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2D & 3D Hentai Games 2-dimensional & 3-dimensional games.

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Old 18th February 2014, 12:57   #1
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Thumbs up Illusion - All Games (Update)

Tk17 3D SexVilla V3.0 FINAL Psychonaut Mp (Amlstuff) [uncen] [2017, 3DCG, Female Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Group Sex, Anal Sex, Multiple Penetration, Bukkake, Lesbian] [eng]

Year: 2017
Genre: 3DCG, Female Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Group Sex, Anal Sex, Multiple Penetration, Bukkake, Lesbian
Censorship: None
Platform: PC / Windows
Language Game: English
Language: English

System requirements:
GPU: GeForce GTX 650TI
CPU: AMD FX (tm) - 4170
Memory: 8GB ddr3

3DSexVilla2 is old 3d sex simulator, which allow to you select up to three characters, select some scene for action and create some static or animated pose. The game has great character customization functionality and very simple pose creation interface, but it has very poor graphic, because it was development under directx8. TheKlub17 is the same 3DSV game, but hardly modded by internet community, it has wider customization functionality, a lot of additional mods like new cloth, rooms, toys and so on, but still the same graphic.


Core Installation:
Run tk17v750_setup_final.exe and install it normally, this will install the base files for TK17 v7.5.
Unzip Version 7515 + Extras-Voice.rar, open the readme inside and follow the instructions.
You can find the most recent patches at ModsGarden.

Hook5 Installation:
Unzip hook5_basic_version 25.06.2017.rar, open the readme inside and follow the instructions.
Go into the Binaries folder and copy TK17-114.001.exe, create a short-cut for quick access.
Run TK17-114.001.exe and make sure to change the settings so the game starts in DirectX mode and not OpenGL..
Make sure you read up on Hook5 Guide.odt to check how Hook5 works.

File Size: 14.1 GB


Immoral Ward (Illusion, CHS Games) [uncen] [2013, Simulator, SLG, 3D, ADV, Constructor, BDSM, Big breasts, Blowjob, Group, Hospital, Toys, Training, Cosplay] [Jap/Eng]

Year: 2013/11/01
Genre: Simulator, SLG, 3D, ADV, Constructor, BDSM, Big breasts, Blowjob, Group, Hospital, Toys, Training, Cosplay
Censorship: None
Platform: PC / Windows
Language games in Japanese
Language: Jap/Eng

System requirements:
:: CPU Pentium4 2.4GHz :: RAM 1GB :: VRAM 256MB :: HDD 9GB ::

ILLUSION latest is a story Immoral to unfold in the hospital.
As to be able to enjoy more the atmosphere of the story, expand the etch scene of real-time movie tailoring in this volume.
Camera operation is possible and which is considered to be able to synchronize with ejaculation story points less appears.
Free etch mode After being cleared because it is equipped of course, it is also possible to enjoy the free play of your favorite!

ILLUSION latest is a story Immoral to unfold in the hospital .
As to be able to enjoy more the atmosphere of the story , expand the etch scene of real-time movie tailoring in this volume .
Camera operation is possible and which is considered to be able to synchronize with ejaculation story points less appears .
Free etch mode After being cleared because it is equipped of course , it is also possible to enjoy the free play of your favorite !
" Immoral studio " and " premium disk " for bundling award comes further .
Costume of " premium play" becomes available all , or more than 100 dressed in the total number of variations if I match it with this title " premium disk " !
Diorama created and shooting kit " Immoral studio " and . I can reproduce the various scenes in combination clothes and maps , and animation .
Map and items , such as dance animation studio dedicated also recorded , I can create a scene in mercy !

This patch updates your Immoral Ward with officially released DLC. In addition it installs PARTIAL English translations and uncensor created by the awesome HF modders.

Immoral Ward HF Patch version 0.3 includes:

Official: Immoral Ward Preorder Data + DLC1+2 by Illusion Updated to include Preorder Data (99_00_01.pp + 99_00_02.pp)!
English User Interface Translation 131117 by Dr Yoshi PARTIAL TRANSLATION ONLY!
English Launcher v1.0-DLC2 by TheShadow
Translated H positions for the H-Scenes by Wong2005
Female Uncensor v0.2 by FutaBoy
Male Uncensor 1.1 by Rock N Roll Racer
Male Uncensor Cowgirl Twist Fix by Rock N Roll Racer
Full Save by unknown uploaded by Fenrir72
Windowed Fullscreen by enter75

This patch would not be possible without SB3Utility(GUI+Script) 0.5.7α by enimaroah

Known issues
The patch requires at least 2GB free temporary space on the drive where you installed Immoral Ward. The space will be freed when patching is complete.

File Size: 7.09 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 13th July 2019 at 12:55.
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Old 18th February 2014, 12:59   #2
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Premium Play Darkness (Illusion, CHS Games) [uncen] [2013, 3D, Animation, ADV, Simulator, Monsters, Demons, Group, Blowjob, Creampie, BDSM, Titsjob, Anal, Footjob, Bikini, Swimsuit, Glasses, Stockings, Cosplay] [jap+eng] + [mods]

Year: 2012
Genre: 3D, Animation, ADV, Simulator, Monsters, Demons, Group, Blowjob, Creampie, BDSM, Titsjob, Anal, Straight, Footjob, Bikini, Swimsuit, Glasses, Stockings, Cosplay
Language of the game: Japanese / English
Language: Japanese / English / Russian

System requirements:
:: CPU:Pentium4 2.4GHz :: RAM 512MB :: HDD 10GB+ ::
:: VRAM:256MB :: DirectX:9.0c ::

Enjoy the story of their favorite heroine cast a custom, this work is very premium 3D animation game.
Freely customize easily the character of a total of 26 people!
Story mode is to be selected from three types of heroine, the story with a different name with a combination of 4 ×!
Play any combination of the content and location of clothes, in free mode you can edit the etch your favorite scene.
The film willingness to taste the way you want it rolled burr spear move, the true value of Illusion!

o Penis Fix
o NEW Bags
o Catsuit inspired by The Dark Knight Rises
o Colored tattoos for girls
o Girls in Latex Yoga Pants
o Nipple Texture Pack for Alexae's PPDComplete_texture_Pack (For 6 Skin-tones)
o Update Fixed version costumes mod
o Hungry for Wings
o Fix 1 & 2 for female uncensor v0.2 from 777maliwei
o Mini-skirt & t-shirt v.1
o Ahegao Overload Mod
o [PPD Studio only] Santa Hat for use with the Studio
o Panther carnival
o [PPD Studio only] Cat Ears Meoow!
o [PPD Studio only] Semen Anyone
o Mini-skirt & t-shirt. v.2
o Sujo Hair Pony
o [PPD Studio only] Sinners & Saints

o Animation Lists TRANSLATED! [v1.0]
o SDT Tools
o SDT converter Ver.1.3
o English user interface v1r06

[Modding Tools]
o PPVERDecrypt
Premium Play Darkness HF Patch.exe (upd - ver 0.9.9)

Game installation:

1 . We mount the Image of Game of [Image Game\DISK1.ISO file in Daemon Tools Lite (it is applied, see in a root)
also we close autostart of the fitter.
2 . We come for the image (My computer => Pravknmysha on an image => to Open)
also we start the Startup.exe file with the rights of the administrator (h / з a click of the right button of a mouse) and a Japanese locale.
Or previously to establish HF pAppLoc (it is applied, see in a root) and to start "Startup.exe" through a click of the right button - "Run with Japanese locale as administrator".
3 . There was an installation menu.
* If at you the top button is available to pressing, it means that you didn't establish DirectX 9.0c. Game won't be started if you ignore this installation.
We press the 2nd button - game installation.
4 . We press the button (N) twice.
5 . IMPORTANT: Change an installation way to C:\illusion\PPD if you want to receive the working version of game.
* I established in D:\Games\PPD. The main thing, use! English language (it is possible figures) and a simple way to the folder with game.
In a way to game NOT HAS TO be the RUSSIAN letters!
6 . We press the button (N) again. In the following window we press the button (I) and we wait for game installation.
7 . When the strip will be filled on 1/3, there will be an inquiry of a disk 2. We mount DISK2.ISO in Daemon Tools Lite, we wait some seconds and we press Apprx.
8 . On 2/3 we mount DISK3.ISO.
9 . We wait for the end of installation and we close a setup.
10 . We establish Premium Play Darkness HF Patch patch.
11 . For game start you will need to mount DISK1.iso again.
12 . We start through an original label or through launcher (English).
original label:
- The click of the right button on C:\illusion\PPD\プレミアムプレイ.exe (or on a label on a desktop) and to choose "Run with Japanese locale".

- English: is established with Premium Play Darkness HF Patch. Premium Play Darkness English.exe start in a game root.
- Russian: it is possible to install a method of transfer of files from PremiumPlus1Rus.rar archive in a root with game (the folder Loaders [Launchers])

Russian interface:
way-> Translate\Russian user interface v1.0 Transfer

File Size: 12.13 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 17:30.
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Old 18th February 2014, 15:56   #3
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Premium Studio Pro (ILLUSION) [uncen] [2013, 3D, Animation, ADV, Simulator, Monsters, Demons, Group, Blowjob, Creampie, BDSM, Titsjob, Anal, Straight, Footjob, Bikini, Swimsuit, Glasses, Stockings, Cosplay] [jap+eng] + [mods]

Year: 26.04.13
Genre: 3D, Animation, ADV, Simulator, Monsters, Demons, Group, Blowjob, Creampie, BDSM, Titsjob, Anal, Straight, Footjob, Bikini, Swimsuit, Glasses, Stockings, Cosplay
Censorship: None
Platform: PC / Windows
Language games: Japanese, English
Language: Japanese, English
Language: Japanese

System requirements:
:: CPU:Pentium4 2.4GHz :: RAM 512MB :: HDD 10GB+ :: VRAM:256MB :: DirectX:9.0c ::

Editor for creating scenes Premium Play Darkness

Premium Play Darkness HF Patch version 1.4

Official: Premium Plus & Studio 1.4 (DLC1-4) + Preorder Bonus (yoyaku+lingerie) by Illusion DLC4 (uhair_pro) added!
English User Interface v1r06 by genobee , RickMontana , Zephyred & Itkatsu (Sogekihei)
Premium Play Launcher 1.4d by enter75
Premium Play Studio Launcher 1.4b by Shireece
Studio Drop Down Lists by Wong2005 with updated item lists suggested by Guff
Studio Animation Lists Translation by bmobius , Wong2005 and Guff
Premium Play Studio Lists by by akyryz, Beatru and others New!
Preset Names Translation by genobee
English Machine Translation v0.1.2 by RPGenesis
Uncensor MOD 1.3B incl. Bug Patch 04-28-13 by bdpq Updated!
Vibrator Uncensor 1.1 by genobee
Flesh Double Dildo for the Demoness by FutaBoy
Windowed Fullscreen by enter75
All Positions Unlocked (100% save) by icebean

Premium Studio Pro HF Patch version 0.2

Official: Premium Studio Pro 1.1 + Preorder Bonus (hadaka, up_extra, u_hair) by Illusion
Premium Studio Pro 1.1 by Shireece
Premium Play Studio Lists by akyryz , Beatru Updated!
Uncensor MOD Version 1.3B incl. Bug Patch 04-26-13 by bdpq Updated!
Additional bones mod v0.5 Beta by Vermaas
Windowed Fullscreen by enter75
Premium Studio Pro HF Patch

Installing Premium Studio Pro

1. Install the game Premium Play Darkness
2. Put HF patch for Game
3. Install studio pro in the game folder is not in a separate folder in a separate set if it will run, but the choice of characters will fly and will not appear location
4. Put HF patch for about
5. Run the game and studios exe marked English.

Installing mods

To get started , download the latest Illusion Wizzard version (v0520). There will definitely be all games from Illyuzhn , including PRPR. But IW has in the hand. Download the program unfolds to any folder (but apart from better games). Going into this folder, you see an icon with a cute dog. Click on it and otkrvyshemsya box , select the desired top left us the game (in this case
PRPR). We get to the main page , which is still empty . Exit the program ( mandatory), and see that there was next to the icon folder PRPR, and there are four folders. We need mods. In this folder we throw all the mods that we want ( as it is in the archives ) and then run the prog . Now displayed on the main page of fashion. Choose one of them and press the button Apply mod. Wait for the end of installation. Once the mod installed, it will change the color line . To remove a button fashion del mod. Automatic backup here .

File Size: 10.09 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 17:31.
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Old 18th February 2014, 16:02   #4
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Artificial Girl 3 + Hannari Expansion V 1.50 + mods + cha + cos + soft (Illusion) [uncen] [2008, 3D, Simulator, Constructor, SLG] [jap+eng+rus]

Year: 2008
Genre: 3D, Simulator, Constructor, SLG, Mod, Add-on
Censorship: None
Platform: PC / Windows
Language games: Japanese, English,Russian
Language: Japanese, English
Language: Japanese

System requirements:
Windows 2000 or higher
DirectX 9.0c or higher
Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or higher (3.0Ghz recommended)
512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
10 GB free space on HDD
Graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
64 MB of graphics memory (256 MB recommended)
Resolution 1024x768 or higher

Wonderful life with beautiful girls. Just enjoy the slow and peaceful life with them. This is a 3D simulator visits. You feel life , have a nice time , find something comfortable ....
Artificial Girl is divided into two parts. The first is the generator of girls, where do you adjust the appearance , voice, and choose traits but more than 3 - the likelihood that the child will either be a nymphomaniac , or unassailable principle ) plus you adjust clothing for all occasions .
The second part of Artificial Girl 3 is the game itself. There is a small piece of the city , your home , school, house , embankment, temple , city, and another house in the Japanese style . Depending on which character you gave the girl depends on her method of seduction, with some you need to spend a lot of time, and others can be unceremoniously brazenly stick . Also, girls can get jealous or institute , in this case, they will stick to you . In this city girls live their lives , sleep , walk, eat , and when you are not going to contact them , they may forget you . Unfortunately the game can simultaneously is no more than five girls.

Cha_files - girls
Cha_thumb - girls screenshots for easy selection (file names coincide with Cha_files), to unpack each file directly play
Cos_files - Clothing
Cos_thumb - screenshots of clothing for easy selection (file names coincide with Cos_files), to unpack each file directly play
Archive m_tex corresponding folder contains textures for the correct display of some models, you need to put the folder in the data / save
Theme Hongfaera - Artificial Girl 3 + Expansion Clothing Thread - contains almost all of the files for which links were working and which were screenshots of the same name on the theme Hongfaere . Consists of an archive with screenshots and file with the downloaded archive file names (or folder , or file folders in zaviimosti on how many screenshots and archives ) are the same for the convenience of finding relevant archives.

After unpacking the archive - More than 6,400 girls and about 2,500 clothing - its weight is 138 MB folder . Lightweight because girls and clothes packed game itself .
Once a file or girls clothing maker will be open and saved in data / save / m_cha ( or m_cos) folder appears with files much larger volume and a girl ( or clothing ) can be used in the game.

Creating and girls clothes :
Creating girls:
- Run AG3_Make.exe, press 'Start Game'
- Click 'Create Character', then 'Create New' to create a new or 'Load Existing' to edit already saved character
- Write the name of the file
- The following tabs create the appearance of the character
- In laying 'Profile' write name and surname of the girl 's birthday , specify the type of identity ( see below)
- In laying 'Traits' indicate personality traits (see below)
- Then nazhmiaem first tab , there 'Save' and 'Main Screen'
Girl created , now it should be put , and for this we need to create clothing
Creating clothes :
- Click 'Create Fashion', then 'Create New'
- Specify the name of the clothing and the file name
- The following tabs create clothes
- Click 'Save' and 'Main Screen'
Clothing created .
The main window .
Choose from the top list girl in the list in the middle of a combination of clothes, and in the list, where many rows to the right of a blank line there are two buttons , the left 'Set' clothes set , right 'Clear' - zero ( that is, the girl is naked ) . As soon as the girls will be given for all types of clothing in all rows at the bottom of the third button from the left click 'Save Selection', that would save the changes.

WASD keys on the go , mouse Dishonest Treatment camera.
Left mouse button to sit / lie
Right mouse button interaction with a girl ( need to stand next to it ) , call her
During sex :
Ctrl + left mouse button - turn the camera
Hold the left button with icon kakimto - interplay between :
if the fungus , then drag the mouse while holding the left mouse button you can change the position
If there ?, Y, inverted Z, then it means that you are asking what to do next and what would you like to do in different situations in different ways - to wear a condom , and do not wear any different , actually it depends on the situation in which you are girl , there any many situations , the answers you give controlling the mouse , the left button , yes , the right button - no , the only thing it asks you is not always clear , for this we need to know Japanese or use your intuition in relation to zhenschinoy ( the Japanese attitude zhenschinoy with little else , a philosophy ) , so it turns out - to answer at random , but interesting - new research and knowledge of the game and lasts indefinitely , and every time a new one.

File Size: 13.57 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 17:36.
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Old 18th February 2014, 16:09   #5
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LoveGirl / Love girl / Rabugaru [uncen] [2012, 3D] [jap] + [mods]

Year: 2012
Genre: 3D, SLG, Simulator, Blowjob, Creampie, Titsjob, Anal, Straight, Footjob, 69, Bikini, Swimsuit, Glasses, Stockings, Cosplay

System requirements:
:: CPU Pentium4 2.4GHz :: RAM 1 GB :: VRAM 128MB :: HDD 7~9GB ::

3D heroine be created with full cooperation of Love doll maker, and the overwhelming presence!
This work was determined sublimation can not be expressed in the beauty as a woman real doll is not even in the anime love doll shaders, real-time 3D game to a whole new.
Outdoors, "Rabugaru" was studied up to Hakone Omomui love doll with life-size indoor Hatewa from that camera crew.
Sex scene was thoroughly stuck to the motion, such as the service provided more than 180 sex-position-foreplay.
Movement of the tongue, such as liquid or representation made by three-dimensional shock vigilant work fine until the place!

LoveGirl HF Patch 1.1:

Official: LoveGirl DLC1 by Illusion
English UI v0.7 by genobee, amanacoidum & pino Updated!
English Launcher v1.0-DLC1 by TheShadow New!
Full Uncensor by 777Maliwei (now with individually installable girl and male uncensor New!)
Hair Filtering Mod by enter75 New!
Remove Illusion Logo When Taking Picture by changel New!
Full Save (all girl star level) by digitalartnet

This patch would not be possible without LGDecrypt by darkhound

Game installation:
1 . We mount the Image of Game of [Image Game\DISK1.ISO file in Daemon Tools it (is applied)
also we close autostart of the fitter.
2 . We come for the image (My computer; The right mouse button; to Open)
also we start the "ILLUSION ラブガール~魅惑の個人レッスン~.msi".
3 . We establish game in the folder with the game name on! English language and a simple way to the folder with game (an example - E:\Games\Love girl).
4 . In time installations there will be info window and it is required to replace a disk with "An image of game of [Image game\DISK2.ISO"
Game is established!
5 . We start LoveGirl HF Patch.exe (is in a distribution root). We choose necessary for installation.
6 . We unpack LoveGirl PLF rus.rar (Launchers\DLC1 Loaders) and we copy the Russian launcher LoveGirl_PLF_rus.exe in a game root.

Game is ready! We start game with LoveGirl_PLF_rus.exe

File Size: 7.49 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 17:37.
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Old 18th February 2014, 18:27   #6
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Happy end Trigger (Illusion/CHS GAMES) [uncen] [2012] [jap/eng]

Year: 2012
Release Date: 2012/10/12
Genre: ADV, 3D, Sci-Fi, Doujinshi, Harem, Virgin, Straight, Paizuri, Creampie
Censorship: Yes, but it is treated.

Developer / Publisher: Illusion / CHS GAMES
Platform: PC / Windows
Publication Type: License
Medicine: Present
Language Games: Japanese
Sound language: Japanese

System requirements: Windows XP (SP2-3) (32/64) Windows 7 (32/64) [CPU Pentium4 2.4GHz] [1GB RAM] [128MB VRAM]] [~ 7-10 GB of HDD]

The next creation studio Illusion.
gameplay style flipped through a million pictures

Spell out the story in the event a huge amount of CG, ILLUSION latest work, the full visual events ADV!
Without such as standing picture, the story proceeds in CG production in the event that technology 3D.
CG event all of its quality of work over the past by new shader system!
Sex scene as well, represented by a real-time 3D animation course and beautiful!
In this work because it is also equipped with "2D mode" sex scene, it can also be switched by the preference of the player.

No Character Customization, No H Interaction, No Controls. All we need to do is just Keep Holding Ctrl, and everything is fine and happy.

Added Happy End Trigger HF Patch
Happy End Trigger HF Patch version 1.0 includes:

English UI Version 0.1 by Kemodin
English Launcher v1.0 by enter75
Full Uncensor by 777Maliwei
Save file to unlock "Edit Movie" mode by Shireece

Installation Procedure
1. Mount the disk 1
2. Install the game (on disk ILLUSION ハッピー エンド トリガー. Msi) to a folder with the name of the game on! English language and a simple path to the game folder (example - D: \ Games \ HET).
3. at the request of two disc mount
4. Set Happy End Trigger HF Patch.exe (folder Tools): antsenzor, launcher, saves and more.
See below for a complete list.
5. Unpack HappyEndTrigger_rus.rar (Russian launcher) in the directory of the game.
6. At the request of the fashion set, when multiple mods consecutive game stability is not guaranteed.

File Size: 7.38 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 18:27.
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Old 19th February 2014, 13:19   #7
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School Mate 2 [2010][Simulator/Date-sim/3D][Illusion][eng+jap]

Year: 2010
Genre: Simulator, Date-sim, 3D.
Developer: Illusion

Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
System requirements: CPU: Pentium4 2.4GHz / Ram: 1GB / VRAM: 128MB / HDD: 4 GB
Publication Type: Original (licensed)
Language: Japanese / English
Crack: Not required (built-in launcher)
Censorship: None (antsenzor attached)

Description: One of the seven mysteries in the school have been the curse by the three Jizou sisters. The heads of the three Jizou sisters came down by Yukariko and the Hero. That is the reason that three Jizo sisters have become obsessed with Yukariko and the answer to the curse that can make the three sisters wishes come true. For that wish the protagonist did things like this and that. While cleaning, Yukariko disturbed the three sister's shrine and they are taking revenge on her by taking control of her body and having sex with the protagonist.

Ext. Information: Mount the image Schoolmate2.iso, To install, then set the School Mate 2 HF Patch.exe Play!
Run the installer and the game is recommended from AppLocale. Optionally, you can add Russian launchers, 100% Saves etc.

File size: 3.34 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 18:30.
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Artificial Academy / Jinkougakuen [uncen] [2011] [jap / eng]

Year: 2011
Genre: 3D, Simulator, Adventure, Date-sim, School
Censorship: the patch is removed

Developer: Illusion
Platform: PC / Windows
Publication Type: Original (Genuine)

Language: Japanese
Type of translation: the text and sound in this language (the original)

Language: Japanese / English (patch)
System Requirements: Windows XP (SP2-3) (32/64) Windows 7 (32/64) [CPU AMD ~ 2.1GHz] [2GB RAM] [512MB VRAM]

Another creation studio illusion.
This is the game won in the voting, which previously held illusion offered by the users decide what they will play in next time. Although the graphics engine, and has not changed but that the physical was completely replaced by "NBullet" one of the most popular engines for modern games.

Extras. Information:
Of the site illusion.jp
Playing on the Wiki
Section with ready-made characters

Artificial Academy HF Patch version 3.5 NEW
HF Patch version 3.5 include:

Installing the game
1. Mount the image
2. Install the game (on disk startup.exe)
3. Set Editor (on disk folder Edit / setup.exe)
4. Install Artificial Academy HF Patch
5. Optionally set the fashion, when you install multiple mods consecutive game stability is not guaranteed.

Installing mods
Since AppWizard fashion do not work consistently. Use AAMake2Decrypt.
All files that we work with are in the game folder DATA, DATA take from your file the same name file in the archive folder (Fashion in the distribution). With AAMake2Decrypt unpack it from archive add files (replace if necessary, further with AAMake2Decrypt packs and drag it back into the game folder. When these manipulations do not forget to make backup copies. If it is not the experience of the game can not start experimenting on health) ) [spoiler =] Here are the screenshots in the manual unpacking and zapakovke game archives.

1. The image of the game
2. Patch Artificial Academy HF Patch version 0.9 includes
Artificial Academy HF Patch version 0.9 includes
Official: Artificial Academy Adjustment Patch by Illusion
Official: Artificial Academy AAXPlay 1.1 20,110,701 by Illusion Updated!
Official: Artificial Academy Privilege Disk (Cold personality) by Illusion New!
English UI Translation v1.27 by Raiko & Sogekihei New!
AAPlay English Launcher 0701 by Arcnx Updated!
AAXPlay 1.1 0701 English Launcher by Arcnx Updated!
Story Translation (Google mostly) 20,110,705 by Geshtar, DesmondHume, Milfeulle, Rikto, vidocq, A to da G Updated!
Romanized Japanese Names by unmei220 New!
Girl 3D Uncensored Vagina by FutaBoy (Nubby or Fleshy double dildo)
Uncensored Penis by FutaBoy (3D or 2D pubic hair)
Maker: AA_Make English Launcher 1.00A by TheShadow
Illusion Wizzard by darkhound New!

error fix
<0x01000003> error fix (Treats error 0x01000003)
[Illusion] [RegistryFixer] [TheShadow] [V1.7]

3. Launchers (for the English game and the designer, as Russian launchers)
[Official] [Russian] Launcher by CyberHunter v1.01
[Official] [English] Launcher by TheShadow v1.00

4. Ready-made models of characters
5. Support programs (Illusion Wizzard is tied to the game, AAMake2Decrypt)
6. Fashion
The content of the folder Mods
Eye patch Mod by Suriko v1.00
RealNipples by powerbot v1.00
Tartan skirt set by remere v1.00
Pubic Hair Demosaic and Aligned Alternate Pubic Hair Mod v1.00
The Fleshy Dildo v1.00
School Factions - Poppin 'Cherries v1.00
Black girl skin
Adjustment of AA music by ArturB
School Factions - Dead Black Hearts
Simple Girl Uncensor v1.00
Infinite Stratos School Outfit
Uncensored male dick
Breast Expansion password jg
Interface + Map + Help Russian [Jo-Makein] [v1.0]

Fashion install at your own risk, a description of the installation in an attachment, set by AAMake2Decrypt) You can work with Illusion Wizzard.

File Size: 6.54 GB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 18:34.
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Old 19th February 2014, 17:34   #9
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Artificial Academy HF Patch version 3.2 (Illusion) [uncen] [2011] [eng]

Year: 2011
Genre: 3D, Simulator, Adventure, Date-sim, School
Censorship: None / a patch to remove

Developer / Publisher: Illusion
Platform: PC / Windows
Version: 3.2

Language: English
System Requirements: Windows XP (SP2-3) (32/64) Windows 7 (32/64) [CPU AMD ~ 2.1GHz] [2GB RAM] [512MB VRAM]

Description: HF Patch version 3.2 include:

-Official: Artificial Academy AAXPlay 20110706 patch / addon by Illusion
-Official: Artificial Academy Privilege Disk (Cold personality) by Illusion
-English UI Translation v1.28 by Raiko & Sogekihei
-AAPlay 0706 Complete English Launcher 1.1 by Phil26
-AAXPlay 0706 Complete English Launcher 1.1 by Phil26
-AAEdit English Launcher 1.2 by TheShadow modified by Phil26
-Story Translation 2011-dec-23 by DesmondHume, Milfeulle, Geshtar, vidocq, syberz, nachttod, A to da G, Snoopy, Acrnx, AAaronAnonymous, FairRy, Lomonia, woeiwoe,-DIJesse, NPC777, Rikto Updated!
-Romanized Japanese Names by unmei220 (Japanese names are displayed in English)
-Girl 3D Uncensored Vagina 20,111,110 by FutaBoy (Nubby or Fleshy double dildo)
-Alternative 3D Girl Uncensor Mod by uncenone & FutaBoy (Nubby or Fleshy double dildo)
-Uncensored Penis v2 by FutaBoy (3D or 2D pubic hair)
-Animation Improvements 0.2 and Changes (optionally some anal) by enimaroah, pino and requiem6
-Illusion Wizzard by darkhound
-No Black Strips Mod 20111107 by enter75

File Size: 164 MB

Last edited by Sexymouse; 8th October 2017 at 18:35.
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Old 7th October 2016, 17:04   #10
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Default New Hentai Games - Big Collection (Update)

PlayHome (Illusion) [cen] [2017, SLG, ADV, 3D, Constructor, BDSM, Bondage, Big Breasts, Mastrubation, Bukkake, Handjob, Blowjob, All sex] [jap/eng]

Year: 2017
Genre: SLG, ADV, 3D, Constructor, BDSM, Bondage, Big Breasts, Mastrubation, Bukkake, Handjob, Blowjob, All sex
Censorship: cen
Platform: PC/ WindowsXP / WindowsVista / Windows
Language: jap/eng

System requirements:

One day the main character left a Molester act plans revenge to Koichi who stopped it.
And showed a tusk in the Sisters of a remarriage partner of Koichi and the companion child of the So on greed.
Sisters and mother who receive severe torture while be monkeyed around by humiliation and fear, Shame and pleasure.
And "the normal Home" piled up makes a sound, and collapse while rolling up Koichi….

Another face of families peeping a face in a thought to be broken, and to go for before long.
When the covered inside was revealed, a new relationship is born of a broken family.

"Crash from these beginning!"

The play that is any religion other than Buddhism developed with "ideal house" itself as [toy].
The introduction that is Daaku heaps up more radical and hard Play contents.

MoreSlotID_PH v1.1
CM Mod For PH Ver0.7.1
IPA-Illusion Plugin Architecture v3.3
Playhome image based lighting (forward) 1.3
Play Home English Launcher 1.0
[PH]H.X.Subject0 4K Tattoos DG version 1.2
[PH]Saeki's 4K Tattoos
Playhome custom texture patch
[ll][PH] Suntans
[PH]GCHAOS Muscle Skin Ver.0.1

File Size: 9.16 GB

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Last edited by Sexymouse; 23rd June 2019 at 17:40.
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