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Old 15th March 2015, 20:40   #351

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Originally Posted by koningx View Post
babe name - site name - set name
That's how I usually sort content with one folder for pics and another for video. Unless there aren't that many from one site, then it doesn't get its own subfolder. Although, much of it is missing the set name and just has the name used by the uploader.

Anyway, please do not start unnecessary threads and post to existing threads as applicable.
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Old 29th March 2015, 22:06   #352

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Default Organising your porn - DVD's v Sites

Hi Guys
I like listing my porn collection.

But I sort of struggle when it comes to DVD's versus Network sites.

Sometimes they release the movie on both?

How do you handle it?
Could I suggest that you backup all of your files to an external hard drive and store this offsite.
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Old 29th March 2015, 22:11   #353

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Usually I find that the site update is the original and then they put out a movie with 4 or 5 scenes from their site as a compilation.

I don't have this problem 'cause I organize by type of porn :P
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Old 30th March 2015, 00:14   #354
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this was how I used to organize my collection.

[G@p3Land] - [2012-01-15] - [Alice Miller]
[3vilAngel] - [2014-03-22] - [R0cc0's POV 32] - [Jalace]

keeps things in order and aligned by date. no need for separate folders.
Last edited by jureplant; 30th March 2015 at 00:22.
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Old 31st March 2015, 04:20   #355

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Originally Posted by 山川智之 View Post
In each HDD, there is a top directory [models], which has following sub-directories:
[big-boob], [celeb], [euro], [fake], [mature], [model], [natural], [teen].
Every girl should fall into at least one of the directories. For me, these categories are enough to cover all girls I like.

In each one of the directories, there are yet another sub-directories of each girl's name.
I put all data (video, image set) of the girl into it.
I try to use just one HDD for a girl. I mean, a girl's data is not split into more than one HDD.

For video, I make screenshot and keep it in internal HDD. The place to store screenshots is flat structured directory, with girl's abbreviation of 2-3 letters. i.e. sl for Sunny Lane, gm for Gianna Michaels. The screenshot name is exactly the same one as the original video except for extension. This is to not connect actual HDD to see what a scene looks like when I only want to know it, but not enjoy it.

Any fetish info such as Anal, DP, Squirt, IR is stored in the end of file name. So is release date, studio name, co-stars, title, scene #.

Typical naming for non-web content, film content is:
Model Name - Title Name (YYMMDD-Studio) (& co-star1, co-star2) Scene # [Fetish1,Fetish2,Fetish3].avi
For web content:
Model Name - [Top.Domain-Sub.Domain vid] YYMMDD - (& co-stars) Title.avi
Image set:
Model Name - [Top.Domain] YYMMDD - XXp - Title.zip
By following these rules, paysite scenes always come first, then come DVD/Video scenes.

Edit: found details in my sig links.
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Old 1st April 2015, 08:09   #356
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I have a 2TB portable external HDD that's almost full.

I organize my porn by performer names (Each girl has a folder and several "hot pictures" to best represent them), and split these into 3 cathegories (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)

Tier 1 has my favourite performers (about 45 stars). I tried to get as many scenes for these as possible. For each girl one I have between 50 and 200 scenes (I think I have 230 for Jayden Jaymes).
Tier 2 are also models I like but not enough to warrant collecting their whole filmography, lol.
Tier 3 are girls that are either popular mainstream or I just like to various degrees. Here I keep maybe a few up to a couple of dozen scenes for each.
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Old 2nd April 2015, 01:24   #357
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orange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond reputeorange-zero has a reputation beyond repute

Currently I simply do ActressName-SceneName-Resolution (so I know what quality I can expect when searching.

However, as a person loving organization, I am currently working on a Java program to organize my library.
Currently it is in a really early state, but once it is in a usable state you could save detailed data about actresses/actors and every video.
So you could then start the search function and, for example, get all your scenes where, let's say, a redhead gets a facial.
And uploaders could share a file together with the video where the information is already saved so the downloader could just import it into their library.

If that's what other people want for their library too, I might even publish it one day... Here is a screenshot of the current (completely not-working) version just so you see what I mean.
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Old 3rd April 2015, 04:01   #358
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my organization is simple and in alphabetical order.
I have two porn folders, one for pictures and other for videos.
Picture sets in folders are thumbnail views but folders in details
videos are only in details

heres my setup
90% of my pictures are sets
Cosmid folder>model list folder details, Bex model folder>purple outfit folder, couch folder, etc.
Kimmy Spunkyangels folder>couch folder, white outfit folder, etc.
misc folder> randoms not full sets

Videos. I only make folders for certain pornstars with lots of works
Alexis Adams>videos in details
Siri folder> videos in details
Misc folder>random videos

And once any of the video folders reach 4.5gb, I back the files on single layer DVD-Rs and delete files from HD.
Pictures I back up but take a while, since some girls dont do much pictures.
Last edited by okrobot; 3rd April 2015 at 04:03.
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Old 3rd April 2015, 08:47   #359

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Originally Posted by orange-zero View Post
Currently I simply do ActressName-SceneName-Resolution (so I know what quality I can expect when searching.

However, as a person loving organization, I am currently working on a Java program to organize my library.
Currently it is in a really early state, but once it is in a usable state you could save detailed data about actresses/actors and every video.
So you could then start the search function and, for example, get all your scenes where, let's say, a redhead gets a facial.
And uploaders could share a file together with the video where the information is already saved so the downloader could just import it into their library.

If that's what other people want for their library too, I might even publish it one day... Here is a screenshot of the current (completely not-working) version just so you see what I mean.
I have an access database for mine.
It works well.
But there are 2 problems.
I spend more time on my database than watching the movies!
And there is struggle with dvd scenes and network sites and compilations. You get the same scene 2 or 3 times.
Could I suggest that you backup all of your files to an external hard drive and store this offsite.
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Old 12th July 2015, 16:28   #360
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I use Bidwid for my organization needs. It is pretty good as you can customize the player you use throughout your library.

There is an 'All' category that speaks for itself, then you can create categories to help define your library by organizing it into genre and then making subcategories within those categories to help organize it further. There is also a function of linking pictures with videos so you can quickly see what is going on in the video before you click it.

What I like most is you can rate each video/movie/clip and list it via this rating so you can organize your library with your favorites. And you can do the same via view-count that the program keeps track of. It also has a search bar that works great but I wish it had some sort of 'Model Page' so I could have a list of all pornstars' names and click on them to bring me to their films, but the search bar does that well enough.

Disclaimer: I only watch girl-girl

Mine I have my 2 categories: girl-girl with toys (toys) vs. girl-girl without toys (softcore). Then in each category I have a few subcategories to help stratify it even more. I split everything into scenes, so if I have a whole film I split it into the individual scenes and categorize them.

My titles are: [Name of website/film] - [Actresses] - [Scene #/Name]

In total I have 1,034 scenes. To quote Marky Mark from Ted 2, "Oh my God, I have a disease!"
Last edited by Rorschach93; 12th July 2015 at 16:37.
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