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Old 24th September 2013, 17:52   #9691

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Thoughts on RAW

1.) Angelo Savoldi passed away at 99 years old, I assume recently because a video played before the WWE TV intro video where Vince talked a bit about this wrestler. Cool, then comes the normal show, recapping the Daniel Bryan events since Night Of Champion, also Randall's actions. Just imagine if Bryan wins the WWE title again, and the whole locker room, the faces of course, celebrate with Daniel Bryan. That'd be more epic than last week's ending. The faces who rebelled last week were lined up on the stage, as Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out to address this "unrest." The Shield of course are ringside for protection. RAW's in Chicago, so expectations of a hot crowd are normal. HHH and Steph are happy to be Chicago, but the business is to allow the wrestlers on the stage to say "thank you." For taking the brass ring, for finally being men. HHH said that their actions had nothing to do with Daniel Bryan. Bob Van Dam stepped up to the mic propped on stage. He said they're fighting for Daniel Bryan, for what's right. HHH's been screwing him over. Hunter mentioned fighting FOR a WWE Champion, rather than normally fighting for the WWE Championship. He asked Ziggler if Bryan, and not Ziggler, should get a title shot at Battleground. HAHAHAHA! Stephanie joked about Ryder being the face of the WWE. So the reason why they don't get WWE title shots is because of The Shield? So the rebels are really frustrated towards the Shield. FRUSTRATED, "fustrated" is what Hunter said. Taz says that, and I believe others. I guess wrestling makes you forget your "Rs." Hunter booked a handicap elimination match, 11 on 3. The guys on stage and Daniel Bryan against The Shield. To thank the fans, who will face Randall. Fans chanted for CM Punk, but he's not a candidate. HAHAHA, they booed for being told to download the WWE App. Hunter said that what's best for the fans, is best for business. Good opening segment, as it strengthens the balance that Hunter wants. It just creates layers on the guy, because he's not blatantly and clearly, a bad guy. In comparison to Vince McMahon, Hunter doesn't show bias. Vince did, handpicking The Rock for example to be the WWE Champion. HHH did so, acts like it was a failure, blaming Randall, and then the guy blew up, and you know the rest.

2.) With this big poll for who Randall will wrestle, this means plugging the WWE App like a motherfucker! Ugh. Anyways, Alberto Del Rio and Kofi Kingston wrestle. Interesting word that Cole used in description of Hunter. "Democratic." Makes sense. There was a "Mike Chioda" chant! Wow, and this is the came crowd that turned Del Rio into a heel. Actually, on that note, it's telling on the reception for Del Rio. They booed him because he went against Dolph Ziggler. Against Kofi Kingston, they show that they truly don't care about him. It's not like they think Kofi will win. They'd like that, but they don't expect it. I don't expect it either. More care was shown as the match progressed and Kofi started getting nearfalls. Despite Kofi losing being a 100% possibility, it was still a very nice match. It's telling how it went down. Kofi's arm was worked on in this match, the ending featuring a dissection of that arm, that ended in submission. Kofi has to pull double duty for that 11 on 3 match, but he has a (kayfabe) arm injury. Perhaps this is the gimmick, to really wear the 11 man before their match against The Shield.

3.) The Miz, who got destroyed in his hometown, was interviewed by Renee Young. Pretty funny that he got a mixed reaction. Come on, have some sympathy, he got destroyed in front of his parents. His mom sold that beating like a champ, if it even was selling. I mean, what parent wants to see their son or daughter get annihilated. Miz's dad didn't sell that, being in a blank state, haha! After seeing that, HHH interrupts Miz before he gets to talk. Chicago wants MizTV (not really!), and he gets to ask what he wants...to the Big Pussy! I mean, Big Show.

4.) This Corporation angle has spread throughout the whole show. The only stuff not involving any of these parties is AJ Lee against the Total Divas, Del Rio as world champion, the Wyatts and whatever they do, and CM Punk's angle with Heyman, Axel, and now The Ryback. Pretty much, a minority of the people who appear on TV, are not involved in this epic angle. That's what it is, "epic." In terms of size, engulfing 80% of the product. Speaking of the Wyatts, I was just having an aside...

5.) The Wyatts come out to a huge pop. Their opponents are the Primetime Players. Hmm! During a rest hold from Harper to Young, most of the lights suddenly went out, and then came back. Commentary covered that botch by saying it's the Wyatts. Hehehe, right. Titus got the hot tag, and had a flurry that got the fans excited. For a few moments, because after Darren got himself and Rowan out of the ring, Harper, the legal man, used that JBL-popping clothesline to put Titus away. After that, Bray came and hit Sister Abigail on Young. More telling of weakening the wrestlers involved in the main event. Conspiracy! So, thinking of that endgame, I don't mind this match. Bigger picture, I assume.

6.) Mamby-pamby do-gooders? That's what JBL called Cole and Lawler when recapping Miz being brutalized by Randall. Speaking of Miz, he comes out, still selling the shoulder issue from last week. He got the mic and said he's banged up and pissed off. He promised payback to come to Randall, and it will be "awesome." Maybe. Time to bring out Miz's guest, it's the Big Pussy! I love that name, thanks Alan. Miz asked, why Big Show, why? You son of a bitch! Miz is trying to convince that they are trying to break Big Show. If they can break him, they can break the roster. Miz said it's time for Show to step up. Miz called Stephanie a "castrating witch." Oh fuck! Of course she comes out. Stephanie is a better heel than Dixie Carter (she turned on the last Impact, in case you didn't know that). Steph called Miz's words as borderline slander. He said Steph should take her threats and shove them up her ass. He said ass. Stephanie cut in, and used the term "cul-de-sac of disappointment." I like that! Anyways, she said Miz is not a major player, implied he's a guy that "peaked too early." He's a "utility player." Media appearance? Call Miz. Local supermarket opening, call Miz. Travel overseas to plug WWE, call Miz. She claimed Miz's mom was disappointed in him for failing. Miz couldn't measure up, so Big Show, knock him out! He did, no hesitation, he blasted him, and left immediately afterwards. Yeah, Dixie won't measure up. Anyways, it seems they are trying to make Miz a bigger face. Good luck with that, because I think it'd be easier to turn him heel, based alone on the reception he got on RAW. They just had him not be all happy and egotistical, trying to act tough and angry. The effort is appreciated, the execution was fine, but will the results be positive? That remains to be seen. What isn't brought to question is Steph standing out more. Thankfully not yelling all the time. Vickie has that gimmick. They replayed the knockout so many times, hilarious! They said Miz is getting medical attention, again! HAHAHA!

7.) It looked like that as Randall made his entrance, he was talking to himself. Despite his actions, he still has a pretty face. Bob Van Dam won the poll at 57%, Ziggler was at 26%, R-Truth got the rest. Heh. A great match ensued where Bob Van Dam was very popular amongst the crowd. He pilled out some nice spots, Randall had to pull some sweet counters. It all worked into an exciting match. Bob had Randall ready for a 5 star, until the guy stood up, causing Bob to change plans and hit his cannonball move thing. Then another attempt at the 5 star, only to be tripped up, and a big boot planting the head. Randall focused the assault on the outside, and not coming back in the ring. Double countout, bummer, but Randall continued the attack. The barricade was ripped apart, Bob's back made contact. During that specific spot, some fans chanted "Randall!" HAHA, people read my posts! Anyways, Bob got thrown over the announce table, fast forward to the ring. Randall got Bob on the top turnbuckle, patted him on the back to indicate that everything will be alright, gave a maniacal laugh, and then the DDT! Nice spot, yeah, the Viper strikes again. Bob still has to wrestle in the 11 on 3 match, and well, look at him. I get it.

8.) Another vignette for Los Matadores, they are coming next Monday. Ole, right? During the break, Bob Van Dam was helped out the ring, but Del Rio came in to attack him. Decent heat for the guy. Brie, you bitch! She said she was too busy not caring about what Randall did to Bob Van Dam. He said that she best care when he destroys boyfriend Daniel Bryan. If Brie wants an upgrade? She already has a man, but Randall belittled the guy some more, calling him a goat-faced troll that will never be the man that Randall is. This is the best usage of Brie in her whole career. It's real and not gossip, reality TV show garbage.

9.) There was a look at HHH's wedding, that's included in the Hunter DVD that comes out today. I'm watching that shit son! Steph's seen looking at that, when AJ Lee comes out. Big pop for her, and Steph gives her the HHH DVD, to show her what a "real wedding" looks like. Hahaha. AJ has an issue with the tag match booked, saying the Total Divas should take a hiatus, just like their show currently is. Steph got closer to her, AJ saying "boss lady" is up in her personal space. Oh snap, and Steph was threatening AJ that she won't be Divas champ much longer. AJ got put in her place, by a heel. Interesting.

10.) Fandango takes on Santino. Cole botched I think. He said Santino's excited to be in the "rooster." The roster, for WWE 2K14. Dammit Cole. A Summer Rae chant, nice! Something that was interesting was Lawler mentioning Randall not being 100%, referencing the guy getting dropped on his head by Bob Van Dam. Some spot that happened during a commercial break in that match. The match was, meh, but Summer got involved. That's the best part of the match, and it's nice she's getting involved more, and getting over with the fans, hehe. Santino couldn't help but try and dance, including a sexual kind to an interrupting Summer, when she was on the apron. Hmmm. Fandango's leg drop finisher looked extra good, dude got a lot of air on that. Impressive. Dango Unchained won.

11.) CM Punk comes home, wearing a Blackhawks jersey. CM Punk and The Ryback is booked for Battleground. CM Punk talked about letting everyone down, referencing not bring the "Cup" to the ring, segueing to Night Of Champions and losing to Paul Heyman. CM Punk claims that he doesn't deserve to wear the the jersey, to be announced as being from Chicago, being amongst what he called the greatest wrestling crowd in the world. Until he came out to the fans here. He referenced his Chicago Blackhawks. Actually comparing the Stanley Cup, actually making sense. The Blackhawks were down 3 games to 1, and made the big babyface comeback, if you know what I mean. So Punk is proud of the team, the jersey, and "goddammit," the people. They censored that, but not "son of a bitch." How consistent, but he wants to fight. He doesn't care who. Paul Heyman comes out, with a motorized wheelchair!!! Hilarious. Even funnier is Heyman's mic going out when he announced himself. Notice Punk not wearing a lip ring, you can see the little hole it would go through. Just a small thing. He said he has 18,000 fans ready to bail him out from jail after the beating he'd give to Heyman. Paul didn't like being reminded of that, claiming going through relapse, and having physical therapy. Despite his physical afflictions, his solace is knowing he beat Punk. He didn't blame CM Punk, instead, geography. Burying Chicago as 2nd to everything, including Punk as 2nd best in the world. Good stuff. Exhibit A of him trying to prove this, showing a picture of Heyman on top of Punk for the pinfall at Night Of Champion. The Ryback standing over that scene. Heyman said that he might be a walrus, but he pinned the biggest shark in Chicago. Haha, nice. He asked Heyman how long it would take for his goons to get to him. No matter how long, it's enough for Punk to get to him and promising to "rip his face." Heyman reminded that he beat Punk with both hands tied behind his back! That's true. He bids the fan "adieu," and his freaking scooter doesn't work? I forgot when I said this, but coincidences do not exist in wrestling. So is it a conincidence for Punk to come out and get his hands on Heyman, when the motor scooter wasn't working? It's not, as soon as he got his hands on him, Axel and The Ryback ran for the save. A battle ensued, Heyman actually backed up the scooter. So perhaps a trap. Punk fights back, using the stage as his weapon. He would be put down here and there. Eventually, The Ryback was the one who stopped Punk. It ended with The Ryback pressing Punk and dropping him onto a table, at least 5 feet below. Yikes! The Ryback's not a smooth wrestler at all, so he could've seriously hurt Punk. It wasn't an empty table, there were papers, and most notably, two laptops and a keyboard. So dude, that was risky. After that, Paul Heyman actually got out of the scooter, standing, jumping from the ramp onto the surface. It was a facade! Heyman's a natural born liar.

12.) After the break, they showed Punk being tended to, he got up on his own power, so it seems everything's alright. He sold of course and slowly walked away from the spotlight. During that time, the entrances for the 10 Diva match took place. The Total Divas wrestled against AJ Lee, Alicia Fox, Aksana, Layla, and hey, Tamina! FUCKING BULLSHIT! The match was short, only 2 or 3 of the 10 women got ring time. Brie Bella and AJ had an exchange, being so short, with Brie using her X-Factor finisher. She pinned AJ, that's it. If Brie beats AJ for the title, I'm not going to be happy. This sucked. It wouldn't suck so hard if the match was actually longer than 2 fucking minutes or something. It's insulting, even for one segment. To note, Tamina carried AJ out, poor champ had to sell that move? Goddammit, uncensored.

13.) They plugged the Youtube channel with a 30 second RKO video on it. Oh I want to watch it and make GIFs out of that. With WWE HDing their videos, it beats using the older stuff from the past. I approve of this plug.

14.) The Shield is backstage, giving a promo about whether they're worried of their 11 on 3 match. Dean Ambrose led the charge, saying that no matter the situation, it's about what's best for business. Their backs are against the wall, and what happens when that happens? Rollins said they revolutionize the industry, and stand tall. They're going to do their jobs, and Reigns said that you have to believe that. Hell yeah man! Nice stuff, they haven't done promos for a while.

15.) YES! It's Daniel Bryan. Apparently there's some anti-Bryan people rising, claiming he's being overexposed or something. Well, this is the first time in the show he's live amongst the fans, so...what? He has a mic in hand. Daniel Bryan addressed the conspiracy, would he really go to Scott Armstrong and do that plan? He claimed Randall was already knocked out, no fast count necessary. That's true, remember, that's the knee strike that beat John Cena. Daniel Bryan said he doesn't know what happened at Night Of Champion, and he doesn't care. That and Randall's attitude won't change Bryan's sights on the WWE Championships. No fast count, no guest referees, no more hiding. Sounds sexy. He said Randall will get beaten by a "B+, goatfaced troll." Oh yeah, that'd be humiliating. He said Randall will be haunted by the uttering of the word "Yes!" Ah yeah, sweet promo here. He doesn't dwell on the past, look the future and that's the WWE Championship.

16.) The Shield made their entrance, and as they went over the barricade, two guys in street clothes jumped them. It's Cody Rhodes and Goldust! Security came rushing down and restrained the guys, forcing them out, including wrapping a cable around Cody? Wow, awesome spot there. Man, moving on, Ziggler has a rematch with Ambrose for the US title on Smackdown. Now I imagine the Brothers Rhodes facing Rollins and Reigns for the tag titles, and winning! Thus, guaranteeing them a job in WWE since they are champions.

17.) Bob Van Dam seems okay after getting killed by Randall, just his arm and ribs taped up. Err, the selling there is questionable to me. Kingston's taped up too, Primetime Players seem perfectly fine. Well, it's fair game since The Shield got jumped. It's elimination rules, as soon as Bob Van Dam came in and sold the left arm thing, Ambrose capitalized, and eliminated him. It's 10 on 3, Kofi comes in during the commercial break, gets worked on in the taped up shoulder. Kingston gets eliminated in short time, Cole credit that to Ricardo Rodriguez. BOTCH, he corrected himself, it was Del Rio. Titus O'Neil was next, also short, spear knocked him out. Then Gabriel, who didn't wrestle prior, lasted even shorter than everyone else! That's hilarious, spear. Ryder had Reigns down, revved up the Broski Boot, spear! 7 on 3, Daniel Bryan comes in, explosive. Usos popped in with a superkick, splash combo, elimination. 7 on 2! Wow, and it's actually Roman Reigns first time being pinned in WWE? Shit, I didn't know that. I guess so, as the wrestling continued, I quickly thought back. Yeah I think that's right. I only recall Ambrose and Rollins taking the losses. Ambrose took most of that I think. Or half. The action slowed down after the elimination when Darren Young came in during the break. So the thinking back I was doing came just in time. The stuff was so fast paced and exciting for Reigns' elimination, that one got glued to the action. Very nice. Yougn got eliminated, not knowing that Rollins made a blind tag, leaving him open to a flying knee to the head. Sweet. Ziggler came in, flurry of offense until Rollins resisted. Ambrose came in, had the advantage, until a sudden ZigZag eliminated him. It's 5 on 1! It actually makes me cheer for Rollins. He's fighting a real uphill battle. Heel or not. Come on Rollins! Ziggler made the tag to Truth. Rollins, come on! Fade to Black stomp on Truth equaled an elimination! 4 on 1, let's go Rollins. Oh wait, Bryan used his leadership skills to get the remaining guys to surround the ring and gang up on Rollins. Ambrose and Reigns were stopped in their attempts at interfering. The ref didn't stop the match thankfully, it's getting exciting again. D-Bryan was left alone with Rollins. Diving headbutt, knee strike to the head, Daniel Bryan wins it. Deep breath, ahhh. As Cole said, the birth of a locker room leader. Bryan stands tall, again, and doesn't it seem like they're turning 180? Leading to Night Of Champions, Bryan got pummeled. Now to Battleground, he's dominating. However, the wild card in this is Randall, as he's unscathed in Bryan's Beard Brigade (alliterations for the win dammit). Great close to the show, perhaps these dual angles where Randall and Bryan are both dominating, will mean a more even, exciting payoff at Battleground. Wait and see...

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Old 24th September 2013, 17:58   #9692

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Old 24th September 2013, 19:02   #9693
Alan Kellerman
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Looks like the rumor I heard of shield vs Rhodes could be on. Obviously nobody believes the attack from Cody and Dustin was real, but I would have had Dustin come in without the paint. It like this guy and his brother both got in the building when they are not supposed to, but Dustin had time to sit in the back and paint himself. Whatever.

really hits you how lame the roster is when it is 11v3 lol. I enjoyed it still. It was different and they had ''The defacto leader'' of the dressing room win. Of course he really couldn't have lost.

CM Punk and Heyman did their usual back and forward. Ryback had to get the upper hand in the fighting ( with help ) because even though I get more out of him than Curtis Axel, everybody believes CM Punk will win again. You wouldn't call Ryback a big match player since his win/loss record on ppv sucks.

Originally Posted by Ptenisnet View Post
I'm a bit surprised that Roman Reigns has never been pinned until tonight.
At least that's what Mitchell Cole said on commentary!
it must be true then
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Old 24th September 2013, 19:20   #9694
Alan Kellerman
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I haven't seen the Triple H dvd about yet, but I'm sure it will be online some time tonight. I'll put it up here as soon as I can.

I want to watch this one.

I'm sure he would agree that it is best for business to share the dvd at planetsuzy.

are you ready? I said are you ready???
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Old 24th September 2013, 21:39   #9695
Who Cut The Cheese?

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
really hits you how lame the roster is when it is 11v3 lol. I enjoyed it still. It was different and they had ''The defacto leader'' of the dressing room win. Of course he really couldn't have lost.
You know your product is in trouble when one side of the main event consists of Bryan, Ziggler, and 9 jobbers vs. The Shield!
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Old 25th September 2013, 05:16   #9696
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CM Punk vs. Ryback was added to Battleground last night on RAW. On a different note, I bought the HHH Blu-Ray at Best Buy. Best doc from this year (Although Mick Foley's set & the Top 25 Rivalries aren't that bad to look at)! Highly recommend the Blu-Ray for the deleted stories. Here's the listings of the documentary:
  • The Game
  • Growing Up
  • WCW
  • Hunter Hearst Helmsley
  • Ninth Wonder of the World
  • Mick Foley
  • D-Generation X
  • Leader
  • DX vs. The Nation
  • Champion
  • McMahon-Helmsley
  • The Rock
  • Injury
  • Evolution
  • DX Returns
  • Torn and Rebuilt
  • Randy Orton
  • Actor
  • The Undertaker
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • A Unique Breed
Matches included:
  • Jean-Paul Levesque vs. Ricky Steamboat
    WCW Saturday Night – September 3rd, 1994
  • Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Dude Love
    One Night Only – September 20th, 1997
  • Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship
    The Rock vs. Triple H
    Judgment Day – May 21st, 2000
  • No Disqualification Match
    Triple H vs. Kurt Angle
    Unforgiven – September 24th, 2000
  • All Championships on the Line
    Intercontinental Champion Triple H & WWE Champion Stone Cold vs. World Tag Team Champions The Undertaker & Kane
    Backlash – April 29th, 2001
  • World Heavyweight Championship
    Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam
    RAW – June 30th, 2003
  • Last Man Standing Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
    Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
    Royal Rumble – January 25th, 2004
  • Road to WrestleMania 22 Tournament Match
    Ric Flair vs. Triple H
    RAW – February 6th, 2006
  • Return from Injury
    Triple H vs. King Booker
    SummerSlam – August 26th, 2007
  • Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship
    Triple H vs. Randy Orton
    No Mercy – October 7th, 2007
  • Non-Title Match
    Jeff Hardy vs. WWE Champion Triple H
    SmackDown – November 21st, 2008
  • Triple H vs. Chris Jericho
    RAW – November 30th, 2009
Last edited by TheShield; 26th September 2013 at 04:39.
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Old 25th September 2013, 11:18   #9697
Alan Kellerman
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First bluray upload I saw was 90gb ffs (yeah really) so I'll be giving that a miss. That would take about a day to download and another 35 years to upload.

hurry up dvd rip.


found it

I'll be uploading the documentary soon.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 25th September 2013 at 15:47. Reason: **
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Old 25th September 2013, 16:39   #9698
Alan Kellerman
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Triple H - thy kingdom come
4hr 11mins

documentary part is 2 hours, the rest is matches. Different than usual because it is normally separate disks.

some thoughts on it. Triple H the most amazing person in the world, the most trusted person in the locker room and he can shoot spunk out of his ass What an amazing guy.

decent documentary, but nothing special.

cool to hear The Undertaker out of character since that is so rare.

part1- http://dfiles.eu/files/mfi1ndn2i
part2- http://dfiles.eu/files/zfueh9h6e
part3- http://dfiles.eu/files/ylhmfk2t3
part4- http://dfiles.eu/files/szn6uoo85
part5- http://dfiles.eu/files/bwe5wz5i8
part6- http://dfiles.eu/files/6ad4595gd
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 25th September 2013 at 20:34. Reason: its done.
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Old 25th September 2013, 19:52   #9699
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Chris Jericho vs Bo Dallas in an Ayatollah of Kill the Trollah match at Wrestlemania 30. Loser has to get a new face

bah gawd almighty Jerichoholics and Bolievers. this right here is going to be something special. its going to be off the charts!


lets see what the fans/bolievers think of this news.

spectacular, just spectacular.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 25th September 2013 at 19:57.
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Old 26th September 2013, 00:04   #9700

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
Triple H - thy kingdom come
4hr 11mins

documentary part is 2 hours, the rest is matches. Different than usual because it is normally separate disks.

some thoughts on it. Triple H the most amazing person in the world, the most trusted person in the locker room and he can shoot spunk out of his ass What an amazing guy.

decent documentary, but nothing special.

cool to hear The Undertaker out of character since that is so rare.

First, thank you!

Second, It's the BluRay rip, as those are two disc sets, and the DVDs are 3 disc deals. So they'd have the documentary and some matches in one disk, the rest in another. Plus the BluRays have "extras." I was able to get the second disc and the extras after downloading that. So that's over 9 hours or so of HHH to go through . Definitely not in one go, but good enough for a couple of days.

Speaking of HHH, now the interview with Michael Cole is weekly, this week he addressed the Corporation-only angles on RAW, including allowing Dusty, Dustin, and Cody to come to RAW Monday, with a "proposition."

The Rhodes stuff and Miz talk were unique, everything else was as expected. He's more in love with the current Randall, and he still things of Daniel Bryan as a B+ player. He compared himself to him. He said that he always backed up what he said, Miz never did. Miz's mouth was "shot" on RAW.

One last thing, looking at that spot with Punk and The Ryback multiple times, it looked like the table only grazed him. The true impact was the cold hard surface. That must've been pleasant. Punk has to work with that guy again.
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