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Old 26th September 2013, 01:52   #9701
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"Weddings are basically funerals with cake."
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Old 26th September 2013, 02:11   #9702
Alan Kellerman
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Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
First, thank you!

Second, It's the BluRay rip, as those are two disc sets, and the DVDs are 3 disc deals. So they'd have the documentary and some matches in one disk, the rest in another. Plus the BluRays have "extras." I was able to get the second disc and the extras after downloading that. So that's over 9 hours or so of HHH to go through . Definitely not in one go, but good enough for a couple of days.
no problem.

I should know all this after downloading and uploading WWE for so long. I just pulled part one out of the folder, split it and uploaded. I just noticed that I have the extras disk ( pay more attention Alan you fucking idiot). I will upload the extras here in case anybody else wants them.

I don't know what that 90gb motherfucker was. It must be the most clear viewing experience of all time, so clear that even a blind person can see it, or maybe it was some joker having a laugh.
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Old 26th September 2013, 02:14   #9703
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Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
First, thank you!

Second, It's the BluRay rip, as those are two disc sets, and the DVDs are 3 disc deals. So they'd have the documentary and some matches in one disk, the rest in another. Plus the BluRays have "extras." I was able to get the second disc and the extras after downloading that. So that's over 9 hours or so of HHH to go through . Definitely not in one go, but good enough for a couple of days.

Speaking of HHH, now the interview with Michael Cole is weekly, this week he addressed the Corporation-only angles on RAW, including allowing Dusty, Dustin, and Cody to come to RAW Monday, with a "proposition."

The Rhodes stuff and Miz talk were unique, everything else was as expected. He's more in love with the current Randall, and he still things of Daniel Bryan as a B+ player. He compared himself to him. He said that he always backed up what he said, Miz never did. Miz's mouth was "shot" on RAW.

One last thing, looking at that spot with Punk and The Ryback multiple times, it looked like the table only grazed him. The true impact was the cold hard surface. That must've been pleasant. Punk has to work with that guy again.
The only extras on the Blu-Ray are HHH vs. Brock Lesnar in a No Disqualification Match with Triple H's Career On The Line from WrestleMania 29 & deleted stories that didn't make it to the DVD edition (listed below):
  • Motivation in High School
  • Hard Way In
  • Paul Scream
  • Resume
  • Sherri
  • Diamond Cutter
  • Hunter Hearst Helmsley – The Name
  • Wild ‘n Crazy Guys
  • Evolution’s Fifth Member??
  • Shawn’s Comeback
  • WrestleMania 26
  • Two Movies at Once
  • Commemorating the End
  • Worst Gas on the Planet
  • Candy Bar
  • Praising the Boss
  • Behind the Scenes – Photo Shoot
  • Behind the Scenes – WrestleMania 29 Weekend
  • Taping Wrists
  • The Levesque Game
  • King of Signs
Also there's an Easter Egg: Evolution – The Name.
Last edited by TheShield; 28th September 2013 at 08:26.
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Old 26th September 2013, 02:22   #9704
Alan Kellerman
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Not much point uploading the extras then.

anybody wants it you got it. Just ask.
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Old 26th September 2013, 06:17   #9705
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Hey guys,

I figured I'd post the full rosters for WWE 2K14 for you, which have finally been revealed!

Here is the main roster:

•AJ Lee
•Brodus Clay
•Cody Rhodes
•Damien Sandow
•David Otunga
•Dean Ambrose
•Drew McIntyre
•Eddie Guerrero
•Heath Slater
•Jack Swagger
•Jinder Mahal
•Justin Gabriel
•Kofi Kingston
•Mark Henry
•Mr. McMahon
•Roman Reigns
•Santino Marella
•Seth Rollins
•Sin Cara
•Stephanie McMahon
•The Great Khali
•Titus O'Neil
•Wade Barrett
•Zack Ryder

And now here is the "30 years of WrestleMania" roster:

•Alberto Del Rio
•Andre the Giant
•Antonio Cesaro
•Big John Studd
•Big Show
•Big Show (retro)
•Bret Hart
•Brock Lesnar
•Brock Lesnar (retro)
•Chris Jericho
•Chris Jericho (retro)
•CM Punk
•Daniel Bryan
•Darren Young
•Dolph Ziggler
•Hulk Hogan
•Hollywood Hulk Hogan
•John Cena
•John Cena (retro)
•Kane (retro)
•King Kong Bundy
•Mick Foley
•Randy Orton
•Randy Savage
•Razor Ramon
•Rey Mysterio
•Ric Flair
•Ric Flair (retro)
•Ricky Steamboat
•Sgt. Slaughter
•Shawn Michaels
•Shawn Michaels (retro)
•Stone Cold Steve Austin
•Ted DiBiase
•The Miz
•The Rock
•The Rock (retro)
•Triple H
•Triple H (retro)
•Ultimate Warrior
•Undertaker (retro)

Seems kind of strange to me, seeing that people like Cesaro and Darren Young are in the 30 years of WrestleMania roster, seeing as they've never even appeared at the event. But I assume you'll be able to use any wrestler you want in the different modes.

I'm pretty happy all my favorites like 3MB and Wade Barrett made it! Where the hell have they been lately, anyway?
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Old 26th September 2013, 06:54   #9706
Alan Kellerman
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I say I wont buy it, but I probably will. Next year there might be some real change to the game.

smackdown preview

*WWE champ Randy Orton vs. The Miz.

*World champion Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth.

*WWE United States champion Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler.

*Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. The Prime Time Players.

*Bray Wyatt vs. Zack Ryder.

*WWE Divas champ AJ Lee vs. Cameron.

*Santino Marella vs. 3MB's Heath Slater

*Also appearing are Triple H, Paul Heyman, Rob Van Dam, The Shield, Great Khali, the Divas, Hornswoggle and Kofi Kingston.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 26th September 2013 at 07:02.
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Old 26th September 2013, 20:41   #9707

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Thoughts on Main Event

1.) Summer was dancing her way out of some streamer gimmick that looked to have come from Dango's stage prop. Alex Riley replaces Miz again, because he got knocked the fuck out by Big Show on RAW! Hehehe. Dango teams up with Big E. Langston. I read that supposedly, Langston was planned to be the new Paul Heyman Guy. The Ryback of course got the call, but that prospect would've been interesting. Fandango and Langston take on The Usos. Riley's trivia on Langston was that he was named "Mr. Iron" from his high school. That would've been a rather gimmicky name in wrestling. Summer Rae got cheered a bit early on, making me think that maybe she will be more over than Dango-Dongo. Alex Riley showed his intelligence, making me wonder if he really got a "pre-med" from Boston College, as Matthews said. He touted Langston's history of patella injuries, both of them seperated or something. One can't even tell he had those kind of problems because of how well he moves. Riley said that some guys never recover from that injury. Another thing, "running downhill," a term Riley used to describe Langston. How he explained it, using a football/Refridgerator Perry reference, I suppose it means the momentum increasing exponentially. Anyways, yeah, Riley's commentary is very good, the thing is that these guys have to be, unique. Riley has the athletic background and sports knowledge, JBL has sports, wrestling, world knowledge. He's a human encyclopedia basically. Lawler has the 1001 joke book (he mentioned this in a Stone Cold podcast). Michael Cole, ehhhh, quintessential puppet. Riley's commentary was really more interesting than the match, you can see this by how much I typed about that, over the actual amtch. Langston did a fine job, Dango continues to show that he's the worst tag team partner ever. If anyone remembers his track record, the dude bails on his partners, for whatever reason. Up to that point in the match, he and Langston weren't exactly buddies. Makeshift tag team and all. He has a "knee" injury that restricts him from helping Langston, leaving the big guy open to tag team attacks from the Usos. Langston got pinned, lesson that needs to be learned, never put Fandango in a tag team. The only duo he contributes to is with Summer Rae. Decent match, better commentary.

2.) After showing a portion of the new HHH sitdown interview from Michael Cole (the topic of Miz), it was Big Show vs. Damien Sandow. This is the first time matchup between these two, I'm pretty sure of that. Short match, Sandow had a brief advantage, Show won though with the knockout punch. It's interesting how he was looking at the big right hand. As if thinking about the job he pulled on Dusty Rhodes. I was thinking he wouldn't do that, and hit a chokeslam. Storytelling purposes, it would've worked. That punch would be Show's mental Achilles Heel. Then again, he didn't hesitate in knocking out Miz. Anyways, Show ripped the briefcase from the handcuffs, and put it over the torso of Sandow. Show left the ring, Tony Chimel announced that Sandow's still the holder of the MITB briefcase, and "guaranteed the next World Heavyweight Champion." That's right, bigger picture.

3.) They recapped CM Punk's homecoming from RAW. I had a fantasy moment. Imagine CM Punk winning the WWE Championship from Randall Orton at Royal Rumble 2014, and at the same show, Daniel Bryan wins the Royal Rumble, by eliminating a returning John Cena. So at Wrestlemania 30, it's Daniel Bryan vs. WWE Champion CM Punk. Dream main event! It's better to think of that than watching that bump CM Punk took from The Ryback. Seriously, The Ryback could've moved a few inches to his right, and Punk would've taken only the table. Not the floor. CM Punk has to work with this guy again, actually around a year since that first happened. Talk about coming full circle, and the roles are reversed too. Hilarious.

4.) Justin Gabriel with his Samurai Jack looking hairstyle, takes on Curtis Axel. Axel passed 100 days as Intercontinental Champion. Congratulations, now imagine if the guy actually held the title for at least 434 days. Hell, more? That way he can tout that his 1 IC title reign was longer than CM Punk's grand 434 WWE Championship reign. It could work, if the guy rubs off of Heyman in a gradual manner. In-ring wise, nothing to necessarily improve on. Riley claimed Gabriel said that he wants to be eaten by a shark. That's his way to die. He's more crazy than AJ nowadays. Matthews mentioned opportunities being presented to WWE Superstars. The real reason for that is because of John Cena and Sheamus being out on injury. Despite the jobber status of some of the 11 rebels, it's more spotlight, and an actual story compared to their past. Zack Ryder, Gabriel, they're reaping some benefits in this. The Usos are seemingly back on that cusp to tag team championship glory, Bob Van Dam has something to occupy him because directly feuding with Del Rio doesn't seem to be in the cards. Most importantly, Daniel Bryan's reaping the most benefits. This match got a great deal of time, whici is rare for Gabriel. With such time, he really showed that he could step out of the jobber zone and get over. Unfortunately, not here. He showed more offense, and Heyman sold the moves of the guy pretty well. On the other hand, he acted more confident in Curtis Axel, motivating the guy in the process as well. Really good match here, as it seemed the only point where Gabriel slowed down, was the reason he lost. Taking time to get Axel in the ring, he was pulled to the middle rope, neck bouncing off it. Axel finished it off with his yet-to-be-named finisher.

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Old 26th September 2013, 20:43   #9708

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Thoughts on NXT

1.) Brad Maddox is in the office, when Tyler Breeze came in, wanting to be in the tag team turmoil match. CJ Parker wants to be in the turmoil match too. They argued while Maddox applied hand sanitizer! He told them to shut up, and paired them up officially in the tag team turmoil match. Tyler Breeze was hoping for Brad Pitt to be his partner. Too bad.

2.) The turmoil match opens the show, with Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady entering first. Enzo said that they have winning streaks in their dirty underwear? What? It was pretty funny, and both guys claimed the other tag teams are like cotton tissue. That's s.a.w.f.t. Soft. To note, Tony Dawson apparently departed from WWE, after only a year. Ah well. Commentary here is William Regal and Todd Phillips. Amore and Cassady, who Regal said are banned from every Disney theme park in the world, take on CJ Parker and Tyler Breeze. The strange bedfellows didn't last long. Parker had all the ring time, when he refused to tag in Breeze. Cassady hit a big slam from that break time, and pinned Parker. Breeze didn't help, but then again, why should he after not being tagged in? The next team is Sylvester Lefort's Fighting Legionnaires: Alex Rusev and Scott Dawson. Slightly longer exchange, both opponents of Amore and Cassady got ring time. It was Dawson though that was in the ring, seemingly winning, when he suddenly got caught in a small package. Amore won that exchange! Yeah, pretty funny, but the heels beat on Amore and Cassady. Leaving them wide open for the last team to come in. The Ascension. HAHAHA! After the break, Regal mistakenly called Todd, Tony. He defended himself, they're all the same to Regal. I believe him. The exchange here pretty much made it obvious that The Ascension would win. Amore tagged in Cassady, charged at O'Brian, only to be planted flapjack style, then finished off by the tag team signature move of the Ascension. Ascension won, so they have tag team title shots against

3.) The advertised matches for WWE's upcoming tour of Abu Dhabi is Big Show and Miz vs. Rollins and Reigns for the tag team titles, and Daniel Bryan vs. Randall Orton with special guest referee, Booker T. Booker T? Hmmm, I wonder if he will get involved in this on TV. Interesting...

4.) HEY! Renee Young does commentary with Todd Phillips and Regal in this match between Bayley and Sasha Banks. Summer's ringside to give support. This match was pretty entertaining to see, mostly because of Sasha being more aggressive in the match. As a heel, that's expected, but a fiery woman takes that to a different level. Those open palm chops have a lot of sound to them, and her necktie neckbreaker was more painful looking when Bailey's head snapped off of Sasha's shoulder. Bayley had her offense, including the Hugplex. Unfortunately, not enough to win. Sadly, Summer ripped apart Bayley's headband. As Renee Young said, never ruin another woman's hair products. On Young as a commentator, she sounded really nice, and Regal agreed. He preferred her over Phillips.

5.) HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh goodness, William Regal asked if Aiden English played Biff from Back to the Future. This was from Phillips claiming English played Biff from "Death of a Salesman." English squashed some Bull Dempsey guy. His entrance, I skipped that, he sung. The piano background music followed his pace in singing. After the match, the music sounded more orchestral, reminding that he's going to put the "E" in WWE. He said that in his entrance, and his outfit here was one that made him look like a douche. Hehehe. He can sing, better than Jillian Hall that's for sure.

6.) Another Abu Dhabi advertisement, and I'm only noting this because the Daniel Bryan vs. Randall Orton match is for the "vacant WWE Championship." Note these shows take place after Battleground. So while these house shows aren't so indicative of what matches will come in the future, it does make me think of the Battleground main event to be some draw. The title will then stay vacant, and the blowoff is Hell in a Cell. Works for me.

7.) El Local, also known as Ricardo Rodriguez, takes on Sami Zayn. Unfortunately, it was rather short, but the action in that time period was very nice. Local did a fine job, of course Zayn would win and show his ability too. His finisher this time was the running big boot to Local in the corner. Sweet deal. After that, Bo Dallas comes out, with a purple shirt! To the Bo-lievers, Dallas is healed! He said he's ready to put his NXT title on the line. Next week will be the Bo Dallas Invitational, anybody is eligible. If you can beat Bo, you get a title shot in 3 weeks. Zayn replied, saying he wants to sign up first, and have the match right now. Dallas dodged that challenge, saying that it's not respectful to interrupt the champion. One day, Sami will have his "Zayniacs," a loyal fanbase. I thought he had that already. Dallas made an addendum, everyone BUT Zayn can enter the Bo Dallas invitational. HA! Now I'm getting

8.) Brad Maddox was on the phone, when he saw a guy standing next to him. It's Kassius Ohno!!! I popped! He wonders why he hasn't been booked in weeks, despite being medically cleared after a past attack from the Wyatt Family. Maddox said Ohno's a "D+" player, C- at best. Ohno obviously doesn't think so, and he threatened to interrupt the show if not booked. Maddox booked him in a match against a member of the Wyatt Family, next week. Awesome, and he's not a D+ player, and not C-. I'd say he's B+ or A-.

9.) Here's someone that was an A+ player in his heyday, Triple H. The COO comes out for his scheduled big announcement. The fans received very well. He said he's amazed with the fans, and the talent in the back, mentioning a bunch of guys. Hunter interestingly said that he could replace the entire main roster with NXT talent, and not "miss a beat." Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's say, at most, half the main roster. Just putting his developmental territory over, and that's a fact. It really is his developmental territory, and it's turning out to be a great one. Anyways, the topic is on the Rhodes family. Specifically Dusty as NXT General Manager. The emotional stuff that Dusty's been goign through, has clouded his mind, therefore he's been given time off by Hunter. Fans chanted "No." Hunter said "yes." So the interim GM of NXT is JBL! The Wrestling God who has become the Commentating God, and now the NXT God. A fan chanted "JBL" while he was talking, and he told the guy to shut up, it's not sing along time! He still can cut a great promo. He said Dusty is a fat old man who barely spoke English. He went into him, Dustin and Cody Rhodes for a bit. Also hilarious. Awesome, hopefully he stays contracted with WWE for a couple years, so he can also add manager to his resume. Yeah, I'd love to see the guy be a manager. He'd give Heyman good competition.

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Old 26th September 2013, 21:36   #9709
Alan Kellerman
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I watched NXT after missing the last month or so.

The turmoil match opens the show, with Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady entering first. Enzo said that they have winning streaks in their dirty underwear? What? It was pretty funny,
haha I admit that I did laugh.

I liked how Triple H did his thumbs up, thumbs down thing. Saying the wrestler names and hearing how the crowd responds. The easy test to see who is most popular. Obviously the order could be looked at. Sami Zyan is most popular and I have hopes for him. I'm glad Adrain Neville was mentioned as well. I know he has been toned down and changed, but if you're that good then it doesn't matter. I look forward to seeing him on Raw and Smackdown.

JBL as new GM I am a fan of the post wrestling JBL.

Sami Zyan to win the invitational, even though he isn't in it.

I thought the Bo Dallas promo was good. He had the crowd chanting ole and stuff, and being dicks to him before the booo at the end when he said Sami Ztan could not enter.

kassius Ohno a D+ lol I'm not as generous as Seven Churches, but D+ is taking the piss. Nice back and forward with him and Brad Maddox.
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Old 27th September 2013, 19:33   #9710
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I'm hoping that 2K releases Hollywood Hogan's entrance soon, just for:

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