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Old 30th January 2024, 08:07   #1
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Question Ai Upscaling Videos?

I've come across a few videos lately that were AI upscaled with some unnamed tool and they look absolutely great. I thought maybe I would google some web based tools that allow you to use them for free, but I couldn't find any that didn't want a payment or credits to use.

Do you guys know anything about them? Are there any for free or they all paid? I found a list of some paid tools, but I don't know if I would need a high end GPU to run them or if they're uploaded to the cloud servers and done. I have an older laptop with an onboard Intel GPU, so that kind of thing is out of the question for me (unless I want to let them run for a week).

Any help/suggestions/tips are appreciated. Thanks!
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Old 30th January 2024, 15:02   #2

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Upscaling is a very compute intensive workload, no one is giving these kind of resources away for free. Paid web services are possible, I guess, but I don't know any.

People generally use a software on their local machine and a beefy GPU. Paid and free options exist, but there are so many that it's almost impossible to know about all of them. Topaz Video AI is popular, but not free.

I forget its name, but a few months ago, I took a look at another paid software a friend asked me about. I noticed that it's a scam, as it promises the usual stuff, but as far as I could tell, it doesn't do anything. You can tweak some settings and it shows you a preview where it compares the before and after side by side, but no matter what you do, it downscales and compresses the shit out of your original video and shows you this as the before. And the after is just your original video without any changes and it claims that it's its work.

So, with this industry constantly changing, I can't tell if the Topaz product is the "best" right now, nor can I say if there isn't a free option that would allow you to do the same thing. But like with most stuff that says "AI" on them, scams exist, so you need to watch out for that.
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Old 31st January 2024, 00:46   #3

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I've removed unnecessary off topic comments from this thread, please keep it on topic.
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Old 1st February 2024, 06:56   #4
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Originally Posted by DarkRaven671 View Post
Upscaling is a very compute intensive workload, no one is giving these kind of resources away for free. Paid web services are possible, I guess, but I don't know any.

People generally use a software on their local machine and a beefy GPU. Paid and free options exist, but there are so many that it's almost impossible to know about all of them. Topaz Video AI is popular, but not free.
I did quite a bit of digging and would be happy to share my results. I did also come across Topaz and it had lots of recommendations and appeared to be a solid option, however, it's quite pricey and yes - you do need a VERY beefy rig to run it. I do not have the specs to run it, or I might try and pirate it (it's very expensive too) and give it a shot.

There are quite a few free ones available on Github, but they also run locally and are very resource intensive as well. It seems like if you had the means to pay then using one of the many cloud services would be the best option as they do everything server side and it's processed in a manner of minutes for ~20-30 minute clips, but I didn't really look at the pricing as I wanted to see if there was a free option.

I did come across this and it claims to be free and run on this guy's shared cloud neural network (he posted it on reddit) but I couldn't get it to load any of my clips - they may be size/time restricted and he asked people to not overuse it. But, if anyone wants to give it a try and share their results, let us know how it works.

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Last edited by DarkRaven671; 1st February 2024 at 15:12.
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Old 1st February 2024, 15:26   #5

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It's not allowed to post external links. I've removed it. It would be allowed to discuss such service and mentioning its name and address without actually making it a link. However, since this is a very questionable service, I didn't see the point and removed it completely.
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Old 5th February 2024, 20:22   #6
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Since we're talking AI upscale, here, recently I heard that the upcoming 4K releases of the James Cameron movies (ALIENS, True Lies and The Abyss) have all been upscaled using AI, instead of being scanned to 4K from the OG camera negatives.
Pretty sure he did used Davinci Resolve and some expensive plugin to achieve that.

However, as great as they might look, AI Upscaling tend to compensate detail loss by adding details that were never present in the original video.
This to say that even though an upscaled video/movie might look great, it is not always a 100% accurate job.
So your mileage may vary, depending on the quality of the video you want to upscale to 4K.

If this does not bother you, you can try to upscale a short video using Topaz AI.
Otherwise use some plugin that will not tax too much on your CPU/GPU, load a video in some video editor and do the whole process manually.
You might probably get much better results that way.
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Old 5th March 2024, 18:25   #7
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No expert here, not in the least, but Video2x and Waifu2x are free, yet highly regarded AI upscaling tools, also open source as far as I know. You can google them and you will find downloadable versions at GitHub, also tutorials and YouTube videos. I actually only tried Video2x, because it's portable, no installation required.

Be aware that AI does not mean that you push a button and the "intelligent" program does all the rest, there are still numerous settings to be made (which you just can leave at default though). I only made a few tests with 3 filters and default settings. One filter did not work with my 4 years old Windows 10 PC. Another one produced a video that was watchable, even slightly better than the original, but it contained some ugly artifacts on closer look. With a third filter it would have taken about 5 hours to convert an 8 minute scene.
I stopped this and decided that AI is not for me. One probably needs a "university degree in video engineering" to get all the settings right, also the newest ultra fast PC which still would have to run overnight to upscale a single scene.
I just don't have the dedication to try and try for days before a video really looks better than the original.

But by all means, try for yourself! Besides these two free programs also the commercial releases mostly come with a free trial period.

Okay, I've tried many things over the years, and here's my best take to make videos look better.
-Use the Avidemux freeware (sort of a Swiss knife for video processing, cutting, cropping, colour correction, and so on, all with informative preview screens, very easy to use, but no so called AI).
-Set the video codec to Nvidia H264 (a very old MP4 codec that employs the so called psychovisual video compression to my knowledge, highly compressing a video, even removing minor details, while making the video overall look better or at least more natural and vivid than the original in almost all cases) and the bitrate to "higher than the original video's bitrate".
-Use "asharp" (at default settings) as a sharpening filter.
-Upscale the video, if you want. It's not totally needed, but the video indeed might look better in some cases.
The settings are done in seconds and the video will be converted in no time (often like 5 minutes for a 20 minutes video) even on an older PC and to my eyes it almost always looks much better than a slightly blurry original, and certainly more natural than most "AI" videos I've seen.

Not to be misunderstood, I've also seen really great AI bettered videos, and I can only thank the members who upload their works, but really it requires too much work, time and dedication, also too much money for my liking, if a commercial AI upscaler turned out to be the best alternative.

Again, I'm no expert at all and would not discourage anyone to just try an AI tool.

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Old 6th May 2024, 20:39   #8
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The best ones I have found that you can download but are not free are DVDFab and WinXVideo AI. But be aware , you need to have a really good processor and video card, otherwise it takes damn near forever to upscale a video, I am not talking in hours but DAYS.
A decent amount of ram is also recommended as it does put a strain on your system resources too.
I wouldn't recommend doing it on a store bought pc.
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Old 6th May 2024, 21:31   #9
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Originally Posted by DkKnight View Post
I wouldn't recommend doing it on a store bought pc.
Did you buy your PC at the farmers' market?

I'm kidding of course. You're right though, you need a powerful system. It's a pretty big barrier to entry, based on the price tag alone.
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Old 7th May 2024, 13:01   #10
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Originally Posted by ViceLikeEye View Post
Did you buy your PC at the farmers' market?
What I probably should have said is not to try it with a stock computer

Mine is by no means stock , I built it myself, but still no where near the power for AI conversions on videos, wasn't really thinking about AI all that much twelve years ago!
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