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Old 6th December 2022, 01:00   #111

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What do you guys and gals think of this next photo re-work/faking.
Even when working with black and white images, my eyes get sore
from working on an image for a long time.

This is from the film "Born to be Bad". A 1934 film, starring that
cool Cary Grant and the deliciously beautiful Loretta Young.
I thought she might look great dressed in sexy bondage "femme-fatale"
In the actual film she doesn´t dress like this, but does show a few parts
of her body, which got the film into alot of problems due to the new
U.S. laws for films in the Hollywood industry.
"Born to be Bad" had a few scenes cut and had to be re-filmed. With some
scenes with Loretta Young being re-filmed so as not to show so much of
her "sexy skin".

For this image, I was not thinking of doing an X-rated scene , but
something a little naughty with a rated-PG style.

Film source... with the image in "sepia coloring"

The original photo...

My naughty Loretta Young version

My "sepia color" version


Source clothing used...

If you guys and gals want, download the photos and you try doing it
with your Photoshop, or Gimp, programs.
Have some FUN doing something sexy and interesting every day!


Cool TIP for those interested...
HOW TO Download Large photos from IMDB films website (and other websites)

Some people may not know this simple trick.

Step 1: Right click on image which you want to download and select “open link in new tab”.
In some Windows versions, in the pop-window it may say "View Image Source"

Step 2: Scroll down to about the middle of the page until
you start seeing Lettering written in Blue and
the link ending with "Jpg".

Step 3: Click on the last JPEG link you see, which will usually be the Largest available
photo available (some times its bigger than the image seen on the IMDB website page)
and then download the photo for yourself.

Example, You will see many sizes and the last 2 will be the biggest JPEG Sizes...

Here is a screenshot to give you a better idea...

With this Tip+Trick you can also download ANY PHOTO from any website,
as long as you are able to view the website layout source codes.
Sometimes you will be surprised to see that the images are poster sized and
not what most people see on the public websites with smaller images.




Last edited by maxhitman; 7th December 2022 at 08:06. Reason: fix spelling
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Old 14th December 2022, 09:16   #112
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I've noticed some bugs with PS.

First bug: For instance, I'm working with the brush tool, then hit the T for the type tool - PS either ignores my command, or my cursor changes to the type tool for a split second and then back to whatever tool I was previously using. Usually this happens a little while into a PS creative session. I've never timed it. I've Googled this and all the results are for keyboard shortcuts. I know the shortcuts...

Second bug: After using PS for a while, processes like bringing up the fx window become slow. How slow? About 10 seconds waiting for the fx window to appear.

Have you guys noticed any screwy shit like this?

I have portable "borrowed" copy of PS (CS5) on an old desktop PC that has 16 GB of ram and an integrated GPU. The old PC fires up PS so damn fast compared to my newer PC with PS (CC 2023) on 32 GB of ram, a dedicated 1050Ti GPU, plus an integrated GPU. It feels like I took a giant step backwards in performance with my "better" PC. I've Googled my performance issues, and the "PS experts" might give a few decent or useless tips, but they also say, "get a better computer if you can". Gee, thanks for the help, asshole experts.

I'm in the middle of cleaning and organizing my PC and files. Then I'll be putting a fresh copy of Windows 10 on it. All this will take a while. I'm hoping this will fix my issues. I think ridding my PC of the manufacturer's bloatware will help. Anyone else notice a PS performance gain by cleaning your PC with a fresh copy of Windows?
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Old 14th December 2022, 10:01   #113
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Originally Posted by BraPanties91 View Post
Thank you for your reply! Never really thought about saving each individual cutout into its own file. As you can see, I put them in one and played with them until i liked it, hiding layers i didnt use.

Curious, as we start storing more and more pics, do you guys tag any of your pics to be able to find or filter better?
Windows doesn't read PSD files natively, which kind of sucks. I don't save as PNG. I use Adobe Bridge, which functions as a photo and video viewer for PS and other Adobe products. With Bridge, I navigate to the folder where my cutouts are, and I can see them easily.

Here's a small sample:

I'd show my whole screen, but this is a public area. As you can see, my files are safe and sound as PSDs. The grey and white blocks behind the cutout indicates no background.

The point is: If you notice a problem with PNG, you can't edit it. However, as long as you edit non-destructively, you can always fix/edit a PSD - unless your file is corrupt for some reason.

Adobe Bridge is free.

You can install Bridge 2022 either standalone by itself, or together with other applications like Photoshop (and all the rest), or even Photoshop Elements… Either way, Bridge requires no purchase, no paid membership or subscription, and not even any other Adobe tools on the same system.
Another neat tool to have in the old toolbox is Adobe Express. It's free too, you just need an Adobe ID (account), which is free. I think it's made for social media pictures, but I made this wooden frame in no time, just for shits and giggles. Plus there are a shitload of filters.

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Old 16th December 2022, 08:36   #114

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Cool tips ViceLikeEye Thanks

As for your "bugs", I have no idea what may be slowing you down
while using Photoshop.
Did you try doing that de-frag at least 2 times?
CLean the trash and cache out ?

Here are 3 very handy and nice tips for doing cut-outs...

3 Easy Ways To Cut Out Images In Photoshop - Remove & Delete Backgrounds Fast
- NOTE - This is for more recent versions of Photoshop


For those new digital artists who like to create their own nudie wallpapers
some times they will come upon a girl photo which may have problem skin
textures. Here are some very easy tips for making your girl model "skin" look
very smooth and like a professional photoshoot.

3 Superfast Ways to Auto-Repair Skin + Free Actions! - Photoshop Tutorial
- he also offers a Free Action-plugin for fixing skin. Check the Youtube channel.


Last edited by maxhitman; 16th December 2022 at 20:23. Reason: fix
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Old 25th December 2022, 04:34   #115
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Originally Posted by maxhitman View Post
Cool tips ViceLikeEye Thanks

As for your "bugs", I have no idea what may be slowing you down
while using Photoshop.
Did you try doing that de-frag at least 2 times?
CLean the trash and cache out ?
My PS is installed on my internal SSD. SSDs should not be defragged. Trash and everything is cleaned.

I have a feeling this is some Windows BS or another program is doing something screwy, but I have no way of proving it and I'm not smart enough to diagnose it / prove it. Or it's something screwy with a PS update. These bugs are fairly recent - I'd say within the last year or so.

I fired up PS to make a quick "Christmas" card.

And I got this exact bug shortly after I started using PS:

Originally Posted by ViceLikeEye View Post
For instance, I'm working with the brush tool, then hit the T for the type tool - PS either ignores my command, or my cursor changes to the type tool for a split second and then back to whatever tool I was previously using.

I randomly found this on Adobe Support (I didn't even use the search function). It looks like there might be a solution for this particular tool bug, we'll see:

I love how one "Community Expert" AKA a PS fanboy, gets indignant and defensive while responding to another guy. "Are you sure it's Photoshop that suddenly changed?" It's a fair question to ask if PS suddenly changed, because PS has 100% suddenly changed some things that were the same way for many, many years - for example. the transform tool keys. Then people bitch enough, so they add a "legacy" option, to put it back the way it used to be. I love PS, but I hate fanboys (people that refuse to believe there's a problem with the thing they love).

I'm still working towards putting a fresh copy of Windows on my PC, etc. I'm curious if anything changes.

Merry Titmas everyone!!!
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Old 3rd January 2023, 20:28   #116

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Originally Posted by ViceLikeEye View Post

I love how one "Community Expert" AKA a PS fanboy, gets indignant and defensive while responding to another guy. "Are you sure it's Photoshop that suddenly changed?" It's a fair question to ask if PS suddenly changed, because PS has 100% suddenly changed some things that were the same way for many, many years - for example. the transform tool keys. Then people bitch enough, so they add a "legacy" option, to put it back the way it used to be. I love PS, but I hate fanboys (people that refuse to believe there's a problem with the thing they love).

I'm still working towards putting a fresh copy of Windows on my PC, etc. I'm curious if anything changes.
A while back I was going around reading and researching some things about
the new photoshop 2022 version and there seems to be some "bugs" which
still need to be fixed. Many of the old "short-key" settings have also been changed. This particular option does not bother me so much, because I
usually use my mouse controls to just click on the menu/tools I use.
But the new Photohop is still "buggy" and some times may not work properly.
I would have thought that after so many years developing this amazing program, that
they would have fixed all the problems by now.
This is the reason I often work more with my CS-5 version of Photoshop , as it seems
to be the most "bug-free" version I have worked with so far. Very stable and does
practicly everything else the new 2022 PSD version does. I just use the new version
if I need to use a certain new tool, or "neural effects", which only the
new versions have.

I hope you get that Windows problem fixed and get back to
working on your Photoshop art quickly ViceLikeEye.
Windows is a great program but its still not 100% perfect.

One weird thing I have noticed on my Windows is that some times it
flips around my keyboard settings with a diferent language.
What I mean is, it flips from working with my settings of European alphabet
to a North-American alphabet style.
This perhaps has to do with the constant updates Windows decides to do
on my PC, without me knowing its updating the software

The diferences are that some keyboard buttons/keys do not type the same
words or icons which are labeled on my European style keyboard. LOL
Good thing this does not happen often, but it get a little frustating when I´m
typing something (like a long letter) and all of a sudden, my alphabet letters
start typing "gibberish" and strange characters.
Then I look down and to the right on my PC monitor and see that it
changed its settings to English (USA) type of keyboard.
It is easy to fix and get the settings back to my European Keyboard Mode,
but perhaps this might have some effect if you are using "photoshop" ?
I do not know.
Specially when using those short-key settings on a keyboard ?
I am not sure, it is some thing to experiment.

Last edited by maxhitman; 3rd January 2023 at 20:33. Reason: fix
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Old 4th January 2023, 03:41   #117
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I doubt this is a language issue. I'm set for the US keyboard region only. But thanks anyway.

I disabled something on Ps, that may have done the trick. I don't know because I haven't used Ps in a while and I didn't use it after I disabled that particular thing (express keys, I think). And sure, I could use the mouse, but I like shortcut keys. I put the toolbar on another screen, it's easier and quicker to use shortcuts.

You said basically what I was saying - lots of bugs in the latest CC 2023, because they change shit that doesn't need changing. However, these Ps fanboys refuse to believe that their beloved Ps could be flawed in any way.

I could also use CS5, but I prefer the darker (dark mode) versions of programs, like CC 2023, or notepad++ (my friend just told me about that one). I even have my JDownloader set up in a dark mode. There are very few things that I like bright and shiny. Women and cars are about the only things I can think of.
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Old 14th January 2023, 16:27   #118
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"WebP / Avif image converter" is an extension that I found in the Chrome Web Store that allows you to save webp images as jpg. It's nice not to have to convert them anymore. Hope this helps.
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Old 20th January 2023, 10:16   #119
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Question What is the easiest way to create see through clothes with images??

What is the easiest way to create see through clothes with images??
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Old 20th January 2023, 20:48   #120

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Originally Posted by DJboutit View Post
What is the easiest way to create see through clothes with images??
There are a few diferent ways to create this "faking" style.
Some people have even become masters at the tecnique and just create
"see-thru fakes" all the time

One simple way to do it is to go out and find a BS (BS = Body-shot photo)
which closely fits into the same body position as the girl/guy picture
you are trying to "fake".
If you are using photoshop, Cut out the body you need from the picture using your "cut-out tool". Then just move it over to the photo you are
going to "fake" . Re-size the body to FIT into the same position.
Then just slowly reduce the opacity of the cut-out image until you achieve
a look as if the clothing is made of transparent textile.
Then use your eraser tool (set to around 30% hardness) to slowly erase unwanted areas, to make the effect look more believable. Do this slowly.

TAKE NOTE = If the body cut-out has a diferent colored SKIN, it would
be best to tweak the skin coloring to match that of the picture you are
going to fake. Best way to tweak the colors (and skin coloring)
is using the RGB colors method. It is located in our CHANNELS palette
of your photoshop working space.

This process is almost like doing a regular "celebrity faking" because in a
certain way, you do need to spend a few minutes going to certain websites
to find THAT ONE nude Picture in which the body is positioned as the image
you are trying to "fake".

In "celebrity fakes" all you need is the celebrity FACE positioned in a
certain angle that will FIT into your nude image, but in this method,
you just need a nude body to FIT INTO your image.

Unless you just want to have some "boobies" showing thru her dress,
then in this case, all you really need is a bice photo of a nude model
with nice breasts, and do the same process.... cut it out...place it on
the photo you want to fake and slightly reduce the opacity of the layer.

A better way to explain this would be for us to work on an image together,
so you can get a better idea as how to do it.

Post for us a Picture (HERE) which you would like to see with a See-through look. We can both work on the same image doing a step-by-step process
so you can get a better idea. It will be fun !

Where to download images of nude models to work on?
Your first place to look for them is right here at Planetsuzy,
you can also look around the internet and in places like Fuskator
or //virtua-girls.pro/ , //virtua-girls.pro/hotstrip/

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