18th June 2013, 02:06 | #8881 |
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ADR definitely a bad boy again, but was he ever a good guy ? I was half expecting him to come out in the car.
we want Ziggler. |
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18th June 2013, 02:07 | #8882 |
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ADR going heel again....we'll see how this goes.
Ha! BITW to the rescue!
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18th June 2013, 02:09 | #8883 |
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Good promo from him I thought.
CM Punk doing the interruption. oh. |
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18th June 2013, 02:11 | #8884 |
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Thoughts on Payback 2013 Kickoff
1.) Well it seems the main commentary team will do the Kickoff. This means that Josh Matthews needs a gig, and it's as the host of the panel, and not Renee Young! Dammit, but the panel is interesting: R-Truth, Cody Rhodes, and the returning, bearded Big Show! 2.) Since Chicago is one of those "smarter" crowds, here they of course love Sandow, and hate Sheamus. NO! This Kickoff actually has commercial breaks. That's right, commercial breaks. Granted, the commercial is just an advertisement for the main event of the show and for the show. Still though, this wasn't on the other pre-shows. What the hell man? So Cole must've had a list of nicknames for Sandow. Count of Class, Czar of Sophistication, Bastion of Bravery. JBL made a little mention of Bastion Booger! The match was okay. Sandow had a stronger offense here than I can last recall. So his single performance was great. Sheamus was standard, and nothing standout. What really made this match was the fans. They were already pretty loud for just the Kickoff. They booed almost every offensive move from Sheamus, and almost cheered every move from Sandow. So a good match thanks to Sandow and the fans. This should tell how this show's going to be a good one since they are in Chicago. 3.) BLAH! I think this match with Cena and The Ryback is one where the crowd won't generally like any of these guys. Cena for obvious reasons, polarizing and such. The Ryback, well, you know why. The video for this match played. Sigh. 9 minutes until the show, the panel is asked about the 3 stages of match. R-Truth starts off, he said he's a lumberjack, gives the match to The Ryback since Cena never pinned the guy. Cody Rhodes said that for the tables match, he knows what it's like to put a big guy through a table. Yeah if you remember, the tables match between Cody and Show at last year's Extreme Rules. He gives the match to The Ryback. Big Show though said Cena will pull it all in the end. 4.) Chatting about the World Heavyweight Championship match. Show and R-Truth give the match to Del Rio since Ziggler's fresh off a concussion. Cody Rhodes gives it to Ziggler since he took his time off. Therefore he's ready to go, compared to Del Rio being on the grind known as the WWE work schedule. 5.) Closing this out is a hype video for CM Punk and Chris Jericho! Big time. The panel stays here as they break down matches after they take place. Thoughts on Payback 2013, awesome opening video by the way. 1.) Starting the show is the triple threat match for the Intercontinental Championship. Cole botched, he said Buddy Rogers beat Pat O'Connor for the "NWE" world championship in 1961. NWA, HA! I wonder how the fans would respond if Fandango was able to compete. I bet they'd pick him as their favorite. Ah well, they relied on Curtis Axel. Miz had the most heat, obviously because he's a big babyface. Axel's the new prospect that most smart fans will automatically latch onto. For a good reason, when he has a lot of talent in the ring. He showed just that in the match, including a sick looking Saito suplex. The three way got more engaging towards the end, when Axel was down on his shoulders for a while, but no successful 3 count was made. When Miz got the pin after it seemed Axel was set to lose, he kicked out. The fans popped. Another near win came from Miz as he got the Figure 4 on Wade Barrett. Axel pinned Wade Barrett while he was in that move, which is actually smart. Very resourceful, the guy's legs were trapped, therefore half his total power is neutralized, making the pin easy. At least that's how I'd explain this. Axel wins the Intercontinental Championship in a fine opening 3 way match. Congrats to Axel, he seemed to be genuinely happy. Thank you Paul Heyman, and HHH... 2.) After a video hyping Mark Henry's return, they go back to Axel's big win, followed by a backstage segment where Heyman and Axel bumped into HHH. Serious stare down from Hunter, but Vince McMahon interfered to ruin Hunter's game mode. Axel and Heyman left Hunter and Vince alone. Vince still suggested Hunter vs. Axel, but HHH said "nope." You can hear the fans giving a "boring" chant. Gee, I wonder why. Hunter doesn't want to give Vince what he wants. Okay. What about what I want? Hmmm? 3.) Say what?! Divas match this early? I'm sensing something different here. Oh goodness! Man, I say that for AJ's shorts accentuating her butt. I also say that because I changed my prediction to AJ under the thought she'd win by DQ. When Kaitlyn hit the spear, I was scared that Kaitlyn would win and therefore my prediction change would've been a big mistake. Well, as JBL hung onto logically, Kaitlyn screwed herself over when instead of going for the pin, she had sapphic thoughts of blowing a kiss to AJ. The pin was for a 2, and soon after, about almost 10 minutes (WHOA!) into the match, AJ dodged the second Spear, slap on her Widow's Peak, and Kaitlyn tapped! Hell yeah, I was right, sort of. I didn't think she'd win the title, but she won nonetheless. She so deserved the win, as she was tremendous to see as a character, and here as a wrestler. Kaitlyn did a pretty good job, especially when it came to after the match. There was a cheating moment with AJ pulling the apron well into the ring. Her belt was undone by Kaitlyn for some hot reason, and while the ref tried to re-adjust the apron, AJ nailed Kaitlyn with the belt. That was sweet. The whole match was great, and given the surprising amount of time, in comparison to past Diva matches, this is definitely the best Divas match of the year, so far. Good wrestling, good storytelling, and good time, how hard is that? After the match, Kaitlyn was shown to be crying. Damn, no joke, she's a good actor. Right? The Chicago fans were none too impressed and chanted "you tapped out." That didn't make me laugh, oddly enough Lawler's comment on the fans adding insult to injury, made me laugh. Man, I don't know why, it's funny because it's true. Yeah, that makes sense. Layla came down to comfort Kaitlyn. I swear man, if Layla turned heel on Kaitlyn there, the fans would've popped huge. Now that's funny! 4.) Backstage, Kaitlyn is in tears, escorted by Layla, with Natalya and Alicia Fox (who was a heel 2 days ago ), offering their condolences. Kaitlyn didn't want any, and walked off. 5.) Two matches, two title changes. Yeah, is this some streak? I don't think so, but commentary and the panel of wrestlers and Josh Matthews think so too. Big Show has a bear, but a giant can't beat Daniel Bryan's beard. Damn skippy. After this, a vignette on the Wyatt Family. They're coming, I wish they said when. Oh shit son! It just dawned on me that this show has all championships defended. Wow, so what about Night of Champions later in the year? Is that coming? 6.) Ambrose and Kane for the US title. Thinking about the tag team title match more than this one, I didn't contemplate what the finish would be. I just settled with Dean Ambrose winning. However, I doubt I'd predict him winning by countout. That's what happened here. Leading up to it, the match was decent, slow moving pace. Ambrose worked on Kane's leg, which was pretty interesting. He even tried to rip off Undertaker with the use of Old School. Kane stopped that though. Kane would come alive because of that mockery for Undertaker, and it would cost him. Thinking of chokeslamming Ambrose through the announce table, he got distracted with that so much, that Ambrose would take advantage with a DDT on the outside. Ambrose went into the ring, countout win. So there's no clean sweep of title changes, why think about that? However, one must ask, clean sweep for The Shield? Hmm. Decent match here. 7.) WAIT A MINUTE?! Bob Van Dam is coming back?! At Money in the Bank! What the hell? How did this happen? This is completely out of left field, inasmuch as the time and place. I figured Bob would come back someday, but if you asked me that he'd at least be announced for his return, here? This show? Nah, so it's surprising. Great, let's hope he can last with the talent in WWE today. It's a different world, there are straight edge main eventers, goats, and Irish snowmen amok... 8.) We're not in New Jersey, Dolph Ziggler is adored here. Mmm, AJ side by side with Ziggler, two champions! Maybe they should not have announced Bob Van Dam's return, because the fans gave a loud chant for him early in this match. So the match went on and for a while, I did have concern for Ziggler's well being. Del Rio's offense for the whole match was fixated on Ziggler's head. So the early going of the match, there was a bit of a scary feeling on Ziggler's health. Things though took a different turn, to where I get the feeling that Ziggler just turned his overselling into a different direction. That happened when Langston was thrown out of ringside. From there, commentary then felt more and more, selling Ziggler's head problems. While the kicks that came after were still stinging and did give a cringe feeling (man they had me), I was warming up to the story. As that advanced, I was feeling that a turn seemed to be coming. Ziggler of course was loved by the fans heading into the match, but it seemed they were capitalizing and telling a story to warm other fans to what the Chicago (and general internet fan population) feel about Dolph Ziggler. The story became that Ziggler was fighting an uphill battle, his dead destroyed and trying to scratch his way to full consciousness. Meanwhile, Alberto Del Rio was a shark that smelled blood in the water. Commentary even mentioned Del Rio being a shark, and for good reason. His kicks as the match progressed was that of total focus. He knew what to do and kept on it. So with that story, this match was loads better than I expected. Pretty much my main interest in the show was the Divas match, the outcome of Kane and Ambrose, Punk/Jericho, and the tag team title match. I chalked this up to just Ziggler winning, likely cheating, and his world title reign gets back on track. Well, rather than go with that, in a shocker for me personally, they had Del Rio win! I was so surprised and not happy with that. Especially when it was sudden, though believable as it came at the hands of Del Rio's patented kick to Ziggler's head while he was on his knees. Once I thought more of the story of the match some more, I warmed up to this loss for Ziggler. For all intents and purposes, this seems to be a double turn. Del Rio was booed harder for deliberately attacking Ziggler's head, with no relenting. Even a low drop kick to the head while Dr. Sampson tried to tell Ziggler that the match needs to be thrown out, and he must be tended to. Ziggler didn't want that, Del Rio didn't want that, and both had their own reasons. Pride vs. Greed. So thinking for the long term, this could be designed so that Ziggler's next world title reign, which is hopefully soon, will be a restart, a true campaign to him being the main eventer that he can be. Especially now that he's more likely to do this as a face. So for storytelling, this was an awesome match. It engaged me and had me feel for Dolph Ziggler, which was definitely their intention. Golf clap. 9.) The panel was talking about the world title match, but a little interruption. Making things clearer for this double turn was Alberto Del Rio getting the mic, giving congratulations to him being the world champion, and that he deserves to be world champion. He said he did it for the fans in Chicago, for the fans around the world. He wants the support from the fans, and the fans are booing him big time. Yeah, it's clear. It's so clear now, in the same place where Stone Cold and Bret Hart had the double turn, they try it here. Seemed to be the stars aligning, as Chicago made this easy, because if it was done somewhere else, it probably wouldn't work. 10.) AW MAN! I wanted this to main event the show. Ah well, here it is, CM Punk's return! YES! However, what's up with his attempt at being...Wolverine? Lemmy? Randall?! Ahhh, clearly he didn't shave, too busy I guess watching hockey. It's funny that after the match, they showed that "Vintage Punk" was trending worldwide on Twitter. That's funny! Yeah, vintage Punk did come through in this match. I was wondering now that Ziggler and Del Rio surprised with a great match, how this predicted showstealer would do. Well, it did extremely well, and was a super cool followup to the previous match. While that one was heavier in story, this one mixed story (Punk's return and rust speculation) and wrestling very well. Making this a more complete match, and a another awesome match in this show. Tremendous usage of false finishes, as both men kicked out of each others signature moves. There was a small little moment where Paul Heyman was on the steel steps, and Punk got distracted from this. Hmm? Well, that was just that, small, the match overall was two guys left alone to tear down the house. The fans would give the "this is awesome" chant, for good reason. Jericho was definitely the heel, who got booed more as the match progressed, as he was too close to winning, the fans couldn't stand. So Punk was definitely the face here, but the question is if that will stay. I doubt it, Chicago's bizarro world in this respect. I could be wrong, but either way, Punk's return proved successful. Not showing any signs of rust, and showing the chemistry he has with Jericho. A heavy amount of back and forth, lots of time, and a good pace to make this yet another standout match in this specific PPV. That's surprising, because I didn't have thoughts of this PPV being damn good, what would ruin this is the main event. Yeah, for obvious reasons. Ahem, The Ryback! Anyways, CM Punk hit two straight GTSes for the win, the first one having Jericho still up, falling to the corner. The second one kept him down for the win. 11.) YES! It's time for the tag team championship match, taking place immediately after Punk went through the curtain. No hype video or anything, let's keep up with the great rasslin! Now it's tough to follow up two back to back great matches, but this tag team match did a fine enough job. Seeing as how the fans were so in love with Daniel Bryan, as they should be, the match had a lot of heat. Tough to do considering CM Punk's return and the response he got. Still, the fans kept it up here, and the wrestling was not in question though. Good tag team match, where Bryan impressed yet again. One specific thing he did that was awesome was a double underhook suplex from the top turnbuckle! Yeah, this came once Bryan got the hot tag and cleaned how. This however included accidentally hitting his suicide dive on Randall Orton. Another miscommunication came later when Randall tried an RKO at Reigns, only to be shoved to Bryan. Randall put the brakes, but dodged the spear, with no regard for Bryan's safety. Hell, how can that be accidental? You can't expect Bryan to dodge just like Randall when both men were in different positions. Ah well, this cost the team the match as Rollins took advantage, hit his stomping finisher, and got the win for The Shield! Clean sweep for that group, redeeming themselves after their historic first loss. Meanwhile, what's next for the losers of the two Shield mtches? No turn here, so hmm. So far, the only championships that did not change hands were those held by The Shield. Is that telling for the main event of this show? 12.) HAHAHAHA! I laughed out loud when I was wondering who one of the lumberjacks was. His hair looked rather scruffy, and I almost mistook him for Curtis Axel. No, it was Ted DiBiase! Then next to him is Alex Riley. I just laughed. Anyways, this match was three falls. It wasn't one where one fall was made deliberately short, as these two had a long time allotted. Given the overall great wrestling in this show, there was nothing these two could do to impress in that department, so I guess the stipulation just gave way for them to just beat on each other in environments that could still wow the crowd. Even surprise, such as Cena's unexpected dive from the top turnbuckle, with the overselling of 30 men going down. I guess symbolizing 30 men being buried by John Cena . They replayed that a couple times, and I can understand why. It was a great move, sure, but let's move on. To the finish, where The Ryback actually pinned Cena. So right away the fact Cena has never pinned The Ryback, continues, in fact, this guy has yet to be pinned or made to submit since turning heel. So there, that's The Ryback's redeeming quality in such respect, but that doesn't mean he can't lose the next two falls. The tables match was shorter, and the "wow" here, I guess was The Ryback's ease in handling the steel steps. Throwing them at Cena in an attempt to crash him through the table. He missed a few times and got mad as a result. Other than that, the match was basically Cena countering and countering and countering, hell, to a fault. Sure The Ryback avoided near elimination, but this was mostly on Cena. In a way that's understandable since he was behind the 8 ball on account of the first loss. Thus, the finish was done in a sudden way where Cena popped in the AA, and get the win. The Ryback responded in frustration, in between 2nd and 3rd falls, by powerbombing Cena through the announce table. NOT the Spanish announce table. Gasp! Anyways, the ambulance match happened, and that's where things took more of an interesting turn. Specifically through the use of the ambulance as a weapon. In many ways, such as The Ryback missing a punch and breaking through the window of the ambulance. A gasp was let out by the fans in response, and The Ryback finished the match without that affecting him. It seemed to be a gimmicked window, as the ambulance in general had to be gimmicked, judging by the finish of the match. Before that, the door broke thanks to The Ryback, the fender came off, thanks to The Ryback, crutches came out, thanks to The Ryback. The windshield broke, thanks to The Ryback crashing onto it. Now what about Cena? Oh yeah, the emergency lights on top of the ambulance came off, thanks to Cena. There, so the resourcefulness used and the overall factor of the ambulance was done pretty well. The finish though is where things got clearly staged. There is NO way that the roof of the ambulance would give in so easily to a simple AA to The Ryback. That's just common gimmicking because somehow something that gives and breaks, is more pop inducing than something that stays sturdy and doesn't give. Fans buy into that, but I don't. Tables, sure. I get that. Ambulance roofs? Uhh, no! Either way, that would spell the end of The Ryback, Cena wins 2 straight falls. So overall, the match was good. Not worth complaining about aside from the softness of the ambulance being exposed. That's just skepticism, but still, can't suspend disbelief with me on that. Ziggler and Del Rio did for a bit, but not this. Ah well, I didn't give much hope to the match, but I admit to eating a decent amount of crow. It was definitely better than their Extreme Rules match, and Cena proved to be the hand that holds everything together, despite The Ryback admittedly doing a good job. Considering the power moves and stuff he did, errr. I'm actually implying good things from The Ryback, must move on... So in a nutshell, this show surprised in its quality. As a matter of fact, it's just a testament to what a crowd does, and how the company and wrestlers respond. Commentary mentioned way back in the Kickoff, asking to imagine how the wrestlers will be once they step into this hot crowd. They will feed off of it, and you will experience it as you watch from home. I sure as hell got that experience, and this goes back to the previous PPVs in Chicago. Money in the Bank in 2011, and Extreme Rules 2012. Both being the best shows of WWE's calendar years. Is this some sort of coincidence, or is this the strengthening of opinion that Chicago's the best city for wrestling? Next PPV they have Philly, so I don't expect a decline, as that city is a strong wrestling one as well. Anyways, damn the fans were great, the show was great. I liked it a lot more than Extreme Rules last month, and I came out with a handful of standout matches, highlights for not only the show, but the year. The World Heavyweight Championship match, the Divas Championship match, CM Punk's return, and pockets of each match, and just the overall format. The only backstage segment was the HHH/Vince one involving Heyman and Axel. No backstage interviews, no ads for anything but MITB, and a Fatherhood one. Hell, some matches went back to back with no break, or very little break. It was a well oiled machine, and, errr, I find myself better reacting to this than Wrestlemania 29. Therefore, I feel this to be the best show of WWE's 2013 so far. The hype, basing on that, would not make me think that, the execution and the actual show itself, made it so. Great show. |
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18th June 2013, 02:12 | #8885 |
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18th June 2013, 02:20 | #8886 |
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Beyond Redemption Join Date: Jan 2012
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I think I like about adr is that he comes out in civilian clothes and not wrestling trunks when he isn't wrestling
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18th June 2013, 02:21 | #8887 |
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Punk basically telling Heyman to fuck off yep, some shit going down, unless it is swerve, swerve, swerve.
Orton vs Bryan is worth staying up for Christian back ( well kids, remember to always believe me if you didn't in the past ) |
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18th June 2013, 02:30 | #8888 |
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I'm still getting used to Christian's new theme song. I like the old one better.
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18th June 2013, 02:50 | #8889 |
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I like that one better as well.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 18th June 2013 at 03:12.
Daniel Bryan mentioning the WWE title, well lets hope he can get past Orton first. Sheamus losing to Rhodes Scholars haha. oh for fuck sake. |
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18th June 2013, 03:20 | #8890 |
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Well he did walk away from it in spite of landing on his head, so I'm thinking it may not be all that bad.
Or was it all a work? I don't know.
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