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Old 3rd September 2013, 03:57   #9571

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Thought Cody was going to cry like Big Slow but he didn't.
Great match though. It even had a "vintage Orton" moment.
Cracks me up when JBL says that now.

Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
Tripper needs to work on his ''you're fired''
Vince can train him. He's the best.
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Old 3rd September 2013, 04:10   #9572
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CM Punk guarantees a Heyman beating. Yay.

Big Show showing the acting skills once again

I guess Cody is getting time off since he is getting married.

WWE Hall of Famer Adam "Edge" Copeland will be appearing on next week's Raw to promote the season premiere of Haven on Syfy on 9/13. The appearance, at this time, is a one time deal. Copeland is not signed to do anything additional for WWE at this time.

Fandango suffered a legitimate broken nose during his match against Miz.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 3rd September 2013 at 04:33.
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Old 3rd September 2013, 05:23   #9573
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A Fatal 4-Way Match for the Divas Championship was added to Night Of Champions: AJ Lee defends against Naomi as well as former titleholders Brie Bella & Natalya
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Old 3rd September 2013, 05:50   #9574
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HOLY CRAP Poor Daniel Bryan they gotta get someone to help him cuz it's kinda getting boring same old same olo.
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Old 3rd September 2013, 08:30   #9575
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Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
It would've been too early if Barrett got the title back then. It's not like he was an above average wrestler back then, he had the look and talking, but I wouldn't buy him as WWE Champion by that point. It would help now if he got more associated with the Corporation, after all, he's been at it with Daniel Bryan a lot. He could be Vince's personal pick, while Hunter already has Randall.
I think they could have given him the belt. He was great on the mic, average in the ring, over as all hell, and his storyline was red hot. That's more than you could say for either Miz or Sheamus when they gave them the world championship for the first time. I do like the idea that they bring him into the Corporation, especially because Daniel Bryan shaved his beard! (Although shouldn't that have grown back again by now?)

Also, another idea I think that would help him and many of the other members of Nexus would be to bring his former group back! Wade, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, and even Ryback have been either off TV altogether or jobbing like crazy. Now seems like a good time to reform the Nexus and maybe they could even turn face and feud with the corporation because they know what it's like to be outsiders, or something. Does anyone agree?

And Ptenisnet, you were right Big Show cried, but not to victory. This storyline is painful to watch and my girlfriend hates it. Why does Big Show cry so much? For a guy so big he certainly is sensitive. I had an idea, why don't all the wrestlers turn against Triple H and his corporation if he's doing so much stuff they all hate? He can't fire them all.
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Old 3rd September 2013, 09:45   #9576
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Originally Posted by Vile View Post
Also, another idea I think that would help him and many of the other members of Nexus would be to bring his former group back! Wade, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, and even Ryback have been either off TV altogether or jobbing like crazy. Now seems like a good time to reform the Nexus and maybe they could even turn face and feud with the corporation because they know what it's like to be outsiders, or something. Does anyone agree?
I read somewhere a fan was saying that he wants The Wyatt Family to come to Bryan's aid. Like one night HHH is giving the orders to destroy Bryan and the lights cut out and "We're Here" is heard followed by the music, with the lights back on the two big guys are in the ring beating the hell out of the Shield.

HOWEVER I Like the idea you've posted. Nexus Reunited, and Bryan was an original member. It makes so much more sense, even if Bryan did shave Barrett. lol
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Old 3rd September 2013, 10:01   #9577
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Big Show is broke I thought the thing with Stephanie was pretty cringe worthy, I am looking forward to seeing Big Show just to say fuck it. maybe he helps Bryan win the WWE title at night of Champions.

I agree that they can't keep ending the show like this because it will get boring. You have to think next week Bryan will out smart them or something, but I don't know how. Next week is the last Raw before the pay per view.. I don't like jumping to conclusions, and you know how happy I was with Summerlslam, but there is a always a but. Daniel Bryan to be left out cold again next week and then loses the match at the ppv, well that aint good. So will the title change hands? Something for me to think about. I was thinking dq win for Bryan at the start, although I wonder how the face of the company could be disqualified, wont the king of kings restart the match or something? I don't know. I'll wait and see how next week goes before making a prediction.

Looks like he could have number one contender Cody Rhodes as backup whenever he returns. Jokes. I could get a louder 'thank you Cody' chant going by myself.

bring Hardcore Holly back in to toughen these guys up.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 3rd September 2013 at 15:08. Reason: some wide awake thoughts.
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Old 3rd September 2013, 20:43   #9578
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Superstars react to Cody Rhodes getting 'fired'

Sandow lol
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Old 3rd September 2013, 21:59   #9579

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Thoughts on RAw

1.) The show starts with the King of COOs, Triple H, The Shield's in the same position as last week. Similar to last week, Hunter gives the stirring introduction to Randall Orton. Cole claimed that a source he has to keep anonymous, said the "Reign of terror has begun." It's not that bad, just ask Randall. He said he has to protect this company, and that if you disrespect him, you're disrespecting the company. It can't be a reign of terror when the face of that regime is so pretty! Randall addressed Daniel Bryan as "disrespectful," defacing the Escalade. Randall has to deface Daniel Bryan, showing what happened on Smackdown. Randall wants to play a question/answer game with the fans. Should Daniel Bryan face Randall for the title at Night of Champions? Fans chanted yes, Randall yells "no." Does Daniel Bryan even stand a chance? Same answer. Will Daniel Bryan ever amount to anything, or be a B+ player? Should Daniel Bryan give up his WWE title shot? Randall said "Yes!" Hunter said that one of his responsibilities is to give the best show possible, the fans deserve that, they deserve the best. Another responsibility is the health and warefare of the Superstars, referenced Daniel Bryan. The fans aren't helping Bryan's overall health. Hunter said popularity doesn't mean it's best for business. Huh? Oh he didn't reference Cena, instead, Doink the Clown! There was a fan that dressed like a clown, hehehe. Hunter explained that Doink couldn't be WWE Champion, because it's not best for business. Then he suggested bringing back the Cruiserweight title or European title (two championships that internet fans clamor for). Daniel Bryan interrupted, getting an awesome response. He called Randall and HHH clowns. Bryan said Hunter gave up being a man, by cutting his hair and being a corporate sell out. Then to Randall, giving up being in the WWE title picture, until someone handed the title to him! Strong remarks. Should Bryan give up his title shot? The answer would be the same as to the question of if Randall's more masculine than Stephanie?! No, oh snap. Randall asked an interesting question, referencing the fact Bryan keeps getting put down, but still runs his mouth. That's persistance though. Bryan then went into explaining him doing what people said he can't do. Randall wouldn't understand that, because everything's been handed to him. He knows he can beat Randall for the WWE title (he did beat Randall before). Bryan said that Randall has the genetics of a champion, but he doesn't have the heart! Oh snap. Hunter said Bryan's always angry, and should stop, calling him a "troll" and stuff. Hunter said Bryan should be mad at Big Show, because he hasn't done anything to save him. So Hunter being the nice guy he is, he booked Daniel Bryan vs. The Big Show! Hunter should consider being a ring announcer. How he announced Randall, and Big Show here, was pretty cool. Anyways, great segment here, Randall talked more, which is good, while Bryan's doing a fantastic job on the mic so far.

2.) HHH and Randall are backstage, walking, and they passed by Cody Rhodes. Rhodes said Bryan and Show will be great, as long as nobody interferes. Rhodes asked why Randall would avoid a match with Bryan? He said Bryan vs. Randall is what's best for business. Uh oh, HHH doesn't like that. Rhodes is getting married? Hunter mentioned that, he and Randall didn't get invitations. Hunter has a gift though, Cody Rhodes vs. Randall. Hunter implied that if Cody loses, he will be fired? Oh shit! JBL made a funny when he said that Cody could have two bad things happen to him. Lose his job, then get married. HAHA! Learn from Ric Flair, don't get married! Cut and run, because Flair knows best, in his drunken wisdom...

3.) Miz takes on Fandoodle Cakes. During the commercial break, Miz planted a boot to Fandango's face, big time on the nose. Dango's nose was said to be broken, and the ringside position stopped the bleeding. Despite Fandango fighting on with a broken nose, Summer slapping Miz once, and an impressive slingshot move, the man tapped immediately when he got put in the Figure 4. Ehhh, so I guess this rivalry's over? Since the upcoming PPV is Night of Champions, it's not like these two would get booked there, non-title and all that. It was okay, but mentioning Fandango here, he was especially fine in this match.

4.) Booker T wants to talk to Daniel Bryan. He said the fight against the McMahons is one that he can't win. He should stay, make a lot of money, but give up the title shot. Just a tool for Bryan to work with, responding that it's his life. Booker continued saying Bryan could end up without a career, warning him to tread lightly. Tell me that Booker T didn't just say that? You've gotta be kidding me? Whut da hayell?! Hehehehe.

5.) Cole used a nice term, referencing this rivalry between Punk and Heyman as a "divorce." Yeah, these divorce cases get pretty nasty. They showed a recap video of Punk getting annihilated by Papa Paulie.

6.) Dolph Ziggler got booked into a match with a mysterious opponent, the order of Brad Maddox. After the break, who is his opponent? From behind, Dean Ambrose! I was just thinking that Dean and Ziggler can wrestle for the US title at Night of Champions. That'd be a sweet match. So taking care of that new plant, Ambrose forced Ziggler into the ring post. Then suddenly, The Ryback came out. Oh, The Ryback's Ziggler's opponent! Hahahaha! Good one. It's pretty strange to laugh at Dolph's selling of The Ryback's stretching open of his mouth. He was screaming, and somehow I laughed. It's a theory, that Ziggler loses a lot, because it's fun to see him lose. As odd as that is, it's the selling aspect. By that same token, seeing Ziggler get dominated is rather fun. As a face though, such as here, he did make a comeback, the fans loving that. In the end, The Ryback froze that and got the win. Good stuff really, Ziggler makes for an entertaining loser at times. I'm serious.

7.) Brad Maddox talks to Hunter and Steph. Show's refusing to wrestle Daniel Bryan. Stephanie wants to talk to Big Show, and not wanting to do it in private. Oh what can she do?

8.) Los Matadores are as good at being Matadors as Fandango is at dancing. I'll let you interpret that however you want. After that laugh, Stephanie McMahon is set to show how she rolls. In the middle of the ring to call out Big Show. Just to note, at ringside facing the ramp, there's a fan that looks like an average sized Sheamus! I swear man. Anyways, Stephanie got the mic, introduced Big Show as someone who helped her backstage, back in the early days. She calls him her friend. Out comes the Big Show. Steph said that Show told her once that if you're not going to do something expected of him, be ready to pay the price. Steph then claimed that Big Show is broke? Speaking of repeating history, I was thinking of the angle with Shawn Michaels where he's supposedly "broke." Bad investments and stuff. Rather ridiculous, but Steph did try and justify the ironclad contract being worth nothing if Show doesn't perform to his responsibilities. In trying to convince Show to take on the match with Bryan, she said a bunch of stuff, but none stronger than mentioning that giants "medically" don't have the life expectancy of an average human. As in, they die sooner. Steph said nobody's hurting with this, more than her. Hug, leave Show alone. So this is how Steph rolls? I can dig it. She acts sincere, but you can clearly tell that she's being all smarmy and deceptive. One other note, fans chanted "You'll be ok." HAHA!

9.) Edge is going to be on RAW next week?! Awesome! During the break, Show was seen flipping shit, destroying stuff, including I think a laptop? I hate that, damn you Big Show. Why destroy a computer? At least give it to me! Seriously, I never like that. Anyways, this is just a plug for the WWE App, leading to a commercial, as 3MB made their entrance. They take on Titus and Darren Young.Alright, so Titus was using his whistle while stomping on Slater. JBL said that Floor Rider made a song with a whistle. Oh yeah, it's easy to tell that's about blowjobs. What an ass. JBL made another funny comment on John Laurinaitis. Can you trust "skateboard" to make an ironclad contract? Since Show's contract gimmick started during People Power! Primetime Players got a great response, as they're gaining momentum. Titus got the hot tag this time, and fans briefly barked with him. He then did that thing like Batista did, only no thumbs down, just barking. Pretty funny, but the tag match was alright. With Mark Henry injured again, not knowing the severity, perhaps these guys will face Rollins and Reigns at Night of Champions. Cool. 3MB just had to make this a good win, and they did. To specify, Slater and Jinder teamed up.

10.) Paul Heyman confronted Brad Maddox, not liking his booking on him. Last week's poll, and then the Night of Champions match. Heyman asked if that's best for business, which is HHH's cue! HHH said he's a Heyman fan, he loved Paul's many times of "magnificently weaseling" through precarious situations. Hunter doesn't favor all the heels, which is good for Heyman. Everyone doesn't like him! Hunter said the possibilities of that handicap match, either way, he wins. After all, isn't that best for business? He asked that for real. So he pretty much said that HHH winning...is best for business. Come on, that's worth laughing.

11.) Bray Wyatt in a video, time for the production team to work their magic, Bray working his own magic. He referenced a story of Icarus, going too close to the sun, due to pride, his wings melted. Comparing this to Kane, addressing the question of where he is. He said Kane's made his bed, and he's burning in it.

12.) Cody Rhodes vs. Randall, high stakes! I keep wondering, will Randall change his theme song? The lyrics don't really fit to Corporate Randall, but it's just too memorable and good to change it. Perhaps the name they're going for is the "Administration." So wouldn't that make HHH...the Admin? Hehehehe. Randall's the Super Moderator, The Shield are Moderators. JBL just keeps going, he mentioned Ted DiBiase leaving the company, referencing Legacy, and Rhodes supposedly being jealous of Randall. Wait a minute, from repeating history to forgetting it. Cole asked if JBL ever faced these kind of stakes. He said no, but he has. Remember? Rey Mysterio retired him in 2006 (humorously enough, Rey retired him again at Wrestlemania 25). Also, with little time to prepare? Yes, because didn't JBL put his career on the line, and GM at the time, Teddy Long, booked it? Bradshaw just losing his shit after losing the US title to Bobby Lashley in that same show. I remember my history, not perfectly though. After the break, you see some fans. One dressed as Randy Savage, the other, I think Ric Flair! I mention this because fans chanted "Randy Savage." As the match continued, fans showed how much they care about Cody when they were too paid attention to, I guess, those two fans, being thrown out of the building. Right when I typed that, they showed people in the roster, watching in the back. Solidarity for Cody Rhodes, from the back, not from the fans. Speaking of fans dressed up like wrestlers, there was a fan dressed like Polka-dot Dusty Rhodes. There was also a chant for "Goldust," when Cody did that uppercut move. Fans then came back to their senses to chant for Cody. Now I noticed JBL saying "Vintage Orton." I also noticed Randall's feeding off the crowd for the RKO is still present as a heel. Only, telling the fans to "join him," join the face of the WWE! There was a convincing nearfall with Rhodes using the Cross Rhodes. Randall kicked out, he avoided the second Disaster Kick. When that happened, he sold a bad landing, allowing Randall to hit the RKO and winning the match. Huh? This was a great match, Cody getting the best response as a face since Money in the Bank. So he gave the great fight to our WWE Champion, but was the falling hero, as Randall the conquerer, conquers again, to the dismay of the peasants. with that said, what about Cody? Just going by watching RAW? Oh wait hold on...

13.) Triple H came on stage with the mic. Cody's still in the ring. Hunter said he respects Cody for his heart, but in business, he needs winners. That's pretty funny. So he told Cody, with "deep regret," that he's fired! Alright, now that HHH put the stamp on that, just going by watching RAW, I'm thinking he's taking a leave of absence. Perhaps if Vince tries to stand against Hunter, he'd hire Rhodes again. Hmmm, and the show must go on, far from over...

14.) Next up, CM Punk, with a kendo stick. Punk said he "promised," no more empty posturing, empty threats, no more talking. Yeah he's mad. Punk doesn't want to talk, nor does he wants to wrestle, he wants to fight Paul Heyman. He wants Heyman and Axel now, but has to wait until Night of Champions. He said "biblical ass beating." What does that mean? Heyman's getting crucified? Plauge? Anyways, Punk wants to talk to the fans, referencing the fans in the arena, around the world, you know this sounds like John Cena. He even mentioned the kids. He guarantees that he will get Axel, and Heyman. No breaking hearts, he promised to break Heyman's face. He talked longer than someone should when saying they don't want to talk anymore. Hehehe, it was good, but it dawned on me that by this point, Punk on the mic is getting beaten by Daniel Bryan on the mic. In my opinion. They showed a recap of Heyman's destruction of Punk last week, with the man still in the ring, watching it. That should a good segment in the PPV.

15.) Another backstage segment with Daniel Bryan, Big Show came in. Bryan doesn't care what Show wants, he has to do what he has to do. Show said to look what happened to Cody, this is serious stuff. Bryan doesn't care about Show's sob story, saying they're "friends." He said he'll beat Show, just like he beat him to win his first World Heavyweight Championship. I remember that! Good times!

16.) Triple threat match, Natalya vs. Brie vs. Naomi. The winner faces the Pipebombshell (thanks CM Punk), AJ Lee, at Night of Champions. AJ's commentary was still on the Total Divas women. She said that Natalya's as boring as watching paint dry, the wrestling is the women's "second love." HMMM! AJ got more angry, and jumped in the ring to stop the three way. Hitting Naomi first, so does that mean she wins? The ref threw the match out, as the three women didn't beat on each other. Instead, they ganged up on AJ. There was silence to this, because AJ's attitude is too accepted. That's what happens when AJ got let loose last week, just getting more people to like her, since what she said has truth in it. So, this beatdown, really did fall on deaf ears.

17.) Oh man, Survivor Series is going to be in Boston. I swear, Cena's going to target that PPV as his return. It happened 5 years ago, since there's a kick on repeating history...

18.) Also, repeating matches. A rematch from Smackdown, Bob Van Dam takes on Damien Sandow. Cole's married to a hispanic woman? I did not know that. Is she hot? A longer match than on Smackdown, so at least Sandow wasn't wasted. He did some moves, but most of the time, he took Bob's kicks. They can knock your bicuspids out, as JBL said. A nice match, as Del Rio came in early, on the stage to watch it. He saw his opponent pick up the win, and his former employee, rejoice. Judas Iscariot!

19.) If you had the WWE App, you will see that Stephanie McMahon booked a Fatal 4 Way match. Bullshit, why does Brie have to get a shot? That's not fair. AJ will just dance circles all over, at least 2 of the gals here. I'll let you guess who the exception possibly is.

20.) Josh Matthews being the heckling interviewer as he is. Cody Rhodes got to crying, saying the McMahons always hated the Rhodes. Dusty got put in polka dots, Goldust got put in gold paint (he did that himself though). It's interesting, when the worst happens to a wrestler, they bounce back with a great promo. Cody's promo here was awesome. Sweet acting, he had to talk about his wife. He can't provide for her, as he leaves angrily, security didn't have to follow him.

21.) This is a weekly thing now, but I understand. Daniel Bryan always commands a larger audience, he deserves that. Wrestlers would have to watch and take notes on how this guy goes in the ring. It's beneficial, it's...good for business! Watch that be in a t-shirt by the end of the Fall season.

22.) David, the cool guy, takes on the conflicted Goliath. Big Show didn't want to wrestle, telling Bryan that he "doesn't have to do this." He's trying to help Daniel Bryan, but Bryan doesn't want to yield like that. Bryan's persistance here would lead to Show exploding a bit, getting the advantage on Daniel Bryan. The match then got a bit more back and forth, featuring a nice spot where Show speared Bryan in midair. Just when he's primed for a victory, he is thinking of walking out. Interrupting is HHH with Shield surrounding the ring. He told Show to go back in the ring and finish. Show said "no!" Well this is what he gets for saying "no," The Shield attacking Daniel Bryan. He got back in the ring, Hunter got in, and told Show to leave. He referred to Show by his real first name, Paul. A lot of Pauls in this company, if you know what I mean. Show ended up crying some more, because he's the best at crying. I'm actually serious, and not being offensive. Triple powerbomb to Bryan in front of Show. Hunter then told Show to knock Daniel Bryan out! Show didn't want to, getting out of the ring, telling Hunter to "please leave me alone!" That sounded pretty funny. Now Steph entered the scene, uh oh. Seeing how she rolls again, working her magic. Show got back in the ring, knockout time? He teased knocking out Hunter, Steph had to cut in. Show did the deed, Hunter said Show did the right thing. Show cries his way to the back. This shouldn't be funny, a man crying is not funny, but with Show? Come on now. Time for the obligatory exclamation point, Randall came and looked at Bryan's lifeless body. He posed over that body, and that's what the face of the WWE does. He stands tall over wrestlers that the company buries, the golden boy is untouchable. In storyline fashion, that won't last forever. For now though, it works because Bryan's only going to be more universally cheered. Next week's the go-home show, perhaps Edge will get involved and help Bryan....

Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
Superstars react to Cody Rhodes getting 'fired'

CODY FIRED! SUPERSTARS REACT! - Backstage Fallout - September 2, 2013 - YouTube

Sandow lol
That was funny, but somehow I got to tears when Ryder said he could be fired next. It's hilarious because it's true.
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Old 3rd September 2013, 22:38   #9580
Alan Kellerman
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Yeah, no acting at all from Zack Ryder. Those are his true feelings. He must be getting upset at the thought of losing his job and not being able to keep his hair replacement treatment going.

it is funny because this could be the hottest Cody has been, or could be. He will return with fire hopefully. His promo last night was probably the first time I thought ok this is good stuff, well the first time since he was Dashing Cody Rhodes, but that was more comedy.

and now for the negative part of my post

lets hope he does return with fire, and not the usual story, comes back has one night of getting some blows in, and then two weeks later back to being just Cody Rhodes ( solid midcarder )

Cena at Survivor Series seems like a good shout now. Once I heard Boston I thought hmm. maybe we do get the 5v5 and he is a mystery partner for the Rebels. I don't know. wait and see.
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