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Old 24th August 2012, 05:52   #81

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The full 1993 magazine article about filming at the Château Garibondy:

Video World Magazine – Fest 93 (end of year edition)
Young Love

European porn princess Sarah Young managed to hire the French chateau belonging to the groom-to-be of Princess Di’s step-mum to make her latest hard-core epic. We’ve been granted exclusive pictures from Sarah herself to illustrate the luscious grapes that were recently being plucked in the heart of well-to-do Provence – with royal disapproval!

The Eurosex queen who was once a shy young dental trainee from Sidcup in Kent laughs throatily as she recounts the tale of how she went about recruiting people for the video at the Cannes Film Festival. The parallel porn awards (the so-called Hot D’Or) were in full swing, rewarding the sexiest ‘adult’ starlets in the business for the raunchiest performances of the year.

While Hollywood megastars like Arnie Schwarzenegger and Michael Douglas were wowing the crowds on the beaches, Sarah was busy sizing up the passion potential of top earners like Tabitha Cash, Victoria Paris, and Ashlyn Gere. “But we didn’t take any actors with us to the chateau,” smiles the 39DD wonder, "we just picked up the best ones at the after-awards party.”

“Tabitha had won the Best Newcomer award, Amber Lynn received an Award of Honour, as did Teresa Orlowski, Hans’ ex [who runs VTO, one of the largest distributors of hard-core porn in Germany]. Hans wasn’t pleased: he went crazy at the organisers. As expected, it was the Americans who took most honours, but I know they’re very jealous of each other and rarely speak to each other on set, whereas the Europeans are much nicer to work with.”

The video’s plot is loosely based around a high-society French couple who are sexually bored and decide to invite some friends round for some fun and games. This involves making use of virtually every main room in the chateau, not least the palatial bedrooms.

One of the stars singled out by Sarah was hunky French stud Christophe Clark and his curvy girlfriend Beate, with whom Our Heroine enjoys a lusty threesome beside Count Jean-Francois de Chambrun’s swimming pool. “Beate then went off for a torrid sex session with two other guys while Christophe finished ravaging me beside the pool. Then he dragged me up to the Count’s bedroom for another steamy hour.”

The bulk of her scenes, though, were shot with handsome Yves Le Castel who plays her husband, while real-life hubby Hans filmed the action. In one room they almost ruined the furniture with the heat of their passion: “I started by giving Yves a blow-job in the dinning-room, and I wanted to go further but my dress was so tight I couldn’t move much! So I just leant over a chair and told him to take me from behind. I was then about to pull him on top of the table, but it was so weak we knew it wouldn’t have taken the strain. When it came to the cum-shot, he sat on a beautiful Chippendale chair while I knelt before him.”

“We then moved to the salon, where I was casually reading the newspaper, and Yves came in to discuss an article he’d read and suggested that I might like to have an affair with a Count. Within minutes, the idea has so fired us up that we’re having a new round of torrid sex.” It’s certainly all go among the upper set!

Sarah’s demands were almost too great for athletic male model Phillipe. “He’d just done another big shoot, having worked twelve days on the trot. Although he was really exhausted and had some problems initially, getting going, I still had him on the settee in the salon in every imaginable position.”

Surprisingly, Sarah only became aware of whose home they were filming in at the moment, after reading an article on Raine and Jean-Francois in Hello! Magazine. The location was a last-minute substitute and the local estate agent in charge of the deal omitted to mention who the owner was. Once in the know, both cast and crew went to extraordinary lengths to prevent Raine from twigging the sleaze that was being recorded under her nose. “All the staff tried to distract her attention when she first showed up at the house, because the crew were all half-naked round the pool and garden.

“I thought Raine was a totally normal, approachable person, a real chatterbox,” says Sarah. “The housemaid Brigitte, who looked like a little old farm woman, thought we were doing a Western, because one of the girls was seen waving a gun around – and very little else!”

Jean-Francois himself was much in evidence observing the filming, although he made sure he had a familiar bolt-hole to retire to when it got too hot in the kitchen. “He was petrified hid furniture would get damaged (a fear that was nearly justified as it turned out!). He obviously owns lots of expensive items, but there’s a surprising amount of cheap stuff as well, which brings it all down a bit. The kitchen was falling down, horrible and awful with cracks and damp. Although he was there all the time we were filming, most of the time he lives like a hermit, occupying one tiny room that was quite disgusting and unkempt.”

But unable to restrain his curiosity, the count did venture out of his cell from time to time to chat to the actors. When he met Sarah he didn’t know where to rest his eyes when confronted by her tantalising twin peaks. “He doesn’t look at you, and there was no doubt he knew what we were doing there. Half the time he seemed very snooty, but I think in the end he was very shy.”

“French aristocracy have this unusual problem, in that they’re not allowed to use their titles on any public paper. I did notice a significant change in Jean-Francois when he’d been to have lunch with Charles and Di. He came back really happy because Di had said to him, ‘You can call me Diana now, because you’re part of the family’. He spent most of the time with Charles discussing politics and gardening. Charles wanted to plant some asparagus in his garden! They’re all so naïve, so out of touch with normal life.”

(Oh yeah? And what do porno stars know about normal life?)

As an example, she remembers what greeted the cast and crew on the day they arrived. “When we came to the house there were a set of rules on our beds. One of them was, ‘Don’t walk around the house in your bathing-suit: if you must change, use the pool-house.’ One Swedish girl in the cast didn’t understand and ended up stripping off in the garden shed! The rest of us kept to the rules by just walking about in our birthday suits . . .”

British viewers, of course, will not be able to get the full benefit of Sarah’s efforts, but Hans will be pushing the censors hard to allow as much of the ‘action’ in as possible.

Fans of Ms Young need not feel deprived, though, for Sarah makes a raunchy guest appearance in Linzi Drew’s Members Only 6 compilation tape. After the two spend some time admiring each other’s considerable assets, they then turn their charms on a fortunate Room Service waiter, who receives more than just a tip for delivering their orders.

Incidentally, although Sarah was disappointed not to be able to persuade Tabitha Cash to joining her shenanigans in the chateau, Tabitha has an extremely foxy spot on Linzi’s Members Only 5 that should set mouths drooling for more.

Sarah herself is not quite sure how much longer she’ll be in front of the cameras, as jealous hubby Hans is finding it harder and harder to watch a succession of handsome hunks enjoying her favours. “Since we got married he’s become even worse,” confesses the bubbly brunette. “On the last video he clearly didn’t like seeing the other guys humping me, and he knows it puts them off, having him round the set.”

The couple have now moved to a luxury house on the sun-drenched island of Ibiza, but so far Sarah has refused to give up the business that’s made her famous (you can breathe again, guy!). While we await further delights from her ‘stable’, the lady herself is confident that her French frolics will bring her yet more devoted fans. “I know that Private Affairs VIII will be one of the hottest videos ever. I never watch my own performances, but I watched this one because I knew I’d had a lot of fun.”

Especially doing the Cannes-Cannes . . .
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Old 24th August 2012, 23:30   #82

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Young, Gifted And On Her Back! – a 3 page PDF (0.4 MB) of an article (with pictures) that appeared in the magazine DVD World.

It also appeared in Video World, Vol. 2, No. 9.

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Note: for those who were enquiring about what Sarah was doing now, take note of the last few paragraphs (see below).
She also enjoyed directing her own movies, and was given awards for pictures like Dirty Woman 3 and 4. (“Normally I’m the shy one on set, but as a director I was really shouting and really telling them off!”). British fans can get a chance to look at copious clips from these movies in the Sarah Young’s Erotic Dreams series, about to get a much-deserved DVD re-release through MIA Video. Not only is Sarah at her pouting best in these packed porno compilations, she’s joined by another legendary sex queen, Linzi Drew, who interviews her at length about her career. Since this interview was conducted a few years back, Sarah’s life has changed dramatically. The biggest single change was caused by her split from Hans Moser. Their business was reportedly going through a bad patch anyway, but it seems to have been a fairly acrimonious parting. Sarah moved back to England and the rumour spread that she had given up porn completely and was studying for a law degree. Nobody has been able to confirm or deny this, though the tabloids have been chasing the story for a while now.
The re-release of MIA’s Sarah Young’s Erotic Dreams tapes has renewed interest in her, and the company themselves launched a wide search to see if Sarah would wish to come out of retirement to do some publicity stuff and make some more (soft) movies for them. No luck so far, I’m afraid.
So we’ll have to conclude our piece on her by wishing her all the best in her new career, whatever it may be. And Sarah, if you’re out there and you read these words, please get in touch. Your fans are missing you, and so are we!•
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Old 5th September 2012, 10:04   #83
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Sarah Young with Sean Michaels

235 pics/28.85 MB/1024x689

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Old 25th September 2012, 19:48   #84

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Originally Posted by Eisbahn View Post
Question for Mabaline:

What was the first film Sarah made after her breast enhancement?
Regards and thanks.
Putting it simply – I haven’t a clue.

However, looking at my records, all the movies featuring Sarah pre-breast enhancement have a copyright date of between 1989 and 1991. The only movies with a copyright date of 1991 where Sarah is post-breast enhancement are The Young One, Part 1 and Part 2, and Private Moments, Part 1.

Just on a whim, if I had to choose out of those three, I would plump for Private Moments – the only reason being (and probably not a good one) is that it was shot in-and-around Sarah’s home on Ibiza, whereas the other two were shot in America.

That said, as I pointed out in my The Sarah Young Collection Vol.1 post – Hans Moser was not too accurate with copyright dates – that film having at least two different ones that I know of:


Sorry I can’t be of more help.
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Old 30th September 2012, 13:19   #85

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Cops/Robbers – Sarah Young, Jonathan Morgan, Jay, TT Boy and Julian St. Jox; I decided to make a mini-movie of all the cops-and-robbers clips from The Young One, Part 2 (1991).

It starts with Jonathan and Jay fucking Sarah on the stairs. It then moves to TT and Julian fucking Sarah in the kitchen. Finally Jonathan and Jay return and begin fucking Sarah in the lounge before they’re joined by TT and Julian.

Format: 768 x 576 MP4 (H.264/AAC).
Duration: 38:46 minutes.
File size: 573.2 MB.
Language: Mixture of German dubbing, natural sound and music.

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This is from the original video; I’ve also made a 70 minute English language version from the clips on the DVDs The Goddess Of Love, Part 10 and Private Fantasies, Part 11. I’ll post it when the mods inform me in what section I can put it – I believe it’s too big for here.

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Old 30th September 2012, 15:29   #86

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Cops/Robbers (Long) – Sarah Young, Jonathan Morgan, Jay, TT Boy and Julian St. Jox; I decided to make a mini-movie of the cops-and-robbers clips from The Young One, Part 2 (1991).

This is from the clips on the DVDs The Goddess Of Love, Part 10 and Private Fantasies, Part 11. I had to convert the GOL 10 clip from NTSC to PAL before adding it to the PF 11 clip.

Unlike the original video version, there is no clip of Sarah masturbating at the beginning.

Format: 768 x 576 MP4 (H.264/AAC).
Duration: 01:10:41.
File size: 1.02 GB.
Language: natural.

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Old 1st October 2012, 18:11   #87

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Database Of SLY DVD Movie Scenes

Here is my database of the scenes found on the commonest available SLY DVDs.

NOTES: keep everything in the same folder. Click on the file named ‘ index.html’, it should launch your chosen web browser. Click on the tabs on the right side to move between DVDs. Anything in underlined blue should be a link to another page – click it. Other instructions are under the “Notes” tab.

I also cannot claim that the information is 100% accurate – even now I still find the occasional mistake.

File size: 66 MB.

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Old 2nd October 2012, 08:55   #88
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Eisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud ofEisbahn has much to be proud of

Question for Mabaline:
Do you know when Sarah had her breast enhancement?
I have read that it was early in 1992. However, there are lots of scenes shot in 1991 where it is obvious they have been made after her enhancement.
For example, the Cops and Robbers scene above (The Young One Part 2).
I accept your previous comments that Hans Moser was not too accurate with copyright dates, but it would be nice to know.
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Old 2nd October 2012, 09:25   #89

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Originally Posted by Eisbahn View Post
Question for Mabaline:
Do you know when Sarah had her breast enhancement?
I have read that it was early in 1992. However, there are lots of scenes shot in 1991 where it is obvious they have been made after her enhancement.
For example, the Cops and Robbers scene above (The Young One Part 2).
I accept your previous comments that Hans Moser was not too accurate with copyright dates, but it would be nice to know.
Sorry, I can't really help on that subject. Like you, I've heard that it was early 1992, but I can't say definitely when it was. As you've already observed, it had to be sometime in 1991-1992, but exactly when, I don't know.
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Old 3rd October 2012, 23:21   #90

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I came across a short question and answer article the Spanish magazine Interviú did with Sarah Young.

Using several online translation services, I’ve done a very rough Spanish to English translation – as usual, there are some things that I just can’t make sense of. If there are any Spanish speakers, please feel free to do a proper job.

Interviú magazine No.1007

Sarah Young – estrella del cine porno, vive en Ibiza

«Hay actores que salpican a las cámaras»

Sarah Young es una de las principales actrices porno de Europa. Esta impresionante inglesita de 24 años se inició en el cine para adultos gracias a su marido, el alemán Hans Moser, que se quedó prendado, entre otras cosas, de sus 98 centímetros de busto. Ambos viven en una magnífica mansión de Ibiza, donde Hans produce las películas y revistas que protagoniza su esposa.

Se define como tímida, muy casera y, sorprendentemente, nada exhibicionista. "La verdad es que mi personalidad no se corresponde en nada con mi profesión", explica la estrella del porno, Sarah Young. El sexo le divierte y basa una buena parte de su éxito cinematográfico en que disfruta haciendo el amor cuando rueda. Mientras, su marido, Hans Moser, productor de las películas que protagoniza Sarah, se muere de celos.

1. ¿Pero su marido es verdaderamente celoso?

Siempre, Pero le gusta serlo. Es que es un poco masoquista. Su anterior mujer también trabajaba en el porno. Se sirve de estas situaciones para superar sus celos.

2. ¿Qué es el sexo para usted?

Algo mejor que ninguna droga.

3. ¿Y el amor?

Aún mejor.

4. ¿Y la vergüenza?

Un sentimiento que te frena.

5. ¿Llega realmente al orgasmo en las películas?

Sólo cuando estoy cómoda, en una cama o en un sofá. Me resulta difícil cuando lo hago en posturas imposibles, destrozándome los brazos.

6. ¿Cuál es el hombre que más le ha sorprendido por su capacidad de eyaculación?

El actor Peter North es realmente increíble, aunque no me sorprendió, porque estaba avisada. Peter es conocido en el mundillo como el que eyacula más lejos. Siempre salpica las cámaras y los técnicos tienen que esquivarle. Pero el susto me lo llevé con Mike Horner, que es uno de los más veteranos de la profesión. Un día, Mike eyaculó aún más lejos que Peter. Fue impresionante. Desde entonces hacen competiciones.

7. ¿Algún actor ha pegado un gatillazo con usted?

No. Pero, en una ocasión, estaba con un chico que me pareció que iba a correrse demasiado pronto. Para mi sorpresa, lo que hacía era eyacular continuamente. Ahora sé que, si está a gusto, es capaz de hacerlo diez veces seguidas.

8. ¿No tiene miedo al sida?

Ahora corro menos riesgos que antes. Cuando no era actriz tenía mucha más vida sexual y, encima, no me gustaban nada los condones. Me iba a la cama sin tan siquiera preguntarle a mi pareja si había un riesgo. Pero ahora, el control es enorme. Hay que traer un certificado y hemos llegado al punto de que antes de un rodaje, nos hacemos análisis y no comenzamos la película hasta que no conocemos los resultados.

9. ¿Con tanto dinero como tiene, todavía le quedan ganas de hacer cine porno?

Quiero seguir, aunque no por mucho tiempo, porque me apetece tener niños.

10. ¿Cómo les explicará a sus hijos que ha sido actriz porno?

Simplemente, les contaré lo que fue mi pasado y les diré que estoy orgullosa de haberlo hecho, porque he contribuido a ennoblecer el cine pornográfico con mis papeles de protagonista.

11. ¿Le importaría que sus hijos trabajasen en lo mismo que usted?

No. Además, con mi experiencia, les ayudaría mucho.

12. ¿Cuál es el secreto de saber excitar?

Disfrutar haciéndolo.

13. ¿El tamaño tiene importancia?

En el cine porno, sí. Pero en la vida privada me las he visto con falos de dimensiones muy pequeñas. No es un problema de tamaños. Cada hombre tiene su particularidad, su especialización.

14. ¿Qué es lo que más le divierte del sexo?

Me gusta todo del sexo. Pero, lo que más, aprender a conocer al otro. Saber qué le gusta y que él aprenda lo que a mí me gusta.

15. ¿Qué consejos daría para que la gente disfrute del sexo?

Que aprenda a obtener placer dando placer.

16. ¿No ha pensado montar un despacho de sexóloga?

No, porque no me cabe en la cabeza que una persona pueda tener problemas sexuales.

17. ¿Se ha acostado con un actor después del rodaje?

Prefiero no contestar.
Sarah Young – star of the porno movies, lives in Ibiza

«There are actors who splash the cameras»

Sarah Young is one of the top porn actresses in Europe. This impressive English girl of 24 years started in adult films thanks to her husband, the German Hans Moser, who was captivated, among other things, by her 98 cm bust. Both live in a magnificent mansion on Ibiza, where Hans produces films and magazines starring his wife.

Defined as shy, very home loving, and surprisingly, not at all exhibitionist. "The truth is that my personality does not correspond to anything within my profession”, explains the porn star Sarah Young. The sex entertains her and she bases a good part of her cinematographic success in the fact that she enjoys making love when the camera rolls. Meanwhile, her husband, Hans Moser, producer of the movies starring Sarah, dies of jealousy.

1. But is her husband truly jealous?

Always, but he likes it. The fact is that he is a little masochistic. His previous wife also worked in porn. He makes use of these situations to overcome his jealousy.

2. What is the sex for you?

Something better than any drug.

3. And what about love?

Even better.

4. And the shame?

A feeling that breaks you.

5. Do you always reach orgasm in the movies?

Only when I am comfortable, in a bed or on a couch. It is difficult for me when I do it in impossible positions that destroy me.

6. Which man surprised you the most with their ability to ejaculate/ejaculation capacity?

The actor Peter North is truly incredible, although I was not surprised, because I was warned. Peter is known in the world as the one that ejaculates the furthest. He always splashes cameras, and technicians have to dodge him. But the one who surprised me was Mike Horner, who is one of the most experienced veterans of the profession. One day, Mike ejaculated even further than Peter. It was impressive. Since then they do competitions.

7. Has any actor lost his erection with you?

No. But, on one occasion, I was with a boy that I thought was going to cum too soon. To my surprise, what he did was continually ejaculate. Now I know that, if you're happy, you are capable of doing it ten times in a row.

8. Are you afraid of AIDS?

I now run fewer risks than before. When I was not actress had much more of a sexual life, and on top, I did not like condoms. I was going to bed without even asking my partner if there was a risk. But now, the control is enormous. We must bring a certificate and we have reached the point that before a shoot, we are tested and do not begin the film until we know the results.

9. With as much money as you have, do you still want to do porn?

I want to continue, but not for long, because I want to have children.

10. How will you explain to your children that you were a porn actress?

Simple, I will tell them what was my past and will say to them that I am proud to have done it, because I have contributed to ennoble the pornographic movies with my protagonist's roles.

11. Would you mind if your children worked in the same thing as you?

No. Also, with my experience, it would help them very much.

12. What is the secret of being able to excite?

To enjoy doing it.

13. Does size matter?

In the porn film, yes. But in private life I have seen them with phalluses of very small dimensions. It is not a problem of sizes. Every man has his peculiarity, their specialization.

14. What do you enjoy most about sex?

I like everything about sex. But, what more, learn to know each other. Know what he likes and he learns what I like.

15. What advice would you give so that people can enjoy sex?

Learn how to obtain pleasure by giving pleasure.

16. Have you considered mounting a sexologist office?

No, because I have no head for a person to have sexual problems.

17. Have you gone to bed with an actor after the shooting?

I would prefer not to answer that.
Last edited by mabaline; 3rd October 2012 at 23:36.
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