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Old 4th September 2013, 22:03   #9591

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Now SaintsDecay has another reason to fawn over AJ . She got the date she won the Divas Championship tattooed on her neck, in tally format. June 16, 2013. The symbolism exceeds the actual appearance of the tattoo.

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Old 5th September 2013, 13:20   #9592
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Was that tattoo a dare? I want to say sure it looks great but really I don't think it does.
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Old 5th September 2013, 16:22   #9593
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'Hey, Randy'

'Hey. Punk'

'what do you think of my new tattoo?'

'you got another one?'

'yeah, look'

'I see, you have so many that it is hard to tell when a new one is added'

I like it. its small, and wont even be noticeable when her hair is down. Its not standing out trying to talk to you.
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Old 5th September 2013, 16:26   #9594
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Hmm, I didn't think that you wouldn't see it. In that case I do like it lol. I think it looks a bit shabby artistically though but you know these days art critics think a pile of monkey shit is artistic so whatever.
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Old 5th September 2013, 18:41   #9595

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Thoughts on Main Event

1.) Alex Riley on commentary again. It's funny that Miz might be kicked off the booth, by his old protege. Yet if this was wrestling, Miz would be booked to win over the guy. Fandango vs. Justin Gabriel. Since they immediately talked about Cody Rhodes get shitcanned, I'm curious. Are they going to film an angle at Cody's wedding? At least that, and then do a legit wedding off camera of course. That'd be cool actually. Randall RKOs Cody on the wedding cake!!! Early in the match, Justin Gabriel's shin pad came out of his leg. The thing with wrestler gear is when they lose it, they look more naked. Gabriel's left leg looked skinnier after losing that pad. The fans chanted "you can't dance" to Fandango. They should chant that more often. HAHA! Alex Riley asked if the McMahons were involved in firing Tim Tebow. That's news to me, but at least he made it relevant and funny. It's amazing how symbolic things get just from a simple music cue. See. If Gabriel's theme and entrance happened during a commercial break, not being aired, then what happens? He gets squashed. Now, he came out second in this match. I figured Gabriel would either have a good long match, and/or even win. The latter didn't happen, but he last a good while with Dango. A pretty nice match. Nothing too exciting, other than the fact Gabriel looked a bit stripped, and he wasn't squashed. Note: there's an "Alicia Fox 3:16" sign. *snickers*. Oh crap, speaking of funny...

2.) They recapped Big Show's stuff from RAW. Him being such a crybaby is hilarious. To be serious, it would be awesome if Bryan put the Yes Lock on Randall, HHH, then Steph, making all of them tap. Aw yeah.

3.) It's hard to buy that R-Truth's on the Hell in a Cell poster. He comes out, and takes on Damien Sandow. Ohhh, this is important because it tells if Sandow really will get a huge jobber streak while holding that briefcase. So far he has been. Sandow came out with mic in hand, wanting to talk about the truth. The truth is that Cody's been "justifiably terminated," that he's our uncrowned world champion, and that R-Truth's days are numbered. One by one, his opponents will be "decimated," culminating in the MITB cash in. With this match, there's really nothing that you can immediately expect to be grabbed by. Suddenly, Damien Sandow attempted a moonsault from the second turnbuckle! He missed, but damn, can't fault him for trying. With that, Riley made a nice comment. When in developmental, he was taught that you never perform a move on someone that you have yet to perfect. Definitely justifying why Sandow didn't hit the move. On the other end of Riley's expert opinions, he had to make references to Outkast. Pretty funny though. What wasn't funny, and was very telling, was R-Truth won this match! It lasted a while, and some nearfalls made me expect a win from Sandow. Unfortunately, the finisher finally came. From Truth. Yeah, but Sandow got the mic and said he's still the uncrowned world champion, holder of the briefcase. Yeah as long as he keeps saying that, he can try and hide the fact that he's being a jobber now. It's becoming very clear that this all part of a bigger picture. In the end, he's still going to be world champion, if the precedent set by Daniel Bryan, followed by Ziggler, says anything. All that said, the match was, meh. Sandow's moonsault attempt was the best part.

4.) They recapped Rhodes getting fired. Hunter said in his promo that it's a business, and he needs winners. There are bigger losers than Cody Rhodes, still with a job. Heh. Hmm, on Smackdown, HHH is going to hold a "town hall meeting" with the roster. I bet Bryan will speak out. The picture shows pretty much the whole roster. So it would be interesting if Punk spoke out, plant the seeds for his future involvement.

5.) Aha! There's a fan who looks like in his 30s, wearing an Adventure Time shirt! That's funny, but it's a good show though. Anyways, Primetime Players take on Eric Rowan and Luke Harper. I never really said this, I think. I'll say it anyways, Harper seems to be better than Rowan in the ring. More moves basically, but both are of the hard hitting power stuff. It's convincing because of how Harper closed this match. First off, it's a bit interesting that one team has yet to lose on the main roster, while the other became revitalized as faces, with momentum by their sides. The clash wasn't all that impressive, because it was short. Harper though closing it with a sudden big boot from the corner, and the spinning clothesline, that was impressive. He moves pretty well. Darren Young took that punishment, and the pinfall.

Thoughts on NXT

1.) Divas tag team match playa. Bayley & Charlotte taking on? Alicia Fox 3:16 says "I just turned heel, then face, then heel, then face, then stayed face, then turned heel, stayed heel for 2 weeks, then turned face." I crack myself up. Ahhh, her partner is Aksana. To interpret Riley's comments, comparing his first night in the main roster to Bailey's character: stop being a mark, and focus on yourself, number 1. He said this after Bailey, rather than doing the standard lockup, offered to hug Aksana, only to get kicked in the gut. Hehehe. Short match. Bailey has invented the Hugplex. She hugged Aksana, and from that did a belly to belly suplex. Charlotte got tagged in, and showed her athleticism, briefly. She got blind tagged by Bayley, avoided a boot from Fox, that hit Aksana. She piled up Fox and got the win for her team. Cool.

2.) Scott Dawson, greasy Sylvester Lefort, and Alexander Rusev. Lefort is pep talking the two, as the target is Mason Ryan. Rusev has a match with him. What will Rusev do to Mason Ryan? Break him in half, like a 2x4. Lefort said Rusev wins, they make some moanay and then they'll go to "Caesar's." I was thinking Little Caesar's!

3.) The Ascension comes out, Rick Victor has Corey Graves' tag team title on his shoulder. That guy has a match against Corey Graves, who still had some tape around the ribs. Sell the beatdown from last week. The match was, meh. Nothing interesting. In fact, the best part was Conor O'Brian's interference. It prompted Adrian Neville to cut in and drop kick Conor out of the apron. The ref just let that go. Graves' ribs were worked on, so you're led to be surprised that he won with an inside cradle. Not really as a matter of fact, but I get it.

4.) Sasha Banks is doing her makeup, when Summer Rae came and said that she better be thinking of doing something relevant. Summer tries to bring Sasha to the dark side, saying Paige's "anti-diva" thing means that she thinks she's better than Summer and her. The tip is to unleash the rage on Banks, but does she really have it? Man, Summer's a snake in the garden.

5.) Renee Young interviews Paige. She doesn't care what Summer's trying to do to Sasha. She explained that "anti-diva" means she'd rather cover girls in the ring, rather than be a cover girl. That makes sense. Someone else who is similar to that is AJ, but she'd make a steamy cover for Nintendo Power. Good interview here.

6.) How greasy is Sylvester Lefort? HAHA! Yeah, he introduced Alexander Rusev. So this match featured two big guys, but the pace was pretty well for that matchup. Mostly because of Rusev moving very well. Riley said it best, saying the man has the body of a defensive linemen. The weight's in the right places, as he has the strength, but can move well and is pretty athletic. With the traits of this man, Lefort and Dawson still interrupted here and there. Ryan getting distracted cost him the match, as Rusev won. I was hoping for a convincing finisher. It doesn't have to be brand new. It could be a splash, it could be some backbreaker, something to tout his strength or athletic ability. I didn't get any of that. Instead, the Camel Clutch? Really? I guess that touts strength, but come on, that's nothing exciting. The visual though was alright, one big man pulling on another big man. Still, couldn't a better finisher be used? Ah well, Rusev might be going places with Lefort. Moreso than Dawson, that's for sure.

7.) Laugh with Leo Kruger, because he put down "Woodsy." Yeah, backstage, he's seen laughing over the hurting Xavier Woods. If you look, there's a yellow jeep near Kruger. I was thinking that the guy drives in that! Hehehehe, it would fit him. Anyways, the thing is that I was thinking about Kruger going into the show. What will he do now that he couldn't get the NXT title from Bo Dallas. Fortunately he'll stay relevant.

8.) Sami Zayn and Jack Swagger. You know, amongst the nice wrestling in this match, there was a moment where Swagger took the straps down and slap on the Patriot Lock. Riley said he never saw Swagger put the straps down. I can't recall seeing him do that before. It looks rather weird. He's not as fit as Cesaro, and is that a tatoo below the back of the neck?! Some revealing stuff here. One very important aspect of the match was how over Zayn was with the fans. They got so excited and were with him every step of the way. The volume was pretty loud, fans on their feet. It's nice to see an exceptionally talented wrestler get that kind of reaction. It reminds of Daniel Bryan. So with Zayn's overall performance and popularity being in a high level, it's common to kill that buzz. The buzzkill here was Bo Dallas! Yeah, he came down the ramp to look at Zayn, didn't do anything but just be a silly looking goober. Zayn got distracted and got put in a Patriot Lock, this time tapping out. Dammit Bo! With Zayn being so over for his skills, it's making it easy to have Bo be a heel, but not change his attitude and acts. Great match though, I can dig this being a 3 match series.

This is a Randall picture I saw today.

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Old 5th September 2013, 19:17   #9596
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Randy = A*

I popped when you said part of a bigger picture
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Old 6th September 2013, 22:29   #9597
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Old 6th September 2013, 23:32   #9598

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Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post

Um..no. We want the Legend Killer back. Not the Viper who keeps hearing voices in his head.

and Eugene too while they're at it.

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Old 7th September 2013, 05:25   #9599

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Thoughts on Smackdown.

1.) The "Town Hall Meeting" starts. Hunter, Brad Maddox, and Vickie Guerrero are in the ring. The Shield are at the end of the ramp, the rest of the roster's on the stage. Major money quote in Hunter's promo. In justifying the booking of Cody, he said that Rhodes disrespected the COO. Who represents the WWE, so in essence, HHH, the COO...is WWE! Wow, then he said "Cody Rhodes fired Cody Rhodes." HHH is willing to be labeled a "bad guy," as long as it's best for business. He sounded like a professional corporate guy, in tone. In words, he's being rather egotistical, not taking personal accountability and stuff. Continuing his pro style, he opened the floor to the roster to speak up. Make HHH better, so that the whole WWE is better. Damien Sandow starts. He supports the firing of Rhodes, and I noticed he's wearing a new black shirt. Looks alright. He's putting over Hunter, kissing ass. Hunter appreciated that, but didn't want this to be an ass-kissing forum. Alicia Fox has something to say? Nope. Kofi? He said the roster's been living in fear since Rhodes got fired. He doesn't see how that's best for business. Hunter's response? He got interrupted by Heath Slater! He said he has a problem with Big Show standing around and doing nothing. Then, kissing Hunter's ass some more. Hunter then killed Slater, by thanking him for "emptying all the content in his mind." In simple terms, he's calling Slater a dumbass. Bob Van Dam speaks out now. Bob said that the vibe the roster's feeling is...not cool dude. Hunter replied by saying that he's been waiting since 2000 for Bob to call him "dude." Hunter didn't really respond, just putting Bob over a bit. The Ryback talked, he said he takes offense to being called a "bully." Hunter seems to be defending The Ryback, booking him a shot at satisfying Mr. Back. The Ryback vs. Ziggler's booked for the show. Hunter brought to attention that D-Bryan's not there. He said Bryan's ego is out of control, supposedly not wanting to stand with "you little people." Well, Hunter booked Daniel Bryan vs. a Shield member of Bryan's own choosing. Reward the people who spoke out. Kofi's reward? A non-title match with Curtis Axel. Hmm, alright. Bob Van Dam? A match against Randall! So to Hunter's opinion, I agree. This town hall thing was a success. In terms of listening to Hunter and those subtle remarks that are very strong. Him saying he's the WWE, says it all. In a way, he will be.

2.) Bob and Randall is here, Alberto Del Rio watches from ringside. HAHAHA! Del Rio said that Ricardo's "fat." JBL agreed. It was reported that Ricardo got suspended for taking an illegal (to the Wellness Policy) fat burner supplement. So the poking fun at his weight is pretty telling. Alberto implied that "Rob Van Dam" in Spanish means something vulgar. JBL, who supposedly can speak Spanish, didn't want to translate, because it's a family show. Great match overall. The wrestling up until the finish was alright, but the one moment that was especially sweet was Randall's hangman DDT, only, off the apron, dropping Van Dam on the floor. Randall then used his exclamation point, the RKO! All of this was caused by Del Rio jumping Ricardo from behind. Bob then dove onto Del Rio, leaving Randall open to strike, like the viper he is. I can't remember, I think it was Paul Heyman, someone commented on Bob Van Dam's return has the man putting on the best matches in his career. On a consistent, weekly basis, I think that's right. In TNA, the dude was so inconsistent, and really, was in a slump in quality for at least a year. Here, the motivation is there, and at least he's capitalizing on it. Randall goes without saying. After that defeat, Bob was put in the Cross Armbreaker by Del Rio.

3.) Renee Young with Daniel Bryan! Bryan said that he wasn't invited to the town hall meeting, that's why he wasn't present. Management told him this. Hmmm. Bryan addressed the Shield challenge, expecting the two members not picked to get involved. So, he doesn't feel concerned of the Shield.

4.) AJ's backstage, and it's rather interesting that she's trying to butter up to Alicia Fox, Aksana, and Layla. As if she felt that those three women took offense to AJ's awesome promo. AJ stirred the pot though, saying the "Total Divas" think they're better than those three. AJ riled up the troops, and wanted to divise a plan with the ladies. By this point, can you really say that AJ's crazy? Would a crazy chick say such sharp, smart criticisms against the Total Divas? The cunning, evil plans that screwed Kaitlyn over? AJ's not crazy anymore.

5.) Yikes! Ziggler and The Ryback was taking place, when suddenly, Cole was silenced. Dean Ambrose took Cole's headset! Cole got a spare one, but that was just so sudden. Ambrose's comments are on Ziggler. Calling him an entitled little punk, disrespecting the business. Ambrose said that The Shield works for what's best for business, not necessarily saying that they work for HHH. What's best for business, is justice! Ambrose also used the phrase "ducks in line," as if saying they're above the roster of "ducks." They need to be put in line. Ambrose ran his mouth some more, Ziggler tried to chase him, but ran into a Mr. Back clothesline. The Ryback closes with Shell Shocked and got the win. The Ryback didn't beat Dolph Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler beat Dolph Ziggler. Yep. Good segment here, and another win for the Big Guy.

6.) "Let's go Axel!" That's right, Curtis Axel was cheered, but that's because he's from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the sight for this Smackdown. They even chanted for the Perfectplex. The match was pretty good, the fans showing love for Axel made for a different feel. Offense wise, it's nothing new. The thing though was that Axel lost. This is common WWE booking, you never win in your hometown, Axel suffered from that. It's ridiculous, because this win is just so random. Also, because of Kofi's SOS, not the Trouble in Paradise. The latter's his finisher for crying out loud, the former isn't. At least they tried working off this, because they questioned that Axel's loss here will be done at Night of Champions. Only difference, Punk's in the match, and if Axel's pinned, he gets his hands on Heyman. Alright.

7.) They replayed Wyatt's promo from RAW. Ahh, Icarus' wings were made out of wax, that's why he shouldn't fly towards the sun. So the comparison to Kane? He should not have flown towards the ring of fire. He got burned, by Wyatt. So he fell into the ocean, which is also on fire. Since Wyatt said that he's burning in his bed. I'm trying to make sense of this.

8.) After the break, Heyman took the blame for Axel's loss, understimating Kofi Kingston and all. Too focused on CM Punk, but come the big show, he said his "worst" is, uh worse than CM Punk's "worst." So he doesn't sweat Punk, until Renee reiterated what Punk said. He guaranteed giving Punk the beating of his lifetime. Heyman's reply? He kicked the nearby door open, and forcefully closed it. Hmmm, the worst is yet to come. To Heyman, or hell, CM Punk.

9.) Brie Bella vs. Naomi. Well that was short, because AJ led the troops. They attacked Cameron, Naomi, Brie, Nikki of course couldn't take the beating, because she's still rehabbing a shin injury. AJ got the mic, "Ladies and nerds," the Divas Champion, AJ Lee. Cool, but it will be cooler if AJ wins the 4 way, proving what's already known. That she's better than the Total Divas, and is a total diva in her own right. You know, good looking, skilled in the ring, works the mic very well. Pretty much, all the tools of a male wrestler, manifested in AJ.

10.) Well Colter must have alzheimers, because all he said was for everyone to say "We the People." He must've forgot the common long-winded rant. As soon as the bell run, Cesaro ran in with a drop kick, tagged in Swagger. Jackie speared one of the Uso's knees. It seems that this tag team is acting more business and straightforward. No fooling around, quick tags in and out. This couldn't be a one-sided affair, as the Usos came back like a house of fire. This was a short match, but the pace was fast and kept going, without being any bad. That kind of match doesn't happen often, it's more like maximizing the minutes given to them. This time, Zeb's interference helped. One Uso missed a big move from the outside and hit the barricade. The other was pushed off the turnbuckle onto the European Uppercut. The Real Americans win, it's about damn time. Nice stuff here, but question. Will the Matadors come in as faces, or heels? I guess heels, thinking of Fandango and his gimmick.

11.) HAHAHA! Big Show is pissed, Hunter asked why, Show says that you know. Hunter does know...it's 3MB! That's so funny, and he wanted Show to take on 3MB. Treat them as "human stressballs." Let off some steam, he deserves it. Oh my goodness, that was pretty nice. When they played the recap of the Corporation/Bryan angle, it's interesting. Randall saying that he's the Face of the WWE. HHH said he's the WWE. So, Randall's the Face of HHH? Face means a good guy, the hero. Hero of HHH? HHH's good guy? Also, when Randall said that as the Face, he must protect the WWE. So...protect HHH? It's amazing what can be suggested by connecting dots that might not need connecting in the first place. It's fun though. It beats just sitting and watching the recap.

12.) 3MB, welcome to the Slaughterhouse. HHH led the lambs to the slaughter, as Big Show squashed 3MB. This is the kind of squash match that's fun, mostly because there's a reason for it. There's more of a story here, Big Show unleashing his rage. Chopping Mahal on the chest, spearing McIntyre, driving a knee to his face, double chokeslam to those two. Then he knocked out Slater for the win. Unfortunately, Show didn't feel completely satisfied. It didn't help that as he left the ring, The Shield amde their entrance. Hunter had to come on stage and escort Show out of this scene.

13.) Daniel Bryan let The Shield decide which one of them will face him. Roman Reigns stepped forward, so is it him? Nope. Rollins jumped Bryan, it's that guy. Sweet! The match isn't any surprising as far as quality goes. Seeing as how they wrestled many times in the past, especially currently in WWE, there's nothing new. There's the same fast paced, believable action from two guys that come from the same general road. That being the indy circuit. Roman Reigns interfered a bit behind the ref's back with a sudden flying clothesline. He got his receipt from Bryan soon after. Great match that felt even better when Daniel Bryan won. They'll keep saying that the knee strike to the head is the same one that beat John Cena. It will never get old, because it's so true. He hit that on Rollins, who sold that Ziggler style. Bryan wins, and finally, the guy closes the show on top...until he gets on the stage. Staying there, doing the "Yes," you know someone's going to ruin this. Lo and behold, it's Randall. Even if this feud hasn't been so one-sided, I'd still get the feeling that Bryan would get jumped. No face gets to celebrate on the stage for longer than 30 seconds. The odds of being jumped from behind are the same as the cash-in success rate of Money in the Bank. "Virtually guaranteed." So perhaps Bryan can't get the upper hand by himself, but will he do so with Edge? If the guy gets involved...

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Old 7th September 2013, 05:35   #9600

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On the JBL & Cole show, Hornswoggle and Tensai were trying to, I don't know, looked like sumo wrestling. Hornswoggle got scared and ran away, Tensai didn't know what's up, until the camera got closer to him. I got the feeling that this is leading to direct plugging for WWE's Leprechaun movie, starring Horny.

I guess Cole, JBL, and Renee Young reacted to that footage, with the latter doing a cute rendition of Booker's catchphrase...

Cole and JBL were not amused, calling it theft against Booker. The World Tour took place in Green Bay, where they talk about the Packers, the "Lambeau Leap" and comparing WWE style celebrations. Stone Cold's beer drinking was mentioned, Undertaker's pose, and Daniel Bryan...

The guys argued about who's making it to the Super Bowl, Cowboys for JBL, Jets for Cole. Chiming in is John Cena!

He said it's not either of those teams. Just as it seemed like they were going to honor Cody Rhodes after getting fired, they meant someone else who left...

Yeah, Ted DiBiase mentioned being the Executive Vice President of collegegaragesale.com. You sell your stuff, and a portion of that is kicked back to...interruption.

Barrett has some bad news...

One last thing, a funny picture from this interesting tumblr site that features quotes that fans send in from themselves.

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