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Old 28th August 2013, 19:14   #9541
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I'm more sold that Los Matadores is The Colons after seeing that screencap 7C. It's a brief look in the promo, but when I can study it for 20+ seconds it looks clearer. Tag Team division is getting piled up now though, probably makes it easier to slip the belts off Rollins/Reigns so they can bring justice for 'the man'.

Speaking of, that was the problem I saw in my theory Allen. I don't know how you get Triple H out there to do the pedigree. And having him as the ref would probably just be part of a smokescreen since everyone would be all like 'OMG, RVD is going to win(YES!) and then HHH will screw him!(NO!)' and then Del Rio just retains instead.
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Old 28th August 2013, 19:33   #9542
Alan Kellerman
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I never thought of the situation ''Heyman just leaves'' it is possible, but then I think that only happens if they are killing off Curtis Axel, and he can join the real Americans.
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Old 29th August 2013, 02:06   #9543
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crow102 is a splendid one to beholdcrow102 is a splendid one to beholdcrow102 is a splendid one to beholdcrow102 is a splendid one to beholdcrow102 is a splendid one to beholdcrow102 is a splendid one to beholdcrow102 is a splendid one to behold

I will say that I enjoyed Raw this week, really enjoyed the Daniel Bryan stuff with the car as it reminded me of DX. Only thing I still am not really sure about is where they are going with this Curtis Axel stuff, I assume eventually Punk will get his hands on Heyman. Beyond that I thought it was nice to see Rosa back as well, my only complaint would be RVD is with Alberto's old ring announcer, guy does just fine on the work and Ricardo could have been put with someone better, also was I the only a little freaked out with the Wyatt sister thing?
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Old 29th August 2013, 04:02   #9544

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Originally Posted by Psycho Man View Post
Seriously...What the fuck?!

A woman from Pennsylvania has given birth to her son in a sports bar bathroom last week and then left him to die in the bar's toilet!

Amanda Hein was charged with criminal homicide with the death of her baby and is being held without bail.

It was the cleaning crew who found the baby at Starters Pub, Bethlehem which is around 30 miles north of Philadelphia. The autopsy has found that the baby was born alive and was around 33-36 weeks old.

The woman has since admitted to giving birth, wrapping the baby in plastic from a rubbish container and placed him in a toilet tank.

She was actually watching Summerslam when she complained of back pain, then the incident happened before returning back to the table and went outside for a smoke.
. I just came back from the county prison to pay someone a visit. A woman who was visiting somebody else claimed they saw the woman who killed her baby. A big black woman came by, and I thought that she was referring to the story posted here. So I just looked it up, and yeah. She's not in my county prison, but she's actually from my neck of the woods! Amanda Catherine Hein, yeah. Bethlehem is really not far from here. I've been there for Christkindlmarkt for German class during Christmas time, my grandmother worked at a fabric factory in Bethlehem. At one point all our dental care was from a place in Bethlehem. It's crazy that she's from the same city as me, but on the bright side, Amanda Seyfried is too.

On a brighter note, I loved Alan's reference to Empire Strikes Back . Oh and I might go to that pub if I want to see WWE PPVs live .
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Old 29th August 2013, 16:49   #9545
Alan Kellerman
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Originally Posted by crow102 View Post
I will say that I enjoyed Raw this week, really enjoyed the Daniel Bryan stuff with the car as it reminded me of DX. Only thing I still am not really sure about is where they are going with this Curtis Axel stuff, I assume eventually Punk will get his hands on Heyman. Beyond that I thought it was nice to see Rosa back as well, my only complaint would be RVD is with Alberto's old ring announcer, guy does just fine on the work and Ricardo could have been put with someone better, also was I the only a little freaked out with the Wyatt sister thing?
RVD and Ricardo is a funny combination. Normally I would think this is all a setup for Ricardo to go back with ADR, only the beating ADR gave him makes me think maybe not. I'd like to see RVD win. No reason why he can't, unless they want to keep pushing ADR. I'm a fan of them both.

interview with Alberto

I got the Warriors. Just realized where Booker T got his shtick from.

can you dig it? can you dig it?
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 29th August 2013 at 17:48.
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Old 30th August 2013, 03:37   #9546

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Thoughts on Main Event

1.) Well the show starts off with a recap of the Heyman/Axel/Punk angle from RAW. Punk broke Heyman's heart, the bastard. To make this longer, I have to ask something. Why do they have Undertaker in the opening video of Main Event? He's never been in the show for crying out loud. Oh, something more to type about, Alex Riley joins Josh Matthews on commentary.

2.) The opening match is Cody and Curtis. Riley talked about a chat with Heyman that took place 10 minutes before this show started. Nothing unexpected, Heyman believes he's in the right, that Punk was his "prodigal son." Pretty good match, there was a lot of commentary on Axel and Heyman. Naturally, given the major events from RAW. When Rhodes made his comeback, they paid attention to him. Meanwhile, Rhodes made sure that a viewer pays attention. For example, he did the Muscle Buster, which Riley called! Nobody else called it, so I guess Riley spent time on Youtube looking up Samoa Joe. It's impressive for Cody to do that, as Axel's said here to be 228lbs. Despite that and the always pretty moonsault (not as pretty as Randall Orton), Cody got beaten cleanly by Axel.

3.) The Real Americans take on Primetime Players. Good comment by Alex Riley, as he talked about Titus O'Neil. He doesn't do much, but what he does, he does better than everyone else. Makes sense, more like doing some power moves. Matthews interpreted that as quality over quantity. Not really. It's sad though, because commentary mentioned Real Americans having a rough time against PTP. You would think that would snap here. Nope, it didn't. It does seem that Swagger and Cesaro are growing more and more into a team. Still, without the wins, it does not mean much. The match was alright, and while Cesaro and Swagger are jobbing, at least one of the two teams is racking up wins, and that's PTP.

4.) Well watching this show proved useful, because they showed a recap of Daniel Skywalker vs. The Empire. They showed Bryan's knee strike to Rollins' head, funny sell of that.

5.) Kofi Kingston enters the dance of death, against Fandango. One of the funniest things Kofi ever did was just his facial expressions when Fandango entered the ring. I laughed, Alex Riley laughed. Riley actually compared Dango to John Morrison (remember him?). Riley apparently went to the same college as Kofi. He referred to watching him play basketball when he was a freshman. Interesting. The match had to follow up Kofi's funny stuff. Didn't do too well. It just passed, Riley trying to justify Fandango's ballroom dancing skills as an enhancement to his ring skills. It makes me wonder though, did he actually train in dance? Clearly he's not a pro, but that doesn't mean he didn't take a class or two. It could just be being a nice athlete. Anyways, the match was going fine, but from out of nowhere, Summer Rae got involved. She grabbed on Kofi's leg, for a second. The ref turned out to be pretty sharp and caught that quick moment. Rather than throwing Summer out, he threw the damn match out. Kofi wins by disqualification, and is that really how you would end this show? Rather played out. About Kofi, with The Ryback's new bullying enhancement, how come he's not looking for revenge after being put through a table 3 times? Meanwhile, why the hell didn't Miz interfere here? Better logic than Summer, that's for sure. Miz not being on commentary would indicate him getting involved, but I guess he had something else to do. So bottom line, not a good way to end the show. Alex Riley's commentary is nice so far.

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Old 30th August 2013, 03:39   #9547

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Thoughts on NXT

1.) Immediately when they showed Corey Graves and Renee Young. About to do an interview, when Rick Victor appeared. He basically wanted a tag team title shot, he and partner Conor O'Brian. Graves said that they can bring the fight now, but they took it in their own hands. O'Brian came from behind, they beat on Graves, Conor used a part of the stage setup thing, on Graves' midsection. Where was Neville?

2.) Holy shit! That's actually pretty cool. If you look at Tyler Breeze's tron, it's a more buffery looking shot of himself. As in, he's filming himself with his smartphone, and a lower quality/filtered up version appears on the tron. A good number of fans are rather into Tyler Breeze, chanting that he's "gorgeous." Interesting, he takes on CJ Parker, who has half short tights, half long tights that stop at his knee. A word I learned recently was "selfie." I hear it being used here by Tony Dawson, as it means self shot pictures. The gimmick that's poisoned the internet. Speaking of gimmick, one that's just plain ridiculous, was in this match. Breeze used his damn smartphone to hit Parker. Yeah, seemingly in the throat, but that's just so stupid. However, perhaps just a sign of the times, maybe people use their smartphones as weapons when they're being mugged. I don't know, still doesn't sell me as a finish. Right after he does that, he pins Parker. That's the problem, at least do the finisher from that. It's more of a distraction than a deadly weapon. Regal even tried to sell that, saying that smartphone is a deadly weapon. Come on man! Over-gimmicky stuff here.

3.) Emma danced her way to talking to Renee Young. She mentioned having a title shot with Paige any time she wishes. She puts that aside in order to wrestle Summer first. She claimed their rivalry is personal, and will settle it. Then blow bubbles and play "Dance Dance Emmalution," which I believe is her theme music. She wanted to dance with Renee Young. That sounds sexy...

4.) Tyler Breeze has left the building, and dozens of women followed him. Excluding Summer Rae and Emma, as they wrestle. Now wait a damn minute! Okay, I read a few days ago that veteran TNA referee, Rudy Charles, works now at NXT. I just noticed the guy here in this match! Wow, one hilarious moment was him and some other ref, Paul Thomas might've been his name. He and Charles were forced into a handicap match against Booker T, when the original Main Event Mafia took over Impact for one show. That still was an awesome show, as in hilarious. Booker was also being commentator with Kevin Nash. He was Black Snow, Nash was Chet Lemon. Anyways, Booker owned those goobers, Scott Steiner was on commentary with Chet Lemon. Good times. Anyways this match, yeah, it was alright. I believe Summer now has the longest legs in the women's roster, her offense centered around the use of them. Emma would get the last move in, using her submission finisher. After that, Summer played the sore loser and jumped Emma from behind, forcing her to land on her hip upon being forced out of the ring. Summer then got the bubble solution that Emma brought for blowing bubbles, had that spilled onto her eyes. It's supposed to sting one's eyes, so I bet they just used plain water, I didn't notice her blowing bubbles with it anyways. So Emma might have to wait some more before using her one shot for the title. That's the thing about Summer, she's a gnat. Using Cole's commentary for Christian, it applies better to Summer, to a heel. She never goes away, she never lets something pass. That's a decent quality in a heel.

5.) Backstage, Sly Lefort, Scott Dawson, Enzo Amore, Colin Cassady. They're rabble rabble rabbling, when Sly put some direction in this chat fest. Offering the two "Realest men" in the room to join Sly and Dawson, forming a "legionnaire." Ooooh! Cassady though didn't like the idea, not wanting to be associated with Dawson, who always loses (look who's talking). Lefort reminded about the moan-ay! Dawson though asked when his manager will pay him. When he wins a match. HAHA! Dawson took offense to Cassidy and Amore's words, and called them Jersey Shore wannabes. Those were fighting words, as Lefort and Dawson left those two to stew. Amore has a new haircut every week it seems by the way. Funny stuff here.

6.) HAHAHA! How random, there's a ginger outside playing on his smartphone, when Summer exited the door behind him, telling him to "Get lost, Carrot Top." HA! From behind though is Sasha Banks, not liking what Summer did to Emma. What followed was Summer defending her action, and trying to wake Sasha up, sort of a ploy to get her to join the dark side. Look at Summer, she's on RAW and Smackdown, Summerslam was named after her (HAHA!), all because she has a backbone. She told Sasha to grow a backbone, be mean in her upcoming match with Paige in 2 weeks. She said for Sasha to be relevant, she has to follow Summer Rae. Summer makes a good point, and perhaps because of that, she probably spoiled a heel turn. Wait and see...

7.) Regal said something interesting. "Never trust a man wearing sunglasses indoors." Then he made a funny comment towards Enzo Amore, saying he's an "electrified ferret!" Seems Enzo's playing face, with a majorly positive response to him. He had the mic and said that if he and Big Cass had a dime for every time they were beat up as kids, they'd have zero dimes. Get it? It's because they aren't sawft. The fans spelled that out with him. The match is happening, it doesn't seem bad, but not really exciting. Interestingly enough, from behind, hitting Colin Cassady, was Alexander Rusev (not Brusev, my mistake. I also botched the spelling of Colin's surname as "cassidy"). Amore got distracted, and Dawson hit what Regal said, a Grecco-Roman style suplex. So both of these guys are jobbers, only one can win. Dawson was the one who won! It seems a legionnaire is being formed, as Rusev poses with Sly and Scott. That works for me, a brute having a smooth talking manager. Reminds me of Umaga and Armondo Alejandro Estrada!

8.) They recapped the incredible 2/3 Falls match from NXT, followed by an in-ring interview with Sami Zayn. Renee Young, with him, and fans chanting "Match of the Year" Supposedly, Cole saw it and said it was the best match he saw in years. Cole watches wrestling?! This is shocking. Being serious, what's Zayn's intentions after a big loss to Cesaro? Nothing's changed, he wants the NXT championship. During this promo, fans chanted "one more match" in reference to Cesaro vs. Zayn. A bunch of greedy cats. Anyways, as soon as Zayn mentioned the NXT Championship, out comes Bo Dallas, in a suit, and his hair all dry and down. He got the mic and said nobody wants to hear the loser being interviewed. The winner of the Super Bowl gets interviewed, they say "I'm going to Disney World!" Something I skipped was Zayn putting Young over, as a "ray of sunshine." YEAH! She's hot. Anyways, Dallas informed that Zayn injured him at Summerslam Axxess. Hmm? From that, he claimed Zayn is green and stuff, which is pretty funny. To make things funnier, when Zayn talked back, calling Bo delusional and stuff, Dallas' facial expression in response was hilarious. All smiling and stuff, he looks like a total goober. He said everybody loves Bo, but there was a loud "No" chant. Bo disagrees with him being booed, it's "BO" with an echo. The fans are actually booing. Zayn claims Dallas is scared, perhaps implying that his injury is fake, not even any details on what that injury is. To interrupt them, is Zeb Colter! He said Bo Dallas doesn't have to answer Zayn's question, he's a hard working American and all. Colter said Zayn has to cough up legal documents to get a title shot. Zayn's response was for Colter to tell Cesaro, that after he beats Dallas for the title, he will deport Cesaro and Colter back to Hell. Well Colter feels like that the hard way has to be taken, and from out of nowhere, comes Jack Swagger! I thought Dallas would jump him. Whatever the case, Swagger lays him out, drapes the "Don't tread on me" flag over Zayn's body. Interesting development, but guaranteed that any match with Zayn and Swagger won't be at Zayn and Cesaro's level. It still should be good wrestling. During the main event of the show, it's confirmed that Swagger vs. Zayn is set for next week.

9.) Oh okay, the stuff on NXT at Summerslam Axxess is just a video package. You can see John Cena doing the "You can't see me" with Scooby Doo. DAMMIT! Actually, Cena was heard making a little comment, that he likes seeing Neville in the ring. Xavier Woods was seen teaming with some guy, "Mojo Riley?" He dances too, hmmm. Looked like a good time. Zayn wrestled Dallas for the NXT title, which indicates who will challenge Dallas on the TV shows.

10.) Neville is sporting a new theme song, just a generic rock instrumental. Neville is far from generic though, as he did a nice job in the match with O'Brian. The heel was fine too, but Neville's always someone to see. He didn't do his Red Arrow finisher, instead, doing a 450 splash. It's seen before from Justin Gabriel and other people, but Neville does it better than anyone else. It's the ease. Gabriel makes it look easy, but Neville makes it look so trivial, but still an effective maneuver. The camera shot on it helped too. Being rather high on that only in terms of this match. The Ascension didn't take kindly to Neville's win, beating on Neville. Graves came down, ribs taped up, attempting to save his partner. That didn't pay off in the end, Ascension closes the show on top, poised for a tag team title shot. Fine for me. As long as Neville gets the winning pinfall. Or Ascension, I just like to see Neville hit a finisher.

Sami Callihan got a new name for NXT.

Solomon Crowe @WWECrowe

From the ashes of Sami Callihan, Solomon Crowe was born.... Soon the Songs of Solomon shall be sung.....
I can dig it.
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Old 30th August 2013, 12:21   #9548
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Watching Main Event I've realized how decent Alex Riley is on commentary. I say he should replace Miz permanently. Also somebody soon break Fandangos legs. Maybe i'd like him more if his theme actually looped the good bit where you can actually fadango to it. The crowds keep going through the crappy bits and it makes them look like retards. And ffs give him some dance lessons.. Y2J is more qualified to pull his gimmick off better. There's nothing worse than watching a guy who can't dance on your screen every week and we know your f'n name already, stop saying it, it's boring. And if you notice he never quite says it the same way so there isn't a certain way of saying it after all, at least that's how I hear it, not sure if anyone else cares lol.

I ranted a bit there but felt I had to get it out.
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Old 30th August 2013, 16:03   #9549
Alan Kellerman
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I'm most looking forward to seeing what Ryback does next.

like Daniel Bryan attacking his legs with kicks on Smackdown.

Breeze used his damn smartphone to hit Parker. Yeah, seemingly in the throat, but that's just so stupid. However, perhaps just a sign of the times, maybe people use their smartphones as weapons when they're being mugged.
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Old 31st August 2013, 04:14   #9550

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Thoughts on Smackdown

1.) I didn't think about what happened on RAW, with Big Show not doing anything. The ironclad contract and all, but I guess HHH overrules that. Anyways, MizTV opens the show, with Show and Dolph Ziggler as the guests. Guys who suffered from HHH's dictatorship. Miz showed the closing segment of RAW, as Miz also was someone who did nothing during that unsettling witnessing of Randall and the Shield's destruction of Daniel Bryan. Well Miz wants to have an airing of opinions, it's America, freedom of speech, yeah. Show talked, sounding like Christian Bale's acting as Batman, with the rough sounding voice. He couldn't articulate an opinion, passed it to Dolph, who couldn't say anything, pass it to Show. Miz was about to talk, say he's a big mouth and "outspoken" but out comes HHH. Ohhhhh shit! So he wanted Miz to finish what he was going to say. Ohhhh, and he didn't say anything! Miz was in his gear during this, Hunter wondered why. He expected a fight to happen. HHH didn't want Miz to ask him a question. Oh snap, and he reminded that this is all business, nothing personal. Justified Randall as special. He's not someone who runs his mouth without backing it up (stares at Miz), is at least big (stares at Big Show), and is...big enough (stares at Ziggler). Why are the guys angry? HHH poked at Miz, saying he held the title in a long time, and hasn't even come close to it since. So, Hunter booked Miz vs. Randall. Hunter talked to Ziggler, a shot at revenge against the Shield. Ziggler vs. The Shield, handicap match again. Hehe, he said it was "one on one." Last but not least, Big Show. Fans were chanting "knock him out." He said to Show, that if looks could kill, yeah. Selling Show's facial expressions during RAW. As a reward, gave Show a night off, instead, just sit next to commentary and watch what happens on Smackdown. Doing, absolutely nothing! Commentary referenced the "ironclad contract" with JBL saying Hunter could just tear that shit up, while Cole said that the contract is only as good as the performance, implying Show's not been doing that performance rate. He told Ziggler to run along and get ready, Miz stays because his match is next. Telling to Miz's face, who his opponent is. The face of the company, the WWE Champion, the pretty Randall Orton! I liked this segment because how Hunter talked towards those three faces was very entertaining. He came off as mean, in a subtle way. His attitude his business, his delivery is what got under the people's skins. Message and messenger, the messenger is someone they want to shoot.

2.) Randall takes on Miz. The match goes along, where Miz sends Randall to the outside, in control. As that happened, The Shield comes out. Not to do anything, at ringside, seeing their WWE Champion, after the break, take control of Miz. It's funny, JBL said great TV would be Big Show being publicly fired. Then he said Big Show being rendered into a blubbering idiot, and how he described it, was reminiscent of him blubbering when John Laurinaitis fired him. Can't forget history. The match was a B+. Yeah, a fan put up a sign saying "B+" during the match, and after it. Maybe not B+, I just wanted to bring attention to it. It was still good, with focus on Miz's offense, and then Big Show getting off his chair, trying to cheer on the guy. Miz would work on Randall's knee and slapped on the Figure 4. Randall eventually made it to the bottom rope. The Shield overall did nothing to distract anybody, so this was all clean. Randall would snap Miz's neck on the top rope, and slither in for the RKO! Randall wins, Shield comes in to beat on Miz. Show had to just watch. However, he got to see Daniel Bryan with a chair, for the save. It was sweet to see how over Daniel Bryan was amongst that Las Vegas crowd. He sent Shield and Randall retreating with the chair, and subdued HHH's bidding. At least for now...

3.) I'll just settle and not question that Los Matadores is Epico and Primo Colon. It's funny though, because I remembered that they are former WWE Tag Team Champions. The problem is that most people probably forgot about that! I did too for a while. After that was Vickie confronting Daniel Bryan for his actions. She claims Daniel Bryan is a bully, and he who bullies, gets bullied back. Here comes The Ryback! He said if there's one thing he can't stand, is a bully. That made me laugh out loud! For real, look who's talking! That's hilarious, yeah, booking Bryan vs. The Ryback. The latter called Bryan a "shrimp." Hey now, respect your superior!

4.) A recap of Heyman's physical abuse on his prodigal son, CM Punk. That still is pretty great to see. Heyman can brutalize people. Anyways, after that, is Bob Van Dam vs. Sandow. Ricardo introduced Boobert as the "Whole Damn Show." I get it. Sandow had the mic, poking fun at Las Vegas as degenerates squandering their lives, and that he will win the world title, the coronation for that will come. Short match, Sandow jobs again, keeping in line with the booking of the holder of the world title briefcase. The match was short, with Bob Van Dam doing his standard moves for the win. Good for him. Alberto Del Rio came out, told Bob that when you sleep with a dog, you will get fleas. Ohhh, Del Rio had another nice line, saying that Bob will have his Rolling Thunder, but he will make it rain on Bobbert! Angry Del Rio (ADR! Yeah man) is a better Del Rio. He said some nice stuff, most of it directed at Judas Iscariot, Ricardo, as JBL refers to him as. Benedict Arnold works too.

5.) There's a sign that said "CM Punk ruined straightedge." I don't know what that's supposed to mean. Same fan that had "Maybe?", "B+," "Twerk," and "AJ is right." Interesting signs. Anyways. Ziggler takes on The Shield. Hey he had his offense, but in the end, same as RAW last week. He couldn't handle all of the Shield. It was nice too that the tag champs finished it with the buckle bomb/Spear combo. Ziggler got broken in half, to use JBL's comments. After the match, Shield showed the giant Ziggler's lifeless body, and then the triple powerbomb. How Show couldn't be entertained by this is beyond me! Teehee, but Show's facial expressions were getting more and more boiling, it's actually pretty entertaining. From angry, and at the end of the segment, disappointed, almost crying it seems. I think that's one of Big Show's greatest strengths, giving off a genuine facial expression. Remembering how good his blubbering was last year, he's tapping into that...well, acting, again.

6.) Lilian introduced the two guys as those who will face CM Punk at Night of Champions. That's right, Curtis Axel, and his meal ticket (thanks JBL), Paul Heyman. Oh no! Curtis Axel got the mic first. He said Heyman's act towards Punk was of bravery, showing Heyman's kendo stick assault, which I saw almost a half hour ago. Come on now. Heyman said he's not seeking forgiveness, he's not sorry for what he did to Punk. The fans voted Heyman into the situation. Yeah! This is all their faults! Those meddling kids! And adults. Heyman reminded that he and Punk were the WWE Champion for 434 days. Saying that every time Punk got his hands on Heyman, he ends up on his back, looking up to his father figure, the victor. Now referencing the upcoming Night of Champions match. Saying that there's a supposed guarantee that Heyman will get a beating from CM Punk. He admitted to being afraid. He's scared out of his mind. Heyman said his fear could be Punk's downfall. However, what would happen if Heyman is put into this corner, a more costly one, when he was put in a lesser situation on RAW, ending with Punk destroyed. So, raise the stakes, he's implying Punk will be "owned!" Sweet stuff as always from Heyman, Axel should take notes. Heyman puts energy into his words, and the important part is making them natural and believable. That's what Axel needs, energy and believability.

7.) Harper and Rowan vs. Tons of Funk. Easy match for the bearded followers to the bearded Bray Wyatt. Errr, not much else to say. Tons of Funk got wasted, and couldn't handle the beards. Wyatt had the exclamation point, hitting Sister Abigail on Tensai. That's it.

8.) The main event is on: Daniel Bryan vs. The Ryback. When Bryan made his first big flurry of offense, Big Show was finally happy, cheering on D-Bryan. The good times ended when Randall Orton came ringside, distracting Bryan, as The Ryback clubbed Bryan down from behind. That headed into the commercial break. After the break, The Ryback is back in control. Bryan would make his comeback, including the patented series of kicks, that one last one actually blasting The Ryback in the head. Yes Lock was applied, victory time? No, pretty Randall got into the ring and tried to hit Bryan. He got put into the Yes Lock, until The Shield came out. Big Show actually got up, got in the ring, and the heels stopped what they were doing. HHH then came out, pissed off, telling Show to stop, leave the ring, go to the back! Once again, Show making the facial expressions, being all conflicted and stuff. He ends up walking to the back, Hunter's tailing him. Hunter told Show to go...now! Damn, it's pretty funny how Hunter acts like an angry dog owner, or father. Telling the dog, or son, to get out. HHH nods for The Shield and Randall to further destroy Bryan. The former held him up for the latter to just put a beating on him. They'd show Bryan's weakened state around the ring to the fans, and then capped off with the triple powerbomb. Randall and the Shield stands tall again, but to take things in a different direction? Rollins gave Randall spray paint! Black spray paint. Randall asked the fans, should he do it? "No?" Well, Randall spray painted "No" on Daniel Bryan's chest and stomach, ending the show. Damn man, Bryan's just being crushed 6 feet under so far. He has to rise up from the grave he's in, like a bat out of hell and go bezerk. That probably will happen on the go home to Night of Champions. That should be fun. Good close, and the wrestling part was also nice, thanks to Bryan on the offense, and making The Ryback look stronger than usual.

Note: the original video I watched cut out the backstage segments and the Los Matadores vignettes. So I didn't see the Vickie/Bryan/Mr. Back segment until after the show. I thought it was just a very streamlined episode of Smackdown, it breezed by quicker than usual. Nothing really added to the quality. It also cut down on entrances, as the 1st version I saw skipped The Ryback, Daniel Bryan, and Bob Van Dam's entrances. The time difference between that and the full version, was 10 minutes. Interesting, and no "Vault" match in either version. One other difference is they showed the closing moments of the Punk/Axel match, and Heyman's first half of destroying Punk, in full. The second version just showed that in a production team tinted video package.

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