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Old 18th September 2013, 14:20   #9671
Alan Kellerman
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Not it they have Booker T in charge of the motivational tactics.

spoilers on the two title matches for battleground

this part of your post is hiddenThe top matches at next month's WWE Battleground PPV are:

*Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton for the vacant WWE championship.

*World champion Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 18th September 2013 at 15:56.
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Old 18th September 2013, 22:16   #9672
Alan Kellerman
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a video from wwe.com

triple h talks about what will happen to those that helped Daniel Bryan on Monday.

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Old 19th September 2013, 00:24   #9673

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Since the WWE title match is on dotcom, it's not a spoiler anymore. Pretty easy to guess anyways, but I suppose this will involve interference. Say Randall each week going back to his old self. It culminates with HHH and Steph being so impressed, they help him win back the title. I swear, I thought Hell in a Cell was after Night Of Champions, if not for that Battleground commercial in the PPV, I would've stuck believing in that. The timing of the faces rebelling seems to honor the new PPV name. Battleground between disgruntled superstars and the establishment. An 8 man tag match, The Shield and Big Show vs. Ziggler, Usos, and Kofi Kingston. That's all just speculation.

Another thing, dotcom is one of those websites with a crap ton of widgets and shit that needed blocking with Ghostery (Firefox addon). All of them blocked leads to the site being loaded quicker, but when I try to see that HHH video, it didn't show. When I turned off Ghostery, it worked. Damn. It's a good interview though.
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Old 19th September 2013, 00:36   #9674
Alan Kellerman
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Yeah, it should be like those Bragging rights events, only this is an actual rivalry. Miz could be on team babyface if he has recovered.

I'm guessing hell in a cell will be the final match for Bryan vs Orton, so I think Bryan wins at battleground ( or a draw) and Orton wins at hell in a cell. Orton then moves on to Big Show. I remember them having a good match on pay per view this year. I guess they could do it again. Big Show is a player again.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 19th September 2013 at 00:42.
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Old 19th September 2013, 23:33   #9675

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Thoughts on Main Event

1.) Selling the beatdown from Randall, Alex Riley takes Miz's spot again. Dolph Ziggler takes on Curtis Axel, with The Ryback working Heyman's wheelchair! There's two things to note with this match. One, Paul Heyman's facial expressions. Fresh off of Night Of Champions, he strikes gold again, less negative and disturbed of course. More on the positive side, especially since he has The Ryback by his side. That's the second thing, The Ryback got involved. Attempting to stop Ziggler while he was on the apron, he got kicked. Curtis Axel took advantage of this and won the match. The wrestling was pretty good, nothing new or anything. Just putting this newly formed trio over. Poor Ziggler though, he wins against Ambrose on RAW, next show, he's jobbing to Axel.

2.) They aired the Triple H and Cole sit down interview, a portion of it where Hunter announced the WWE title match. After that, Kofi Kingston, that rebel, takes on Fandango. I had to Google for spelling, the WWE title is held up in "abeyance." See, wrestling doesn't rot your brain cells, you can still learn. Just a fancy synonym for suspension. The match wasn't so interesting. Summer Rae though got involved by distracting Kofi on the apron. That's something she should do more of, because at least it would be different. Just dancing and all, that doesn't become new anymore. Everything here was expected. Fandango did some moves, Kofi did some moves, the latter showed he's so athletic, great, talented. Matthews brought up the fact that Kofi's always on the cusp of "extreme greatness." True, but has ever hopped that hurdle? No, and until then, the only thing brand new is his ring attire. None of the wrestling was bad, but eh, feel like I've seen this before. Plus Kofi won.

3.) A recap of Dusty Rhodes suffering the wrath of Stephanie McMahon. Boy did she have a special RAW this week. She woke up that 2009 Viper. Rhodes's "TMJ" in the jaw was put out of place, put back in place. Supposedly from Big Show's cushion punch. Alrighty then. I just realized. Did you know that 3 members of the original Nexus got involved in the closing segment on RAW? Daniel Bryan, Darren Young, Justin Gabriel. Yeah, so there's that Nexus reunion. No Michael Tarver (thankfully), no Otunga (where has he been?), Wade Barrett (I suppose once his beard's back to 100%, he comes back active), Heath Slater (too busy rocking), and Skip Sheffield (who got kissed by Paul Heyman earlier in the show).

4.) Damien Sandow, briefcase handcuffed, but no promo. He takes on Justin Gabriel, one of the guys who broke the law in the closing segment of RAW. Alex Riley's explanation of Sandow not cashing it at Night Of Champions was because he's too dignified to take advantage of that situation. It might be because Bob Van Dam is one guy, Ricardo is possibly a slimer guy. It's bad for Sandow's hygeine. Anyways, despite Gabriel's actions on RAW, as Ziggler can attest to, this doesn't equal a win. Any semblance of a push. I'm sure he and Ryder in particular will be killed by Randall or somebody. Until then, Gabriel actually lost to Sandow. I read a stat, that Sandow was 2-12 since winning the briefcase. TWO wins. I think this is win number 3. Unbelievable, but, bigger picture, right? Short match here, and the guy brought back the Silencer. However, the name, the actual move looked like Matt Hardy's Side Effect. However, here, it looked more like Jinder's Full Nelson Slam when he debuted, before using the cliche Camel Clutch. Sandow won though, short, insignificant match regardless. Sandow spoke after the match, you can guess what he said, no problem.

Thoughts on NXT

1.) Sami Zayn takes on Curt Hawkins. Remember him? It's interesting what Alex Riley said about Zayn. A "natural." Touting his ring ability, and it makes sense, because some of the stuff he does is done with the greatest of ease. It's as if it's natural, like breathing. Hawkins, natural? Unique, different? He looked like a biker, a member of Aces & 8s, or the cool (painfully brief) loner AJ Styles. That's not to say he's any bad. It's telling that if not for commentary reminding of Hawkins losing to Zayn in his debut match, I would've told you that my last memory of Hawkins was that stripper gimmick he did with Tyler Reks for a cup of coffee (because Reks requested his release). That was over a year ago! Riley once again made a nice comment, on Hawkins. He put him over for fighting in the dark, which means continuing to wrestle when not having any kind of spotlight on. He said it's harder to fight in the dark than in the light. I suppose that makes sense, more on the mental battle. What drive is there, in the thoughts of some, to keep performing highly when not having the spotlight? To some, they give up and trudge...ahem, Zack Ryder. For others, like Hawkins, it's wrestling well whenever the opportunity comes. That rings true for Hawkins here, as he was able to stand out a good deal in this match. Not enough to be better than Zayn, but that's hard to do for most wrestlers. Great little match here, nothing new for Zayn, but more of another look on Hawkins, who doesn't get a lot of that. Zayn won of course.

2.) There's a commercial for Triple H's upcoming DVD, documentary, finally. It's coming Tuesday? Sweet, it's that Hunter's story is not one discussed, because when it comes to this man, it's either his current role in WWE TV, or the tired criticism of him burying people, marrying Steph, it's old stuff.

3.) So while I'm interested in that, Aiden English's singing is not what I'm interested in. He came out, requesting a spotlight, singing. Well, he actually wasn't bad. A piano background played, and his singing sounded like that he did practice. A good comparison, his singing is better than Fandango's dancing. That's a compliment. Aiden English just floated around on NXT, as a jobber, but now he comes with a gimmick. Supposedly, he's a professionally trained thespian, he sung about putting the "E" in WWE. He squashed some Laurie jobber, and did an encore, with the fans popping. Riley, during the match, humorously said that if Aiden English could wrestle a lick, after that singing, he'd be his favorite. That's a compliment on his singing, and did he wrestle a lick? For a squash match, sure. He's not some bulky, clunky power man, so he has to wrestle a lick. Decent stuff.

4.) Doesn't Bo Dallas have the perfect trollface? He was on the phone, supposedly his new Bo Dallas hotline. Renee Young came, and haha. Actually funny how he downplayed Zayn's win over Hawkins. He asked, since when did Curt won a match? Zayn has to win with credible guys. He has some announcement, saving it for next week. Until then, don't stop Bo-lieving. Errr, perhaps he's growing on me, because this specific promo was actually nice. It helps when he's not in front of a crowd, they'll just boo the shit out of him, and it's hard to hear. Then again, that's not bad. I swear, Bo should try to sing his own theme song. John Cena sings his own theme song...

5.) Triple H is coming to NXT next week, and there will be a Tag Team Turmoil match that same show to determine the number 1 contenders to Graves and Neville's tag team championship.

6.) The man who attempts to resurrect the world famous Blue Steel look (Zoolander reference) comes out first in this 8 man tag match. Him, Kruger, and the Ascension. Right off the bat, that's such an eccentric group of gimmicks, it's funny. They take on Graves, Neville, Xavier Woods, and CJ Parker. Another crazy assortment of characters. I think the fans were actually chanting for Tyler Breeze to make the tag. He wasn't for the first couple of minutes in the match. The faces tagged in and out quickly at first to dissect Kruger's arm. Eventually Conor O'Brian came in, Kruger back out, Ric Victor in, everyone but Breeze by the time the commercial break came. Breeze tagged himself in after the break, but tagged out after 10 seconds of being touched. Fans chanted that it was awesome. Tyler Breeze got in once Woods was weak enough to be taken advantage of. One hit from Woods forced the guy to tag back out. This guy would make an awesome tag team wrestler. Fast forward, still on Breeze, he tagged in after Parker was down enough for a pin, all the faces down and away from the corner. Parker came back, and Breeze couldn't tag out. His partners bailed on him, all the faces did their finishers. Neville was last with his Red Arrow. It was a good match, but because of Breeze's treatment here, it made it a bit more entertaining. Poor guy got ditched and planted six feet deep.

Here's another Chris Jericho interview, because, why not?

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Old 20th September 2013, 13:18   #9676
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Main Event was actually very good this week. I don't always see it after a few stinkers put me off a bit but glad I did. Probably only me and 7C saw it because everyone else was playing GTA V lol.
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Old 20th September 2013, 17:43   #9677
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I've been overdosing a bit. Not even doing missions, just driving about taking in the scenes and winning one set of tennis without losing a point. Pulling houses down with a tow truck ftw.
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Old 20th September 2013, 20:52   #9678
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Old 21st September 2013, 01:15   #9679

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This news makes me happy.

WWE has re-hired Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore but now he will be working as a trainer. He's expected to report to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando soon. Dinsmore was originally scheduled to report to work a few weeks ago but word going around this week is that he would start within the next two weeks. There's also talk that WWE may be looking to hire additional trainers.

Some of my favorite memories of him.

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Old 21st September 2013, 12:44   #9680
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Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
Doesn't Bo Dallas have the perfect trollface?
I'll never look at him the same way again lol, it's so true. Stick Bo's hair on a troll face and you got Bo lol.

A hotline in Bo-livia.. ffs, I couldn't help but laugh at that regardless of how shitty a joke it was.

I think the 8 man tag might of set a new record for quickest tags in succession. Tag, work the arm, tag, work the arm, tag and so on.. WTF? It must be close to whatever the record is.
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