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Old 2nd July 2013, 12:53   #8991
Alan Kellerman
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Swagger and Cesaro getting along for now. Its that time again, time for me to talk about a babyface turn - turn Cody Rhodes babyface.

Vince McMahon was right about Daniel Bryan (BOO) What we need to see is Daniel Bryan putting Vince in the cattle mutilation, and then Vince changes his tune. That would be mark out shit. I wonder what Bryan will be doing next week? paramedic?

The Mark Henry career retrospective was very good.

Cena vs ADR champion vs champion should be on pay per view. It was funny hearing Vince say that.

I'm thinking they might do Ziggler and Cena vs Mark Henry and ADR next week although I'm liking how they have kept Henry and Cena apart ( no fighting) since the Henry double cross a couple of weeks ago.

Ryback losses to The Miz because he is not able to continue. who did he piss off? Couldn't they have done a count out? I guess not because Fandango walked out on Sheamus. Couldn't really have The Miz losing either because of Curtis Axel

what else was there.

another Wyatt video. Looks like they will arrive on the Raw after mitb.

Shield vs Uso's on the mitb kickoff. Sorry, but I have to laugh. Another phantom push for The Uso's

CM Punk and Heyman rolls on. Its good, I'm still expecting Brock to come in mitb, and Heyman doesn't own up then, even have Brock say he was working on his own. Heyman does the neutral corner thing at Summerslam, and I'd have him turn on Brock, but unfortunately it will probably be a turn on Punk.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 12:59   #8992
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Quiet here for Raw.. i'm nervous that it sucks again. Ah, Brad calls it a horrible mess in his yt title.. feck. I knew it wouldn't last. They must of sabotaged the guy who was doing 'too' well writing the last 2 weeks. We can't be entertaining every week should be the new motto.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 13:24   #8993
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It was a lets keep things moving along episode. There was some good segments. Some shit too, but I don't expect anything else.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 15:17   #8994
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Randy Orton is getting more cheers still, so maybe that is their intention, but Orton would get cheered against almost anybody because he is good, and he is made.

I heard somebody refer to them as gangsters before, and Orton is a made man. Bryan is just an associate at the minute, but working hard to become a made man. WWE/rival gangs are doing all they can to try and fuck it up. or are they? I don't have a clue.

Vince is so anti Bryan that you would think he has to take a beating. Just show Bryan cracking up because Vince keeps putting him down, so he has to do something about it. Vince doesn't have to take a beating. Just show him out cold backstage, and obviously Bryan is responsible.

until it is revealed it was Orton again, and he had another IED attack

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Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 2nd July 2013 at 15:23.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 16:13   #8995
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Ah good times towards the end watching him RKO Cena on the chair and beat the crap out of boring Sheamus.

I read a funny comment about if Sheamus and Christian formed a team.. they'd be called Christmus. They should make that happen so I can hear Cole say it and then lmao.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 16:39   #8996

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Thoughts on RAW

1.) Starting with Vickie Guerrero, she announces this "special match" between Cena and Del Rio, Champion vs. Champion. Okay, you know that's been done plenty of times. Not regularly or anything, but it's not entirely rare. What's more rare is the fact no recap video started this show! Instead, Vickie, then the theme song.

2.) Speaking of starting the show, Daniel Bryan with a new shirt! Respect the beard! He was in the ring with a ladder there, briefcase hanging high. The question of whether Bryan is the weak link was answered last a week. A resounding "No" from the fans. The next question is whether he will win the briefcase in the All Stars match. The definitive answer is "Yes!" Bryan said he wants to be WWE champion, and it's funny when he named some former champions. Hogan got the most heat, Rock was mixed, Austin got the biggest pop, then closing with him. Bryan is right, it's been too long since he's been a world champion, and it's time to change that. Interrupting that foreseeable future, is Sheamus. The Irish prick brought up the 18 second crap. Bryan made a funny about Sheamus' recent 1-800-FELLA thing, where Bryan would call it, and Sheamus would Brogue Kick himself. Sheamus then mentioned Bryan as a troll. That son of a bitch. Randall interrupted, and since both Bryan and Sheamus mentioned how long it's been since he's been world champion, Randall reminded. Almost 2 years! That's true. Bryan then replied by reminding that he made Randall tap out, with the fans chanting "You tapped out." It's truth. Randall though claimed he's not "hungry," he's "starving." Get it? Makes sense. Now Kane interrupts, sans music, but explosion. Kane agreed with Randall that no one is safe. He said he has no problem committing "unspeakable things" to his opponents, and even friends. Kane can't wait for Money in the Bank, every man for himself. Kane and Bryan argued, and then Christian interrupted! He reminded of his ladder match history, and that while he may not be the biggest, strongest, scariest, or hairiest. CM Punk interrupted, sans music. Christian mentioned that he's the "best" when it comes to these matches, so that's why Punk interrupted. Remember that Punk won it twice, and that he's the best in these matches. Punk then addressed Bob Van Dam, Sheamus. As he was about to get to Randall, here comes Bryan to interrupt! He threatened Punk in making him tap out quicker than Randall. Randall got mad and wanted to confront Bryan until Kane came in the way. Bryan didn't like the protection, Kane got turned around into an RKO. Bryan and Randall were the only men that didn't leave, and were standing. What does that say? Bryan's the favorite, Randall's the final guy to be forced off the ladder as D-Bryan claims the briefcase. That's how I interpret it. Nice segment, it wasn't a predictable brawl, Randall came off as a major threat. If you want to go by how long it's been since someone was world champion. Bob Van Dam, including TNA, 3 years. Excluding them, since 2006. Christian is one month longer in a world title drought than Randall. Kane is 3 years. Punk is the shortest, only less than 6 months ago. So yeah, while this is an all star match, for the most part, the winner of this match gets a huge boost to change the landscape of WWE's main event scene. Del Rio and Cena have dominated this year as world champions, thus the need for that change of landscape in the future.

3.) So to make this WWE vs. WHC match more special, they showed the great champions holding those titles. For WWE was Buddy Rodgers, for the WHC was Lou Thesz. I'm assuming these will take over the RAW recaps. Great. There was a vignette for the Wyatt Family. I wonder what will they do first. I'm thinking segments establishing themselves on TV, involving jobbers, before really getting into a feud.

4.) Oh my goodness! The Kick Off will be Usos and Rollins/Reigns. That's not right. That's most definitely a step down for the champions, as Ambrose has a spot in the All Villain MITB ladder match. So when there's a direct rematch from Smackdown, I think it's pretty obvious who would win this match. The Shield, they won, and I think this further builds a rivalry to take over after Money in the Bank. That would be Christian and Ambrose. Christian was the one that pinned Ambrose on Smackdown, Ambrose pinned Christian here. Also, commentary talked about some interview with Ambrose following the loss, where he was focused on Christian. So it all makes sense. The match was pretty good, but seeing it not too long before, it doesn't make me excited. All that mattered was the finish, making up for last week. Imagine if Christian won the red briefcase, and Ambrose won the blue briefcase. Then they feud, that's fantasy. Ambrose has a better chance of winning a briefcase than Christian.

5.) Daniel Bryan talks to Kane, he talked to Vickie in wanting to make it up to Kane. A rematch with Randall, Kane likes it, but does he like it that Bryan's the special guest referee? NO! That's what I think. Oh man, Bryan's going to steal that match, which is sweet.

6.) Dolph Ziggler's first match on TV, since losing the world title, was against Jinder Mahal. During this match, there's a JBL chant, which came right when he pretty much defended his intelligence. Fans then cheered for Lawler, then back to Ziggler as he won with the ZigZag. I guess they don't care about Mahal to the point of spending their sweet time chanting for commentators. I don't blame them. After the match, Ziggler would duck and dodge, and attack all members of 3MB. Cool.

7.) Back to the WWE/WHC lineage, for the former in this video is Bruno Samartino. For the latter, Harley Race. Lawler called him "Harley Wace." Hunting wabbits? After the break, Brad Maddox talking to Vickie. She was feeling paranoid about the McMahons, making some rather disparaging remarks, until HHH bumped his big nose in. He praised Vickie for the booking of this show. His tip for Vickie is to listen to the McMahons, but don't do what they say. Hehehe, just listen to Triple H. I want to listen to Stephanie. A career retrospective of Mark Henry. Nice video.

8.) Respect the bearded ref! Actually, I think D-Bryan's the only ref with a beard. I was just waiting intently for Bryan to really get involved here. It happened when Randall was punching Kane, and Bryan had to force him off the corner. Randall got mad and pushed the guy, forcing a disqualification! Awesome, but he gave in to Kane's demand for a restart. That happened, and this match continued. One has to see clear as day, that Bryan was cheered the most, and was the darn referee. So while Randall's the one that trended number 1 worldwide during this match, Bryan's the one with a rocket strapped to his back, if you know what I mean. Cole used "classic" instead of "vintage" and Lawler and JBL noted it. Funny! Randall was ready for an RKO, until Bryan held Randall back. You know, got to make sure Kane's okay. Well Kane hit a big boot, Bryan made a quick count! Kane won, fans didn't like the refereeing from Bryan and wanted Kane to chokeslam him. Kane didn't left the ring, but the fans got what they wanted. Randall RKO'd the guy. The wrestling was alright, but once again Bryan was the best part of this match, and he was refereeing. It was funny, but it's all for building to the all stars match.

9.) Backstage is CM Punk telling Heyman, with Axel, that he will beat Primetime Players by himself. What's with the hostility? Punk trusts Heyman, but not Axel. Heyman said you have to trust him, that Axel should be trusted. Yeah, need to hug it out again? After this is the next set of world champion videos. Bob Backlund as WWE Champion, Dusty Rhodes as world Champion. I'm just waiting for something more recent. Such as Daniel Bryan and CM Punk!

10.) Well look who's back! Faaahhhhn-Daaahhhhn-Gooooooo. Errr, maybe I'm wrong, but Lawler's "duck lips" comment on selfshots of girls, is strange. At least for me, I just think of that as something done by underage girls. When done by women 18+, well that's just immature and silly. Fandango goes up against Sheamus, and you can see two things hanging off each pocket. Looks like manes. Oh and towards the end of the match, Fandango's boots were untied. Maybe that's why he bailed on the match and took a countout loss. Ehhh, the match was just that too. Commentary claimed Sheamus has been in "most" of the most physical matches in WWE over the last 5 years. Sheamus celebrates his 4th anniversary in WWE, but I wouldn't say he's been in "most" of said matches. Some, not "most." Whatever they want to say to praise the guy.

11.) Chris Jericho on commentary! The Ryback and Miz. Mitchell Cole! Jericho's talk on Cryback was awesome, explaining how the guy cried about his knee from Smackdown. That proved to be taken to another level in this match. Mr. Back was dominating the match, no issues there. The Miz made his comeback, specifically attacking that knee. Cryback would do what he does best, this time asking for the bell to be rung. Yes, Cryback wanted to stop his own match, and he did so. Chris Jericho didn't like this, and gave him a Codebreaker. This is very interesting, because now it's translating the actual slump that Mr. Back is in. So since they are making this into an angle, putting their twist to it, it just shows what the endgame is. To bring Cryback back up and finally give him a big win. Despite the fact that he's never been pinned since turning heel, and even as a face, was barely pinned. Only a handful of times, clean and dirt included. So despite that record, yeah he still needs that big win, much to my dismay.

12.) I don't think it's a coincidence that Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan shared the same video. I wonder if Hogan watched this, while eating his Ego breakfast dinner. You see what I did there?

13.) Mark Henry, bent on destruction, came out on the stage after the break. Doing a promo, with the fans and their disrespectful "What" chants. Henry talked about his history, most of it in WWE, mentioning "they." The powers that be, politics, backstabbing, Henry suffering as, I think, he never had a shot at the WWE Championship. I can't recall, so it might be true. Anyways, Henry put in a lot of time and work, and that he should be WWE Champion, despite the lack of appreciation from the back, and the fans. The puppet master is looking to do the right thing, for himself. That is taking the WWE Championship. Good promo, not that different from his promo last week. They need to do a face to face, because two straight weeks of this is rather repetitive.

14.) Vince now stuck his old self into Vickie and Maddox talking. He criticized Vickie's booking of Bryan as ref, and especially the main event. Giving it away for free, when it should main event a PPV. Ahem, yeah, sure. Anyways, Vince came off as the threatening voice, saying there's a list of guys excommunicated, fired, and even physically thrown out of the company, thanks to him. Think about it Vickie.

15.) Uhhhh. There was a moment in this tag match where Titus O'Neil tried to do some slam on Axel. To lift the guy up, Titus had to have one hand under the crotch. The time it took to lift the dude up was a bit too....long. Struggling to do the lift, true, but when that happens, it looks strange. Maybe if Orlando Jordan did it...moving on! Axel was in the match for the first half of the match as he didn't want to tag Punk in, and tagged himself in the first place. CM Punk was then left, simmering for the hot tag that came. It did, he lit up the crowd. Hit the GTS on Darren Young, sidestepped Titus. As a result, Axel reached for a tag and stole the pin. You bastard! Heyman and Axel celebrate, Punk of course is none too happy. He left the ring. Watch, when Punk hits a GTS on Heyman, if they choose the right crowd and night, it could be a classic moment in time.

16.) Back to honoring past WWE and World Heavyweight Champions. Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Sting. HAHA! On the latter, you have to wonder what Sting did while this aired. Probably sharing a meal with Hulk Hogan. Obviously.

17.) Kaitlyn goes against Alicia Fox, who is a heel this week. I swear, this has to be a running gag, it makes me laugh. JBL is so smart, but the issue is that his colleagues are nowhere near as smart as this guy. Specifically in keeping up with all current events, and I mean ALL. He made tennis references, and Cole and Lawler completely shunned that. Anyways, Kaitlyn beat Fox. Of course. AJ Lee interrupted, wearing the Divas championship around her waist. This is interesting because that title is clearly bigger than her! Or that just touts her amazing slim physique. AJ wanted to show Kaitlyn her past in modeling, claiming to be ugly, though fans popped for it. Obviously, because she had some sexy photos from pre WWE. As it turns out, this photo must be from an alternate universe, because Kaitlyn was FAT! Hilarious, but what's interesting is commentary mentioning a WWE App thing where Dolph Ziggler was telling AJ to drop the burial of Kaitlyn and act like a champion. Yeah, I've thought of this before the App thing, but it strengthened the prediction. Ziggler's not going to be World Champion again at MITB. No, soon AJ and Langston will drop the guy and the two guys will feud. That should be interesting because the marquee will read Dolph Ziggler vs. Big E. Langston, but the fact is it will be Dolph Ziggler vs. Big E. Langston AND AJ Lee. One does the wrestling, the other will do the talking.

18.) Vickie is confronted by Stephanie McMahon, she's getting read the riot act just as before. She broke down a bit as a result, and Steph eased up. She relates to Vickie, the discussion went on women in a male dominated world. Vickie tried to act like Steph's friend, mocking HHH as crazy and stuff. Steph didn't like that, and wanted this professional. Announcing a job evaluation for Vickie. She could be "promoted" to RAW GM, which is hilarious. Or, she could be fired. I'm not excited for this, because this means the McMahon 3 are going to have even more air time next time. Ugh. After that is a little Bob Van Dam return video. Yep, he's coming, and he revealed that his deal with WWE is part time, supposedly similar to Chris Jericho. Jericho therefore is a trendsetter, AGAIN! As in, breaking the walls down (get it?!) for part time talent. Thanks Jericho, let's hope Bob Van Dam honors you.

19.) Damien Sandow did a promo while his best buddy Cody Rhodes made his entrance. Basically hyping the All Villain MITB ladder match. Sounded nice. Next was Rhodes' opponent, Cesaro, with Zebbie Colter. Wake up America, Congress passed a law on forgiving 11 million immigrants, Supreme Court shaking the foundations of marriage (not mentioning gay marriage by name, at least that's what I think). Poopy propaganda, bring out the returning Jack Swagger! Hey, how's his wrist? It got a slap in his trial. Possession charge dropped, DUI though still stands. So I think with that, Swagger won't be buried. I mean, it's not the first time a wrestler got a DUI, and still stayed afloat, or even pushed. Possession would be serious. Anyways, if you're against the Real Americans, you'll fall or something. We the People. Cool.

20.) Now onto the actual match, vile villains duke it out. JBL made a funny about Cesaro learning a new language now that he's with Colter. "Dutch." Get it? It's a reference to Colter's previous name in Dutch Mantell. Anyways, throughout the match, fans chanted "We the People." I would now since Cesaro's in this group, and I'll give fair shake to Swagger because despite being a mischievous nugget, he's still a talented wrestler. Oh crap, I forgot, the match. It was okay, Cesaro made short work of Rhodes, who got a funny comment from JBL. That he looks like Colonel Sanders!

21.) HAHAHA! I was expecting HHH to get both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship slots in this video. He got the WWE title one, Booker T got the WHC one. Fitting.

22.) The two divas part of "Total Divas," Eva Marie and Jo-Jo, meet the Bellas. They took credit for the show being created by E. Blah blah blah, gossip gossip gossip. Diva language, not WRESTLING language. Natalya and the Funkadactyls came. Bellas mentioned the Divas finally getting the attention they deserve. They're right, thanks to AJ and Kaitlyn, despite the other side of the coin being this E! show. I love tails, that's what AJ and Kaitlyn are. I love their tails, teehee. The Bellas are heads, talking heads, airheads. I hope that made sense.

23.) Some of the dialog in this Wyatt vignette, was it spoken backwards? I don't know, sounds awesome, and it's finally made official. Next week, they're coming! The video showed just the chair rocking, with Bray doing voice over. That, well, omnipresent voice. Awesome stuff.

24.) Here it is, the epic, groundbreaking, Earth shattering, absolutely the best, Champion vs. Champion match. I'm overhyping this like they've been doing. Let's be real here, it's not the first time that these two faced each other, hell, that involved the WWE Championship. The champs are here. Something to note in this match was while the guys were running the ropes, there was some distinct sound to be heard. It sounded, I don't know, like moving a rusty metal object, that's heavy. I'm just going to blame Jack Swagger for this. Even though he didn't get involved in the previous match. I don't think there's any questioning that the WWE Championship is more over than the World Heavyweight Championship. It will never be the other way around, thus making Cena the top of the top. The King of the Mountain. Despite the distraction from Ziggler that caused the loss, proof positive is here in Cena winning. The match was alright. Does it really meet the huge hype for this specific match? Not really, but that's not surprising. Without the hype, it wouldn't be any different, and is just a fact of life in that respect. I wonder if they deliberately, and going into conspiracy theories that's not true, but I make it just for fun. That they deliberately hyped this match a lot to overshadow Daniel Bryan. Add the fact he was the referee in this match rather than tearing the house down last week on RAW. It's as if they're saying, "yeah Daniel Bryan is great and all, but THESE are our world champions." Whatever the case, it was a decent match. At least it had a finish, because a non-finish would just sour on this big hype. Mark Henry came out before Ziggler, and did nothing. Just salivating over the prospect of being champion. After the match, he dropped the title for Cena to get, and feigned an ambush on the guy. So with that, leaving Cena alone to convalesce (I'm strengthening my vocabulary dammit), I'm really hoping that these two not only have a face to face in talking, but get physical. So far it's been just talking, cruise control after the awesome "JK LOL" retirement segment.

25.) The actual close for the show, is the Wyatt Family vignette from earlier. Rocking chair gimmick, that's momentous for this group.

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Old 2nd July 2013, 17:47   #8997
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Christmus lol

I have to give it to Sting, the only guy not to wrestle for WWE that is shown on WWE TV (I think). I guess it is hard to ignore since it was the past champions deal, but of course you could have left him out.

Rumor time!!!!!

Dave Meltzer supposedly said Sting is close to a deal with WWE. I've been hearing this for the last 15 years, so whatever. What sort of deal? a dvd deal? that would be ok. I haven't seen him wrestle in years, but he was really crap the last time I saw him in TNA, just old and fucked. Happens to everybody. I guess sting vs the undertaker might have some name value or something.

I'm not a Sting hater or anything. I did like him when he was the beach blond surfer dude with face paint.


Ryback will certainly get the big win vs Jericho. Booking style of make him look weak and lose to the Miz says it all.

20.) Maybe this Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro thing can work. I'd keep them as a team for now. It seems inevitable that they will clash at money in the bank, but maybe they just get along , and both get put out of commission by somebody else.

Nice new avatar, Seven Churches.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 18:17   #8998

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I was thinking that maybe Cesaro and Swagger would be a team. They're both tall, wrestling heavy athletes. They could show their first sparkle of chemistry at the ladder match. Or Colter can manage both as singles guys. Anyways, this is rather funny!

WWE announced on Tuesday morning that Ricardo Rodriguez, real name Jesús Rodríguez, has been suspended for 30 days for his first violation of the company’s Wellness Policy. Below is the official statement posted here on WWE’s corporate website:

"STAMFORD, Conn., July 2, 2013 – In accordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE (NYSE:WWE) has suspended Jesús Rodríguez (Ricardo Rodriguez) for 30 days effective immediately for his first violation of the company’s policy."

Rodriguez was notably absent from this week’s Monday Night Raw where Dolph Ziggler’s “attack” on him from last week’s Smackdown was used as the kayfabe explanation.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 18:31   #8999
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I'm guessing Marijuana. Be funny if it was steroids.
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Old 2nd July 2013, 18:59   #9000
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I'm really into the AJ & Kaitlyn feud it's good stuff.
Wont it be funny if Punk & Heyman are putting on this act to fool us i mean the way it's going it's to eazy Heyman will turn on Punk.
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