it's being cultivated well when Christian just keeps losing.

6.) It's a good thing they're recapping some preshow stuff, because I haven't subscribed to the Network. Hunter and Stephanie were entering the building, Renee Young interviewed. Daniel Bryan came out all angry, he said he wants to wrestle HHH at Wrestlemania! Hunter laughed at that, said he could find a spot for Bryan at Wrestlemania, mentioned the A+ player promo he gave a couple months ago. That Huner only wrestles A+ players. Oooh, by reminding that and this whole segment, it makes me think it's all but a guarantee that Hunter vs. Daniel Bryan will happen at the big show. Steph intervened and booked Bryan against Kane.

7.) Black History video for Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas, the first black WWE tag team champions. After that, the Shied were talking amongst each other. Dean Ambrose didn't want to be egged on and such, Rollins asked where Dean was. He was gone a long time in the end of that match, and they could spin it as Dean ditching the trio, but he denies that of course. The Family came, pretty random, but Reigns interpreted that as a gauntlet being thrown down. He wants Bray one on one, Bray accepts, no Family, no Shield, man to man. Sweet!

8.) Oh hey, Ric Flair and Booker T. The preshow panel's now invaded RAW. Only those two, they talked about stuff from RAW, Flair mentioned Daniel Bryan and did the "Yes!" Woo to that, and Booker said "D-Bryan," I popped! It brings me back to the glory days when that guy did commentary for Smackdown. Such good times.

9.) Daniel Bryan still sports the shoulder bandaging as he wrestles Kane. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H was trending, as it should. Commentary are all over, arguing and debating on the topical Daniel Bryan/HHH/Kane deal. It gets to be overbearing, but the action in the ring is not. Kane works on the shoulder of course, simple story there, with Bryan trying to fight from underneath. The match was really good, no hugging it out by the way. The fans got into the match, making me think there's no long term ill feelings for yet another screwjob happening to him at Elimination Chamber. Now the story's clear, Bryan wants HHH, he wants to end the screwings once and for all. A good start happens with surviving Kane and a clean win to him after the running knee strike. I could hear one anti-Daniel Bryan guy. People chanting "yes," and that one guy at the corner of my ear, saying "no," then when Bryan talked, that one guy again, saying "You suck," and chanted for HHH. I thought it was funny. Daniel Bryan talked and said Hunter's a coward, hiding behind Stephanie's skirt, talks about giving the fans what they want. I want that, the fans here seemingly want that. I also want Bryan to win clean on that.

10.) So Batista will be "unchained" on Smackdown, and they advertise it as a "tell all." Lawler said Dave speaks 3 languages, suck, old, overrated. Nah, just kidding, sarcasm, profanity, and English. Hope he doesn't blow up during that promo, HAHA! I crack myself up.

11.) Emma makes her in ring debut against Summer Rae. The fans gave a great response for Emma, she's getting over, and it's nice to see. The match was basically their NXT stuff on the main roster. So for someone seeing these two wrestle each other for the first time, it should be considered special. Having watched NXT regularly, it's not as special, but I appreciate the fact it happened and gave Emma a successful debut in the ring. The fans popped for her, Summer had one highlight with a high kick, put over those lovely long legs. There was Summer taunting Santino, which was silly, but everything with Santino is just that. Cole plugged NXT Arrival, saying you'll see how good an athlete Emma is. He should've specified, because it's supposed to be Emma vs. Paige for the NXT Women's Championship. This gave the basics and significant moves from Emma, but that match will give more.

12.) Oh so now they mention shenanigans in the Usos vs. the New Age Outlaws? A rematch from the PPV takes place, not for the tag team titles. Road Dogg got the mic before the match started, telling the Usos to respect their elders, and let them talk. Do their DX schtick. Road Dogg got superkicked before he finished, and what followed was a hilarious squash on Road Dogg. It almost completely washed away my negative feelings towards the Elimination Chamber match, but without the Usos winning the tag titles. Also, fans actually booed the Usos from that superkick. Oh please, enough with the nostalgia, praise the future, I'm solidly behind the Usos.

13.) Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt. Some fans chanted "Husky Harris." That guy is dead and buried, Bray Wyatt killed him. Well the fans ended up not giving a shit about the match, as they chanted for Jerry Lawler, Randy Savage, and probably spoiled things when they chanted "Undertaker." More on that later. It started as a back and forth deal between these two big men, which was interesting to see because of how it mixed so well, making for some hard hitting, physical action. The lull came when Bray had control, fans not getting into it. It picked back up when Reigns had the advantage, making the match go up a few notches. Just as it was cooking, with the man seemingly going to defeat Wyatt. Harper and Rowan came to stop the match from being great. However, the action turned out to be nice, starting hot with Rollins coming to keep those two from interfering. The numbers game was too much, Dean Ambrose finally came though. Alright, the sides are even, but Ambrose got too into it, attacking Bray in the ring. DQ loss to Roman Reigns, but that's washed away immediately when Reigns was busy fighting a Wyatt Family member, all three men eventually sent the Wyatts packing, standing as one. So no giant steps taken yet, but the road to a Shield split is getting more clear each passing week. I like the slow build by the way.

14.) Paul Heyman before the break told Brock not to destroy anything. Yeah that will be tough to do. After the break, here he comes, Paul Heyman! Mark out! I love that guy. Heyman reminded that Lesnar is the self-proclaimed number 1 contender. He said Batista and Randall should get their match over with, so Lesnar gets the winner at Wrestlemania. Fans popped for that, I have to agree with that. I'm not positive on that main eventing Wrestlemania. So Heyman mentioned a consolation prize, an open contract for Wrestlemania. Any opponent he wants. Hm! Heyman talked about Lesnar conquering everything he's done, but in WWE, they always "get you," essentially preventing Brock to conquer by being the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Heyman turns down the open contract, threatened to have Brock not even be part of Wrestlemania, not good for business and all. Well, he stops talking, the Undertaker came out, unsurprisingly. Met with a great response though, but it's unsurprising when the fans chanted for him. I did read reports of him returning on this very RAW, but those were just that, reports. Lawler commented by saying "he really is here." Was 'Taker name dropped or something on Monday? I didn't know that, probably made this moment better for me. Being surprised with this is virtually impossible, but it's great nevertheless. The entrance, and the facial hair! He magically went from gray to black (Just For Men?) and his facial hair resembled his Satanist era! Badass. No words were said, I have to put this over. It's small, but it's so good, Lesnar's selling. His facial expressions as Undertaker made the entrance, you can see intimidation, but he's hesitant, he's fighting back the visibility factor there. I loved it. Then Undertaker came to the ring, and stacking face to face with Brock, uhh, did 'Taker shrink? How tall is Lesnar? I checked, according to Wikipedia, 6'3". My height, okay. So compared to Undertaker? Damn, not that short compared to him. Undertaker was billed at 6'10" but I get the feeling he looked more like 6'8." So anyways, Lesnar then remembers that he's a tough guy, acting like he needs to goad Undertaker into signing that open contract. He signed it, shoved the pen to Undertaker's chest. 'Taker stabs Lesnar's hand with the pen, which was in the way of signing the open contract. Chokeslam through the table, and it's official. 21-1 or 22-0: Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar. A match predicted as far back as 2012, and it's finally going to come. Boy, Undertaker will have to pack a lunch, because Brock's not a safe worker, which is why he's so good. He's that positive kind of dangerous, but for a man as war wrought as Undertaker, it might be overbearing. Best of luck to him and his new hip. Nice closing segment to RAW.

Going back to HHH vs. Bryan, if the match happens, it'd be better if a stipulation is put in place, Bryan wins it and gets into the WWE World Title match, double duty, clean sweep, beat Randall, Batista, and HHH on the same night! If that doesn't happen, I'll personally try and be positive about this, but I have a bad feeling the majority of people won't. A riot at Wrestlemania? I don't know. Next week is the RAW from Chicago, oh my goodness!!! That's going to be the most interesting RAW in a long time, will CM Punk return? If not, how loud will fans get? Will WWE turn off the house mics? All of this with no previewing for whatever will be advertised to take place, that's something man. After RAW, I looked up Cena's injury. It was a legit tweaking of the knee, but nothing long term. Good. They played it out well as a work. One other thing, I read about Foley turning down a preshow invite to RAW. That must explain why there were only two guys on the panel instead of 3. Once again displeased with Daniel Bryan being displeased, but this one was a work. I'm a huge Daniel Bryan fan, and I wasn't displeased. WWE should exploit Foley's disillusion with the company, maybe even bring him in as a special guest referee for HHH vs. Daniel Bryan. Or hell, special guest referee for Batista vs. Randall, because they need it.

Something on Cena, goes into over analyzing. Have you ever noticed the guy recently planting his feet on the ring? Stomping as if marking his territory? It ties into his promos now talking about the future, they have to go through him. I think this is part of a new John Cena, in the sense that he's at a point right now where he has to be more directly booked to put over new stars. By "put over," not necessarily jobbing to them, but just feud with. Bray's seemingly the first test, and could hold over possible long droughts Cena will go without being a world champion. At 14 title reigns and only 36 years of age, I suspect Cena tying or breaking Flair's record won't be something done this year. Maybe next year, I'm just guessing. I'm hoping that's Cena's path for 2014, working with more new guys and putting them over. Bray first, then Cesaro, then Roman Reigns in a match at Summerslam or Survivor Series. Daniel Bryan again way later, Royal Rumble 2015, or Wrestlemania 31 even. That kind of stuff. It's interesting, the most that can be said for Cena's character in this day and age. On the Bray thing, I think he will do the honors for Bray. Does he have to? Gun to my head, yes, but I'd need more time to think of that, based on how this feud will transpire.

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Old 26th February 2014, 18:10   #11192

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Old 26th February 2014, 18:16   #11193

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Randall Orton: 5-5
John Cena: 4-2
Christian: 3-6
Daniel Bryan: 8-7
Kane: 0-2
CM Punk: 2-3
Batista: 2-1
Sheamus: 7-3
Brock Lesnar: 1-0
Roman Reigns: 10-5-1
Seth Rollins: 7-4-1
Dean Ambrose: 8-4-1
Mark Henry: 1-2
Cody Rhodes: 8-6-1
Goldust: 7-7-1
Bray Wyatt: 9-2
Erick Rowan: 7-3-1
Luke Harper: 7-3-1
The Usos: 12-1-2 (Jey Uso: 13-1-2, Jimmy Uso: 13-1-2)
Big Show: 2-1
The Miz: 4-1
Dolph Ziggler: 2-4
AJ Lee: 5-4
Tamina: 1-4
New Age Outlaws: 4-5-1 (Billy Gunn: 4-7-1, Road Dogg: 4-7-1)
The Ryback: 2-7
Curtis Axel: 2-12
Big E. : 9-4-1
Alberto Del Rio: 10-2
Kofi Kingston: 6-8
Rey Mysterio: 4-8
Sin Cara/Hunico: 1-9
Jack Swagger 4-9
Cesaro: 5-10
Damien Sandow: 2-5
R-Truth: 3-3
Xavier Woods: 1-6
Fandango: 4-7
Brodus Clay: 0-1
Naomi: 5-1
Cameron: 6-2
Alicia Fox: 1-6
Rosa Mendes: 0-1
Natalya: 4-1
Nikki Bella: 4-2
Brie Bella: 3-1
Aksana: 1-7
The Great Khali: 1-0
Heath Slater: 0-4
Jinder Mahal: 0-7
Drew McIntyre: 0-7
Summer Rae: 0-5
Emma: 5-0
Tyson Kidd: 2-0
Los Matadores: 2-4 (El Torito: 1-0)
Justin Gabriel: 0-1
Titus O'Neil: 2-3
Darren Young: 2-2
Santino Marella: 0-2
Zack Ryder: 0-2

I just finished listening to Jim Ross and Steve Austin, part 2. They talked more generally, not just Wrestlemania. The most interesting part was Cena. Should he turn heel? Both don't think so, Austin said there's no money in turning Cena heel. It makes a lot of sense, because it'd be problematic to turn him a villain to the kids, and for the adults, it's easy, but then he'll get cheered because of he's a heel by the male adults. That's not as good as being booed for being who he is essentially. Not to mention nobody can really carry his spot, and he's in a more unique position than he would be as a heel. When he retires, everyone will claim that, him being a unique guy in the history of the company. I remember Bret Hart saying Cena wouldn't even be a good heel. At least with John, that's him on TV every week. As a heel, he'd have to play a character that's outside of a zone he's been in for 10 years, it's not believable to just change all that. The only thing he needs is variety, something the company didn't bother for a few years. The stuff with Bray Wyatt is that kind of variety hoped for, especially since he will not main event a Wrestlemania this year. Other stuff was talked about, another good interview, but when it comes to Cena, it's interesting to hear various opinions on him. Much more positive than a simple (internet) fan's perspective.
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Old 26th February 2014, 19:08   #11194
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lol, Batista to blow up during his promo. There is a great chance. I haven't bothered looking at Smackdown spoilers. I don't want to know until I see it.

Cena doing the honors at Wrestlemania. This is the last time I talk about my game, I swear, well for a week at least. I had Bray to beat Cena, but once again I got fucked. Cena had a creative clause and refused, the only way he would lose was if I kept him strong and had interference. This was fine because it could happen like this for real.. the only thing was the rating was crap and I wanted to make Bray strong, not Cena. Cena won and the best I could get for Bray was a pin in a 3 v 2 handicap match :/ yeah, somehow I don't think I'd book WWE much better than it does get booked.

right now I think Cena will win.

1994, that is the adorable one.

I have no worries about Undertaker being old. I agree he looks evil as he ever has.. Bryan Alvarez is right, he says getting older and uglier adds to the Undertaker, he is unique in this way. I was listening and thinking you're right. then Dave Meltzer brings up an unnecessary point, this wouldn't work all year. Well who gives a fuck, he is not here all year. He is the king of Wrestlemania.

Brock has been a master since he returned. This big bully showing fear for The Undertaker. Paul Heyman as well. This in unquestionably my main event. Looking at the match, I think it will be very good.

Daniel Bryan vs Triple H, looks like I'm in the minority when I'm looking forward to this. Bryan winning and getting into the title match, then that would be a double main event. I keep thinking about that show closing moment and I just can't see how Batista or Orton being champion will be any good. Undertaker vs Brock should not only be my main event, but the actual main event ( so you're a former Wrestlemania main eventer Road Dogg. since when?) if it is Orton vs Batista. If it is Bryan vs Orton vs Batista then that would be a fine last match.

If I had a gun held to my head I'd say it stays 1v1. Bryan beats Triple H and WWE see that as big enough. I like how they are working it so far. Triple H being a dick and only dealing with A+ opponents. even when he was old Triple H, he was doing this, nobody in that locker room is worthy to face me except the Undertaker.

Bryan will continue to cause havoc and then Triple H gives him the match.

Originally Posted by FREAKZILLA View Post
So guys whats your take on the Mania 30 card so far?

To me as it stands UT vs Brock needs to end the show. The Batista vs RKO match just does not have the knock out punch to end Wm 30 unless the WWE puts a twist on the card. How you say? I say they put the HHH vs DB in the first hour and have the stipulation that if DB beats HHH he will be added to Batista VS RKO and make it a triple threat match. If they do this it could make the Match HUGE. Could you imagine 70 thousand fans chanting YES after DB wins the match!!!
I agree 100% Brock vs Undertaker should be the main event. The king of Wrestlemania after all and 30 is that big number. Shawn vs Undertaker got to main event, I guess that was different since it was Shawn last match and he was also Mr Wrestlemania.

I think Wrestlemania 30 is looking very good so far. The only thing I'm down on at the minute is the title match, yeah, pretty shit thing to be down on I know.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 26th February 2014 at 19:19.
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Old 26th February 2014, 19:14   #11195
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Originally Posted by Love Buzz View Post
I just don't know why all this sad talk bout Taker being old. Everybody gets old, get over it. Brock and Taker gonna beat the shit outta each other, none of this pg crap is gonna hold these 2 back. Undertaker has already done something truly memorable within 2 minutes tv time than the majority of the roster have so far this year and he looks sinister as fuck. It's impossible not to be excited. It'll steal the show.. Batista and Orton sure as hell won't.
I can see your way of thinking, certainly. I just think there comes a point where a guy gets too old and his skills have diminished to the point where you can't watch him anymore without reminiscing about how good he used to be. Especially if the guy was really good in his prime, then the fall is even greater. It's like, remember when Michael Jordan had his run with the Wizards? Even though he was still not terrible, he certainly didn't hold a candle to what he once was. Now imagine Jordan coming back to play nowadays, when he's like 50, and that's how I feel about Taker.

Granted, he does seem to have hit on a formula where people get excited about seeing him. Show up once a year, right before Mania, attack/call out some big star, and then have a match with them before taking another year vacation. Keeps him from getting overexposed, saves on wear and tear, and he collects a big paycheck every year.

Originally Posted by FREAKZILLA View Post
So guys whats your take on the Mania 30 card so far?

To me as it stands UT vs Brock needs to end the show. The Batista vs RKO match just does not have the knock out punch to end Wm 30 unless the WWE puts a twist on the card. How you say? I say they put the HHH vs DB in the first hour and have the stipulation that if DB beats HHH he will be added to Batista VS RKO and make it a triple threat match. If they do this it could make the Match HUGE. Could you imagine 70 thousand fans chanting YES after DB wins the match!!!
I love that idea, and if WWE actually did that, it would be awesome. That would really be what's "best for business." But as it stands, they'll probably just have Bryan beat Triple H in like the third match on the card, and end with Orton and Batista both getting booed out of the building, like Rock and Cena last year.

My thoughts on the card are; Taker/Brock I'm not that excited for, but it is at least intriguing on some level. Orton/Batista is going to suck big time. Triple H/Bryan should be ok, but Bryan should have a much higher spot on the card. Cena/Bray could go either way. I'm most excited to see what happens with the Shield.
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Old 26th February 2014, 19:36   #11196
Alan Kellerman
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This is the one time when I say OK wrestling isn't actually a sport. Wayne Rooney playing for Man United at 47 or 48 years old hahah. damn, lets hope it never gets this bad for Man United. I will always defend wrestlers that I like, but not to the point of being ridiculous. I wont start having a go at him until the matches suck, but I think he will already have really retired by then.

so much going on that I forgot about the Shield ( blasphemy) yes, that is definitely something to look forward to. It is heating up nicely, a carefully booked story because they have a big plan for Roman. What happens to Rollins and Ambrose? so exciting. I'd love to see a triple threat at Mania, but maybe they have a 3 v3, but against who? this could be the final nail in the coffin. Have to see how it plays out.

I wasn't much into Reigns and Wyatt on Monday either. It was cool and all to give Bray the big match against a puncher. The ending with Rollins doing his moves and Ambrose coming out was cool. the two dq finishes that were almost the same only not, so it is acceptable ( Ambrose was coming to rescue, Swagger had a bong and lost the plot )

Cesaro and Swagger could be a match at Wrestlemania, but I'm not sure. You can see babyface turn is definitely coming. Swagger cost Cesaro the match on Monday I wonder who gets Zeb?

I'm uploading the HBK Mr Wrestlemania DVD at the minute. 6gb in all. It should be up at the end of the night. I didn't know this was released on the 11th.. It only turned up on the torrent site today.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 26th February 2014 at 20:26.
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Old 26th February 2014, 23:06   #11197
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seven churches forgot about the steve austin podcast will listen later
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Old 26th February 2014, 23:42   #11198
Alan Kellerman
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I'm going to upload disk by disk . if it benefits somebody then great.

Shawn Michaels Mr. Wrestlemania disk 1
2hours 25minutes

(Oh Pammy. How I loved her in 1995)

I have only watched a little of disk one.I can't be the only one annoyed that the real Orient Express theme wasn't used at Wrestlemania 6, Twin Towers had a different theme as well at Wrestlemania 5 darn it. I wanted to hear jive soul bro.

good job I'm not a nitpicker
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Old 27th February 2014, 01:08   #11199
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Old 27th February 2014, 01:38   #11200
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Shawn Michaels Mr. Wrestlemania disk 2
2hours 58 minutes
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 27th February 2014 at 02:35.
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