Originally Posted by Dickminer
In Lex defense, he is one of the few Big Dick black performers who was actually truly good at performing. A lot of the others just get by on their size alone.
*cough* Dredd *cough*
Since you brought it up, I really don't care for the guys who basically have nothing but a massive cock as their only personality trait (as if it even was one). The amount of dudes you see these days that have what appears to be a foot long dong that they can't even get (fully) erect is pretty high. I get that it's a job and no guy is at 100% at all times but it seems like a waste in that regard.
An average to above average penis that can actually get aroused seems like a better proposition for most people realistically.
Sadly, I see a lot of black men in porn fall into this category. A lot of the guys on Bl@ck3d seem to have this issue. Where they're picked out for their gigantic cocks but never seem to be able to get them to stand straight up.
Playing to the stereotype isn't always the best idea and filling up a Pringles can full of blood isn't as easy as you'd imagine it to be.