continuing from this post
Originally Posted by Geiroth
Sure, but that's not what I meant. Creating the CGI you see in movies, which still has problems convincing people it's real, takes large teams of professional artists using incredibly expensive hardware that takes days (seriously) to render even a single frame. Nobody would do that kind of thing for virtual child pornography (if it was legal) unless there was an economic incentive to it. That kind of effort wouldn't pay for itself until the technology to do so is much cheaper.
So yeah, a dedicated team trying to make a point could probably create a picture like that right now, one that would fool most viewers. The thing is, they won't. When I say we're probably a decade or even much more away from this kind of thing happening, I'm considering more than the mere existence of technology that makes it theoretically possible to make. I'm talking about the infrastructure, the economy, the viewership and the access to such technology.
It's still a civil discussion that people actually learn from.
there has been more than enough controversy and opposing sides in this thread to make it worth talking about
i have said it before and i'll say it again, you are in possession of hand drawn or virtual models and you don't know how old they are, and they have fooled a lot of people
that's why we need to draw a line here, like stand on this side if you think they should need a record of proof, or stand on this side if you think they shouldn't