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Old 28th October 2012, 11:24   #6481
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Bryan held it long because people cared. When he won MITB the crowd erupted and I started marking out on the sofa. Me along with quite a few others were desperate to see him as champ and I think he did a decent job. He more or less helped create AJ who we all adore in many ways and the YES, NO chant isn't going away any time soon.

Jack on the other hand is a wrestling talent but he was lacking in every other area. When he talked all anyone concentrated on was his lisp.

Dolph has earned fan respect because he is basically the next HBK. When he has a match you expect it to be good, at least I do and 99% of the time it is good. He can talk on the stick and he has a gimmick but it's not exaggerated. I first thought when he showed up, oh it's that guy from spirit squad with a new stupid name but now I find it hard to mock the guy. I can mock Cena tho.. poor Cena all that hard work and effort over the years and people still hate his character. He re-ignited my hate by being a Ryback cheerleader.
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Old 28th October 2012, 12:10   #6482
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Originally Posted by Binfrog View Post
Bryan held it long because people cared. When he won MITB the crowd erupted and I started marking out on the sofa. Me along with quite a few others were desperate to see him as champ and I think he did a decent job. He more or less helped create AJ who we all adore in many ways and the YES, NO chant isn't going away any time soon.

Jack on the other hand is a wrestling talent but he was lacking in every other area. When he talked all anyone concentrated on was his lisp.

Dolph has earned fan respect because he is basically the next HBK. When he has a match you expect it to be good, at least I do and 99% of the time it is good. He can talk on the stick and he has a gimmick but it's not exaggerated. I first thought when he showed up, oh it's that guy from spirit squad with a new stupid name but now I find it hard to mock the guy. I can mock Cena tho.. poor Cena all that hard work and effort over the years and people still hate his character. He re-ignited my hate by being a Ryback cheerleader.
I expect some scheme in all Dolph's matches. Without Vikki, I expect him to start losing with no Distractor. I think you are offending HBK by comparing him to Dolph. Dolph is just a cry-baby. He is nothing without Vikki, but I guess that is my opinion.
Why would Anybody get horny over a wrestling match? Like I said last year, Daniel was a champion in Puerto Rico, but they have wrestlers that are daniel's size with a lot of skills. I just never thought he was talented enough to keep the WWE title with Show unless Daniel Never completed matches.
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Old 28th October 2012, 12:59   #6483
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I marked for Bryan because he busted his ass for years, made a name for himself in ROH which now Punk has taken(BITW), he got crapped on by Cole during NXT, fired for a tie choke.. Now he is a dilusional goatface. What's not to respect? The guy is already a legend outside of WWE.
I know where you're coming from with Dolph but he can take a realistic bump like no one else they currently have and has believable matches like HBK used to. He isn't on the HBK level yet and won't reach those heights because this era won't support that but there are similarities. He might thrive without Vickie or he might fade away, depends on the way he is booked and crowd reactions. MITB is an opportunity to make something. Bryan took it, alright he might not be at the top spot but he is more interesting atm than anything else goin on and that says something. You could say he is saving the tag division, it's finally interesting again. 2nd match i'm most looking forward to at HIAC after Punk/Ryback.
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Old 28th October 2012, 13:27   #6484
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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
Mike Bucci certainly thinks Ryback will be a success.
Ryback is a throwback to the Attitude Era (I use this term as a blanket for both the WWF and WCW). Back then, all wrestlers were larger than life. All wrestlers were dehumanized. In that battlefield, Ryback would've fit right in because everyone would've been like him. This is the PG era, though. Ryback won't survive because, for as long as he fails to deliver a promo, he will block others from delivering effective promos. This business is no longer about backing up your words, it's about the talk. It's about selling your matches. If everyone is doing it but him, where does that leave him?

It's not just him, though. Goldberg wouldn't survive in the PG Era either. And Dave Batista? When he started out, he was just like Goldberg. He was an ass-kicker, not a talker. Before too long, he smartened up and became one of the most effective heels I've ever seen. Batista adapted to his environment and survived because of it, and that is what Ryback is going to have to do. For now, people will soak that shit up, and I don't care what insiders say-- this just can't last.

As I've said before, I'm a fan of the guys who sell their actions to me, who give reasons for their actions. Maybe the PG Era has rubbed off on me a bit, but I care more about the means than the end. You could slaughter a single army, but if you don't put a name to your face, it ultimately equals nothing to me. And I'm not alone. As much as people who grew up in the era of wrestling that I did bitch and moan about the talk, they love it. They soak it up like a sponge, and they don't understand how much they rely on it after all these years. As I've said before, Ryback is a flash in the pan. We may see him in the WWE in a few years, but to make it that far, his character must evolve or it will decay.

Originally Posted by F-5 View Post
What about Paul E?
The ECW reboot was one of Heyman's Hail Mary retirement deals, but by the time Punk came onto the scene, his hands were washed of it. Vince had Punk's back, and professionally, Heyman had little to do with it. You think Pauly was sitting backstage all of these years coaching Vince along? He and Punk may have had some phone calls, but Vince is going to do what Vince wants to do. Right now Heyman is in the picture and one is meant to assume that he has been the whole time, but in truth, he's been sitting in his studio doing radio and writing up blogs. He's a man of 1000 opinions, with one genius nugget of an idea that he burned to the ground to show for it. As much as I so often disagree with Vince's direction, I'd be deeply concerned for the wrestling business if he opened his ears to Paul Heyman.
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Old 28th October 2012, 13:42   #6485
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My opinion is Mike Bucci is full of shit. Yeah, he does come off with one or two good points in his sell job, but whatever. Ryback is the next god because he is a wrestling fan?

My theory is Mike Bucci is working for WWE right now and was paid $500 to write this article. VOC radio doesn't even exist .

WWE.COM vote

Ryback 73%
CM Punk 27%
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 28th October 2012 at 13:50.
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Old 28th October 2012, 13:45   #6486
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Saints you should be a column writer if you're not already, always a good read. I just felt I had to say it lol.
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Old 28th October 2012, 13:50   #6487
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Originally Posted by Binfrog View Post
I marked for Bryan because he busted his ass for years, made a name for himself in ROH which now Punk has taken(BITW), he got crapped on by Cole during NXT, fired for a tie choke.. Now he is a dilusional goatface. What's not to respect? The guy is already a legend outside of WWE.
I know where you're coming from with Dolph but he can take a realistic bump like no one else they currently have and has believable matches like HBK used to. He isn't on the HBK level yet and won't reach those heights because this era won't support that but there are similarities. He might thrive without Vickie or he might fade away, depends on the way he is booked and crowd reactions. MITB is an opportunity to make something. Bryan took it, alright he might not be at the top spot but he is more interesting atm than anything else goin on and that says something. You could say he is saving the tag division, it's finally interesting again. 2nd match i'm most looking forward to at HIAC after Punk/Ryback.
I agree, bryan did bust his ass in the wrestling market, he did save the tag division, but I still think the WWE did not take advantage of Show. They always got him injured and out of commission. They did the same with Kane.
I thought Swaggwer was better, but he did not last without Vikki.
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Old 28th October 2012, 20:08   #6488
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Lilian Garcia was hit by a car

WWE updated their story on Lilian Garcia being struck by a car in Los Angeles and noted her condition is unknown.

Her husband, Chris, told the website that everyone is "praying for her full recovery."

Based on the updates, the current outlook may not be as positive as originally believed, so keep Garcia and her family in your thoughts.
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Old 28th October 2012, 23:56   #6489
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I saw a news article saying that C.M. Punk has been pushing to get Randy Savage inducted in the Hall Of Fame. Will be interesting to see what happens come next year when its time. I know Vince is still pissed that Savage nailed Stephanie and bragged about it but the guy deserves to be inducted.
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Old 29th October 2012, 00:27   #6490
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Enjoy Hell in a cell to whoever is watching it

for anybody in the UK. Reminder that it is starting at midnight instead of one because clocks went back last night.

Ryback, Ryback, Ryback
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