23rd July 2013, 18:55 | #9211 |
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23rd July 2013, 19:36 | #9212 |
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Thoughts on RAW. Damn narrative videos returned.
1.) Looks like the drum roll element will be used for Brad Maddox. Since they're in Texas, he said he's the "Sheriff" of RAW. Nobody's more Texas than him. They're going right into a contract signing between Daniel Bryan and the Champ. Fans were chanting "Yes," which delayed Maddox to talk for a bit. Okay, explanation time, why D-Bryan? Cena said because of Maddox allowing the free choice, and listening to the fans. Maddox would make up his own reasons. That Cena's bigger than him, Bryan's a troll, all this critique comments. Bryan can't hold a relationship, and when Cena replied, that's when the next WWE Champion interrupts! Anyways, Cena wanted to finish his answer to the original question. He mentioned the "dumbasses" that Maddox works for, not noticing the talent. Going into size, where Cena mentioned that if size mattered in being WWE Champion, then give the title to Great Khali. I like that, it makes sense. He also said Bryan earned a title shot, that he picked him to "compete" with. Bryan's labeled the "best competition" around, and after he signed the contract, he said he will prove that even the best, isn't good enough. What would that make John? Better than the best? Bryan signed the contract, was about to talk until Maddox wanted to end this segment right there. Bryan fired back, but Maddox said he needs to prove that he deserves this opportunity. A match? Matches? Maddox offered his opinion, that he thinks Bryan won't be able to prove himself. "No!" from Maddox to "Yes" from fans and the man of the hour. Good segment, the countdown. 26 days, Cena. It's all over... 2.) Disgusting! Sheamus' thigh area sported a giant, nasty bruise. That sure sells how brutal that All Stars match was. Now while that looked nasty, I'm thinking that this was just makeup. The fact Del Rio worked on the bruise, that it was on the left leg too. Everyone works the left side of the body (except in Mexico). If I remember right, Sheamus' Brogue Kick comes from the right leg. However, they sell it as if it comes from the left leg, as in whether Sheamus could hit the move. So since that was a story of the match, and it was well done. Sheamus wasn't dominated, oh yeah sell his toughness and all. It's true though that Sheamus had to miss a week of work and just got cleared. So he is fresh off damage from the All Stars match. Del Rio however is fresh off of jobbing to Randall. So who needed this win more? Del Rio, because fuck if Del Rio jobs two straight shows. That's not good for him as world champion. So thankfully this angle came into play, because Sheamus wasn't hurt from a loss. Yes, Sheamus lost! Cleanly too as Sheamus tried to hit the White Noise, but his bad leg buckled, and Del Rio took advantage with cradling pin. It was a nice match overall. Now get rid of that yucky looking bruise. 3.) Renee Young with Booker T and Teddy Long! Holla, can you dig that, playa?! Booker said he was shocked, Teddy Long said Booker was sitting on his lazy boy for 3 months, and that he's done a lot for Smackdown and Booker. Booker threatened to throw Long out, and Teddy mentioned "physical aggression" as Booker's M.O. He also said that if he couldn't be chosen as GM, then at least he didn't choose Booker! Well I wonder though where this is heading when neither man has any position of power now. For now, they're just talking heads on TV. 4.) Christian wrestles Titus O'Neil. Cole tried to bring this up in the previous match, was able to here. Shawn Michaels' birthday was on Monday! Also, Fandango's! Summer's tweet wishing him a happy birthday was shown earlier in the show. So it's interesting to listen to commentary here. Christian touted as an "overachiever," that he is on a roll. Then after the match, JBL mentioning that Christian wants one more match, for the world title. Perhaps they really are going to book Christian and Del Rio. That'd be awesome, it would automatically be the best Summerslam for me. Christian and Daniel Bryan challenging for world championships? That's all without even mentioning Punk and Lesnar's collision. Anyways, small match here, Titus might have his upper hands, but no way he'd dance with Christian and win. 5.) The Ryback said he doesn't like "average sized" people. Scaring Josh Matthews away, just acting like a big bully. Simple stuff, whatever. 6.) Born and raised in Texas, Mark Henry came down to the ring to have a promo. Proud about the effort he put up against Cena, but not proud of the Shield's attack. His heart don't pump Kool Aid. Not wanting to lull people to sleep, wanting a piece of the Shield. The Shield came down, Mark tried to put up a fight. Not too good a job, the Usos came to stop Shield supremacy. With that, they retreated. Lawler however said that he never saw the Shield "tuck their tails" and run. Shut up Jerry, it's not the first time. Good stuff though. 7.) Daniel Bryan and John Cena in the locker room. Daniel Bryan said he will be fine, "on his own." Yeah, so shut up Cena! Besides, as Bryan said, Cena would say the same confident schtick. So true, Bryan's ready for the task. If Cena were to interrupt, he'd prove that his words were full of crap. And remember, Cena's word is gold... 8.) Dolph Ziggler takes on Darren Young. Not to brag, but closing in on 3 months since my last haircut, I'm close to his hair style. Junior fro, but nobody grows an afro, if I keep it up, I'll excede him. Moving onto wrestling, the amtch was pretty good. Darren Young had one little highlight with some faceplant looking move. However, Young was too demeaning to Ziggler, and paid for it with a sudden ZigZag. After that, Ziggler would turn around, having the foresight to counter an assault from a charging Big E. Langston. Langston came down, even fight here, until Ziggler threw Langston over the top rope and he walks out with his body intact. Sweet stuff. It's rather strange of me to anticipate Langston throwing around Ziggler like a rag doll. 9.) Mr. Mizanin (I'm going to use that more) has really sunk low. He's hosting Summerslam rather than wrestling, and now he's on MizTV, interviewing the cast of Total Divas. Pretty much, aside from Naomi and Natalya, the overall talent here? No comment. I'm being nice. Here's a sneak peek of Total Divas. GAWD! Bellas labeled as "veterans" by new woman Eva Marie. Jo Jo what's her face was there. Natalya got the most pop. The sneak peek didn't impress me, and to further Mizanin's decline, he gives the floor to Jerry Lawler to "MC" MizTV. Watch it Jerry, 19 year old JoJo is too young for you! Hehehehe, Eva Marie played heel here, slapping Lawler. Weak slap, I've seen better from Vickie, AJ, and Kaitlyn. Yeahhh, Miz closed it out by saying that Total Divas will be "Awwwwesome." Yeah right! I might watch it. I might. 10.) At first, 3 guys, now 2? So how many guys is the next WWE Champion going to beat? Backstage segment with Triple H and Brad Maddox. Hunter sounds like he's taking issue with Maddox's opinions of Bryan, as if the "old man" was feeding it into Maddox's ears. Hunter put D-Bryan over, that he's so driven, he will overcome anything. Hell yeah! Hunter mentioned two trains running. One leads to the future. The other? A dead end. I like that, and immediately after Hunter leaves the screen, here's Stephanie McMahon. She said she has an idea, doesn't say it right away, and remember Maddox. The train. The train! Right, train, Maddox is on the future one. Unless a sudden dead ends pops up, if you know what I mean. 11.) Recap of Bray Wyatt and the Family's two weeks. I'm just saying, if it wasn't for Daniel Bryan, beards wouldn't be a trend in WWE. Bray's beard got massive the past couple months, Rowan and Harper are with him on main roster TV. Damien Sandow debuted right when Bryan was challenging for the WWE Championship. It's no coincidence. 12.) Fanbirthdayboy. Why does JBL keep saying "Mrs. Fandango." He knows himself that she's Summer Rae. No wedding segment took place on RAW...yet. It's not bad though. Sir Money In The Bank is con commentary, meaning Fandango's opponent, is cody Rhodes. Good match here, Sandow called himself the "Uncrowned World Heavyweight Champion," which is a nice way to see it. Cole kept trying to argue heavily with Sandow, and just needed to shut up. There's a match going on. Cody's moonsault is always lovely to see, but Fandango had to run closer to catch the move. That shouldn't be, but whatever. Sandow felt that he should interrupt, and entered the ring with briefcase in hand. Rhodes expected it, had Fandango run into him. Fandango stopped in his tracks, but Rhodes hit the Disaster Kick that put both Fandingo Warrior and Sandow down. Rhodes hit Cross Rhodes and won. Cody wins! That sadly doesn't happen often, but a turnaround it seems now that he's a face. Cole did make a good point, Sandow has not held one championship in WWE so far. However, that's about it. That doesn't matter in the end, when he becomes world champion. How many people can say their first title was a world championship? A couple. One of them is Brock Lesnar... 13.) Which is a great segue to this promo from CM Punk. He mentioned being owned by Lesnar. However, he's still standing. CM Punk mentioned Brock Lesnar's biggest weapon. Fear, Lesnar causes that amongst wrestlers. Punk however is not afraid of Lesnar. Oh okay, why would you say you are? Paul Heyman's addressed, make him regret his betrayal of Punk. It's CM Punk's ring, name dropping Cena, Rock, and Undertaker. They didn't censor "bitch" this time. He said monsters are put on this world to be slaughtered by Punk. He wants the Best vs. the Beast, at Summerslam. Yeah! That sounds cool. Live via Dwayne Johnson is Paul Heyman, commenting on that name "Best vs. Beast." Punk doesn't want to hear any of it, and Heyman replied. Seemingly talking to Lesnar, who is not seen, that Punk's in front of, humans? Animals? Worse, Texans. Haha! Heyman would imply Punk is either a coward, or a fool! He said he will give that answer at Summerslam. He wants to know where Heyman is so he can make it there to kick his ass. Heyman would accept the challenge for Best vs. Beast. Cool, but to Heyman, "the Best is the Beast." I see what you did there, he also called Lesnar his best friend. Great segment here, Heyman can do it Dwayne Johnson style, but Rock can't do that... 14.) Wade Barrett's sadly a jobber now. He takes on Bob Van Dam, who has a match with Alberto Del Rio on Smackdown. At the very least, Barrett showed these "wounds of war." His mouth was busted open, a trickle of blood below the chest too. That's what Bobbert does, he's no ballerina. Despite Barrett showing the wounds, it meant nothing. Bob Van Dam won in a short match. His stuff was nice. The second replay of his 5 star was awesome. Yeah the execution from Bob was great, but shit, that production team are unsung heroes. 15.) The next WWE Champion goes to work here. His first opponent is? The Real Americans come out, Colter said Texas founder, Steve F. Austin, should take a paternity test on the Maury show! Oh my goodness, Colter's making me laugh these days. He said the fans chanting "Yes" makes them to be a bunch of idiots. Shame on Daniel Bryan, taking a handout! Oooh, good one, taking such a thing from Cena. Cool, now who's first? Jack Swagger! Match 1 was pertty short tough. Fans were all over Swagger by chanting "Okie sucks." Oklahoma, college football rivalry. Like I give a damn, but whatever, heat's heat. Swagger had the advantage for a bit, hit his Swagger bomb. Bryan would kicked out, slap on the Yes Lock and Swagger would tap out. Next up, Antonio Cesaro! FUCK! They blatantly want me to get the WWE App, Cesaro's pop up Eurocut was used on Bryan, looking tremendous! Thankfully that wasn't the peak of the match. That continued, and holy cow! This was amazing, and I think this is their first time one on one in WWE. They've had matches in the past over the indy circuit, so the chemistry is clear. A lot of highlights, a lot of good match. The charm though is just how they flow together, Cesaro's dominance, Bryan's technique. It all clicked and welded together to make an awesome bout. One where it lasted a long time, got the fans to be on their feet and chant "this is awesome" a few times. One where Cesaro looked at his most impressive. Reaching a point where this would fit as a campaign to push this guy. Unbelievable, Cesaro would hit a series of uppercuts in succession. Later on, Bryan had an Indian Deathlock looking move, trapping Cesaro to take a series of forearms. So it was a very physical match, and just beautiful wrestling. Cesaro went for a popup Eurocut, but Bryan landed and used a Small Package for the win. YES! 16.) So after that, Brad Maddox is watching Bryan's awesomeness, with? Alex Riley? Okay, but it's not over, Bryan has a third opponent after all. After the break, it's The Ryback. Ohhhhh goodness. HAHA! Fans chanted "you can't wrestler" to The Ryback. I'll be fair, Mr. Back is not that bad to get such a chant, but it's still funny. Now comes a huge uphill battle where The Ryback imposes his will on Daniel Bryan. However, D-Bryan would show a lot of fight left, prompting The Ryback to feel the need to bring a table out. From there came the suicide dive, and then The Ryback shoving Bryan against the steel steps. Back in the ring, back and forth stuff for a while. Later was the near tap in the form of the Yes Lock. The Ryback would end up putting Bryan through that table, powerbomb style. That's a DQ win for Bryan. The Ryback wante dsome more, until Cena came to the rescue, sending The Ryback packing. Cena got the mic though and wanted a tables match with The Ryback. Shut the hell up Cena, he just stole Bryan's story here. Apparently that's for next week, as we cut to Brad Maddox and Vince McMahon. Vince said Bryan should wrestle someone bigger than him, a friend too. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane, next week! Oh my, that should be interesting. Despite Cena stealing Bryan's thunder, at least Bryan bowed out for the fans. So with done, I admit that I was expecting that last man to not be The Ryback. I was expecting Big Show! Yeah, wasn't he advertised for RAW? Where was he? Speaking of which, where was Randall? The Wyatt Family also was missing! Ah well, despite Cena wanting to show his face to close the show, which I understand, I just wanted to give it a hard time, that closing 30 minutes (including commercials) was all Daniel Bryan. That was beautiful. Perhaps the absences of the aforementioned guys was good, because with them in, there'd be no Daniel Bryan half hour of hellacious wrestling. One last note. I didn't notice when it took place, I just read up on Brie apologizing. For a wardrobe malfunction, nip slip! Shucky ducky quack quack! I'm looking at the segment again, and I think Brie realized it right then and there, her facial expression as depicted below, says it all. I see it AGAIN, and now I notice her looking down while she was clapping. She noticed right there to be specific. Fuck man, this is the only way a moment on RAW could come even close to Daniel Bryan's Broadway. Okay okay, Punk and Heyman too was close. Dammit, I saw it again! Now I noticed Miz looking right at Brie! You pervert! |
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23rd July 2013, 19:48 | #9213 |
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I liked that the Wyatt family and Orton were not there. Helps keep them fresh.
my prediction is RVD wins against ADR to set up a title match at Summerslam. ADR doesn't have a challenger yet, and I can't think of anybody else Might as well do it. RVD is super over at the minute after his return. Can't wait for Ryback vs Cena table match next week |
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24th July 2013, 00:00 | #9214 | |
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24th July 2013, 00:38 | #9215 |
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Clinically Insane Join Date: Jul 2009
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lol at Cena being clean his entire life. I have a hard time believing that because it's evident that he took roids in the past as every bodybuilder has taken them.
"Weddings are basically funerals with cake." July 17, 1975 - September 1, 2021. Dark Humor Enthusiast |
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24th July 2013, 01:09 | #9216 |
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I guess he is still trying to give a positive message with his don't cheat thing, and I'll not hold it against him because he is sending the message to kids. when I was a kid I bought the winners don't use drugs message Hogan was giving. Of course years later it all blew up on his face. Obviously he knows people that are not totally brain dead, or older will not believe him, but then who is going to call him out on it? Just seems like a stupid comment to make.
I'd just keep my mouth shut, but then I'm not Johhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn Cena. |
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24th July 2013, 01:10 | #9217 |
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I wonder if his Bella has a nice clean snatch......
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24th July 2013, 02:04 | #9218 | |
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24th July 2013, 02:51 | #9219 |
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I don't give a shit who is taking what, as long as they don't turn up like Jeff Hardy did in that TNA event. if you are under control then it is fine. It is their body after all, and up to them to take care of it. I guess Cena was right about 'clean' since he is not cheating. it is not like he is running 100m, and going faster than possible because of PEDs.
This guy he is talking about might have been getting more home runs or whatever ( i don't watch baseball, I don't even know the rules ) so that is cheating, and he deserves what he gets. I just have to roll my eyes when I read things like life time drug free. I bet he has taken at least one draw of a joint some time when it was getting passed around |
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24th July 2013, 12:02 | #9220 |
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I think Brad Maddox is Shane McMahon in disguise, like that film Face-Off. It's reality
It's sad when a ROH match between Claudio and Bryan is the flagship shows saving grace. If the stories aren't going to progress then give us good wrestling like that or it's a stinker. Heyman: BRRROCK LEEESNAR! is not sitting to my left but i'll pretend he is by pointing and looking in that direction every so often. Why couldn't Heyman just come out to the stage area, so he could get the crap beat out of him. Then lead to an Axel-Punk match later or right there and then. I doubt Punk was really injured. Better than watching the PJS, Primetime jobber squad. Sit and watch two pointless matches with them. This show was full of them. And the eerie silence during the Total Divas segment. NOBODY F'N CARES ABOUT THIS SHOW! Do you think grown men, even the kids-teens, want to sit around watching women gossip behind each others backs and to the cameras. NO! NO! NO! NO! Did you know YouTube was founded on a nip slip. Better than reading all that ratings garble or DVD sales. Next week sounds alright so far but is Kane really just gonna come back. What was all that buzzard crap Bray was on about. I hope Kane looks different, make things interesting. |
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