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Old 8th November 2013, 01:28   #10081

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
Clerical error or just bullshit? It is a tough choice

WWE signed fitness model Ashley Sebera to train to become a diva.
Aksana looked a bit like that some time back.

Look at her now. Must be Vince's obsession with bodybuilders and what not.
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Old 8th November 2013, 04:09   #10082

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Thoughts on the Triple H DVD, Thy Kingdom Come's matches: Part I.

1.) I'm very aware of HHH's many great matches, in his WWE career. I never saw one match during his WCW time. So the first match on this portion of the DVD, is Hunter as Jean Paul Lavesque against US Champion, Ricky Steamboat, WCW Saturday Night. Commentary here is Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan. Judging by Heenan's commentary, this is after Steamboat beat Steve Austin, I guess for the US Title. Just before absorbing the match, this has to be just placed for the sake of name value, namely Ricky Steamboat, Hunter not yet a major star. The match starts off rather normally. Both guys feeling each other out, but the story of the match was Hunter working on Steamboat's shoulder. It gets interesting to see Hunter wrestling like this, because as his career passed, he changed his style into being more big move/storytelling based. That style that comes with age, similar to Undertaker. Just when this is interesting me, Steamboat hit a sudden cradle rollup for the win. Pretty short match, proving my thought on why this match is put in the DVD. Name value. After the match, Hunter worked on the arm some more, dissecting the Dragon. So Hunter can say that he annihilated Steamboat, briefly...

2.) One Night Only 1997, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, with pre-surgery Chyna. As in, mannish looking Chyna! Hehehehe. Hunter's opponent is Dude Love. The latter did a brief promo backstage, trying an English accent, probably thanks to watching Austin Powers, as Vince McMahon implied. If you don't know, it's Vinnie, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler. Back when Lawler's material was fresh and hilarious. I'll fast forward to a part where HHH used the top rope for leverage in the abdominal stretch, then getting all in Mike Chioda's face when he forced Hunter's hand off that rope. There was a wrestler vs. ref battle, and the ref won. Was this a Ric Flair trademark? Since Hunter is influenced by the guy, I figured this moment to be the case. It's rather silly though that a ref flipping out intimidates a professional wrestling. At least it's not Earl Hebner in TNA, oh goodness. Chyna got physical a bit, clotheslining Foley and a quick shot to the head, unbeknownst to the referee. Chyna also put Hunter's foot on the bottom rope. Foley being distracted from that, caused the guy to get pedigreed for the win. Out of all the matches they had, at least in 1997, this one got put in? It wasn't a bad match, just pretty average. Listening to Lawler's sharp comic jabs helped.

3.) Well now! Skipping the 2000 battles with Foley, and also the classic ladder match with Rock, but for an even better match with The Rock. Judgement Day 2000, HHH vs. WWF Champion, The Rock. 60 minutes, Iron Man match. I know my history, I've seen this match a lot of times, and definitely remember Shawn Michaels' biker shorts. I noticed a bulge when he posed on the corner! Oh goodness. He's the special guest referee here. HHH came out with Shane, Vince, and Stephanie. He told the McMahons though to leave, wanting to wrestle The Rock alone. Good for him. Back when The Rock didn't keep his hair bald, and he looked MUCH leaner. For wrestling, not Hollywood. Bringing that up, 60 minutes man. The look of Rock, prime condition. Try and get the dude to do 60 minutes in his current look? Dude would be dead! Lawler and Ross did a nice job emphasizing this as "The Hour." Ross of course called both guys "young studs." Lawler is especially all over the actions in the match, because he keeps suggesting that you have to take your time and not blow your load quickly. Immediately on the guys' case when they had a hard collar and elbow tie up. Arguing with Ross on strategy, you can't establish a fast pace. The fact is shared that before this match, Rock's longest match was a 30 minute bout against HHH, in 1998, 2/3 Falls. Despite Lawler's suggestions, a fast pace develops when Rock tried to get a sudden pinfall. Only briefly though, Hunter took a powder. He took more powders and milked the clock here and there early on. 10 minutes into the match, HHH's main target between Rock's left arm. He was working on the dude, but suddenly, Rock caught Hunter and hit the Rock Bottom. So 11 minutes into the match, Rock got the first pin of the match. The thing about these long matches is how the feeling out process, pretty much every portion of a match, is stretched out. So for the first 11 minutes, the action is not so eventful, as expected. Things cook up when the guys fight in the outside for a couple minutes. Things cooled down once it got back in the ring, Rock established his target, Hunter's left knee. Dwayne used the Figure 4, which was better applied than his weak Sharpshooter. That lasted a while, Hunter turned it around, the guys make it to the bottom rope and force a break up. Action spills back on the outside, featuring a staple of Attitude Era matches. The action taking place amongst the fans. Not so pleasant for a viewer at home, especially seeing some goober faces up close. It got back in the ring and Hunter came back on top. During that though, there seemed to be fans paid attention at some other shit. Oh of course. Apparently some ruckus in the crowd always takes precedence over wrestling. HEH! 20 minutes into the match, Shawn Michaels' shirt is no longer tucked, and it almost covers his short shorts. Almost simulating the look of Shawn Michaels half naked. Anyways, HHH's left knee was worked on some more again, Rocky having the advantage. So the guys ended up pacing themselves, and with the long time, this required Rock to not be all big moves and flash. He actually had to wrestle a man consistently: target a body part, all that old school stuff. 26 minutes into the match, HHH turns Rock around for a few seconds, enough to hit a pedigree for the second pinfall, tying the guys up. The third pinfall came after only 3 minutes, Hunter cradling Rock up. Interestingly enough, it looked like how Steamboat beat HHH in the earlier match on this DVD. So Rock's having to sell being dazed after the head shot on the turnbuckle and the pedigree to make things worse. Hunter works on it for a bit, Rocky woke up once they were close to the stage setup. The guys are spending so much time on the outside, Shawn Michaels not willing to count the guys. It would defeat the purpose if he did a double countout deal. Anyways, action back in the ring, HHH hits a piledriver! Hunter got the win, 33 minutes in, 3-1. Hehehe, back to the earlier comment on HHH being influenced by Flair, the guy got on the top turnbuckle, and was instantly thrown off it. That thing with Flair never being successful when on the top rope, funny. More nearfalls came, both men having their share of it. The Rock ended up with a little cut on his forearm, I guess from the high knee, since the right knee has a brace. The brace doing the damage. A little over 39 minutes into the match, Shawn Michaels asserted his authority when he kicked the legs of HHH off the middle rope. Getting in Hunter's face, but it ended there. I have to think that HBK just being the ref, he must've been sweating a bit and getting winded. Hence the shirt not being tucked in. 41 minutes into the match, The Rock (botched at first) floated over Hunter and hit a DDT for the 3-2 score. Action on the outside again, Shawn Michaels intervened again when he stopped HHH from using the chair. Back in the ring, HHH stopped Rock's advantage with a chair shot to the head!. 3-3, but a smart move in the end, because Hunter pinned Rock after. 4-3. The Rock's head got split open, supposedly from the chair shot. The 4th quarter now kicking in. HHH uses the Sleeper. Rock at first waking up after the second arm drop, but the second time from HHH proved effective. 47 minutes into it, Hunter wins 5-3. Shawn Michaels pulled HHH by the hair to get the dude off Rock, and they got into it briefly. The Rock suddenly sprung back alive to attack HHH, sending the dude over the top rope, poor cameraman suffered! Hehehehe. HHH, for crying loud, got on the top turnbuckle again, got crotched up of course. Big Nose and his big ego, it was pretty funny. By this time, the wrestlers are clearly all spaghetti leg, sweaty, and rubbery. It makes total sense, but they kept going. Hunter exposed Ross and King's announce table, attempting to Rock Bottom The Rock. Instead, The Rock used the Pedigree, and let this be a lesson. With the announce table emulating a Japanese kind, use the Spanish Announce Table! That's more likely to break. HA! Anyways, this had to be a clear bladejob, HHH's face developing a crimson mask from the pedigree somehow. Hunter lost by countout, 56 minutes into the match. Hunter got in by 9 3/4 of the second straight count. Both guys got into another gear, the McMahons are out by this time. Shane and Vince got involved a bit, Rock stopped them. He hit the People's Elbow for the win. It's tied 5-5, DX comes in, Shawn Michaels took a ref bump, a lot of shit happening in rapid fire succession, and Undertaker the Biker made his debut here! Chokeslams, big rights, and a chokeslam with 6 seconds to go. Then a piledriver and the clock already ran out. So Shawn Michaels disqualified The Rock, outside interference. Hunter won the WWF Championship! Oh damn, all of that action, maybe it was a bit confusing, commentary questioning on when exactly, what exactly, but I'll just go with the chokeslam. The match was awesome! Unlike the first Iron Man Match with Shawn and Bret Hart, there was actually points. They spread everythine nicely for 60 minutes. Nothing was spread thin, big moves, bursts, came in good time. They didn't basically drag the fans for 55 minutes and blow everything on the final 5 minutes. They paced on that, and still did the final 5 minutes of excitement. Particularly the interferences and Undertaker's return. Pretty much giving the wrestlers a break, and still create a volatile and exciting atmosphere. So that was well done, but the bottom line's the wrestlers. Rock and HHH both did a fantastic job. In trying to recall Rock's career, I think this is definitely Rock's best match, his best performance. Lasting 60 minutes is one thing, but with Rock's wrestling style, translating that to 60 minutes is not feasible. So the guy built himself for the long term, doing more traditional wrestling and lasting with HHH, who could very well do the traditional wrestling route at the time. So for Rock, a wrestling clinic from The Rock. One from HHH too of course. It's one of HHH's best matches, I can't say it's the best. That's because I have a tough time singling one. I suppose him and Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam 2002 is the one bounced around the most. Anyways, of the matches on this DVD, this is definitely the best. The time just breezed through for me, it always did of the previous times I saw it. Great wrestling, 60 minutes, well sustained and maintained.

4.) Kurt Angle!!! Oh my goodness, back when he had hair, back when he was in the WWE! Kurt Angle got the mic and mentioned that it's Stephanie's birthday, singing for her. Unforgiven 2000, HHH and Angle in a No DQ match, Mick Foley was the special guest referee. Hunter came in with taped ribs. Jim Ross using the term "soap opera" for this feud, and I suppose it's the first angle where WWE were blunt with their soap opera stuff. This was definitely that, and I suppose a successful one. So having to come off the 60 minute match, this one of course is much shorter, much faster, and to a point where I questioned. Mainly when Foley getting physically involved and getting dinged here and there. Not for a long time though, temporary stuff. Now I'd say this is the second match on the DVD that shows the classic HHH. The mix of brawling, storytelling, and technical wrestling. I'm mentioning this because in watching a compilation of matches, from a wrestler, in at least one sitting, there is of course familiar stuff. You look at the other wrestlers for variety, among other things. Of course this being a different feud, a more personal one. Still, I'm looking at Kurt Angle! Holy cow, this guy was a God in wrestling, even back in 2000. He's still great nowadays. Anyways, between the beautiful suplexes, Germans, and belly to belly kinds. So good, on the latter, one launched HHH from Ross and King's table, to the Spanish Announce Table! See, it broke. A great portion of the match was Kurt Angle working on HHH. This being more accessible than a 60 minute match, and HHH, despite being a heel during this time, had to play the face. Sympathetic variet too, since Steph's involved, it's all centered around her. Back to the belly to belly on the table, somehow Hunter got blood under his eye from that. Hmmm. So piling on the physical problems for HHH. Not only his eye, an abdominal stretch prompted close camera shots of Hunter's face, revealing bleeding from the mouth. Kurt Angle did the moonsault, that looked beautiful, and I think the current holder for that kind of moonsault, is Cody Rhodes. That's right. Just when HHH's getting the babyface comeback, fans directed their attention to whatever crap was going on. Oh come on. Hunter hit a one armed pedigree, he couldn't capitalize. Stephanie came in the ring, and said that Steph had to make a choice. Kurt, or Hunter. She chose, kicking Kurt in the nuts, pedigree to Angle for the win. Steph's facial expressions was that of having second thoughts, and getting concerned for Kurt. Hunter got Steph and kissed her hard. Oh, soap opera decided the match's finish, and took over the post-match stuff. It was nice here, and the match was very good. Hunter sold well, his stuff came babyface comeback came in good time. Given the storyline and kayfabe injuries, this was Kurt Angle's match to dominate. The God of the Suplex did just that, and I liked the match mostly because of Kurt's work. It's that old thing, the heel sometimes makes the babyface, and for one match, HHH was the babyface, during his 2000s heel period.

I'll stop here, because in the Blu-Ray version, this is the end of Disc 1. Disc 2 has the rest of the matches, so I'll get those eventually. As you can see below, I cropped the GIFs, because those side bars bothered me.

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Old 8th November 2013, 04:16   #10083

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
WWE signed fitness model Ashley Sebera to train to become a diva.

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Old 8th November 2013, 06:10   #10084
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Lawler came off with some great lines when he was younger/gave a shit.
Helen Hart is so old, she remembers when the Dead Sea was sick.
sorry to keep going on.

I saw a report for the Belfast show. The guy said the odyssey was roughly 80% full, I'd say he is 10-15% over. He also said huge pop for Show and mixed reaction for Orton. Hmm, maybe things sounded different from where I was sitting. whatever.

Something I can't argue is Dolph Ziggler getting the biggest pop. I was thinking the same thing when he came out, it was a bit of a surprise to hear him get a reaction. I was half expecting Zack Ryder type silence for him. Maybe next year

He said he was disappointed Bryan wasn't there. we can both agree on that.

I also saw a report of the Dublin show. It was very similar obviously, but they did get Cena vs ADR. The guy writing the report was also pissed about Bryan not coming to Dublin.

who knew a B+/-, Weak Link, Goat Face, Little Man etc etc would be so missed?

So the whole reason I came to this show was see Daniel Bryan. Bryan was heavily advertised for this show on radio ads up to the show. So no Bryan and no CM Punk or RVD to replace him. I want my money back. If they had said Bryan wasn't here I would have demanded my money back and left. Instead I got barely passable show and blatant false advertising.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 8th November 2013 at 10:22.
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Old 8th November 2013, 12:37   #10085
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Well they can get away with it with the card subject to change shit. I'm sure Bryan must of had a legit reason not be there. I don't think he's the type to think 'screw them, I want a break'
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Old 8th November 2013, 12:52   #10086
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It really just comes down to too many dates and not enough wrestlers. I didn't know that apart from the N.Ireland/Ireland they were also in Carolina on Wednesday. Daniel Bryan was on that show with CM Punk vs The Wyatts.

I sound like a broken record, but if those dates were planned then why did they advertise the matches so much. every week on smackdown for a while it was catch Bryan vs Orton live in Belfast. Maybe they thought oh shit we are spread thinner than usual, lets put Bryan on this show and hope the Irish are so dumb that they wont recognize he isn't there.
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Old 8th November 2013, 17:13   #10087
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Big Show is main eventing WWE's Survivor Series pay-per-view with Randy Orton because there's a renewed effort within WWE to put larger or bigger wrestlers in the spotlight. This is the reason for Show being pushed and why we've seen more of Luke Harper and The Great Khali lately.

There's a feeling that Daniel Bryan was on top for a few months and WWE's pay-per-view buyrates have been down during that period. The feeling among upper management is that Bryan isn't a larger than life wrestler and that's what fans want. They feel a guy like Bryan should be on the mid-card having great matches.

Blaming JUST Bryan?

When you continuously book him getting fucked out of the title for three months, of course there'll be an adverse reaction.

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Old 8th November 2013, 18:39   #10088
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it is just because he is the easy target. not proven in main events, but like you said, it all comes down to how he is booked that puts buy rates down.I don't pay attention to any of that, but it has to put casual fans off. I still support Bryan and want to see him do well, but others might think this guy is the random loser of the month. why waste our time?

when all else fails go to the big guy that can't get a hardon anymore, or something

I can see their point as well. We will always think certain people should be in different positions. He doesn't have anything that sets him apart other than being a great wrestler, so being in the upper midcard is the perfect role. If only he was an olympic gold medalist.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 8th November 2013 at 19:07.
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Old 8th November 2013, 23:04   #10089
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It's funny, because they will never blame any of Vince's favorites. If Cena vs Orton main evented (for the 95217989563125798632th time) and drew poor numbers, they'd blame somebody else.

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Old 9th November 2013, 01:55   #10090
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Poor Daniel Bryan coping the blame for the bad PPV buyrates wasn't Orton part of that feud might be wriong tho
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