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Old 3rd October 2012, 01:15   #6221
Alan Kellerman
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Originally Posted by phcavan View Post
as i see it Raw has the same problem everyweek it's just built around the same people cena/punk sheamus/del rio

years ago everyone seemed to have a story line from crash holly to spike dudley they all got some air time and their matches meant more for it, now it's throw some mid carders into a min match after a 20 min promo, then have another 20 min promo, womans match 2 min squash match another promo 10 min match with the miz or cody rhodes, another promo; comedy bit' main event 20 min match very rarely a clean finish

end credits, check ratings wonder why they are so bad
And now with three hours you would think that means more time for the also rans to try and make a name for themselves, but no.
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Old 3rd October 2012, 01:27   #6222
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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
They better not get any stupid ideas like CM Punk vs Ryback on Raw next week. Ryback wins the WWE title on TV. The transformation to WCW would almost be complete.

I suppose I can say at least WWE are giving somebody a big push, it just happens to be a guy I don't really care for. My best mate thinks Ryback is awesome and no matter how much I try to tell him he sucks, he wont listen. He says I'm full of shit.


I don't think it is lack of performers either, it's how we are supposed to see them. WWE seemed to be on to something with Zack Ryder, I didn't like him, but I could see how popular he was getting. A couple of weeks later he was killed. Jack Swagger? Kaval/Low Ki? I could sit and list names for a couple of hours here, but you know what I mean.

If Encore happened to explain to us why they have got together then maybe I'll give them a chance.
I'm hoping the bring back Swagger at his old, dominating level instead of the comedy sideshow level he was with Ziggler and Vickie.

IIRC, Kaval wanted out. I can't say as I blame him since they kept misusing him as Layla and Michele McCool's reluctant boy toy/lackey. I would have loved to see him going up against or teaming with Rey Mysterio, Evan Borne, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan on a regular basis.

I don't care for Zack Ryder's "Jersey Shore" gimmick. And he really isn't that impressive in the ring. He's a social media whore. I guess the WWE decided that he had served his purpose and that it was time to pull the plug. And I agree, there's just no rhyme or reason to it sometimes. One week he's feuding with Kane and in an angle with Cena and Eve...a couple weeks later and he's jobbing to nobodies again.

I have a feeling the Ryback angle is going to end quietly and suddenly too. Fake injury (or legit), streak broken, boom, he's jobbing to people left and right like McIntyre, Swagger, Ryder, Brodus Clay, Ezekiel Jackson and Tensai.
Rabid and luvin' it!
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Old 3rd October 2012, 01:58   #6223

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Yeah Kaval wanted out, he said in an interview that WWE wanted an entertainer, but he said he's a wrestler. I think that says it all, plus he wasn't used well. I swear though with the JR segment, that Swagger would interfere, but crap it was The Ryback. The midcard champions in Cesaro and Miz have nothing going for them right now, Swagger as a face can come back and challenge one of them. Ryder is, okay, in the ring. His gimmick always had a short lifespan in being entertaining, but the history books will probably be kind to him, saying he was an innovator in getting social media and wrestling to be tied together. I really think that they saw his social media embracing, and they decided to use social media more often. Before Ryder, the only Twitter stuff I heard of was Jericho having a Twitter. That's it, it was probably thought of as a tool for nerds, but now it's their bread and butter. Ryder as far as being pushed, is at the back of the line, there are other people in front of him, and part of that is a fact of life.

This is an interesting story...

As noted earlier, former WWE Superstar Daivari saved passengers on a train in Minneapolis, Minnesota last week. Daivari detailed the incident during an interview with WWE.com.

“I was just on the train and I was heading to the airport,” said Daivari. “I’m from Minneapolis, so I was just visiting family. I got on the train and there was this guy saying racial and anti-Semitic stuff really loud, specifically at a few passengers, and you could tell they were really uncomfortable. One guy had actually pushed the emergency call button on the train. And this guy kept going on and on, and nobody was showing up to help.

“There was one older guy sitting in a chair and he told the guy, Hey, sit down, you’re making the train ride really uncomfortable for everybody. At that point, the guy just got right in front of the older guy and physically threatened him, even threatened to kill him. That’s when everybody started running for the emergency call buttons. They were all hitting the buttons, and we went another stop after that, which was another two minutes. When the doors opened, nobody got on the train, so we knew there were no cops waiting to get on and help.

“I didn’t know if this guy had a knife in his pocket or a gun in his backpack, so I just went up to him, turned him around, grabbed him in a rear naked choke/sleeper hold and held until I felt his body go limp. I dropped him, locked on a body scissors and held him down until the next stop, which was about 45 seconds down the road. Then I just grabbed him by the seat of his pants and his collar and I threw him off the train. And mind you, from when this started, we probably went half the length of the trip, which was about 20 minutes. It was one thing when he was saying all that racial stuff, but when he started threatening passengers, I didn’t know if it was just a big guy talking tough like he’s at a bar or if he’s got a weapon. By the time I got to the airport, there were still no cops at the train station.”
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Old 3rd October 2012, 02:14   #6224
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I've been reading all the comments here and all are very good points about Raw and I agree with a lot of it here...pretty much except for the whole Ryback issue. When I first saw Goldberg in his very first appearance on WCW, I was blown away, and I have to say to this day probably my favorite wrestler/entertainer I've ever seen, for myself anyway. He had it all...the moves, the strength, the personality, the intimidation factor, and yes...he was loosely based on Stone Cold at the time. But at the time, it was what WCW needed...a Stone Cold of their own, but he went above and beyond, not in popularity compared to Stone Cold, not even close, but in terms of ring persona, I think Goldberg had a lot more to offer than Stone Cold, in terms of strength and performance. Stone Cold had the attitude and was funny, Goldberg had the fear factor and always backed it up. There will never be another Stone Cold or Goldberg.
I think Vince has finally realized Goldberg is never coming back and he's getting older (45 last time I checked)...not to say he's old, but how much more can he give to WWE? So I see the need for Ryback...has the look, the size, no doubt the strength, and the intimidation factor. I think Ryback is very good right now for WWE. So to compare him to Goldberg is a joke..he'll never be Goldberg, no one will, but he's good enough to have a lasting impression and give a Goldberg-like performance for a while. Ryback will never be as big as Goldberg, in terms of popularity, but hopefully he'll be around for a while cause it's something different right now cause I'm totally sick and tired of AJ, the whole CM Punk storyline and the Bryan/Kane stupid, ridiculous every week drawn out babbling back and forth of them debating who's the tag team champion and the whole anger management storyline...enough is enough!! No wonder why Raw is losing ratings.
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Old 3rd October 2012, 14:30   #6225
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If that is what Raw is gonna be like without Cena then they can't get him back quick enough.
I enjoyed Sandow v Sheamus just abit more than I should of probably cause I was so desperate to actually see something decent.
The first segment took forever and was boring. Rey-Cara tag match was ok. The debate was horrible tv and embarrasing. It's Drew McIntyre, where has he been? Great finisher from Antonio Cesaro. Ryback failed his move, couldn't help but cringe at that. Random tag match main event.. Again? A singles match usually stands out every week on Raw, would it hurt for the main event to be that match instead of what always seems like a flippin' tag. And hardly a celebration of J.R..
Can't wait for JBL to come back, they need him on comms, he livens matches up abit with his honest insight.
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Old 3rd October 2012, 14:53   #6226
Alan Kellerman
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Amen to that ^

Maybe there is a video up on Jim Ross appreciation. They did his appreciation thing after Raw ended. Danny Hodge and Bill Watts showed up and they all ate barbecue or something. I made that last bit up.

* I haven't watched them because I have no interest, but there are videos of Jim Ross appreciation on wwe.com.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 3rd October 2012 at 17:59.
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Old 4th October 2012, 16:52   #6227

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Thoughts on WWE Main Event. That's right...

The WWE Main Event theme song is Shinedown's "Diamond Eyes." I recognize it, it was played during the trailer for The Expendables. I like it more than all the other theme songs for their TV shows.

1.) Michael Cole and The Miz opening the show (they commentate), in the middle of the ring, announcing the main event of WWE Main Event. Hmmm. Punk vs. Sheamus. They talked about CM Punk, and then a video played of Punk. It seems they used footage from Punk's upcoming DVD, with video footage of, I guess his IWA-MS days. There was OVW, WWECW, Joey Mercury and Paul Heyman talk, Michael Hayes. His MITB and some championship victories. His 6/27/2011 promo, other stuff, basically a great preview of the DVD documentary. Then audio played of Punk's respect talk, which definitely isn't on the DVD. After that, Matt Striker interview with CM Punk, Paul Heyman's there. Some talk of Sheamus and respect.

2.) Cole and Miz back in the ring, talking, sequeing into a Sheamus interview with Josh Matthews. Simple, shove a boot down Punk's throat. Then, a video package on Sheamus. I don't think he has a DVD coming out, but him talking, video footage of the 18 second moment, and other video. Including Triple H! Ha. Then Jericho, Daniel Bryan! Oh so the main event of WWE main event is, now?

3.) The match gets underway, and Cole and Miz talked about him facing Sheamus on SmackDown. I wonder who is going to win that one. Ok, Sheamus did a Million Dollar Knee Lift, he always does it, and when that move is done, JR and I think other commentators would say "shades of Mr. Wrestling II." It's said a lot of times, it's easy to say that right after Sheamus does a knee lift. According to Michael Cole here, it's "shades of HHH." HHH doesn't do a knee lift, he jumps a bit with he knee strike. Sheamus doesn't jump with his knee. Face or heel, Cole still makes faulty calls. Whoa now, history! Yeah it's the first WWE Main Event episode, first Punk vs. Sheamus match, but also, Sheamus' very first one on one loss since I think Wrestlemania 28. Yeah for a while it was a battle of streaks. On TV and PPV, the top two streak holders had been Sheamus and The Ryback. I forgot who was leading, I think Sheamus since The Ryback debuted weeks after Sheamus' streak started. Anyways, Punk pinned Sheamus. Use of the middle turnbuckle that was exposed (drop toehold countering the Brogue Kick, tights grabbed), so not cleanly, but damn man. It says a good deal of how high up the totem pole CM Punk is as WWE Champion. The match was really good, lasted a great long time, some nice counters and Sheamus was getting sweaty again. Sheamus pulled out the Cloverleaf by the way. After that, Matt Striker interviewed Sheamus. Next time he and Punk meat, Punk's head will get kicked or whatever. Selling that that's a world champion to respect.

4.) After that, an interview with CM Punk backstage, from Matthews, after his win. Heyman did the talking first, John Cena's name and Hell in a Cell brought up. Heyman said "best in the world" a lot. Next week's WWE Main Event...main event, Randall vs. Big Show. Interview with Big Show, all this is taped on Tuesday, SmackDown tapings.

5.) So the main event of WWE Main Event is actually Ryder/Santino vs. Kidd/Gabriel. Some PIP promo with these two, Santino finished Ryder's catchphrase to show that they are a cohesive unit. Whatever man.

6.) What an imbalanced match. Most of the match was Gabriel and Kidd showing tag team goodness, much moreso than Ryder and Santino. However, Ryder took advantage of one thing, got Kidd ready for the Broski Boot, tagged Santino. He did the Boot to Kidd, then did a somersault plancha onto Gabriel, yeah that looks fine. Then Santino did the Cobra on Kidd, and they won. I don't get it, the Ryder and Kidd exchange showed that Kidd's light years ahead of Ryder in the ring, it's blatantly obvious. Ryder just looked all "what is this that he's doing?" and yet still wins. Santino and Ryder only won because of the magic "o" word. They are over, moreso than Kidd and Gabriel. Makes sense, but a bit painful when the team they beat, who also haven't teamed actively such as an Uso team, was so far and ahead of them. Why did this close the show? Punk and Sheamus was more competitive, more balanced, it would make a viable RAW main event matchup, with a live crowd, no canned noise. So the advertised main event of WWE Main Event, was the first match. Huh? Anyways, the CoBroskis move on to face Rhodes Scholars, the final first round match will be on SD, without needing spoilers, PTP will win that, Kingston and Truth will break up, Kofi's been doing more singles matches anyways.

From this episode, the format of the show seems to be a 2 match show, maybe 3, who knows now? The order here is strange, because I'd figure that the elements of building the main event through this heightened amount of standard promo stuff and in ring talk from the commentators (Miz was pretty good on commentary by the way), would build to a match that actually closes the show. With commercials, the show must be an hour long, without them, it was nearly 45 minutes. Punk and Sheamus had a lot of time, so maybe the format will be one premiere match having a lot of time.

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Old 4th October 2012, 18:04   #6228
Alan Kellerman
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I'm going to watch this tomorrow because I want to see CM Punk vs Sheamus.

I don't get it, the Ryder and Kidd exchange showed that Kidd's light years ahead of Ryder in the ring, it's blatantly obvious. Ryder just looked all "what is this that he's doing?" and yet still wins.
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Old 4th October 2012, 19:37   #6229
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I hadn't heard this being advertised. I suppose that's what I get for skipping so much WWE programming lately. I see it's on the ION Network at 8pm Eastern Time on Wed. I may have to check that out since there isn't anything else of interest to me on tv on Wed. I hate that they seem to have moved The Ultimate Fighter from Wed to Fri permanently.
Rabid and luvin' it!
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Old 4th October 2012, 20:44   #6230
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I didn't know about it until I looked for the CM Punk dvd (it's been downloading for about 6 hours now, everybody is on to it for fuck sake.)I saw main event, What the hell is this? A new show I didn't know anything about. In the old days I might be pissed off because here is CM Punk vs Sheamus and I had no clue it was happening. It's funny.

If I did hear of the show being advertised and I just forgot, then WWE are forgiven this time.
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