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Old 13th June 2024, 01:30   #19271

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I don't know if anyone has been watching Vice's "Who Killed WCW?", but for those interested... pass.

It's the same old, same old... everybody blaming everyone else. There are some inaccuracies, and a lot of skipping years (and wrestlers... nothing about Ric Flair, who virtually kept WCW viable into the 90's), but you do get to hear from a couple of the WCW execs.

The first two episodes have aired... just waiting for the third episode, which will focus on Vince Russo's time in WCW.

And Dwayne Johnson occasionally appears, but adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. If you haven't read either Guy Evans' "NITRO: The Incredible Rise and Inevitable Collapse of Ted Turner's WCW", or Bryan Alvarez's "The Death of WCW" (both highly recommended), you might be interested, but for the smart marks, it's rehashing familiar territory.

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Old 14th June 2024, 03:35   #19272
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Originally Posted by Lonewolf View Post
I don't know if anyone has been watching Vice's "Who Killed WCW?", but for those interested... pass.

It's the same old, same old... everybody blaming everyone else. There are some inaccuracies, and a lot of skipping years (and wrestlers... nothing about Ric Flair, who virtually kept WCW viable into the 90's), but you do get to hear from a couple of the WCW execs.

The first two episodes have aired... just waiting for the third episode, which will focus on Vince Russo's time in WCW.

And Dwayne Johnson occasionally appears, but adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. If you haven't read either Guy Evans' "NITRO: The Incredible Rise and Inevitable Collapse of Ted Turner's WCW", or Bryan Alvarez's "The Death of WCW" (both highly recommended), you might be interested, but for the smart marks, it's rehashing familiar territory.
I thought Goldberg came off looking bad, at least in terms of being a stiff worker. He certainly doesn't seem very remorseful about the Bret Hart kick.
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Old 17th June 2024, 11:22   #19273
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These overseas shows feel like they've become a crowd gathering together so they can sing and chant shit related to what's happening to entertain themselves because the wrestling is so horribly mundane. That Priest botch was like OMFGZ finally something interesting happened. Fuck putting the natives out there because they're guaranteed to get a good reaction even if they aren't over. Give us the stars already. I get they don't have shows often so there's an element of enjoying whatever they're given to spectate. I don't watch wrestling to listen to a crowd though and the company is very clearly making them a much bigger deal than ever before. WTF is all this nonsense becoming. Even a boring soccer match you get fans singing and chanting most of the game. Who're the company trying to fool. It's like they're giving me every excuse to only watch the big three.
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Old 18th June 2024, 20:47   #19274

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Anyone besides me think the Uncle Howdy thing is going to do a very quick face plant?

First of all, it comes off as insulting to Bray's memory to do this without him. Second, look at the obvious... let's take five people Creative has nothing for, and who have nothing in common, put them in a group for no apparent reason, led by a guy who is so not over he's under, throw it against the wall, and let's see if it sticks. Pass.

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Old 6th July 2024, 03:52   #19275
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Originally Posted by Lonewolf View Post
Anyone besides me think the Uncle Howdy thing is going to do a very quick face plant?

First of all, it comes off as insulting to Bray's memory to do this without him. Second, look at the obvious... let's take five people Creative has nothing for, and who have nothing in common, put them in a group for no apparent reason, led by a guy who is so not over he's under, throw it against the wall, and let's see if it sticks. Pass.
They'll last a little while because of a lot of fans not wanting to shit on Bray's legacy.

But once that shine wears off, it's a group of midcarders in crappy masks.

I always laugh when the smoke machines kick in, and we as the fans are supposed to pretend that Nikki Cross is making the smoke in her mind or the group of masked weirdos are arranging for the WWE team to have one set up and ready to go. Or when they show us the video that they've dropped off - I always laugh at the idea of Joe Gacy & Dexter Lumis sitting in front of someone's laptop and trying to figure out the new Movie Maker upgrade.
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Old 8th July 2024, 14:37   #19276
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Best thing going is Drew and Punk.

Everything else is average until Roman and Rock come back.

Wrestling certainly is cool again, as in cooled off.

Nobody wants to see Rhodes vs Sikoa, but that's the match, and Roman will most likely appear either during or after the match.
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Old 28th December 2024, 06:54   #19277
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SOOO...no more RAW w/out buying Netflix? BS
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Old 2nd January 2025, 15:11   #19278
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Looks like you'll be joining the 'wherever I can watch it' replay club then. It's probably a lot bigger than you think.

They've hit new highs of desperate. Loaded the card worthy of a night of WresleMania. Cena back. Rock will undoubtedly be there. Heck, maybe even Undertaker or Austin, because why not. Celebs that I don't know too, as I saw something about the hardcore title. Probably gonna be close to 4 hours as well assuming they have no hard time limit anymore. Expect lots of history this and that.

We all know how it'll go, Triple H out there, are you ready for the same product, but on a different platform. All the same jaded go-to WWE tropes.

They can't sustain it going forward with a card like that. They only got on Netflix because they wanted live content. Wrestling is easier to broadcast in that regard and they got great BS artists at the top of the company. They changed their red Raw logo because Netflix has red, but it's classed as a fresh new look, lol.

No doubt this thread will remain as cold and inactive as ever lol.
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Old 7th January 2025, 01:53   #19279
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I just hate pay to play...in gaming theres alot of it...all the major games require an extra subbscription to play online and theres no other choice/Nexfux just ran the movie train till it wore out and dont have fresh content SOOOO live events is there answer...then tyson/paul...whos great @ live events? wwe so 25 million dollars later netflix has RAW, all because the former channel couldnt make a proper deal. I guess I can watch the highlights or something...@ least I dont hsve to hear seths stupid song anymore
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Old Yesterday, 20:57   #19280

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IMO, though most will differ, including the marks on TikTok who bought into it, I hated Elimination Chamber, and especially Cena's heel turn.

The card was okay (the Steen/Zayn/Generico match, for the zillionth time, doesn't hold a candle to their ROH or PWG matches), and the Cargill turn was long overdue as the brand is somewhat face-heavy on the Womens' side.

Speaking of which... is Tiffany Stratton a heel or a face? I don't think the WWE knows...

At least we didn't get another show of the Bloodline hogging all the TV time... God, I wish they'd just kill them off. Same goes for the Wyatt Sicks... they're so not over, and frankly, IMO, it's insulting to Bray's memory to fuck up a storyline that bad.

Fans want to see legends leave as faces, even if they were long-time heels (ex. Flair). Cena doesn't need to headline WM in 2025. Rock doesn't need to have a prime role in WM in 2025. They might have 15 or 20 years ago, but not today.

(BTW, it would be nice to see Cody actually wrestle, instead of participating in late 90's WCW-ish non-wrestling "stories". Common wrestling sense says you build up people, then put them together in a storyline... but as I see it, they've dropped the ball on booking Cody.)

Their presence, as well as the storyline unfolding to WM, takes away from those more deserving... who are there, every week, working their asses off. Nick Khan is simply bending to the will of Rock and screwing over talent already unhappy with their overwork and underpayment. It's sending a message that today's "superstars" aren't good enough to headline WM... and if that's the case, you wonder how many will rethink resigning with the WWE when their contracts are up.

Just my two cents...

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