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Old 25th March 2022, 01:13   #81
Mad Dog

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Originally Posted by maxhitman View Post
Do NOT go do drugs as a"hobby", or even drinking. No, no.
I have been there too. It will just empty your wallet and make you feel
more depressed than before. Because once you get high... then comes
the low-down and you will come down far more worse. It will just be
an addiction which will be very dificult to get out of.

So, if you are already Hooked on something, do try very hard to
slowly remove it from your bad daily habits. DO it SLOWLY, because
going cold-turkey will just make you feel bad and depressed.
So, do it slowly and keep yourself and Your MIND busy doing a fun hobby.
Not gonna happen anytime soon. I just don't have the moneys to maintain a $500 or so Heroin habit.
Of course, If I was diagnosed with a deabilitating illness or something, I probably would had done that, as by that point you just don't care about life anymore and just don't wanna be a burden to anyone, specially if you already have depression going on.

I'm not "hooked" on anything other than just the Xanax and Paxil, which I take in very low doses. But, sometimes, I DO get that feeling of saying that smack or some Methadone would had "helped" a lot in getting over another stressful day.
But then I see the fate of both Kurt as well that of Layne Staley (which was a slow and careful planned "suicide") and say "Nah. Probably not!".
Live and let live. Live and learn. Liberate your mind. Embrace knowledge.
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Old 25th March 2022, 03:15   #82

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So what I suggest to you is get a job. ANY type of job. If it does pay any
good money, work on that place for awhile until you find a better one. Find
a new experience in life and something that you feel good and happy doing.
As long as it pays, work on it.

You know that EVERYONE wants a Bank job or working with a suit and tie, but
life sometimes is NOT like that.
Nothing is a bed of roses. Most jobs
outthere are the ones you get dirty doing. Because No oone likes to get dirty.
But if it pays the bills and you can still have enough money to get drunk with a few beers, I will be very happy doing it !

I live in a University town (the Silicon valley of Europe) but you would not
believe how many "engineers and Doctors and rocket-scientists" are working
here at McDonalds serving cheese-burgers ! Hey... you do not have to
study in College for 6 or 8 years to have a degree in rocket-building and then
end up working at McDonalds.
But you can still be happy in life doing other jobs which you will feel good
about yourself. I have also worked serving tables at a restaurant and also
worked as a bartender, So, I have been there. I KNOW how it is and how
it feels.
But at the end of the day, when I get home. I give myself to my many hobbies and
life feels good again. At least I have money in my pockets to waste and
to pay some necessary bills.

Hey... it could be MUCH worse.
We could all be going to war with some other country that invaded your house
you have to survive by shooting some other poor bastard.
Which he might also feel as miserable as you do and with life too.

This is a crazy planet I landed on.
I hope in my next re-encarnation, I will be offered a better place ! LOL

Last edited by maxhitman; 26th March 2022 at 04:59. Reason: fix
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Old 25th March 2022, 04:49   #83
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Originally Posted by maxhitman View Post
So what I suggest to you is get a job. ANY type of job. If it does pay any
good money, work on that place for awhile until you find a better one. Find
a new experience in life and something that you feel good and happy doing.
As long as it pays, work on it.

You know that EVERYONE wants a Bank job or working with a suit and tie, but
life sometimes is NOT like that.
Nothing is a bed of roses. Most jobs
outthere are the ones you get dirty doing. Because No oone likes to get dirty.
But if it pays the bills and you can still have enough money to get drunk with a few beers, I will be very happy doing it !

I live in a University town (the Silicon valley of Europe) but you would not
believe how many "engineers and Doctors and rocket-scientists" are working
here at McDonalds serving cheese-burgers ! Hey... you do not have to
study in College for 6 or 8 years to have a degree in rocket-building and then
end up working at McDonalds.
But you can still be happy in life doing other jobs which you will feel good
about yourself. I have also worked serving tables at a restaurant and also
worked as a bartender, So, I have been there. I KNOW how it is and how
it feels.
But at the end of the day, when I get home. I give myself to my many hobbies and
life feels good again. At least I have money in my pockets to waste and
to pay some necessary bills.

Hey... it could be MUCH worse.
We could all be going to war with some other country that invaded your house
you have to survive by shooting some other poor bastard.
Which he might also feel as miserable as you do and with life too.

This is a crazy planet I landed on.
I hope in my next re-encarnation, I will be offered a better place ! LOL
But seeing how life has become literally that expensive, here in Italy, I should probably move somewhere else. If not Australia, some other country and find there something that will allow me to have a house as well enough moneys to pay the bills.
Any job will do. Hey, even Trent Reznor, before becoming a successful Award-winning musician and composer, did cleaned toilets at a recording studio. So, everyone has started always "small", before moving on to other jobs.
Nothing to be ashamed of, here.

Speaking of people with PhDs and other degrees, even my cousin, here in Sicily, who has a PhD in psychology, ended up selling services over the phone for $400/monthly.
Fortunately she has found a spouse who's parents own a computer-repair company, so she doesn't have to worry about paying bills or any other thing. Otherwise she couldn't have payed anything with that amount of money.

Italy currently has an inflation rate that's above most other EU countries. So it's definitely no longer a country that could offer something.
Live and let live. Live and learn. Liberate your mind. Embrace knowledge.
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Old 26th March 2022, 00:53   #84
Meanwhile . . . . . . . .

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You guys are getting pretty heavy. Allow me to add to my list of accomplishments: Created a thread with some serious and helpful stuff.

I've had a couple of short shifts this week, only nine hours. So I've made good on my promise to take two laundry basket size boxes to donation land. I also took two 30 gallon cans of plastic bags to a supermarket recycling bin. I've got five bins of things marked for delivery soon.

I have a new incentive to clean the garage. Mowing season will be here soon and the mower is in the front of the garage. To get it out, more stuff will have to be gone or better organized.

I also finished a home decoration project that stymied me for months. I had to scrap my original intention and go with plan B. Even with the setback I cleaned out materials from three different locations and took the time to properly store the tools I've been using. That cleared some space.

My wife says I set my goals for my days off too high; and I'm beginning to agree with her. I've taken "organize my room" off my list. It still needs to be organized, and I am slowly making progress. I simply took it off the list and stopped stressing about it.

I had an annual check up on Wednesday and my doctor told me I was more relaxed than he's seen me in years.

Tonight, I am in pajamas by 5:30. I predict an episode of Picard in my immediate future.
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Old 26th March 2022, 01:50   #85

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That sounds great Wallingford !
I am happy for you dude.
Aren´t you glad seeing all those things being put into place?
Things look much better now.

You should have seen my fathers garage after he passed away.
I had to clean out the entire barn and put things into their proper
place too.
He loved his mechanic stuff and welding equipment. I got all
sorts of metal things and tools all over the place. It was a nightmare
to clean out that barn.
It took me about a month to put and clean out the barn, but it all
looks good now.

After a hard days work... its time for a cold beer

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Old 26th March 2022, 02:50   #86
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Yeah, cold beer, I'm on number four.

My condolences for the loss of your father. When mine passes, it will take at least a month as well. I have first cousins in the same business who will be happy to take excellent deals on most of his equipment. That will certainly aid the process.

As for my father, he's still alive, has a seven bay shop with lots of tools. But unlike me he is retired and every time he completes a project, all of his tools are returned to the correct place. It will take a long time, like you, to clear out his belongings, but at least with him they are organized.

I did have some practice when my father-in-law passed suddenly. My wife is an only child; with no siblings the entire process was ours. His job, let's do the time warp, was a newspaper route, not the door to door on a bicycle or even direct delivery to mailboxes. He was in charge of filling those newspaper boxes in front of businesses.

When he passed, he had several of those boxes in his shop in various states of repair. We called the company and they had already downsized to the point they didn't need them. Antique dealers picked them up for free.
Last edited by Wallingford; 26th March 2022 at 02:51. Reason: rearranged
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Old 27th March 2022, 08:07   #87
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Originally Posted by Wallingford View Post

I've had a couple of short shifts this week, only nine hours. So I've made good on my promise to take two laundry basket size boxes to donation land. I also took two 30 gallon cans of plastic bags to a supermarket recycling bin. I've got five bins of things marked for delivery soon.
I love people that take the time to donate to the less fortunate so that makes you my hero of the day hun.


Question??? Does getting three death threats in one day count as an accomplishment LOL??? One of my tweets went viral and apparently some Fox News flunkies were not too happy with it.
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Old 27th March 2022, 13:35   #88
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Originally Posted by JustKelli View Post
I love people that take the time to donate to the less fortunate so that makes you my hero of the day hun.


Question??? Does getting three death threats in one day count as an accomplishment LOL??? One of my tweets went viral and apparently some Fox News flunkies were not too happy with it.
I didn't know Fox news made death threats. You must have been watching the View, which is not on Fox.
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Old 3rd April 2022, 23:44   #89
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Okay, another week down, another day off work.

Repaired storm damage. Painted 14 feet of fence. Replaced pine straw (related to storm damage.)

Made a donation on the way into my favorite thrift store. Still cleaning out the attic and the garage.

Made measurements on a significant project involving the attic and the garage. I'm getting rid of stuff in the attic, so the stuff in the garage can go in the attic.

I have a walk in attic off the back of a closet. My builder referred to it as "Narnia." The name stuck. My wife and I refer to it as Narnia, but I had it professionally floored and I installed full length lighting. It is so much better than a "pull the ladder down" type of attic.

I cleaned out the cabinets over the dryer; and when I was finished with all my projects today, I cleaned and put away the tools. Am I the only guy that washes the dust pan? Possibly.
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Old 4th April 2022, 00:19   #90
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Working on the theory of 'baby steps' here, so this will probably be an ongoing thing.

Some 2 and a half years after I was forced to move my 'computer room' into another room, which meant my old computer furniture didn't work. It's actually starting to 'make some sense' now after I finally got around to 'trying out a few new ideas' last week.

Is it tidy? - no.
Is it organised? - no.
Do I still wish I had my old IKEA desk? - sometimes.

I've managed to make a 'safe place' (I hope) for my PC.
My computer desk works properly without taking up way too much space in the room.
My power supplies reach my mains sockets without too many issues (more on that later if anyone here has knowledge of UK electrical requirements).

I've got boxes all over the place, and extension leads here there and everywhere, but hopefully that lot will be sorted out during this week - it's mainly due to the fact that I'm trying to 'pet proof' it whilst I sort it out.

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